Power Play

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Title Date Scene Summary
Power Play: Assembly February 14th, 2014 A secret installation on the edge of Purgos and the Outlands holds the answer to whatever needed so much power. What happens when the heroes move to try to confront the mysterious JAVA? It looks like they're not the only ones interested...
Power Play: Supply and Demand January 30th, 2014 The logical place to look into a power shortage is the local energy distribution station. The energy control grid is usually a heavily guarded place, but what secrets could it hold to explain the outages in Purgos?
Power Play: Good Help January 27th, 2014 The aftermath of a fight on the streets of Purgos has some hired muscle checking in with their boss. This doesn't go so well.
Power Play: A Bit of Fate January 25th, 2014 An unusual encounter in Purgos leads to the forces of Restoration gaining wind of an unusual situation...
Power Play: Extraction January 25th, 2014 The ruler of Purgos' underworld contemplates the immediate future.