Beat's Pins
From Final Kingdom MUSH
Beat's Player Pin marks him as a participant in the Reaper's Game. It is his badge of participation, and if another person touches it, it can be used to form a Pact with them, granting them increased combat effectiveness against Noise and Taboo Noise. It also has a unique ability, hereafter referred to as a Psych: its ability is Scan, which allows Beat to telepathically scan the surface thoughts of non-Players, and to see the unique sigils which denote a buildup of Noise. |
The blank Fusion Pin was given both to Beat and Rhyme by Mr. Hanekoma. Although it exhibits no power on its own, if Beat has a Pact with another person, then it allows them to use a Fusion attack. This is a coordinated combination assault which raises in power and scope depending on the bond with another person. |
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These three pins (Microcosmic, Cosmic and Macrocosmic Pull) allow Beat to use the Apport psych, creating objects that crash from the sky. By using more pins he can make bigger objects fall at a faster rate. |
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These two pins (Flower of Flame and Flower of Fire) allow Beat to use the Explosion psyche, which causes a designated area to suddenly explode with tremendous power while spitting fireballs. When both pins are used the power doubles. |
These five pins (Kewl, Dope, Wild, Fly and Fresh Line) that combine to spell the word Heavy! are a combination of Massive Hit and Grave Marker psychs. Massive Hit permits Beat to store energy in his body or skateboard and unleash it at once in a more powerful attack, Grave Marker allows Beat to collect enough strength in his hands/skateboard and smash through the ground when falling. By combining these pins Beat can unleash an awesome combo he has appropriately nicknamed Heavy! |
Lazy Bomber gives Beat access to Time Bomb, a non-damaging psych that is used to slow the opponent's reactions down to a crawl. |
Respect is an unbranded pin that gives Beat access to the Shcokwave psych, allowing for quick strikes with his skateboard that can knock an enemy back. |
Diss lets Beat inflict Blight on his opponent, usually by throwing a puncturing taunt to reduce their effectiveness in a fight! |
The Wild Boar pin has the Resonance psych and is the key to Beat using the rest of his pins at peak performance. Since he mostly uses pins from the same Brand, it also allows him to show his Wild Boar Pride and combine the powers of all his pins into one mighty combo! |
The Frog is a Reaper pin used to summon Frog type Noise into being. Beat rarely uses it for this purpose, however, instead using it to activate the Splash Core psych. Splash Core creates an orb of water that rebounds from opponent to opponent, though Beat can focus its powers in other ways to create and manipulate water when needed. |