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So You Want To Do A Request

The Request/Job system is a powerful tool for players to interact with the background of the MUSH as well as to interact with the administration. Optimally, a request is clearly defined and specifies a specific need or objective.

Types Of Requests


These are generally pretty simple. You tell us what you want to change about your character, outline what effects it will have, and justification for the changes and additions. Simple tweaks won’t need much. We’ll handle them quick. Character upgrades and significant changes in power will generally require approval BEFORE you use them in play. After approval, there will often be a need to provide logs or a plotline involving making the desired changes happen.


Submitting a plotline for examination to the plot-staff might seem a daunting task, but trust us, we love it when you do our jobs for us. If you want to run the plot yourself, staff can provide support, advice, revision help, and NPCs if needed. If you want us to run it, we’ll see if we can fit it into all the nefarious plans we’ve got rolling at any given time.

We generally prefer the TP outline to be written up in Google Drive so we can refer to it and handle collaborative editing needs. Don’t be surprised if we might need to change something to either match with How Something Works on the MUSH, or if it might cause conflicts with another plot. We don’t have anything against you, we promise, it’s just the nature of the beast.


Generally, an interaction with an NPC will either result in a summarized response or a scene if it is more involved. Just remember that NPCs are not Wikipedia. They won’t always have the answers you’re looking for… Or they might be outright wrong. Or lie to you. People do that sometimes.


This is where things get complicated and what the bulk of this file will deal with.

If something gets posted up on the boards by admin, the playerbase is generally more than welcome to poke at it and see what’s up. Doing so might have major effects on the course of a plotline (for good or for ill), or even cause unexpected events! (We love those.)

To effectively investigate something you’ll need to give us a solid idea of what you’re doing so we can properly adjudicate what effects or responses you get from the environment. Follow these general steps so we know what’s up. Not all of them might apply but the more thorough you are, the better the chance that we can give you something you can work with:

WHO - Who is involved? Who are you going to bring along on your escapades? Who are you trying to interact with or affect with your actions? This is not, of course, a guarantee that they will be the only ones affected...

WHAT - What resources are you making use of? Do you have any special abilities, technologies, magics, macguffins, or Key Items that might apply to the situation?

WHERE - Location is extremely important. What you do in one place might get you radically different responses than another. Try to think of where your character would go to achieve the result they want.

WHEN - Time is also important. Keep in mind how long something might take, or if you might want to aim for a specific point.

HOW - What are you doing with your +2 Stick Of Shininess? You need to tell us what processes you are using, whether social, scientific, magical, or Other. The more details you give us, the better the chance we can give you a useful response.

Your response will either eventually give you the information you’re looking for, result in a scene, or we will tell you what happens and generally give you a hint on where to go next or why your investigation might not have given you the response you were looking for. You might not get what you want, but it is our objective, even if you fail, to help you do something interesting.

Most importantly, don’t be afraid of failure. Sometimes, you have to mess up a few times in order to succeed. No reward comes without risk.