Halloween at Seventh Heaven

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Halloween at Seventh Heaven
Date of Scene: 31 October 2012
Location: World of Ruin - Seventh Heaven
Synopsis: Jack tries to spook people at the Seventh Heaven for Halloween, only to have the Hearless turn against him!
Thanks to: Jack Skellington
Cast of Characters: Jack Skellington, Tifa Lockhart, Pixi, Reynold Sargis, Lumeria, Rinoa Heartilly

Tifa Lockhart has posed:
After last night's 'rescue' from a bunch of heartless, Tifa dragged the unconcious Rinoa back to the bar. She was set down in Tifa's bed, which would be more comfortable than anywhere else. The girl needed it more than she did. Yet, what might be surprising to Rinoa when she wakes up is that the bed is literally in the backroom. The backroom is filled with shelves and boxes, holding the various wares, drinks and tools of the trade for the bar. The 'bedroom' is just a bed in the middle of it, not much in the way of luxury or personal belongings, but at least its a bed. The only few personal things noticeable are a few recent pictures of people she met, a few pieces of jewelry like earrings and bracelets, and a box that holds her folded clothes.

Another thing of note, Angelo isn't nearby. He's actually in the main bar room, munching away some food that Tifa got for him while you were out of it. Its too early for the bar to be open for business, but the door is always opened still, for visitors and such. Tifa herself is leaning on the counter, watching the dog eating away.
Pixi has posed:
Sitting in the bar proper is the tall Viera, Pixi. She doesn't make too much of a commotion, but she was strangely absent during the heartless attack that happened recently. She's still drinking wine and eating a few veggies she made herself as she watches Angelo eat his food.
Rinoa Heartilly has posed:
Angelo wags her tail excitedly as Tifa feeds her tasty treats. After a long and exhausting battle fighting heartless, treats are exactly what this doggy needs right now! Since fighting along side the leggy barmaid the previous night, Angelo seems to have warmed up to Tifa, wagging her tail and happily accepting pets, head scritches..And more treats, should they come her way!

She's still pretty wary of the many customers who gradually trickle into the bar however, especially the tall bunnygirl who sits nearby, who might just receive a soft growl should she come too near.

Rinoa has not yet emerged from the backroom, and this makes Angelo all the more anxious, occasionally whimpering and brushing against Tifa, begging for more scritches and some other reassurance..
Lumeria has posed:
Lumeria's still finding her way around. She must have taken a wrong turn somewhere because she finds herself in the wrong part of town. The bar looks like the safest place around so she decides to go inside for the time being. It doesn't look like it's offically open yet, but she manages to find her way inside. Her attention turns instantly towards the bunnygirl. Was that who Kaydin was referring to before, or it was part of the employee dress code.
Tifa Lockhart has posed:
Tifa Lockhart kneels down to give some nice pettings and scratches to the poor woorried Angelo "Don't worry, your mistress is just fine, she's just sleeping." She talks to the dog, she seems smart enough at least. She scritches a bit around the neck, and notices the collar. She hmms, bringing her hand over to the front to check on the medal attached to it "Ah, Angelo? Is that your name?" She smiles, scritching her between the ears.

She stands back up to take care of her people trickling in at times though, she has to keep serving up. Its not really the prime time for the bar, since its rather early, but still, she doesn't shun people out either unless she's sleeping or out of the house. "Hi there, welcome~" she makes sure Pixi's wine is well served, moving over to start on the daily chores. Even when not opened, there's things to do, like cleaning the dishes.
Reynold Sargis has posed:
So much to learn. So little time. Reynold has just now learned to use portals and has subsequently returned to the world of which he used to call home. It was in chaos. Beville still stood, though when seeking the church of which he grew up in, he was regarded as... pretty muc ha stranger. Due to the sudden changes in the world, his duty he was meant for was most likely never to happen.

Despite this, he continues walking his way... yet to really find a reason to keep going. Perhaps hope is the only thing keeping him from becoming one of those monsters at this point.

Through the door of the bar walks a heavily armored soldier. A judge!--- No. His demeanor is far to reserved and friendly. Reynold, with metallic noises and such occuring as he sits down at a far corner table, seems to take out a ledger and quill from under his long cloak, and seems to write something. Afterward the young man removes his helmet, and seems to let out a sigh.

He needs to find where to go next. How large is this newly revormed world? None of his old maps make any sense anymore! He is roaming blind. A look around the establishment reveals quite the array of inhabitants. Some of which he is unfamiliar with as far as race goes. His giant tower shield and bastard sword are set aside. He could use something to eat and drink. What to order...
Pixi has posed:
Pixi smiles quietly as she watches Tifa reassure Angelo, but she still raised an eyebrow at the dog's loyalty to her owner. Her eyes peer towards the door when the elf and the armored Soldier walk through. She sips her wine, and lets things play out.....for now.
Rinoa Heartilly has posed:
Angelo seems reassured by Tifa's pettings, and those whines gradually reside, turning into something more akin to a purr as he rubs against her legs, enjoying the scritches muchly. When she says Angelo's name, the dog barks excitedly, wagging her tail rather quickly.

Then more people pile into the bar, and Angelo glances around, barking at the new comers. In truth, Angelo is a pretty social dog, however, the strange and stressful events that occurred up to this point have made her pretty anxious. It's almost as if she expected heartless to storm the bar...Or another weird portal to pop up here somewhere...

However, her barks quickly subside and turn into whines when a certain blue clothed girl suddenly appears from behind the bar, rubbing her head as she strides into the main area, peering around with a confused look on her face.

"Oooh...Ahh..." She yawns as she stretches her arms before glancing at all the strangers. "Hmm..How'd I get here?" She rubs her eyes, still looking a bit tired, a bit scratched and bruised up but it is likely that Tifa had tended to her wounds when she found her the previous night.
Lumeria has posed:
"Hello, are you open for business?" Lumeria decides to ask as she takes a seat on a barstool. She notices the girl appear out from behind the bar. She figures that she must have had too much drink last night, but doesn't say anything about it. Instead her attention turns towards the bunnygirl once more. She can't help but be curious where she came from.
Tifa Lockhart has posed:
Tifa Lockhart blinks a bit at the apperance of the armored guy, but its not like its the first time. She had a dark knight here too after all. She smiles and waves "Welcome to the Seventh Heaven. And yes, I am open, although most of the rush is later this evening usually. If you still want drinks or something to snack I can manage, but I might be slow as I do my chores at the same time." she answers Lumeria while at it.

Then she turns to the raven-haired girl that finally woke up "Well, I found you laying in snow yesterday, near here, and Angelo was tending to you. She wasn't too happy that I tried to help, but she warmed up to me after I handled some monsters that came after you. I can't tell you more than that, but I brought you back here afterwards so you could rest and get warm."
Reynold Sargis has posed:
As Reynold sits here, he recalls what all that detective fellow said... Seems like all worlds are being affected currently by whatever this malicious force is. Obviously fighting against this would be the just thing to do, but he is jsut one Paladin... What can he do to stem the tide?

A dog barking, as well as another figure behind the bar emerges. Seems like this place is rather packed. Was he allowed to be here, even? It seemed like the only nice place in this area, which appeared to consist of nothing but scrap metal and makeshift homes. A run-down area for sure. What caused this kind of living here?

Reynold speaks to Tifa in a much softer, warmer voice than one would expect from a six foot tall clad in some of the heaviest armor and weaponry seen. "Oh, why thank you," is said politely. "I could go for something flavorful, I suppose. What do you reccomend?"

He seems to just fiddle with his helmet. "Oh, if I may ask, where is this? Silly question. I am new to trevlling across, well, planes."
Pixi has posed:
"This, Mister heavy metal, is apparently called Seventh Heaven, inside the slums of the city of Goug." The viera says as she places one heeled greave on the floor, finally. "And I don't believe everyone knows about travelling planes quite yet. Though it seems some already have." She says before looking to RInoa, who seems to stumble out of the back. "Tifa does seem to be a nice woman, as far as I've known her anyways..." She says before looking back to the armored human. "Just so people don't become scared, perhaps travelling across planes is best kept under your helmet, or so people won't think you're absolutely crazy."
Rinoa Heartilly has posed:
Rinoa kneels to Angelo's level, petting and stroking the dog lovingly as if she were a close family member. "Hello girl. Have you been watching over me all this time? Hmmm?" she smiles, peering back at Tifa, arching a brow. "Oh? You're the one who saved me? Then thank you, I guess I'd have been dead by now, if it weren't for you, right?"

Straightening up from petting her dog, both Rinoa and Angelo make their way towards Tifa, Angelo veering off towards Pixi next, sniffing her curiously, wagging her tail slowly as she peers waaaaay up at her.

As Rinoa peers slowly, thoughtfully around the bar, she takes in the sights and sounds of the others gathered..Hmm, what looks like a largeish armoured knight..That's pretty normal, as is the barmaid, even if she is dressed a bit scantily. She's only vaguely aware of the Viera and the Elfin girl, who both strike her as strange.

But for now she focuses primarily on Tifa. "So, this is seventh heaven huh..And you're the owner? Wow, you must be pretty strong to carry me all the way back here. By the way, my name is Rinoa. Very nice to meet you!" She cheerfully offers a hand to shake, although frowning a bit when someone mentions something about them being in Goug slums..

"Woah, Goug slums? Never heard of the place. Is this in Galbadia, still?"
Jack Skellington has posed:
364 Days of the Year. That's how many days they spend preparing. Toiling. Locked away from the world.

It just happens to be that one day the gates of the Town Burst open. Heartless do not effect those whose hearts have already stopped. Shadows belnding in with shadows, a cloak of darkness covering the many worlds, split. Darkness fears no darkness, after all.

It starts subtley, wind picking up as it darkens outside. No matter what conditions it may have been before. Shutters bang, loose bits of metal on buildings clatter as they finally roll to a stop, hitting metal on the way down. Creaky gates, metal hanging off, discarded, begin to bang and fill the air... but these are just things involved with wind. It seems to ... moan. To groan. But it's just wind, and not the tortured souls of the dead.

A degree. Then two. The temperature seems to plummet, not just about the room, but about Goug. It grows colder, simply just an effect from the grasp of night, the light wrenched from all but the most resilient of places ( perhaps of one flower girl ), chocked and suffocated in shadows. It's just the shadows, no matter what heartless lurk these days.

Then it comes, a scream, from the outside of the Bar. A wolf howls, as if it had just claimed it's prey - but in Goug? Cackling follows suit after. The moaning and groaning giving way to far more direct, whisps of a faint white light shooting past whatever windows the place may have. Passing through a wall, quickly, if none, and vanishing after. Simply your eyes.

Subtlety was lost, this year, however.

The doors shut behind the last one in Seventh Heaven, almost locking it in darkness, the cackling growing more manic. Glowing eyes peeking through, one by one, each and every little 'hole' in the wall, all colors and shapes. Some actual eyes.
Tifa Lockhart has posed:
Tifa Lockhart smiles at the Paladin "I don't have a house special, but I can get you something to drink." She offers up, moving over to get a couple of bottles off the shelves, ready to mix something up. She offers her hand to Rinoa "I'm Tifa Lockhart, and yes, I'm the owner here. I also do a bit of mercenary work here and there, gathering more munny where I can, but its mostly to help out people that I do it." She's very caring and protective after all "You have to thank Angelo for beign alive, I just did what I had to, and that was handling a few pesky heartless."

But then that's when the light show starts. The bar is in sudden darkness. There was lights inside of the bar, but it seems like they aren't working right now... what a coincidence that all of them would die at the same time.

Or maybe they aren't dead, maybe it has to do with the eyes peering at them through the walls. She lets out a small shriek! She's not a scaredy cat, but after the events in haloween town, she has been on her heels!
Lumeria has posed:
"I see, I can wait. I'll take a double fudge banana smoothie with whipped topping." Yes, Lumeria likes sweet things. Suddenly she hears laughing and a wolf howling. There were wolves arond here? She seems a bit puzzled about that. She hears the comment about travelling across planes. There was another who could do that?
Reynold Sargis has posed:
Reynold suddenly finds himself addressed by a... rabbit? Girl, thing? "I... see. Goug, is it? Hm." A pause. "Soem detective fellow showed me some portals after I somehow found my way to a... What was it called? Traverse Town? I think. He helped me get back to, um." Well, he would say home, but it is no longer Spira. Or at least for the most part. "Okay then. Also, if I amy ask... what are you? Your race is not familiar to me."

"It is nice to meet you.... Tifa," he repeats slowly, making sure to say the name correctly. Before he can even get a drink. something eerie happens. Darkness descends upon those within the bar. Something does not feel right. "Something is happening..." he says quickly, before donning his helmet and reaching for his weaponry. As the sword is grasped, the blade begins to glow a faint gold. Not nearly enough to pierce the unnatural dark.

"Be ready for anything," he says quietly.
Pixi has posed:
Once the lights go dark, The Viera takes a deep breath and places the glass back on the counter. Her other boots comes down from the stool, and she closes her eyes, letting her breath out slowly. She doesn't move much but her ears do most of the seeing for her, so she's not completely creeped out by the eyes peering into the bar that everyone else is seeing, but the howling wolf and the scream draw a little attenton from her, but they're mostly ignored by the Viera.

Once she opens her eyes, the tattoo upon her right shoulder is glowing white, much like Reynold's blade. She remains quiet, mostly listening for where someone could attack, instead of looking, as her gaze unfocuses....
Rinoa Heartilly has posed:
Rinoa nods as Tifa gives an explanation of what she does, considering that thoughtfully. "Mercenary, hmm? You're not..SeeD by chance, are you?" though that causes her to chuckle a bit.

"Well, what are the chances of my falling in with a SeeD? But..I'll bet you still helped out a lot, and you should take credit for at least some of the work, you know? I mean..That's a really generous thing to do. Most people wouldn't go out of their way to help a total stranger, you know?"

Then people start ordering drinks and food and Rinoa remembers that they're in a bar. Wow, is she ever hungry? So much so that she's forgotten about the bar being in some strange city she's never heard of. Oh well, perhaps that can wait til later!

"Oh..Hmm..I could go for something warm and sweet. Do you have any hot chocolate, by chance? Oh, and I see you've already fed Angelo...Thanks, SO much! You're real sweet, y'know that?"

Of course..That's around the time that the lights, the wind and scary noises start to wrack the bar..Angelo immediately starts growling and barking, running to one of the windows as she peers out of it, growling lowly. Rinoa has a different reaction, looking very scared as she glances around, backing away. Fortunately it seems that her blaster edge is still on her arm, and so she's not completely defenseless, but..This is still a strange place full of people she doesn't know and she's starting to feel nervous.

"What..What IS that? Not more of those horrible little shadow creatures..I thought we'd be safe here.." No..Not again..She's really missing Squall right about now, as she searches anxiously around for a light of some sort. "Tifa! A light? Please..I hate the dark.."
Jack Skellington has posed:
The lights don't go out immediately. It's not long after Tifa shriek's that the fun really starts.

The eyes all open at once, the door, locked by what is apparently darkness, begins to shutter. Trying to open itself, seemingly trying to leap out and free itself. To run, to escape whatever is /coming/. The eyes all focus on the door, irii getting smaller for each as the door clatters. Louder and louder.

Eventually... it loses.

The door swings open, all of the eyes closing and vanishing as the lights go out, leaving everyone in pure darkness. Magical light, included, being suffocated. At least... for a little. Yellow beady eyes, familiar to anyone who has seen a heartless, begin to open about in parts of the bar. From the ceiling, they stare down. From the walls, different sizes. The heartless apparently just /appeared/ about them. A room filled to the brim, apparently, with heartless. All around them, after they took so long to fight against them.

Maybe they still can fight? But the eyes keep appearing... except from that door. As if they were all /waiting/ for something.

He comes.

There's a sudden light. A billowing, bright light. Violent. A white skull, hidden by the darkness. Ragged clothing. Far more ragged than Jack would usually wear. Rank old, the smell would kill enough. What was once darkness erupts into light, a scream from the loudest banshee, laughter like a demon billowing outwards, only growing in volume. The pumpkin's eyes light up, the face of the pumpkin bright, flames erupting from the mouth of it, burning pools of fire in the eyes.

Thunder crashes behind him, but the light doesn't show /anything/. Is anything even /left/?

"AAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHA! Bright enough for you!?" The figure, tall, human but ... far too skinny, far too /tall/ bellows, filling the door frame. Was there even anything to escape to behind it? Hands looking to be as sharp as claws bend in the air, leaning towards Rinoa as she pleads. "Enjoy it while it lasts... HEEEEEEEEEEEEHEHEHE!"
Lumeria has posed:
Lumeria watches as the room suddenly goes dark and fills with darkness. She cringes upon hearing the screaming. It's not frightening her, it's more of an annoyance then anything. Well, at least until the heartless show up and the man shows up. Was he some kind of dark construct? She's read about them. It shouldn't be too difficult for her to banish him from here if needed.
Tifa Lockhart has posed:
Tifa Lockhart would love to serve more drinks for everyone, but not while the lights go out and everything goes all scary... not to mention those heartless. She lets out another small shriek, but then hooks an arm toward the clsoest ones on the counter, or where the counter should be at least, trying to toss them away "Why is this always happening to my bar?!!?" Fear gave way to anger now >_< She's going to protect her bar if anything tries to destroy it, and the people inside of it as well.
Pixi has posed:
Pixi flattens her ears upon hearing the screams, but once they die down, her ears come back up. She then looks up to see the skeleton standing in front of her, and moving towards Rinoa. After his laughter, however, she takes a couple of steps towards the pumpkin king, with her fists balled up. "Excuse me." She says rather softly. "Is there a reason why you're here? Other than just trying to scare everyone that's in here, that is?"
Reynold Sargis has posed:
As Reynold stands there, familiar, yellow eyes appear all over. The same creatures that chased him into the first portal that ended him in Traverse Town. These aberrant things ruined everything for him! "Some kind of foul being..." Reynold says, more angered than afraid. He is ready to strike out. These things could hurt people!

"What business do you have here?" he states flatly. With his weaponry, shield and armor, Reynold looks quite formidable in any form of combat. Tempered by the finest smiths in Beville, his armor can take the harshest of beatings!

For the time, he merely bides his time.
Rinoa Heartilly has posed:
"No! Someone..The lights!" Pleads Rinoa as she fumbles around in the darkness, awkwardly bumping into Reynold and then Pixi in her anxiety. "Oh, I'm sorry! Angelo..Where are you?" She calls for the dog, and angelo comes running, rubbing reassuringly against her side as Rinoa strokes her long fur. It's some comfort at least.

But then the screaming continues, and yellow horrible eyes start to appear out of the woodwork. Rinoa gasps, aiming her blaster edge at one then another then another as they appear, hesitant to shoot. "What..What do you want from us? Leave us alone!"

Then suddenly the blinding light flashes before her eyes and the creepy skeletal figure stands before them. "Are you responsible for this insanity? Knock it off! You're scaring me..!" She points her blaster edge at him, but doesnt shoot yet, uncertain if his minions will attack her if she does so. Isnt' there a peaceful way to settle things?
Jack Skellington has posed:
"Becuase, where people are, trouble follows!" Jack exclaims!

But the many people there ... aren't very scared past Tifa. The cackling ghoul's eyes, aflame, stop burning brightly. The lights return, for the most part, Jack scratching the side of the Pumpkinhead that happens to be about his skull. "Are you saying none of this is scary? Hmm, this Halloween was supposed to be the best one yet!!" Jack asks, taking the pumpkin off his head.

"I thought they were the key to everyone's fear, too! Everyone seems to be talking about them." Jack laments, turning about to look outside. "Everyone /else/ I've met screamed so very loudly when they saw them, and others ran for their lives!" He exclaims, cheerfully! "Only the girl over there cried out, once, too! You must all be pretty difficult to scare then... Oh well, the night is young! Come on then!"

The heartless, having followed Jack for this long, stop. The others weren't very pure, or powerful hearts. Now though... the Heartless, having simply followed Jack, have something greater to do. As if they were lying in wait~! "Not coming, are you?" He asks of the heartless. "Oh, and they seemed to be so good at following directions earlier today, too!" He remarks to Reynold, casually.

Before they pick up Jack and then carry him over to ... a coffin that erupts right infront of the shadowy portal they seem to just creature, the zombie like heartless chucking him right into it! "Huh, carrying me? Why thank y- What are you doing?! It's Halloween! The pumpkin king can't just be sitting inside of a coffin!"

The door slams, and the ground suddenly lurches. The coffin slides a bit into the ground, before it twists around, a glowing pumpkin head the rest of a zombie like body pulling itself free.

'Pumpkinpatch' rises from the ground, pumpkins, bright and lit, on parts of the body, and Jack unfortunately emtombed!?
Tifa Lockhart has posed:
Well, that certainly cuts it. The one that seemed to be controlling the heartless... apparently doesn't control them at all, and now is trapped. So time to get on the offensive "Here goes the quiet day..." she grumbles, and concentrates on her magic, summoning up support magic for those around her at first. There seems to be enough fighters in here at least.
Pixi has posed:
"I.......don't think this is exactly what he had in mind guys." Pixi says to everyone else. "Let's kill these heartless before they can take him away!" Even after Tifa's assist, she throws herself into the battle. her spear not doing too much good, but she IS trying to knock the heartless outside of the bar......
Lumeria has posed:
"Idiot, do you really expect a bunch of mindless monsters to listen to you?" Lumeria watches as Jack's thrown inside of the coffin. It looks like they're going to have to fight if they want out of her alive. All she wanted was a banana smoothie and trouble has to break out. At least she should be able to take care of them easily, if they're aligned with the darkness. She begins to cast a few magic spells in an attempt to rid the bar of the Heartless. Her hands glow with white light as she attempts to banish them.
Rinoa Heartilly has posed:
Rinoa peers back at the skeleton, still seeming to be the only one scared around here. "Oh..Gee..Are you saying this is just some crazy hoax? You're just some guy dressed up in a crazy halloween costume.." But then..Something grabs him and stuffs him in a coffin..And then something bigger and scaries rises from the ground.

"What is going on? I thought he was controlling thouse.." what did they call 'em, heartless? She shivers, calling Angelo over. "Angelo, help me!"

She weaves a spell of her own at the same time that Angelo leaps into the air, howling at a mystical moon that suddenly appears out of nowhere, showering Rinoa in protective magic.
Reynold Sargis has posed:
"H... Halloween?" he asks the strange spectre-type person. "What is this?" a look is given to Jack. Well, surely he did not control the ones who put him in this predicament a few weeks back. Though the ones earlier today werent quite as visious. The ones he first met were out for blood! "Um, was that supposed to happen?" he asks. "What is even going on?!"

Reynold is powered up by the kind lady behind the bar, further making him a melee powerhouse. "Thank you," he says softly.

The Paladin decides to strike back himself! After waiting a moment in the fray to watch others' actions carefuly, A point of the blade and rigid white needles of light appear, before attempting to skewer the opponent and weaken it, followed by Reynold's sword seeming to extened in holy power, giving it some potent reach and weight as it slams down towards this corrupt thing!

Jack Skellington has posed:
Pumpkinpatch doesn't stay grounded, however. The ground under him begins to heave, rotting zombie legs... simply not there. The massive zombie only half there. The arms wave before it, vines from the pumpkins on the shoulders wrapping about parts of the city above them, pulling it upwards, away frm the ground.

The heartless are bowled outwards, as it Pumpkinpatch tries to climb skywards, pulling itself off the ground, such as the eruption of light barrels into it, the many heartless rolling out of the bar in somewhat of a comedic fashion. The 'large' heartless, however, doesn't seem to be going anywhere. Maybe it's just using undeath as a power-source!

Pixi's attacks knock the rest out, some almost dizzy from the assault. Nothing seems to /stick/ however. The parts seemingly burned or tainted by light just falling off the monster, preventing it from really any effects. The shadowy being onset by yet another being of light, Reynold's sword extending in holy power, slicing into it, slamming it back groundwards, the tendrils flopping towards the ground helplessly as it lands on the ground, hard, weakened.

But it roars... no, /groans/. The darkness coming out of the pumpkin wafting towards the two closest, Reynold and Pixi, seeming to grasp the very light out of their bodies - a bit of give, a bit of take, the air filling with a shuddering creech before the pumpkin sucks inwards, trying to devour the light from the two candles before it!

The zombie like body, at least half of it, raises back to it's 'standing' position, arms waving about in the air.
Tifa Lockhart has posed:
Tifa Lockhart looks over to Rinoa "Let's do this then." She sees that her buffs did help throw all of the heartless out of the bar, so she moves out after the others to chase the source of all of it... that giant pumpkin creature... How unsightly. She would be more scared if she wasn't in a fight. She's so very focused when she fights, it catches up to her afterwards. She's a bit bipolar like that.

She charges in, making the pumpkin meet with a strong kick as she slides underneath it, and uses a double legg-ed kick to propler it upward. After which she flips backward on her feet, and launches herself up at least, grabbing it by the tip to force it back down to the ground into a crash. She's pretty flashy when she fights.
Pixi has posed:
Pixi literally tackles the rest of the heartless out of the bar, but when they retaliate, she LEAPS into the air. However, she's still attacked by the nightmares that fill her mind. But it only makes her angrier. She's lived her nightmare, and still lives it.

Once in the air, she finally extends her spear from her forearm and begins to beat on many of the heartless that is trying to take Jack away.
Rinoa Heartilly has posed:
Rinoa gasps as the creature attacks Reynold and Pixi, seeming to focus primarily on them. Angelo continues to bark angrily at the heartless, nipping at its heels..Until Rinoa brings a finger to her lips and whistles to Angelo, calling him at once to her side.

"Angelo..Let's help them!" And she extends her arm, finger pulling back on the trigger of her Blaster Edge. With but a wave of her free arm, Angelo leaps on her weapon before she launches both ringed blade and Angelo at the heartless, surrounding both in a protective bubble of magic that causes a powerful explosion upon contact.

This is followed by more vicious attacks by Angelo once she lands.
Lumeria has posed:
The holy energy coming from Lumeria must be keeping them from attacking her. Still, she's pretty sure that wouldn't distract them forever. She casts another spell, to keep them from hitting her. Suddenly several after-images of herself surround the mage, making her more difficult to target. She also casts the same spell on the bartender figuring she won't get her drink if she's taking down.
Reynold Sargis has posed:
It has been long since Reynold has fought. Too long. He is still inexperienced too. But that won't stop him from lashing out at whatever this is! It looks as though the original fellow who seemed to intend to scare has been overthrown by the enemies he temporarily befriended. They sure had no intention of keeping him around.

His attacks land hard, but the pumpkin-headed creature lashes back out by drawing out the very light he relies on! Before the attack can fully affect him though, he slams the bottom portion of the shield on the ground, and golden, translucent shining hexagons appear, intergrate and lock into each other in front of Reynold. The effort is enough to halt the devastating affront against the light he bears. For now.

After the barrier falls, The Paladin holds up his sword hand as blue and orange light seems to coalesce around himself, Pixi and Rinoa, increasing the speed at which they recover. "You stand not a chance, creature!"
Jack Skellington has posed:
The kicks slam into bits of the heartless, charging in as she meets the zombie like mass with kick after kick. Which it seems to not /particularly/ mind. The part she kicks goes flying off, but the mass that it /is/ is still moved about, parts being struck but launching off landing it back on the ground. Tifa may feel free to be grossed out. The object is a mass of death and pumpkins.

Pixi's strike, towards the many heartless, meets only shadow. The strikes missing the many zombies as they tumble and roll out of the way, some even spinning out of Pixi's way, spiraling rapidly about to surround them, but at the moment, aren't actually striking out. Rinoa's sudden assault is far more effective, both dog and blade, slamming into the mass of shadow. It wails out, groaning, but in pain or simply in it's /nature/ is another thing entirely.

"Hello? Sometone's out there, right? There's so many other's to /scare/, I can't just be asleep on the job!" Comes Jack's words from inside of the coffin.

The heartless could always use another lord to help spread the darkness, and for a skeleton, and king, of an entire town of darkness? Why not?! It's wonderful! Blasted skywards, Pumpkinpatch grasps parts of the roofing of Goug again, holding itself.

The rest stand along, and about, all together to defend them - but then again... this happens to be a very special day. With both hands waving about in the air, pumpkins from it's shoulders rip off and fly, burning, towards the many defenders both Seventh Heaven and the king, lighting raining about all of them, as the air about them freezes up, spiralling outwards, chunks of hail screaming, literately, through the air and down towards them!
Tifa Lockhart has posed:
Tifa Lockhart is pretty grossed out :/ But this is a fight, she pounded other zombies and undeads... she's going to need a shower after this though. Focused on the fight, she doesn't really pay attention to whatever body parts, grease or dirt lands on her. What bothers her is the lack of effect her attacks had on it. She rolls backward, barely avoiding the hailstorm, but still glancing her side. Its nothing to worry about though.

She flips back on her feet, moving in for more attacks. She need to find the weak point... Obviously it wasn't on the underside of it, so maybe its in that giant scary face... She hears Jack, but not like she can reach the coffin right now...
Pixi has posed:
The Heartless are finding that Pixi is a very hard target to hit. Even as she lands upon the ground, she runs to the side to avoid the fire and the bolts of Sorrow. However, she leaps back up into the air and attacks the heartless with a combination of her spear and melee attacks, which look like something Monks would use. Perhaps there's more to Pixi than meets the eye?
Rinoa Heartilly has posed:
"Oh.." Rinoa blinks, peering towards the coffin. "It's that skeleton guy..So I guess he wasn't in control either." Still, she's not about to let him go, not after he brought these awful heartless here to them. "Ooh, be quiet! You caused all this mayhem, how about you stay in there?"

But then the heartless continue to assault the group, this time raining icicles down on her. And she screams trying to roll out of the line of fire and ice, although she still gets ripped into, causing her arms to bleed a bit.

"Ugh.." she climbs unsteadily to her feet, peering up at the heartless. "Enough, already! Just..Go back to where you came from!" She makes a motion to Angelo who rushes at the heartless while at the same time she summons a powerful wind, complete with blades of energy that slash at the monster, followed by her own Blaster edge being launched at it again.
Reynold Sargis has posed:
Reynold passes the light healing amongst the party. While he is not proficient at direct healing, at least this is something. He is better at taking the hits for people. Unfortunately his blocking skill is not up to snuff against flaming pumpkins and the like. He gets pelted, set on fire by pumpkin-y innards, as well as poisoned! They must have been rotten pumpkins.

While afflicted though, he continues to fight! Reynold stomps the ground, and holy fire seems to erupt around him for a moment. A call out, and his blade burns brightly with white-hot light. It is quite difficult to look at, akin to a blowtorch flame without protective eyewear.

"Take this, foul being!" he says valorously. The blade extends once again to reach the enemy from afar.
Lumeria has posed:
Lumeria watches as the girl in blue screams. As much as she hates it, she should try and help her. She turns her full attention towards Rinoa. "Hold still a moment." She chants a bit summoning the energy needed to help her. After a few seconds green sparkles start to surround her and mend her wounds some. They also heal any more harm that she might take.
Jack Skellington has posed:
This time, Tifa catches something that seems to matter, though it doesn't particularly try to prevent the assault, the pumpkin even sneering at her as she comes close, heels and legs slamming into the pumpkin with enough force that one of the lights goes out.


As Pixi strikes, spear and fist, the pieces do much the same as Tifa had found. The strikes impact on parts and pieces that are already beginning to slough off, shadow replacing it with more ground/parts as it sinks in and out of the ground - however flying it is right now. They seemingly just appear on it.

It is the night of fright! "They seemed so friendly though!" The skeleton exclaims, "I've never seen them act like this before! They followed me to scare everyone before this! But stealing hearts and me is just too far!"

Admittedly, Jack thinks Rinoa's scream is ... acceptable. Perhaps he has to think about it a bit /closer/. Just using heartless for scares didn't seem to work, and now he's trapped in a /box/. /Hmmm/.

The heartless, meanwhile, Angelo draws more power from the Pumpkinpatch, wind blades tearing and pulling apart pieces and parts of the heartless as it swings through the air. Reynold swings his most powerful blade, the holy fire swallowing him and his sword, extending to reach against the heartless, Pumpkinpatch.

With hands held high and vines holding it amidst the air, it ... hangs on.

The light swings at it. Touches it...


A brief bout of laughter comes from the Heartless, high-pitched, shrieking, as it begins to vomit ghosts. The body itself begins to grow, darkness swelling out from it. It no longer just hangs /but stands/, tendrils like a malboro, furry like a wolf with fangs like a vampire on the pumpkin.

It even seems to blot out the moom that is partially visible out of everything. Bats, of shadow, rise as well.

"Look out!" Jack exclaims, already recognizing the seasons ... greetings.

The sudden flood of dark energy comes from a mix of things. The ground itself begins to become sludge, the body of the heartless radiating it so thickly it blurs, hands waving in the air as it uses Jack to tune into the Holiday itself.

Witchcraft at best, nothingness, at worst, a mix of everything terrible in a wonderful package.
Pixi has posed:
Jack's warning comes just in time for Pixi, as she suddenly blurs out of the way of the attack in the air. She then winks into existence, and whips the chains from her spear towards the heartless, potentially wrapping around them, pulling them towards her, where she would meet them with a rather nasty kick, cuz those heels are pretty sharp. However, the last attack is the most telling, and nasty.

A Suplex towards the ground.
Reynold Sargis has posed:
Before Reynold can even react, he gets hit with a wave of repulsive magic, offensive and fearful to all senses, causing him to stagger back and clutch his helm. "Nngh!" Strike back! Drive it away from whence it came!" he says through gritted teeth. He cannot fail, not so soon! His journey was just starting!

Standing heavily, the Paladin readies his weapon, shining with light again. Being rather fast even in armor, the young man quickly gets under the shadow of the being. All at once, five blades of light appear above him, which all shoot forath at the creature, attempting to weight it down. Doing so, he will come up with a, arcing spinning slash, and finish the combo with a devastating downward swat of the blade, driving it back down to the floor.

Damn ting. It will not get far! Not while Reynold is around! Despite the pain and weakening, he attempts to shrug it off as he fights with conviction.
Tifa Lockhart has posed:
The entire world goes dark and gloomy around the barmaid. She loses sight of what happens, loses sense of touch, smell too, most of her senses disapearing for a moment. When the darkness dissipates, the 'touch' comes back in full strength, multiplied as she gets the signals of all of the damage she received in that attack in a split second. She lets out a painful cry at it too, she wasn't ready for something like that, no matter how focused she is.

She falls to her knees, but slips back up slowly, grunting and gritting her teeth. "That one hurt..." She winces, the feeling of pain diminishing now that its more spread out. She calls out to the Jack-in-the-box "Thanks for the warning, but if you got any idea on how to BEAT that thing, I'm all ears!" she rushes in for another combination of attacks. Attacking it on the face SEEMED to work, even if it made it angry...
Lumeria has posed:
Lumeria knows her sister would be laughing at what she's about to do. Maybe she can talk them out of some free money or something else later, she tells herself. She tells herself that it beats being killed, but she's certainly not happy about it. She closes her eyes, this would regard more of her focus and power. Large amounts of healing power begin to fill Tifa and Reynold's bodies as she tries to keep them fighting.
Jack Skellington has posed:
The sudden wave leaves it ... a bit weakened, however. Weak to those that would wish to interfere.

They, of course, interfere. Reynold fights on, still. The blade cleaving towards the shadow, five blades of light swinging down, shooting forwards, as he follows it up and swings forwards, driving it, the monster, down into the ground. Light bleeds off his blade as he does so!

The beast shudders, heartless flailing as Tifa comes in close, the blow slamming into the pumpkin-face of the Heartless, causing it to reel backwards as she strikes. It's arms flail comically, staggering backwards! The damage begins to mount on it!

Pixi winks out of existance, appearing just in time to grasp rest of the heartless with chains, themely, and pulls it towards the points of that spear, then towards the heels of the assault... before the chains are wrenched, pulling the monster, already attached in the air, about and straight towards the ground.

It's whipped groundwards, flipped forwards, it's own tendrils causing more problems than help as bits and pieces of roof and rust collapse onto the heartless as it dissipates. As if it was some kind of perfect timing. The ground seems to gives with, a burst of flame melting off the costume as Jack rises from the heap of shadow, it flowing off of him like a cape, the ghoul standing atop the falling Heartless.

"Much appreciated, all of you... the Holiday's still young, there's a lot of frights out there, screams to take care of!" He exclaims, "But... without the heartless, I'll have to improvise quickly... ahaha~! That won't be hard at all! I have to thank you all!"
Pixi has posed:
Pixi lands from her attack and walks over to jack. "Just as long as you don't use the heartless again. They're more likely to turn on you instead of follow your orders." She then chuckles. "I imagine I shall see you again. I think I know where you reside....."
Tifa Lockhart has posed:
Tifa Lockhart phews as she watches the big pumpkin fall down. She looks over to Jack, shaking her head "I had enough frights for a day. I need a shower." She turns to the others though, and smiles "Thank you for helping though, I mean, you saved my bar as well. So let me all treat you to a drink or two. I think we all deserve one."
Rinoa Heartilly has posed:
After the dust settles and the pumpkin face heartless is defeated, Rinoa climbs shakily to her feet, bruised and scratched but still alive thanks to the help of the others. Finaly the skeleton emerges and she glares at him as she marches right up to his face, wagging her finger at him.

"You...This is all your fault! You should be ashamed of yourself! You're such a BIG JERK!" And with that, she spins around in a huff, and storms out of the battered bar, Angelo barking at her heels..
Lumeria has posed:
A free drink? I guess Lumeria can accept that as payment. That's part of the reason she came here to start with. She watches as Rinoa storms off after insulting Jack. That's not quite how she would put it, but it works for her.