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Date of Scene: 18 April 2013
Location: The Ame-no-Torifune
Synopsis: Kuja pays a visit to the new kid on the block. Murasame is given some interesting gifts and told to do with them as he will...
Cast of Characters: Souji Murasame, Kuja

Souji Murasame has posed:
The Ame-No-Torifune is an unusual specimen of an airship. It rides on an eternal stormcloud, seething with electrical power as the lightning surges and crackles, striking the pylons arrayed around the sleek black metal and absorbing it back into its systems. The technology of the Ramuha has always focused around harnessing the sky's elemental forces. The ship is long and alien, with long prongs extended and humming with incandescent energies surrounding the deck of the ship. There is a large energy sail on the craft that propels and directs the ship along with engines thrumming in the back. The aft contains the entrances into the cabins and belowdecks. The ship is as much of a work of art as a technological marvel.

Souji Murasame, the heir, leader, and last surviving member of the Murasame Family, stands upon the deck. Helena informed him that he has a business meeting with a mysterious nobleman from Treno. A cursory examination of his survey records indicated that thie 'Treno' no longer existed.


But he did not call off the meeting. The situation piqued his curiosity. So it was that he stood on the deck, a glass of wine in hand as Narshe experiences thundersnow for the second time in as many days.
Kuja has posed:
The Ame-No-Torifune was indeed a marvel. It was more unique than any airship than he'd seen created by mortal hands. The distinctive hum and pulse of the airship's engines indicated as much to him. It was a ship that was almost wholly magical. Unlike Baron's quaint dinghys with propellars, or the sleek, yet cold and impersonal technological marvels of the Archadian Empire it had an artistry to it that he could appreciate.

While his airship that lay in low mesosphere in geosynchronous orbit could easily outdo it, that particular example of Garland's Lufein and Terran technology was not for everyday use. Indeed, it required a certain dramatic flair to know when to properly deploy it. And somewhere in the back of his mind, he /hated/ it. For any gift that Garland gave him, meant that Garland simply did not require it any longer. It was a secondhand cast-off.

While it certainly would have been more dramatic to appear right in front of the Murasame family's heir via a Corridor of Darkness, he preferred a more subtle touch of drama in this situation. He used the techniques of the Shadow Lords, but he didn't necessarily want to be considered one of them. However, he did want to make one thing perfectly clear, he did not abide by the corporate game, and the rules of it played by executives.

In the end, he decided to appear in one of the corners of Murasame's office, fashionably late, by fifteen minutes at least, before stepping into view. A slender hand was brought up to his hair, before flicking an errant lock off of his forehead, backwards.

"Mister Murasame. I think it is appropriate that we finally meet." One foot was placed directly in front of the other, as he took a few steps towards him, before bowing, with one hand over his mostly bare chest, and the other outstretched. Before straightening his back once again.

"You've caught my attention as a fellow man of ambition. I would offer you a business proposition, given that we're in the same business, but I think it... unnecessary. While you're a competitor, healthy competition is good for this particular market. Wouldn't you agree, as a fellow artist of human suffering?"
Souji Murasame has posed:
The man appears, late and... a familiar face. Souji turns towards Kuja, an eyebrow arching in interest. "And you would be the infamous Kuja, the power behind the Alexandrian throne, to hear it told." Souji performs a short bow to Kuja, He's going to be polite, at least. "You made quite the appearance at the... exchange the other evening." He pauses, looking out over the clouds beneath them for a moment. "It worked out in both our favors, really. You achieved your actual goal, and I... Well, you're easily able to understand why I was there."

He looks back to Kuja, and gestures. "It's a simple equation, really. Profit from the ills of the world. Suffering is created, then offer them surcease. Then they begin to suffer again. The cycle is endless, and they will follow you forever for it. They will offer you their very souls."

He pauses for a moment, and shrugs. "Care for some wine? I just opened the bottle a few minutes ago."
Kuja has posed:
"Were you there, Mister Murasame?"

The man cocks his head, with a coy smile upon his lips.

"I don't recall mentioning your name in my report to the Elephant Lady. Then again, I am terrible with names. I imagine the Cleyrans though will hail you as something of a hero. A tidy profit will be made as a result."

When the offer of wine was made, he would ambulate ever closer to the man, with carefully measured steps. A sidelong glance at the wine bottle. It was a fine vintage with an even better bouquet. It could be poisoned, but Kuja had not a care for such things. Garland didn't create his Angel of Death to be destroyed so easily, after all. And yet he had the gall to declare him /imperfect/ mere moments after his death. "Certainly. Your hospitality is certainly appreciated."

"The equation is elementary. The execution requires.. finesse. Artistry. A touch of drama. And thus far I'm impressed. However.."

He'd place a hand up to his chin, one finger curled upward towards his lip. " are still a relative unknown. An amateur artist. A struggling actor still taking on bit parts. I don't mean this as an insult Mister Murasame. Everyone has to get their start somewhere. And to have achieved so much, from such humble origins...."

He sweeps a hand across the ship, as if it were Souji's world. Given Souji's status in his world, it may have seemed like a strange juxtaposition to be referred to as such. " is impressive. Thus, I've come not to make you a business proposition, but to grant you.. gifts."

And that is when, he would open the palm of his right hand. Within his hand is a crepuscule gem. Inside of it however, it is replete with tiny dark storm clouds. Every so often there is a flashing purple light within, like lightning, flashing from these clouds. "...some would call its power, deific. Certainly this would be so in your own world."

This would be offered to Souji in a gesture of him holding out his palm to him. "...and with it, the puissance of Ramuh himself will be at your command. I imagine that a man of your considerable vision might see the possibilities. For this is no mere conjurer's trick, like your ship. Within it, lay the power to lay waste to a fleet of airships, or a small country, if you so choose."
Souji Murasame has posed:
Souji Murasame smiles at the response. "Perhaps I wasn't. What matters is what the Burmecians and Cleyrans think, isn't it?"

With a gesture, a crystal wine glass rises on a bed of air, and wine is poured into it, the refreshment is provided. There is no poison. This time.

"I rule, I have ruled, I will rule again." A phrase that speaks of cycles... and perhaps, inevitability. Both themes that the Reaper can perhaps appreciate. "Your assistance is... appreciated." Souji is not too proud to accept people just /giving/ him tools. He's also not so stupid as to not understand that such things are never given out of... generosity. He reaches out and picks up the gem, looking up into it as a jeweler might examine a rare diamond. "This power is like that of my homeland. Stormy, full of destruction. The power of judgement to lay waste to those who have sinned."

He smiles, flicking his hand and holding the gem between two fingers. "I see that you want to speed things up, Kuja. Very well. I will accept your gift in the spirit it is given... That of mutual profit."

He straightens, and focuses fully upon Kuja. "Your business has been flourishing. I can only hope to match it so we can have more... interesting situations."
Kuja has posed:
He would take the offered wine glass, examining it by raising it, and holding it up to the light, before swirling it to test the body. He'd then raise it his nose. While he didn't take an obvious /sniff/, it was still an important gesture to make before he took the smallest of sips. He did appreciate the comment on cycles. In Souji's game, it was admirable to climb back to the top. However, it was his intention to /break/ the cycle that he was involved in. To turn it on its head. To annihilate the mastermind behind it.

"The world moves at such a languid pace, Mister Murasame. We're barely out of the prologue. I revel in the denouement."

A smile, as the man accepts it. He didn't expect to be refused, or denied. After all, there was no profit in foolish pride. And while Souji Murasame struck him as a proud man, he didn't strike him as being foolish enough to reject the gift.

Snapping his fingers, two black mage dolls would totter out of the corners of his room. "My generosity can be boundless, Mister Murasame. I believe you know of these humble creations of mine. Merely the /dregs/ of what I'm capable of weaving. I've decided that you might have a brand of your own. These are yours. Study them if you wish, unlock their secrets if you're capable, I care not. In time, you might send me the specifications for your own brand. If you continue to impress me then I might be persuaded to develop it for you, at cost. All that you would be required to do is ship them, and count your the profit."

The flamboyant figure would smile at Souji patiently. Placing the wine glass back down. He would then start to walk away, only sparing him a brief glance over his shoulder. "...What questions you need to ask yourself, Mister Murasame, is what sort of man can offer you the full power of your god so casually? Does it make me a man at all, or something more? How can your business, match that?"

And then a corridor of darkness would open before him. He decided he didn't much care for appearances any longer. "..Don't put yourself on my'll never be able to reach it."
Souji Murasame has posed:
Souji weathers the storm of ego. Men like Souji and Kuja are plentiful in the world of business.

What separates them from those others is the intelligence and ruthlessness to succeeed. Souji's expression remains level, and he makes the gem disappear into his suit as Kuja reveals his next gift. "How generous." He murmurs, as Kuja outlines his offer to develop new and ever more interesting Mist dolls for their use. He does not, however, decline those either.

Souji merely rests his wine glass on his crossed arm, letting Kuja play out his demonstration. "It doesn't matter who or what you are, Kuja. Your generosity is appreciated. The Murasame Family will cut through all opposition." The final word, however, causes his eyes to narrow, and he looks away as an irritated expression flicks across his face.

It smooths out, however, as the silence extends for several moments. "Very well, Kuja. But I do have one question for you. You are a knowledgeable man. I have happened to come across something interesting. I was wondering if you might anything about a 'Garland'."
Kuja has posed:
Kuja actually smiled at Souji's statement. He actually believed that! How adorable. It made him want to work with the man even more by allowing him to think that he would one day be equal to him, and his competition. Mayhaps the man would even rise from being a bit part, even if he truly couldn't equal him.

And then he asked about Garland. In the world Kuja used to live in, that might have indeed thrown him off. Garland there only dwelled upon Terra, and never interfered in the affairs of Gaia. The name would thus be something that the man couldn't possibly know. In the World of Ruin however, Garland was a name well known in both the Heroic and Villainous circles. His name being dropped didn't even cause him to bat an eye. He would nonchalantly say in response. "More competition. Though admittedly he is a powerful competitor. I would be wary about dealing with him, if I were you." It didn't benefit him to ruin their little con game yet. Telling Souji to deal with him, would likely be a tip off. "...If there's nothing else?"

Assuming Souji didn't say anything else to him, he'd step through the corridor, it would close, and he'd be gone.
Souji Murasame has posed:
Souji nods. "Very well. Good luck in your work, Kuja." Souji offers politely. "Farewell."

After Kuja leaves, Souji pulls out the gem, looking at it again, and then to the two dormant Black Mages. "There is a limit to overconfidence, isn't there?" Souji says to himself, smiling before he turns away, and signaling for his men to take the Black Mages down.

If they were capable of doing such, they would not be enjoying what is to come.