A Force (or Alignment as it may be referred to at times) is not so much a character's intentions, but the actions they take.
Their Fate, their Destiny, the Divine Providence - whatever it may be, they are inevitably tied to one of three groups: Those who seek the restoration of the worlds which have fallen at the hands of the heartless, those who seek - or whose actions inevitably will result in - their fall, or those who are either too wavering or complex in mind to be defined by the other two.
When a character is created, they are placed into one of these Forces. A Force is what ties all the various groups with all of their differing goals together in the grande scheme of things. Narratively, these groups are those most likely to 'join forces' or have some common goals. It is unlikely for a character to change from Force of Restoration to Force of Ruin - and vice versa - although it is not an impossible occurrence. However, it is likely that those of the Wandering Force who get influenced enough by the other two Forces, might come to step into their path - as hearts get connected.
There can be situations where someone of the Restoration alignment may stay out of a fight if they don't agree with their group's decisions. There can even be times where groups within the same Force may be at odds with one another. Not everyone gets along, not everyone agrees, and not everyone has the same ideas on how to accomplish a similar goal.
In very basic terms, this also means that if you are a citizen of Vector, you might be in a 'Ruinous' group, but still be 'good' yourself. Association does not make an alignment. It's the actions your character takes, or will take! If you are unsure where your character falls, you can always look to staff for suggestions, or simply place them as a Wandering Force.