Gummi Blocks

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Gummi Blocks are strange, polyhedral blocks that come in a multitude of colors (and even accept paint!). Most often, they are seen in the form of shooting stars, leading to some calling them ‘star fragments’. They make strange bouncing noises when they hit the ground, and are useful for a number of applications, most specifically travelling through Gummispace.


Gummiblocks are extremely resistant to heat or cold, and adhere to one another when pressed together firmly. When connected, Gummiblocks form a complete environmental seal. The more Gummiblocks that are attached to one another, the more resilient they appear to be. Some kinds of Gummiblocks seem to amplify this effect. There are limits to how many blocks will fit together, however. Everything seems to be based around a 'Cockpit Gummi'. These Gummi types seem to increase how large the ship created can be, up to certain limits.

The application of magic to Gummiblocks has various effects. Offensive magic affects Gummiblocks much as it would affect anything else in general, though remembering their natural resilience. Curative magic seems to reinforce or repair damage dealt to the Gummiblocks, albeit with less effectiveness.

Gummi Blocks do not do anything unless exposed to Gummispace. Until then, they are little more than interesting curiosities. An exception to this, however, is the use of Synthesis to make various single-use items that can draw out the power of the Gummi Block… Though it is generally less effective than magic. Science rules!

The most interesting point about Gummiships, however, is that upon exposure to Gummispace through entry points known as Void Points, they enlarge, becoming full-size craft that a person can enter, pilot, and explore Gummispace within. The Gummiship provides for all environmental needs of the passengers within through whatever magic makes them work. The various Gummis attached to the ship activate, performing various functions based on what exact type they are. Some are used for offense, some for defense, and others for mobility or special effects. You cannot, however, disassemble a Gummiship while in Gummispace (unless it is forcefully broken apart, of course). You must land and return it its inert state first.

There are a plethora of types of Gummis that have been catalogued and are being researched constantly by interested parties.

For those that care, Gummi Blocks are in fact non-toxic and edible. They have a variety of flavors based on what kind they are. While they will digest in time, it is not recommended that one enters Gummispace until their SCIENCE CANDY is no longer in the system.

It would be very, very uncomfortable.

Acquiring Gummi Blocks

The most common methods of getting Gummi Blocks involve being in the right place at the right time to pick up the results of a shooting star shower. Those with less patience and more money can consult Chip and Dale in Traverse Town for advice, assistance, and one of a variety of starter kits. Blocks or kits can be found almost anywhere, however, depending on who you talk to. Gummi Blocks are not particularly rare in general.

Creating Gummi Blocks

No one is entirely sure about how Gummi Blocks are made, but some have tried to use various methods to splice and alter Gummi Blocks for unexpected effects.

Destroying Gummi Blocks

Gummi Blocks are resilient but not indestructible. They can be destroyed with enough effort or under certain logical circumstances (you put HOW MANY Flare-Gs in there?). More likely, however, one is going to run into problems dealing with the massive Heartless that infest Gummispace, as they attempt to destroy the Gummiship to acquire the Hearts within. Should a Gummiship take enough damage within Gummispace, it will break apart, rendering those within unprotected against the Darkness and the Heartless within. They will need good friends or great luck to survive... And perhaps land in a place that will be kind to them.

Star Shards

Star Shards are a special kind of Gummi Block, appearing as a star-shaped crystal. They do not require exposure to Gummispace, but they do travel using it. Those who are well-versed in using them can travel quickly and safely between worlds. Those who are not familiar, however, will find the power of the Shards are wild and not easily tamed. They can be flung anywhere within the worlds, at any time. The power is mysterious and difficult to master, should one even manage to find one of these extremely rare objects in the first place.