Darkness, Light, and a Mouse

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Darkness, Light, and a Mouse
Date of Scene: 17 November 2012
Location: Traverse Town
Synopsis: The young sorceress, Valencia and King Mickey happen on a chance encounter in Traverse Town's District 3, leading to a lengthy discussion about The Heartless, morals, and a little white rabbit. The Dark Knight, Kaydin makes an appearance a short time later to lend his wisdom.
Cast of Characters: King Mickey, Kaydin, Valencia

Darkness, Light, and a Mouse

Valencia has posed:
Valencia is walking through the third district of Traverse Town, currently sketching a design for what looks like a cage reinforced with a maigcal aura. Of particular note, is the heartless symbol with an arrow pointing to the cage perhaps indicating the idea of capturing a heartless... But in any event, it doesn't seem as though she's watching where she's going as she's quite deep in thought at the moment.
King Mickey has posed:
Entering in from the southern half, Mickey Mouse wanders into District 3 carelessly and somewhat preoccupied. Making his way into the central plaza, Mickey kneels down and dusts wet sand from his shoes before glancing back around. This has been his first trip back to Traverse Town in sometime and the majestic nature of the constant night still continue to astound him even now. Then his gaze lowers and notices individuals wandering the streets, some appearing to have merely the shirts on their back as they make their way towards District 1.

The King is saddened by the sight, feeling sympathy for those families whose worlds have been consumed by the darkness. However, with his mind wandering about, Mickey forgets where he is and immidately starts walking in a direction which to his dismay, wanders right into a girl who equally distracted!

Valencia has posed:
Falling down, Valencia says, "Agh!" as she hits the ground backwards before shaking her head and looking up saying, "Are you alri-" before looking at him and saying, "You look familiar... Like a rabbit I've met. He even wore clothes like yours too, just blue and with gray shoes." she then stands up and offers Mickey a hand as she says, "My apologies in any event." before her eyes go to the notepad she was carrying, looking a little bit nervous.
King Mickey has posed:
The collision of the two seems to send them both falling to the ground! The King oophs lightly as his lands upon his bottom and then rubs his head gently, partially from pain but mostly from embarassment. He blushes lightly as a sheepish laugh emits from his mouth, "Hehe.." and then he looks up to the lady before him extending her hand to him.

The mouse sighs slightly and graciously accepts her hand, "No, no.. The fault is mine, miss. I was not paying attention to where I was going. So please accept my humblist apology."

The King seems to ignore the comment about the rabbit for the moment, appearing more concerned for her well-being. He quickly glances at the young lady, asking with a concerned tone, "Are you ok?", then proceeds to take careful note of the notepad she carries, "I see you are carrying a notebook there. Are you an artist by chance?"
Valencia has posed:
"Of course." Valencia says as she moves over to pick up the notebook and says, "Actually, I'm a scientist. I'm trying to find out more about..." she then pauses before saying, "Well, certain destructive entities that some seem to be nervous about speaking of. I hope you wouldn't mind discussing them, they are quite a threat after all."
King Mickey has posed:
The King listens intently to the young woman's response, which strikes his curiosity. He nods as she emphasizes the important of the threat. A smile forms about his face as he in turn replies, "Certainly! After all, This sounds pretty important.", leaving the other subject to be spoke about a short time later.
Valencia has posed:
"Alright. Well, I think the first order of business would be capturing one." Valencia says, "A heartless, I mean. Nothing strong, just one of those that looks like a cross between a human and an ant. They seem exceptionally weak, and I was thinking that by lining a cage with an aura of light energy I might be able to weaken it enough to keep it in one place." she says as she holds her hand up as a ball of holy magic appears in her hand, "I'm a bit of a mage too, actually." she says, "Otherwise, I most likely wouldn't be attempting to interact with obviously supernatural creatures like this."
Kaydin has posed:
the shadows on one of the buildings begins to grow and those who can sense the darkness can sense a portal opening in the shadows. It is then a black armored man comes out. The portal he used was identical to the ones used by the heartless. He then looks to the two people nearby, nodding to them.
King Mickey has posed:
The King continues to listen to both the idea and plan as outlined by young woman before him. As she speaks, Mickey's arms cross and his hand goes to his chin. He doesn't approve of the idea of someone attempting to capture a heartless, particularly due to the risk it proposes, along with other more moral standings. Nevertheless, he continues to listen without passing judgment until she is finished, taking a few moments to form a final opinion on the matter.

The time passes quickly and Mickey takes the opportunity to respond, "You know thats a worthy effort though I cannot say I share your enthusaism to capture one. It has been my experience that the heartless as you called them can be quite dangerous in any form, big or small. I have to ask to what purpose would it serve to capture one?"

A slight shiver is sent up the mouse's spine as he sense the opening of a dark portal not far from where he and his companion now stand. The King's eyes shift slightly towards the individual whom enters from it. Shifting his gaze back to the woman before him, Mickey awaits her response though remains cautious of the new arrival, even though he may not necessarily look it.
Valencia has posed:
"Well, a couple of reasons." Valencia says, "One, they destroyed my world. If they have that kind of a capability, they need to be studied properly. They're a threat, and for any number of reasons ranging from defense to simple academic understanding of what they are we need to know more. Two, I have a deal with someone called a, 'Shadow Lord'. The rabbit I mentioned earlier? He agreed to help me study the heartless, in return for letting him know what I find out. It seems fair enough, though I don't quite agree with his stance that darkness isn't always bad. I've only seen bad things come from it, but much like a plague we need to know more about it if we're to fight it."
Kaydin has posed:
"Darkness is only a source of power, and all power can be used for good or bad." Kaydin says to the woman. He keeps the dark portal open with a look of concentration on his face, course his face hidden by the helmet is worn. "You just need to have a net to catch one. One it cant rip apart and must constantly be touching, or it will portal out."
King Mickey has posed:
Mickey nods to Valancia as she replies. He cannot argue with the logic of wanting to study a threat for defensive purposes or simply for the matter of understanding the unknown. However, he cannot help to feel a sense of suffering and even revenge emitting from those cold scientific statements. The fact alone she has agreed to partner with a shadow lord to increase her understanding of her enemy only strengthens his initial suspicions. However, before he can reply, the pair are interrupted by the man whom emerged from the dark portal and simply continues to listen to what the man has to say.

Once Valancia and the new arrival have said their peace, King Mickey looks between the two before turning back to the young man, "Quite true, young man. Power does remain in how you use it. However, the power of darkness is more susceptible to corruption."

The King returns his gaze to Valancia and takes in a deep breath, followed by an equal sigh, "That being said, the young man here bares a valid point that may be valuable in your endeavor. However, I want to say that I feel for you. You said you lost your world to the heartless. I cannot say I understand how you feel though I can imagine that is a heavy toll to burden upon such a young soul as yourself. I get this impression that you want to know your enemy though is that truly the reason, or there something more?"
Valencia has posed:
"Well.." Valencia says as she pauses, looking a bit less happy and upbeat than she was before but not -quite- sad, "Yes, I do want to know who or rather what I'm fighting. No matter where I choose to live, it's inevitable that they might face the threat of heartless." she then more quietly says, "And... Someone I know, is a heartless. We were rivals, and I think she took the rivalry harder than I did. She thought that because I used technology alongside sor-... Er, arcane abilities that I didn't deserve as much to have the achievements in the arcane academy that I did. She really let it get to her, and in the end when the pressure really started to pile up on her she turned to darkness to try to one-up me. It worked for a bit, but... She lost her sanity, and then her humanity." as she even starts to look sad, an extremely unusual thing for her as she says, "Before she was consumed by the heartless she... She looked at me and asked me to help her. She saw what she had become and..." she says before looking away and saying, "She tried to let go, but it was too late. I owe her. I drove her to this, and I should be the one to put her out of her misery. If I can understand the heartless, I'll be able to find the one that she became and end this."
Kaydin has posed:
"Heartless are no different then most beasts, they seek to consume hearts and those hearts consumed are made into more heartless. People who give themselves completely to the darkness seem to retain some semblance to themselves though they have become more monsterous." Kaydin says as he would watch the two. "I am a Dark Knight, and because of the training I can use the portals they use though it requires some time and rest between trips." He says as the portal shuts finally and he seems to relax. "And it will take a few days before I have the strength to do it again. Course they still see me as a snack."
King Mickey has posed:
Once more, The King listens to Valencia, hanging on her every word as she willingfully self-discloses about her past. His eyes intentively shift as he begins to note the subtle changes in the young mage's demenor, particularly the growing sadness when her rival is mentioned. He continues to nod to reassure her that he is listening, even though he speaks no words. Once she is finished with her story, Mickey takes a moment to look down as his own expression appears affected and there is a moment of silence there after.

The King raises his gaze shortly there after, his expression one of concern and reaches out to take her hand into his. He cups it gently and looks to Valencia, "I see. Its terrible to hear what happened to the one you called your rival and I believe I can preciate the reason you want to study the heartless as intently as you do. Yet, you place an incredible burden upon yourself because you feel you are responsible, when in fact, you are not. Her desire to surpass you and to allow the darkness into her heart to corrupt her was not your fault. That is this mouse's opinion anyway."

The mouse sighs deeply once more and continues, "It saddens me to hear that this lead to the loss of your world though I implore to reconsider you decision to capture a heartless." and then turns to the Dark Knight, "While I hate to admit it, this one who follows the darkness is right and that the heartless only seek to consume the hearts of others. It is my opinion that you will only be putting yourself at greater risk by trying to capture one for study. What if in the event you are unable to keep it contained and it consumes you. How will you be able to help your world and your friend?"
Valencia has posed:
"I fought off several heartless before with those I now call my friends." Valencia says, "They agreed to let me do this, due to the general weakness of this heartless as it would easily be able to be put down." she then pauses before saying, "...But I do see your point. Skirting this close to darkness be it in physical form or otherwise..." she then sighs and shakes her head saying, "I'll have to prepare devices for field testing in the event that I encounter heartless later, rather than attempting to do this in a more controlled environment." she then sighs and says, "Well, I should start designing something capable of analyzing heartless once I leave. Probably something that weakens them so they can stay still for analysis... Much the same as capturing them, save for in an environment where they can be quickly disposed of later."
Kaydin has posed:
Kaydin sighs. "What do you wish to know about the heartless? I have been killing them for a while, and have quite a bit of knowldge on them." Kaydin says as he would look to the various people. "If you can entrap them in a way which keeps them touching in place, it will drag whatever it touches into the portal with it." Kaydin says as he watches the two. "And you are right. Darkness can corrupt more, which means all the more reason to use caution. Most dont." Kaydin says as he watches them.
King Mickey has posed:
King Mickey releases Valencia's hand and nods to her, beaming her a smile, "Well, if that is your decision, then by-golly!", then pulls his arm back and thrusts it in front of his chest, "I wish you the best of luck! I am happy to know you're considering a safer option at the very least."

The King turns to Kaydin, offering him the same beaming smile and pointing at the man favorably, "I must say while do not favor your chosen path, I must that you sir are a smart individual." and then takes a quick glance towards the young mage, "Caution is key though I feel it is important to note that concerning those portals you mentioned, it isn't what goes through necessarily one needs to worry about. Its what lies on the other side."

"Speaking about what lies on the other side.", says the king, who turns back to Valencia with a curious look about his face, "You mentioned someone earlier, a rabbit who was similiarly dressed like me and something about a shadow lord?"
Valencia has posed:
"Yes." Valencia says, "Black and white... Looked like you as I said. He had blue clothing with lots of zippers, was about your height not counting the ears, and seemed to be actually fairly... Benign in spite of his connection to darkness. Though I imagine that could be him simply suppressing the immediate appearance of darkness within himself."
Kaydin has posed:
"Wait...This rabbit could do gravity like magic, and seemed to be quite polite?" Kaydin asks. He then looks to Mickey and nods. "Darkness is the same as any other source of power. Before things went bad on my world, my king, the one I serve, was a dark knight and he was a powerful fair ruler. Kind and Considerate." He says calmly as he then nods to Mickey. "And I hope by telling people how to deal with these heartless, so when I fall to the darkness they will have a chance to defend themselves." Kaydin say as he then looks to Mickey. "What is your name? The rabbit called itself Oswald when I met him."
King Mickey has posed:
King Mickey quirks an eyebrow, thinking for a moment, "Hmm. Black and white.. dressed like me..", then shrugs his shoulders in response, appearing even more confused at the description, "Unfortunately, that doesn't ring much of a bell for me. Did you --"

The Dark Knight quickly interjects before he can finish his sentence and Mickey turns to listen, seeing if he might be able to give the mouse a better idea of the individual in question. He nods to Kaydin and smiles again, "If your example is anything, friend then I would have to say his majesty was an just and honest man who taught his subjects well. I hope you continue to lead by his example."

Mickey jumps slightly, as if both startled and surprised by the name just mentioned, "Oswald? Are you sure about that name?"

Then the mouse regains his composure for a moment, not wanting to seem further rude, "I must apologise. That name, if it is as you said, is one I haven't heard in sometime and I haven't properly introduced myself." and then he puts out both hands, one to Val and one to Kaydin, "My name's Mickey. Its a pleasure to meet you both. What are your names?"
Valencia has posed:
"Valencia diChiaroscuro." Valencia says as she reaches down to Mickey to shake his hand, "Scientist, mage, and... Hm. Well, there's something else I'd say but I hear that people can have a bad reaction to certain types of magic users. Not that I'm the type to abuse any power I have, mind you."
Kaydin has posed:
"Kaydin, Dark Knight of Baron. And yes I am sure he said Oswald. Infact you do look similar except he had long ears and white face. Seemed to be a decent being, helpedme when I was in trouble and I tried to help him when I went to a world calld Halloween town."
Kaydin has posed:
"Kaydin, Dark Knight of Baron. And yes I am sure he said Oswald. Infact you do look similar except he had long ears and white face. Seemed to be a decent being, helpedme when I was in trouble and I tried to help him when I went to a world calld Halloween town." Kaydin says, taking the mouses hand and shaking it firmly.
King Mickey has posed:
King Mickey releases their hands and glances between the pair as their hearts beginning to resonate. As the trio continues to converse, The Keyblade Master begins to feel warmth emiting as the light shines within both of their hearts. Its a soothing feeling to Mickey even after all of the troubling events he has witnessed over the course of his recent journeys, searching for his own solutions to the free the worlds shards from darkness. He does take careful note to the difference of bearing between these two hearts. Both seem to shine about the same but one remains at constant dimly lit level of light while another appears in turmoil as it is shrouded in darkness. However, the one covered in darkness occasionally has holes to where bright beams of light are shining through, as if struggling to break free.

The King turns back to Valencia, continuing to smile, "I assure you that at least in my mind, I could not see you capable of such action." and then turns Kaydin, "Well, I appreciate the information nonetheless. The name just struck me as odd is all. Who knows?" and then he puts his hands behind his head, "Perhaps, I'll run into this individual on my travels. After all, we appear to have the same taste in clothes."
Valencia has posed:
"Very well." Valencia says, "Should you need the aid of a sorceress, scientist, or a simple mage let me know. The first time I mentioned I was a sorceress... Well, the one I mentioned it to appeared somewhat wary of me. But given that you've already given me the benefit of the doubt I see no reason to conceal such a fact." before she withdraws a small crystal glowing with light and walks up to Kaydin saying, "Here. Maybe this will help keep the darkness at bay a bit longer. I was going to use this to help contain a heartless but since I don't need it anymore you might make better use of it than I." the crystal itself seems to be quartz etched with odd designs, with a symbol representing light in the middle that glows with holy magic. "You're strong if you've lasted this long. Remember that." she says.
King Mickey has posed:
King Mickey nods to Kaydin, "Wise words.", can be heard emitting from his as he appears to be impressed by the young man's insight though does not show it too much. Cannot let the young man have too much of an ego, after all. The Keyblade Master crosses his arms and allows the pair to finish up their conversation, watching in observation while smiling all the more, . o O (These two have powerful lives ahead of them if they continue to play their cards right. Who knows? Maybe they could one day be part of the solution that will save our worlds from the darkness.)

King Mickey glances up to the nearby clock in the central part of the plaza and then returns his two new friends, saying, "Well, my friends. It has been a pleasure meeting you both tonight though I ought to be on my way. Until next time we meet, Kaydin and Valcenia."