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Revision as of 13:08, 16 October 2012

Sora, You Lazy Bum
Date of Scene: 13 October 2012
Location: Shard Seekers HQ, Boys' Dorm
Synopsis: Sora wakes up after passing out in the desert, and begins to search for his friends.
Cast of Characters: Sora, Shiki Misaki

Shiki Misaki has posed:
The next morning.

Fluorgis is a pretty early rising place, all things considered, what with all the trade and commerce and markets and airships. The low background murmur of the outside world filters in through the windows of the boys' side dorm, where someone has come to check up on the person they dragged out of the desert last night.

There's no lock on the door, so in she goes to see what he's doing: except, you know, probably still asleep.

"Sheesh. Lazybones."
Sora has posed:

Well, he was still asleep, but then there's a girl standing above him and talking and he yawns, waking up and kind of turning in his bed. "C'mon. It's still early." He's not opened his eyes yet, and he's like the very image of a teenage boy being woken up by someone else. Very reluctant to actually wake up.

"Ten more minutes?" He tries, turning his head and opening one eye, blinking suddenly and opening both, though he's still very sleepy and not /quite/ awake enough to really see what's going on. "Hi Kairi..." Blink. Blink. "I'm so glad you're okay..."
Shiki Misaki has posed:
Oh oh, she thinks. He must be a little confused.

She pulls up a chair, and pours some water out of the pitcher, before offering it to him. It's perfectly serviceable, although the cup's made of tin.

"Kairi? Sorry, I don't know any Kairi."

A few more eyeblinks should be able to show the boy who's actually there: although she has his missing friend's hair and a similar face, hers is much longer and she wears different clothes.

"My name is Shiki Misaki."
Sora has posed:

Blink. Blink. "Oh, sorry." Sora sighs and sits upright, dangling those giant shoes of the side of the bed and stretching with a big yawn. "I'm Sora. ... where am I, Shiki? I don't remember this place..." He doesn't seem /too/ worried, since it looks like a place where people sleep and Shiki doesn't seem threatening, at all.
Shiki Misaki has posed:
"Well," Shiki says, looking thoughtful. "I guess that's a complicated question. Do you mean 'what's this building', 'what's this place', 'what's this world'?"

She glances out of the window, quickly. Someone in a turban wanders past outside.

"You came in out of nowhere wandering across the desert. Are you lost? Where were you to before?"
Sora has posed:

"All of those? Just to be sure?" Sora asks, taking in a deep breath, looking around and then back to Shiki. "I was going to Fluorgis, got word a friend of mine was last seen there. Never been to a desert before, so I didn't think it'd be /that/ bad." He shakes his head to get some of the sand out of his hair.
Shiki Misaki has posed:
"Heh!" Shiki says, trying her best to not sound condescending. "OK."

"This place is home base for our group, the 'Shard Seekers'. We're a bunch of people who lost our worlds, so we've all decided to work together. One day, we'll find a way to search for those lost worlds ourselves, and bring them back."

"You must have heard of Fluorgis already. It's the biggest airship port on this continent- well, really it's the only airship port. Plus, it's full of engineers and merchants, so a lot of people pass through it."

"As for the world... I've heard people call this the World of Ruin. It's a place where lots of different worlds all merged together... after they were attacked by the Heartless."

"It's still not safe now, even. I think it has something to do with this thing, actually..."

Hey, she's holding up your Keyblade.
Sora has posed:

Hey, now she isn't anymore. It's gone from Shiki's hand and on to Sora's, and even he seems surprised by that, "Whoah." He then thinks about what Shiki said and shrugs. "Maybe? There do seem to be a lot of Heartless going for me wherever I go. I don't really get why, though. It's just a big key that works well as a weapon."

"Or do you have any ideas to suggest /why/ it'd do that?" He seems genuinely curious, of nothing else. "... or wait. There was this one odd thing where it shot a beam of light at this recipe and it was kind of odd, but I don't know what that was." Oh, nothing special, just a lost world.
Shiki Misaki has posed:
"Yeah, sorry about that," Shiki says. "We had to get it away from you to shake off some of them. I guess they can use it to track you?"

"The Heartless are attracted to darkness in peoples' hearts. But maybe they're attracted to light, too? Something about that key of yours could drive them nuts. Shadows tend to hate the light."

She sags her shoulders. "I'm no expert. All I know about them is what I've seen myself... and a little from things other people have written about them."
Sora has posed:

"I guess? Maybe?" Sora answers, hopping off from 'his' bed and looking outside. "I wish I could find out what's /really/ going on, but I wish I could find Riku, and Kairi. We were gonna get out of there, explore what else there was, before the heartless came. I can explore now, it's just not the same without them, you know?"

He sighs, but this mood doesn't last long. "Though while I'm without them, I best make some new friends. There's no telling how long it'll take me to find them. At least I've heard some word of Riku, and people recognized me based on his drawings so he's out there somewhere. I just hope he's still in Fluorgis, or if he isn't, if someone knows where he went."
Shiki Misaki has posed:
"I guess a lot of people have been seperated. I'm looking for my friends, too," Shiki says. "That's how I ended up falling in with these guys. If I had to make a suggestion, I'd definitely say you should make some friends to travel around with... but I'd never travel anywhere without a Partner, anyway. If you have to fight, someone being there to watch your back is always nice..."

She pauses for a minute, and then makes a sound like a lightbulb's gone on in her head. "Oh! But I've heard of Riku! I met him before. He says he's gone to Lindblum to try and find something for a friend of mine. I guess you could go there if you can afford to ride an airship. If you can't, I know there's ways to make munny in Fluorgis for a journey."
Sora has posed:

"Yeah, you're right. I should be getting on that. Thanks for looking after me." Sora glances to the door, not quite running out like that, but clearly not thinking of staying. "And thanks for the update. I'll catch up to him, I'm sure of it." He rubs the back of his head and gets this goofy grin, "Do I owe you anything?"

He does have a big sack of munny. Being an attractive target to heartless does have /some/ perks, it seems.
Shiki Misaki has posed:
"Not at all! You helped save my life... after all..." Shiki says, momentarily Remembering.

But she shakes it away with a smile. "Huh. There was one thing I thought of. Have you ever heard of someone called Ansem? When I was looking for information on the Heartless, his name kept coming up..."
Sora has posed:

Again, he shakes his head. "No, I'm sorry. I haven't. Do you have like a mail address or something? I could send you a letter if I do find out something." Sora shrugs and heads towards the doorpost, he's clearly not wishing to stay here too long, though it's also pretty obvious that he doesn't want to lose time, and nothing about the place itself.
Shiki Misaki has posed:
"...I think so!" Shiki says, and writes down the address she remembers on a postcard, before tossing it to Sora.

She grins again. "Only, he was studying the Heartless. He recorded all of his findings in a very detailed report... according to some of the other research I read. If you find it, I bet it'd be a big help!"

"Anyway," she says, leading him to the door. "Be sure to make some friends. The heartless keep coming after people no matter what... and that key seems to have chose you to carry it around, so you'd better be prepared."