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=History= Born the son of ranchers who raised wyverns near the City of Eternal Rain, Faruja grew up knowing the scaled beasts and the life of a farm-boy as well as the city-life during his family's trips to the nearby City. The beasts being used by the local military, as the Burmecian grew up, the young nezumi began to desire more than a simple farm life. Enlisting in the army as soon as he was of age, Faruja quickly excelled in his new life alongside his wyvern partner; so much so, that only his common blood kept him from the ranks of the Royal Dragon Knights. Placed into the lesser-known Aerial Assault Corp, Faruja patrolled the areas around Burmecia and within the City alternatively as part of his duties and on-the-job training. Particularly, patrol of the more crime-filled and less wealthy areas fell to him and his companions. Seeing the underbelly of Burmecia deeply effected the young nezumi, upon realizing how lucky he had things. Pleas to his superiors fell on mostly deaf ears, most higher-born officers caring little to waste time on improving the lives of the downtrodden. Slowly, the Burmecian's contempt for his country's upper classes simmered. After an attack on him and his fellows by local gang-members left most of his squad injured as well as the gangers dead, Faruja would find himself in a small shrine to a local religious group; the Sisters of Redemption. The small group was best known for its acts of kindness and charity to the poor, the Sisters quickly taking in the injured and frustrated Burmecian. He quickly took to the religion's tenants of equality amongst all nezumi, a kind divine being, and sharing of wealth with the needy. After recovering and returning to his unit, he fell back into his role with a refreshed spirit; a common sight in the shrine from then on. His conversion to the religion happened not long after, and he took up the skills of White Magic from the Sisters. Though skeptical of the cult and somewhat wary of its teachings, his superiors didn't object after seeing the reduction of casualties his newfound skills brought. His wavering patriotism and faith in his ultimate liege wasn't to last. When Alexandria's combined forces of soldiers, heartless, and Black Mages swept through the City, the King and his Royal Dragon Knights fled even as the common citizenry died; a damning betrayal in the nezumi's eyes. Patriotism crushed, and anger at his monarch and those high-born flaring, he cared only for the survival of his companions and the few citizens not already dead. Eventually arriving at the shrine he'd come to love, Faruja and his squad fought valiantly to secure the escape of the Sisters and the poor that followed them. His companions were cut down all around him as he fought, the Burmecian being the only one to survive. Permanently scarred by flame from the attack, he very nearly died, a prayer on his lips. One that would be answered. When he next awoke, he found himself in a bed and a healer of the Church of Glabados at his side. He had been torn from his own world into the World of Ruin, right on Mullonde's doorstep. Saved by a kind Priestess, Faruja's realization of this miracle as well as the similarity to a prophecy from his own religion put the rat upon his knees in prayer. As healed, he learned more of the Ajoran's religion; and in the end, converted upon realizing both the opportunities it presented as well as the uncanny similarities to his own. Trained and anointed after recovering, he quickly proved an asset to the Church in the initial chaos of the World of Ruin's formation; soon named a Temple Knight. =Personality= Faruja is honorable and passionate in everything he does. Quick to love, and quick to hate, he is not a person known for doing anything half-way. Only experience in war tempers his fiery and zealous nature enough to avoid recklessness...usually. More inclined to passion than reason, he is not devoid of reason regardless, and is an effective leader of others on a small scale. His style of leadership is very much a 'lead from the front' sort, and ill suited for grand maneuvers seen from rear echelon commanders. Outwardly he tries to appear a typical Templar; faithful, charitable to the poor, self assured, and strong. While these traits are certainly part of the Burmecian, he isn't nearly as strong and self assured as he'd like to project. His faith in the Church and his people as a whole are the bandages that keep him together as a person. The wounds of Alexandria's attack on his country, both physical and mental, as well as his King's perceived betrayal run deep indeed. To his enemies, he fights will all of the fiery zeal of any religious warrior. Retreat without orders to do so is inconceivable to the Burmecian, unless it violates his oaths to protect the faithful. To attack from behind, or the use of poisoned weapons, utterly dishonorable. Straightforward and honest, Faruja faces his enemies that way whenever he is able. To gain victory in an honorless way is worse than defeat, for it not only shames himself but the Church he now serves. Worst of all, the Burmecian is dogged; rarely giving up on a task. Once he has decided a person is a threat to Church, race, or friend, he won't give up on being a thorn in their side while he can manage it. To his allies, Faruja is dependable, honorable, and loyal. His temper and intolerance for things that go against the Church's tenants, however, can prove a difficulty for anyone siding with the Burmecian. So too can his hatred of Alexandria's leaders, his thoughts of revenge for the fallen easily able to lead the Knight Templar down a dark road. =Abilities= -''PHYSICAL''- '''Burmecian:''' As a Burmecian, Faruja is agile, dextrous, and given his small size, quite quick on his feet. He also possesses a great sense of smell and hearing, making him an excellent tracker by extension, given a scent to look for. '''Dragon Knight:''' Faruja is a highly trained Dragon Knight, and thus, is fairly hardy, physically fit, as well as strong. Most notably, his training has enhanced his kind's natural leaping capabilities to levels utterly beyond most humans. This ability features heavily in his combat style. Also, he is well trained in nearly all forms of polearm, from spears, to javelins, to heavier weapons. He has a preference for tri-pointed spears for dealing with light to medium armored combatants and monsters, while employing a large axe-like polearm against heavier armored opponents. '''Survival:''' Faruja, though only of average physical durability amongst his fellow Burmecian Lancers, has a remarkable ability to survive wounds that would kill many others, through sheer force of willpower. He is aware of this, and often uses it to his advantage in combat. '''Pain Tolerance:''' The life of a soldier, as well as the wounds he received in Burmecia's destruction, have afford Faruja a high degree of pain tolerance. Unfortunately, due to those very wounds and their psychological effects, fire tends to bypass this more than other types of damage. -''MAGICAL''- '''White Magic:''' Faruja is a highly capable healer, especially in the magical arts. Having a natural talent for the art, and well practiced besides, he has access to high level and varied curative spells; given his nature, however, he tends to over healing out of pure concern for his allies. He also is capable of the Warp spell, allowing him even greater mobility during combat. An offshoot of Warp allows him to invert the process: bringing objects, weapons, and even his own companion Arista to him with the proper incantation. However, this requires him to have previously marked them for such, and cannot cross world barriers. -''MISCELLANY''- '''Holy Spear:''' A unique skillset developed by the Church of Glabados, it involves channeling faith, zealotry, and willpower into physical form. These attacks often, in addition to the advantage of increased range, can confer negative effects upon the recipient if their defenses prove inadequate in resisting them. Generally divided into skills that destroy or weaken equipment and those that effect body and mind, Faruja's variant of the skillset studies both. He has developed his own unique techniques used in conjunction with his leaping abilities, unifying the Dragon Knight and Holy Knight skill sets. '''Soul of Light:''' Faruja is strongly aligned with the Holy element down to his very soul, though on the more zealous and dangerous side. When truly angered or otherwise riled up, this manifests in a white glow about body and weapon, growing particularly strong during his more powerful Holy Spear techniques. Those with good senses to the elements, or other such mystical senses may be able to sense this alignment; often coming across as a blinding, almost searing light. '''Farm Rat:''' Faruja grew up on a ranch, and has the associated skills and work ethic. Specifically, his family raised wyverns, and he is thus knowledgeable in the area of their raising, training, and keeping. '''Cooking:''' Though only a modest cook in general, Faruja does have a talent for cooking eggs; a byproduct of his family's occupation. His skills here would no doubt make Gaston a happy person. '''Trance:''' Like many in his world, particularly strong emotions and dire situations has the potential to unlock abilities inherent to one's inner being, in a state known as Trance. Faruja, like many warriors, has heard rumors to this ability but he personally takes them as just that; rumor. He is unaware that he possesses this capability himself, the effects of which on the Burmecian remains to be seen. '''Arista:''' A large, white-scaled wyvern capable of flight. Her breath can not only heal, but purge poisons and other bodily ailments. She is large enough to carry three moderately sized persons. Despite her benevolent ability, Arista herself is notably arrogant, rude, sarcastic, and often violent to those she deems enemies despite Faruja's best efforts at raising her. She is, however, undyingly loyal to Faruja himself and sees him somewhere between a child and little brother role. Highly intelligent, she knows both common and her own kind's language, but only rarely deigns to communicate in a 'lower' language...usually to insult someone. Faruja himself knows the language of the wyverns and can speak it fluently. In battle, the pair act as extensions of one another, to an often frightening degree of coordination. '''Faith:''' Perhaps his greatest strength, Faruja's faith in the Church and it's tenants are nearly unshakable. It is this faith that keeps the Burmecian from unwraveling after the wounds of Burmecia's fall, and the betrayal of his people by his own King he believes the man committed. This has been only encouraged by the Church, and the fires of faith stoked into a true believer. -''FLAWS''- '''Phobia - Fire:''' Faruja, after being burned by Alexandria's Black Mages, and nearly slain has developed a phobia of fire. It mostly extends to the magical variety produced by mages and monsters. Smaller campfires are within the realm of his tolerance, but raging infernos can cause the otherwise brave Knight to hesitate. His conflict with the element is deep indeed, his reaction often varying from outright fear to reckless destruction of the element's source. '''Phobia - [[Garland]]:''' Faruja is a nezumi well disciplined and strong in the face of almost all forms of corruption and Heresy. Only one gives him pause; that of the person known as Garland. Having shown him a glimpse of the Abyss, and causing him to nearly lose his sanity on the spot, the man has instilled a great fear into the Burmecian. What would happen if Garland stood in his way, or threatened his friends? Only time will tell. '''Burns:''' Faruja has suffered deep burns over much of his face and chest. Highly painful, he keeps them bandaged to prevent infections. Despite all best efforts, they healed poorly, and occasionally plague him with debilitating bouts of burning pain...usually at the worst possible times. '''Arcanely Inept:''' Magical studies such as that of Black Magic are utterly beyond the Burmecian. While intelligent enough, he does not possess the proper mindset to learn these abilities. =Allies and Enemies= ==Allies== {| border="1" cellpadding="2" |+ ''''' |- ! scope="col" width="150" | Name ! scope="col" | Thoughts |- |[[????]]||"Many are my doubts regarding this course of action...mayhap within such madness lies the divine radiance of the Lord's Truth? Whatever the case, orders /are/ orders..." |- |- |[[Aerith]]||"...Who are you, that is so frequently attacked by Heartless? You remind me far too much of someone else I know." |- |- |[[Artyom Valodjn]]||"YOU!? Well, at least you are competent. Better honesty in your dealing than a slithering serpent." |- |[[Aurora]]||"Princess, or so she says, of the 'Enchanted Domain'. Very knowledgeable of the nature of the Heartless...and more importantly, one of those that control them. Royalty with true faith instead of cowardice and greed? You...are not like /him/. 'Tis an honor to call you ally. May we purge all who desire to use the Heartless to their own ends!" |- |[[Avira]]||"You, my dear, are in need of a tail beating! What troublesome friends I make! Damnit! At least, in you, I see guilt and all of those things that mean remorse. Time heals all, but for the love of Faram learn from this!" |- |[[Church of Glabados]]||"...Which amongst thee be innocent, and which guilty? Lord guide me, that the corrupt be purged!" |- |- |[[Count Valos]]||"Thy gift saved my life. May ye find peace at the lord's side." |- |- |[[Cressidia]]||"Hmm. Loyal, virtuous, steadfast...but pure? I wonder." |- |[[Deelel]]||"Any world that turns a proper nezu into a /human/ be quite upside down! Do remind me to never enter the Grid sober my dear." |- |- |[[Hati]]||"Why, I do believe I must like disproving rumors. Heh." |- |- |[[Ivo Galvan]]||"Where be thee, Ser Galvan? Lady 'Kara' and I have a welcome home gift. Bring a few elixirs. 'Tis necessary." |- |[[Jasmine]]||"...What a grand city. Truly, you are as the Saint's own flesh! And to think, that it would come in the form of /nobility/. Ahh well. Let us work together. We have a city to reclaim." |- |- |[[Katey Fray]]||"Faram be praised, that he would spare you! Oh, Katey, you are as kin! That you still draw breath gives me hope, and your skills...however eccentric, shall be invaluable! For Lord and country, my dear!" |- |[[Lenn]]||"My my my! How beautiful, for a human. Worry not, Ser Seatlan is a good boy. Though I find red flatters you. May we get to know one another! Lord's blessings, dear Lady!" |- |[[Lily]]||"The Lord's wrath made flesh! 'Tis surely Providence that grants so innocent a girl such unimaginable power! You touch my dreams, terrible and hopeful, Lady Lily. Rare, so very rare a gift. Fear not thy power, hone it, wield it! Against you, no murderer or shadow shall last." |- |[[Maira]]||"Coping well, my dear? Far overdue for a visit." |- |- |[[Morrighan Alazne]]||"I have had quite enough of the Yevonite's Heretical 'Farplane'. Shall we avoid it in the future, my dear? At the least, ye have thy magic back, though I wonder if 'tis for good or ill..." |- |- |[[Ophelia]]||"No better than a shadowy serpent to learn how to cavort in the shade. Perfect." |- |[[Percival]]||"My apologies, dear Squire. That I missed the signs...nay, we all did. This bears investigation. Let us work our way towards the truth. Thy assistance shall prove invaluable." |- |[[Pixi]]||"Warmth lurks beneath the ice yet! What dire fate has made you lay such a cruel mask against the world upon your face? I suggest removing it from time to time, lest you forget who you truly are." |- |[[Reize Seatlan]]||"My, my, my you certainly do make an excellent means of conveyance and trap avoidance, Ser Seatlan!" |- |[[Sarafina Carenze]]||"Strong, wields a weapon most devastating and curious, experienced, and quite fetching for a warrior-knight human. And willing to punch Dark Knights in their noggins. My dear, dear Dame, you are an example to warriors everywhere!" |- |[[Shadow]]||"A true professional. Though 'twould not kill thee to speak more off of the job. 'Tis unhealthy, Ser!" |- |- |[[Shiki Misaki]]||"Shall that blade be a blessing, or curse? 'Tis a gift from God, but such gifts are what we make of them." |- |[[Skoll Ulfang]]||"Reliable and strong. Curious fashion sense though. Far too many chains for my liking. A Seeker, a friend, the sister of my dearest love. But a word, Ser Ulfang, and my blade is thine own!" |- |[[Tifa Lockhart]]||"Twice now, I have seen you face darkness most vile. With fist and courage, you strike boldly. My Lady, were there more such as you, then the Shadow that seeks to engulf the worlds would be truly doomed." |- |[[Zargabaath]]||"...A lesser Burmecian would say that ye've been warned prior, dear Judge." |- |[[Zia]]||"For such a frail Gargoyle, ye've some knack for injury. Do remember that a broken-winged dove may be beautiful, but 'tis still quite lame. Let we headstrong knights take the blows, hmm?" |} ==Enemies== {| border="1" cellpadding="2" |+ ''''' |- ! scope="col" width="150" | Name ! scope="col" | Thoughts |- |[[Beatrix]]||"It shall be my pleasure to rip thy heart from thy chest! And that sword shall make an excellent mantlepiece." |- |[[Blivon]]||"A Daemon-lover with eyes that see far too close to the truth. Shall ye be an enemy, or an ally? Methinks, sadly, this shan't end with less than blood." |- |[[Kingdom of Alexandria]]||"Butchers, murderers, foul Heretics! You who dance with Demons, slay the innocent and guilty alike! Turn from darkness, oh citizens and Repent! Your leaders shall roast upon a pyre, Lord willing. Take care that you do not follow them!" |- |[[Priel Aylin]]||"...Damnit!" |- |[[Seith]]||"Be it a battle of tongues, or a battle of spell and blade Witch, I shall not let you have the souls of the Faithful! Throw your barbs all you like, they shall be but flesh wounds." |- |[[Queen Brahne]]||"...You live. It seems I have work to do. A mere hanging is too good for you. Nay. I shall see you at the mercy of the Inquisition, and with myself as your Confessor. For every child, every brave soldier, every innocent soul you have reaped by your army of demons and Heretics, you shall SCREAM in agony." |- |[ That Old Beggar]||"DEMON! How dare you stalk the innocent and those who would give charity! Flee, coward, for when next we meet it shall be your doom! Faram's Judgement shall come!" |- |[[The Shadow Lords]]||"You have stolen another home. Another city. More innocent lives. I will find each and every one of you. All of your subordinates. Every single Witch and Heretic connected to you. Time for mercy, for playing 'nice' for the sake of politics, is over. Pray. You've little time left." |} ==Enemies!?== {| border="1" cellpadding="2" |+ ''''' |- ! scope="col" width="150" | Name ! scope="col" | Thoughts |- |[[Kaydin]]||"...Quite the dilemma, you are. Whose side are you truly on?" |- |} ==Acquaintances== {| border="1" cellpadding="2" |+ ''''' |- ! scope="col" width="150" | Name ! scope="col" | Thoughts |- |[[Chita]]||"...Stubborn, useless Viera!" |- |[[Freya]]||"Mmm. Not immediately abhorrent. Polite. Thoughtful. Dragon Knight or nay, ye shall serve perfectly as a partner. Shall we, M'Lady?" |- |[[Jack Skellington]]||"Touch not the pure, oh spirit! Find your rest, and unquiet the innocent no longer!" |- |[[Katyna]]||"A graduate and Dame of the Magical Academy of Gariland. Quite a prestigious military school, all told, though her attitude is not what is oft expected of a soldier. Refreshing, honestly, to see a Knight parting with her mask of rank. Kind, as well, without wounding a fellow knight's pride. Commendable. May you find your lost comrade. Any ally of a fellow Templar shall have my steel as they need it." |- |[[Luso Clemens]]||"By the Lord, 'tis your surname 'Seatlan' by chance? Truly, the pair of you could be flesh and blood. By spirit, surely! Mmm...and to possess such a radiant blade. Protect it well, and strive to be worthy of it. Should you fail in that, the Church shall place it within more righteous hands." |- |[[Melody Ellsmere]]||"A Countess of Baron, and rather irritating. While not /quite/ as arrogant as most, her more subtle form and cutting remarks are enough to consider chewing off her tongue. And a Dark Knight at that? Who practices healing magic? Such a thin line to walk. But you are no Heretic, not like most Baronians. Pray you do not fall as well." |- |[[Morgan Albaste]]||"A kind Lady, with most curious ears. To offer assistance to a mere Temple Knight such as I? Truly, the Lord's own spirit is within this one! My debt to you, M'Lady Albaste, shall be repaid." |- |[[Nagetta]]||"A Lamia. Naught more should I say, were this my home. But a craven, devouring beast this one is not. Intelligence...perhaps even Faith, or virtue resides in this scaled Lady. With so many worlds...mayhap one exists where we of dragon's kin are but monsters that prey upon lamia. Though a deep, primal fear strikes me in your presence...I shall overcome with Faith! For intelligence is a gift of Faram, and thus we are Brother and Sister!" |- |[[Queegma]]||"...Hmph. A knave, indeed, but something about this one...I must keep watch." |- |[[Raiya Fujihara]]||"Lady warrior, for whom do you wield a blade? Efficient and swift." |- |- |- |[[Rosemarie]]||"...Ye walk a dangerous line. Friend or foe? Mmm. Difficult to say. AT least ye have manners." |- |- |[[Sanel]]||" truly that boy I saw? I can still remember the screams, feel the chill in the air, a village made a tomb! Yet...that did not seem an act. What is going on here?" |- |[[Synestria]]||"Ahh, Toroia must be a land of hume beauty indeed! A dancer, you say? Such a shame we did not meet on the streets of Burmecia. Let us go dancing some time, hmm?" |- |[ Well-Dressed Man]||"A normal enough human. Still...something about him makes my fur stand on end. Odd." |- |[[Zeke]]||"Ser Fawkes! One who calls himself mere merchant, I see within you faith and bravery! A Templar in all but name. Let us set sail. We've work to do!" |- |[[Yuna]]||"For all of your pious words, kind heart, humility, and honesty...I tremble, and am /shamed/ next to you. Oh Summoner, caller of Legends, you who would commit yourself to Pilgrimage of most Holy purpose! My prayers are with you, for surely the Lord guides your steps. Ahh, and but what lies beneath such warmth, grace, and love given us by the Lord? Steel unbending! But be warned, kind Lady. There is much to be said for bending against a storm, where even steel twists and shatters. The fear that touches my heart, is that you shall not bend when you must, and your Pilgrimage ended prematurely. May we meet again, and your fellows guard you well." | |- |[[Will Sherman]]||"I know not the nature of this demon masquerading as divinity known as Loki. And our search yields precious little. What I do know, is that you are a well meaning man Ser Sherman. You helped the Ladies Dennou, and keep respectable company. Lord guide us to a way of purging this demon from you." |} ==Foul Heretics== {| border="1" cellpadding="2" |+ ''''' |- ! scope="col" width="150" | Name ! scope="col" | Thoughts |- |[[Agrias Oaks]]||"It seems you were correct. Time to see things set to rights." |- |- |[[Angantyr Vespar]]||"A thousand deaths would not repay the harm inflicted upon Maira at thy hands. One shall have to suffice." |- |- |[[Pete]]||"WITCH! Your stupidity is no excuse. While you are a lesser concern, you shall hang all the same." |- |- |[[Royce]]||"I do not take kindly to those whom masquerade as friends. There is a rope with thy name upon it. Hanging must be horrid, for one such ye. And that shall merely be the start." |- |[[Sho Minamimoto]]||"Only once before have I fought in such hopeless circumstances. Far better persons than I perished back then. No longer. No longer, Heretic, will I suffer the deaths of dear friends by ones such as /you/. By all means, rely on your demons, your servants, your numbers and rules. They are but chains that bind, until the day that the innocent, the brave, and the Faithful stand before you in triumph. And on that day, we will STRANGLE you with them. It will not be simple defeat. Your name, your body, all that you have done will be Erased. Indeed, it shall be as though you never set foot upon hallowed soil." |- |[[Uzuki Yashiro]]||"An assassin, ruthless and terrible. Willing to manipulate, deceive...the height of cowardice! You are but a piece of the problem, but a problem nevertheless. And no doubt you have much to tell us about the Reapers. And you /will/ speak." |} ==Extra Heretical== {| border="1" cellpadding="2" |+ ''''' |- ! scope="col" width="150" | Name ! scope="col" | Thoughts |- |[[Garland]]||"...You are truly a being of the Abyss. Lord grant me the strength to stand against such power." |- |[[Kaze]]||"To violate the sanctity of a Cathedral,and Holy Mullonde itself? We shall have your debt in blood and screams! Another for the Inquisitor's rope it seems." |- |- |[[New Zodiac Braves]]||"...My, my, my. That truth would come from the dishonored. Brave men and women all, yet I fear conflict and ideals shall ever drive us apart." |- |- |[[Ramza Beoulve]]||"You, Beoulve, are a good man. Far too good for such a corrupt age that we live within. Thank ye for all that ye've strove for, after I would not believe ye...and yet, methinks in the end we shall never truly see eye to eye. For I dream of the Lord's dominion, and of golden spires of Faith upon the many worlds. 'Tis a pity. Faram forgive those who must work as they feel best." | |[[Riku]]||"The fact that you have fallen into, or perhaps have always been an agent of Darkness is a tragedy. That your actions have cost vast numbers of lives, including that of a Templar's, and plunged an entire world into shadow is enough to sign your death warrant thrice over. But, that is not why I shall kill you. That you have betrayed that young adventurer, who so believed in you, who took you in as friend and companion without a SINGLE QUESTION. THAT is why I am going to make your death AGONIZING. You will learn to FEAR me. For now, enjoy my 'present'." |} =Trivia= Favorite Movie: 300 (Faruja saw it while in Manhattan. The bravery of the men reminded him so much of the ideal of a Templar, that he's suggested it to the ranks of the Ecchlesiarchy for being deemed 'inspirational and sanctioned watching' amongst those new to the Templarate. The decision is still under debate.) Favorite Drink: Earl Grey tea. Favorite Alcohol: Burmecian Rice Whiskey Hobbies: Faruja is generally attracted to anything denied to him as a commoner: artwork, poetry, plays, literature. One notable exception, however, is clothing: when not dressed in clothes marking his station, he usually wears tasteful, yet not gaudy clothing. Simple collared/ruffled shirts and suits are more common on him than, say, colorful jewelry and clothing. He's also something of a bar fly, his connections with the Inquisition, sharp ears, and love for drink making it a profitable one. = Logs = {{Character Logs}} = Cutscenes = {{Character Logs|Cutscenes}}
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