Right To The Source

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Right To The Source
Date of Scene: 08 April 2013
Location: Eastern Continent - Figaro Desert
Synopsis: Souji needs materials to work with. He knows Greene and Valodjn had uncovered an ancient ruin from the War of the Magi. There's stuff in there he can use. Useful stuff. So now he just needs to deal with the one man who can restore it into a marketable form...
Cast of Characters: Mister Greene, Souji Murasame

Mister Greene has posed:

Professor Mr. Greene has been working away in the ruins sense they were found and cleaned out.

Funny, that nobody has come knockin' yet, or anything...but Greene cares not for things like this, he was too BUSY trying to make SCIENCE!

The small man is deep in the facility, right now trying to piece out just how to rebuild the thing that was guarding it. Right now, however, he was lacking things...which, in hinesight is for the best, he muses...he'd probably have to take someone near death to do it anyway...

Throughout the facility, small Metalic Chocobos are working, moving to clean up the place. They have done a great job, cleaning and trying to repair minor things...like lights and cooling.

More then that, one runs ahead of any intruders, warning the Professor of their arrival.

This has the added benifit of leading you right to him. He sits, over a pile of strange cybernetic parts, trying to make heads or tails of things.
Souji Murasame has posed:
Souji knows that the site is there. Artyom 'Frank' Valodjn has been very... informative in his work. Thus it is that a metallic chocobo runs through the area, warking to Greene that someone is coming.

That someone is Souji Murasame.

"Professor Mister Greene." Souji says, approaching the man who is working with the cybernetic parts. "I was hoping to see you here." He looks over the ruins, eyes narrowing as he mentally catalogues what he sees. "How has your progress been? Surely you are a match for anything these ancients could have designed."
Mister Greene has posed:
"A ruin full of anchient long forgotten traps, dangerous monsters, and other nastiness." Professor Mister Green says as he waves a hand. "Feh. However, the challenge has been because of the different languages. Not only is this anchient, but it resembles nothing like ours. The development in these cutures are...well, interesting, but if I were a archiologist I'd care more!" he says, "Now, these..." he points at the machines he's currently examining, "From what I have determined....these actually go in the body. They were used to enhance people...make them stronger, faster, tougher...connecting them directly to magic. Even install hardware." he says, "Beyond anything we had in our home...though, we thankfully had white mages, but still..."

"So, Mr. Murasame, how are the other students? Have we managed to find a place to set up the academy again?"
Souji Murasame has posed:
Souji purses his lips. "Those might be useful to the right people..." But those people are not him. But his job is to find who they /are/ useful to. "We would never install such things in ourselves. They would likely interfere with our abilities."

He pushes up his glasses, and frowns to himself. "But if they were advanced enough to perform these actions..." He turns to Greeene again, and gestures. "The other students are adapting as well as they can. Some are taking it as an excuse to slack. I am, however, in the middle of a plan to resolve the issue."

He gestures. "There are many countries and lands in this conglomeration of worlds. I have found several potential prospects for Alexander Academy, but such things do not come for free. I was wondering if you were willing to assist, Professor, as you have access to expertise and materials that can accelerate how quickly we can proceed."
Mister Greene has posed:
"Dragonius you mean?" Professor Mister Greene asks, knowing Murasame's dislike, and mutual dislike. "Remember, Mr. Murasame, just because his path is different does not make him a slacker." He says, "Unless of course he is taking naps when he should be training or something. Send the white mage girl after him." he shrugs, "You know I am going to aid restoring the Academy anyway I can," Greene switches geers without even a forethough, more interested in the tech infront of him.

"Actually, they would not," he switches again, "Infact, the purpose of these were to enhance...even magical abilities. However, I wonder about their effects on the mind." he says, moving from his stool, hopping down, and producing a book, "Lots of lab reports say that this was cutting edge for when this wasn't a ruin. It also says more than a few subjects came out.."

He shrugs, "Anyway. A common thing they did was to fuse something called an M-TEK laser to a person's arm." he comments, "Pretty powerful weapon, Similar to those big stompy robots the guys we rescued had. However, they could be attachted to people...of course, I could only make it work by NOT attatching it to someone..." he pauses, You haven't lost any limbs lately?" He asks, frowning when he notices Souji has both, "Alas..."

"Oh yes, the academy. What is this you need of Your Professor?"
Souji Murasame has posed:
"Dragonius." That much was obvious. Ever since the... event, Souji had been riding Dragonius hard. "Hyral has been following him in general, as she refuses to associate with me." His voice is even as he says this, emotionless. He turns away, folding his arms.

Greene begins talking about the properties of the cybernetics. "Hmm. Interesting. However, we don't know how they work. It's not something I am certainly willing to risk at the moment. While I am... appreicative of the advancement of science, we have a lack of subjects."

He perks when Greene mentions the laser. "You mention you got some of those lasers working?" He considers this for a moment, thinking. "How many are there, and can you restore them all to working condition?" He asks. "You see, there is a way we can raise money, by restoring these objects to functional use and locating proper buyers for them. There are those who would pay a great amount of money for such a weapon."
Mister Greene has posed:
"One." Greene says, "I have not messed with the others...and there are probably only a few here."

"Reguardless, you wish to sell these as weapons to rebuild our academy?" Greene looks for a moment... "Well, it is not like this world is any more dangerous than our own. People DO need to defend themselves. Sadly, too few exist. It is possible, with enough time, if I could figure out how they work, to rebuild one...given if the material's still exist." he says,

"This will take time, so I suggest that you find an alternitive means of reclaiming the Academy."

"Hmm...Hyral huh? Well, that will do. Perhaps he'll come to his senses. Reguardless..you know why she refuses to associate, something I have touched on before."

"Well, it is pointless to dwell on this now...I have much more to do, and so do you!"

He pauses, "How many of your ilk made it to the new world?"
Souji Murasame has posed:
"I'll need as many as you can manufacture, and as much salvage as possible besides. I have other plans to raise the capital needed, but every contribution you can make takes us a long way forward. Your skill is unparalleled in scientific arts, after all." Souji says, with a faint smile. "This new world is in turmoil, and warlike. People need protection, both from the creatures that roam it as well as those who would conquer them. It is a harsh situation but one that can be resolved and simultaneously assist us. We help them, they help us. This is the basic economy."

He looks away at the mention of Hyral. "There is nothing I can do about that right now. She will make her own choices in that respect. I have other plans that she might be interested in, as well." He pauses. "If you with to delve into the medical sciences as well, Professor Mister Greene, I am planning on beginning to provide such services and materials to the people of this world, allowing more... modern health care to be provided. Have you seen some of these places?" He frowns, thinking back. "They're absurdly primitive."

Greene asks how many people made it. Souji taps his glasses, some faint images appearing on the Moogle Glasses. "Sagittarius, Delacreaux, Dragonius, Gerrison, you, Leradine, Laradyne, Mason, Hyral, Lionward, and Valodjn. There may be others yet unknown."
Mister Greene has posed:
Greene takes a breath...he looks crestfallen for a bit.

They didn't know about what had happened...he almost looks sadly at Murasama, but then again...he didn't know the forces he worked for.

He wipes his brow...oh Ms. Cloud...

Breathing again, "That is a small number...only a handful of us, barely enough to perserve our culture." he mutters, "Reguardless. Maybe there are others, and maybe there is a way to restore our world. Right now, we have to work on what we can change." He says, "And a place to call home is a start."

"Yes, I have seen. Others are more advanced, too. Do not discount those in less developed areas....but it is..." He takes a breath, "Disheartening to see. Especially given where I am from." Being from the electrical contient, his plate was the most advanced of all, but still..

"I will see what I can do, Murasama, but on the condition that these things are used to rebuilt and support the others." he says, "I can do what I can, here...but your boys might need to help me salvage, and I need to probably find a more stable work enviornment." He continues, "I am not as mad as I seem boy, I am sure the country this rests in will come for it. I hear they are not...a gentle place."
Souji Murasame has posed:
"It is a terrible thing. But we cannot stop here. We cannot let this keep us from rebuilding and becoming even greater." Souji's voice gains a tinge of intensity as he clenches a hand with determination. "Your conditions are acceptable. I will be giving them a place and a home. It may take time and infrastructure will be required, but it will happen. I will send some of my men to help you with your salvage..." He pauses. "And as for Vector... I've already engaged in negotiations with their leaders. After all, we're doing the hard work for them. They're willing to pay us a certain rate for salvage that we can provide to them. I am planning on giving them enough to keep them satisfied while using the premium pieces that you produce elsewhere. It might be less optimal, but it is better than having them come in and take it by force."
Mister Greene has posed:
"Interesting." Greene strokes his beard. "Well, will they stay out of here, or are they going to give me trouble for it? Hopefully, we can work out an agreement, after all I did save their soldiers and started repairing this place!" he says, indignant.

He walks towards the back, rummaging for a few things...

"Oh right." He tosses it towards Murasame as an afterthought, "Might be worth something. If you can find someone interested in old liturature." he says, and it appears to be a old book, a simple intelligence check seems to indicate it's some sort of trashy romance novel. From a anchient era.

"With that, then, we will need to set up a place to operate from."
Souji Murasame has posed:
Souji turns and catches the book. He looks it over and frowns for a moment before tucking it away. "Indeed. I'll have some of my men come down from the Ame-no-Torifune and assist you with more appropriate accomodations. The soldiers should stay our of our way. Your assistance has made an impression... As well it should."

Souji turns away. "Anyway, if there's nothing else, I'll get back to work."
Mister Greene has posed:
"Sure okay." Professor Mister Greene says, and turns back to his work. "Tell the other students their homework assignment is /late/."