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Data Terms

  • Sea of Simulation: A vast digital ocean that acts as barriers between sectors. Travel across it is hazardous, relatively less so by air.
  • Outlands: Rough, unpowered or barely powered sectors. The wilderness of the Data realm.
  • Null Zone: An area of the Grid that is unpowered. Programs and Data entities generally do not survive long here without some form of an external power source. Often used to refer to both the Outlands and the Sea of Simulation.
  • Free Sector: An unpopulated or uncontrolled area of the Grid that nevertheless has power access. More common as one heads away from the Boot Sector.
  • Protected Sector: A Sector that is controlled by one of the various forces warring for dominance over the Grid, so named because of the Security Programs that maintain a presence there. These Sectors are almost always found closer to the Boot Sector.
  • Boot Sector: The central core of the Data realm where master control is established and maintained. Handles all underlying processes for the Data.
  • Nano-Click/”Click”: 1 second.
  • Cycle: 1 minute
  • Megacycle: 1 hour
  • Gigacycle: 1 day
  • Teracycle: 1 month.
  • Exacycle: 1 year
  • Repurpose: To alter a Program to a new function or loyalty, but maintain the old personality and memories. Can go wrong, requiring rectification (see below) to recover the Program.
  • Rectify:To completely wipe a Program and rebuild them into a new function.
  • Light Ribbon/Ribbon: A wall of light emitted from the back of all known Grid vehicles. Can be used as offense or defense. Also known as Jet Wall or Light Wall, depending on the vehicle.
  • Deresolution/Derez: Death.
  • Resolve/Rez: To create.
  • The Games: A gladiatorial arena, often featuring a variety of events where Programs compete to win. The catch is that these games generally derez you if you lose. Usually used as a punishment by Administrators for those they see no use for elsewhere.
  • Administrator: The program or entity that holds control over a Sector or group of Sectors.
  • User: Either a Program’s creator/programmer, or a general term for a sentient organic being, especially humans.
  • Programs: A general term for any Data-based sapient being. They are the populace of the Data realm and perform many tasks.
  • ISO: Unusual, self-generated Programs that were not created by any User. They can often be identified by the strange designs on their upper arms. ISOs are incredibly rare and face extreme prejudice in most areas of the Grid, as normal Programs find the concept of free-willed Programs unsettling and dangerous.

Additionally, almost any computer jargon or slang has been known to be used in the Grid for various reasons. Assume most jargon has connotations similar to what it possesses in real life.

Dream Terms

  • The Dream: The overall realm in which Dreaming Worlds and Dreamscapes reside.
  • Dreaming World: A greater Dreamscape that consists of the common thoughts and impressions of many Minds and Hearts. They are resistant to change, but not impenetrable.
  • Dreamscape: Any bounded area within The Dream is a Dreamscape. They appear as bubbles within The Dream.
  • Personal Dreamscape: A Dreamscape created by a person who is actively dreaming. The person to whom the Dreamscape belongs to generally has power there, but exceptions exist.