Sora | |
![]() | |
Age | 14 |
Species | Human |
Sex | Male |
Height | ??? |
Weight | ??? |
Background | |
Series | Kingdom Hearts |
Combat Styles | Adventurer |
Hometown | Destiny Island |
Group | Keyblade Wielders |
Occupation/Job | Keyblader Wielder |
Force: | Forces of Restoration |
Quote | |
"Oh yeah? Well, you'll see. I'm gonna get out and learn what's out there." | |
Recent Events | |
Helping save Manhattan! |
Soras story started when he was a kid, one who wanted to go out and see the world. Then, his world changed, and his potential changed, and he was chosen, as he struggled with the darkness, to be the Keyblade Wielder, and to help out when and where he can. A good kid with a lot of heart, and someone who is stubbornly loyal, Soras current goals are to find Riku and Kairi, and then maybe, save a world or two, on top of his own.
Adorkable, Crouching Moron Hidden Badass, Berserk Button, Beware The Nice Ones, The Chosen One, The Chozen Zero, The Unchosen One, Chronic Hero Syndrome, Cool Keyblade, Elemental Powers, Magic Knight?, Cutscene Power To The Max, Empathy, Innocent Blue Eyes, Lazy Bum, Knight Errant, Master of Unlocking, Red Oni To Riku's Blue Oni, Friendly Rivalry, Shipper On Deck, Smarter Than He Looks, KINGDOM HEARTS IS LIGHT
The start of Sora's story starts with Ventus, when his heart is damaged by the creation of Vanitas. Master Xehanort brings him to the Destiny Islands, where Sora's new-born heart encounters Ventus in Ventus' Dive to the Heart. Sora, already empathetic, offers to join hearts with Ventus, until Ven's heart can heal.
Sora meets Riku on the Destiny Islands. They turn into best friends, and then rivals, and can often be seen around the various islands doing a variety of things, such as battling with wooden swords, fighting, racing, and competing in a variety of other ways.
Terra and Aqua eventually come to the Destiny Islands on separate occasions. While Sora never speaks to Terra, probably due to the fact that Terra is unable to sense his potential, he does talk to Aqua. Aqua senses that their friendship parallels one she has seen before, and she tells Sora to protect Riku, if he ever falls into darkness. Sora agrees.
Sometime later, Sora and Riku are together on a beach. Sora feels sad, and Riku encourages him to reach out with his heart. Sora successfully reaches Ventus again, whose heart has been lost after the destruction of the x-blade and Vanitas. Ven's heart makes its' way to Sora's station in the Dive to the Heart, and like the few years before, Sora agrees to let Ven's heart stay within his while he heals. Their hearts merge.
The merge eventually does several things; it is what allows Sora to eventually dual-wield Keyblades(theoretically, his own and Ventus'). Sora also remains unaware that Riku was chosen by Terra to become a Keyblade Wielder, and Aqua passed him up, fearing that there would be a rift between them like Terra and Ventus.
A year or so later, a young girl, Kairi, arrives at the Destiny Islands from another world - Radiant Garden - during a nighttime meteor shower. She is eventually adopted by the governor as his daughter. Before meeting her, Sora and Riku explore the hidden cave on the islands, the "Secret Place", in search of a monster. Instead, all they find is a featureless door, and they agree that, someday, they'll leave the island and have a real adventure.
They then decide to go meet the new girl (Kairi.) Over the next several years, the trio eventually become inseparable and good friends, and they all wonder about what lies beyond their world, prompted by the mysteries that Kairi brought with their arrival.
They start building a raft, in hopes of sailing to another world. One night, Sora dozes off while in construction, and has a odd dream, in which a strange voice guides him through a strange and dark realm (Awakening/the Dive to the Heart), fighting the Heartless. This is where Sora choose how he will fight, by choosing one and discarding another, of the Dream Sword, the Dream Shield, and the Dream World.
As Sora continues on in his Dive to the Heart, he starts fighting Heartless, eventually landing on his final pillar, where his shadow grows and turns into his Darkside. While he fights it, the darkness swallows him, and he wakes up to Kairi on the Destiny Islands.
The trio continue prepare for their voyage. During this, Riku teases Sora about Kairi, telling him to share a Paopu Fruit with her. This results in a foot-race between the two about who gets to share a Paopu Fruit her, with Sora eventually winning.
While foraging for supplies, Sora enters the Secret Place, and takes the time to draw himself giving a Paopu Fruit with Kairi. During this time, he encounters a strange figure, who speaks of his world being consumed by darkness, and even taunts Sora about his ignorance of the outside world, before disappearing.
That night a severe storm hits. Sora comes out to check the raft, and finds a dark, strange force overhead, and the islands overrun with Shadows. He finds Riku, who tells him that the door has been opened, and he is not afraid of the darkness beyond it. Sora struggles to reach him as they sink into darkness.
Before Sora completely falls into the darkness, he receives the Kingdom Key, which dispels the darkness around it. Due to Riku's fall into the Darkness, he lost the Kingdom Key to Sora, who was also a potential keyblade wielder, just not one that had done a Keyblade Inheritance Ceremony.
Sora uses the Keyblade to fight his way into the Secret Place, where he finds a dazed Kairi in front of the mysterious door. The door opens wit ha burst of dark wind, and Kairi disappears, her heart joining Sora's own, and Sora is blown outside onto a small island, where he faces Darkside.
There is no true end to this fight, as the two are swept away into the darkness. Sora falls through a Corridor of Darkness, eventually waking up in Traverse Town.
Let's go to the beginning; what did Sora pick in the very beginning?
Sora decided to pick the sword, for the strength it gave him, and dropped the shield. This is because he viewed the sword as the form of his strength, of his courage, and of his will - the power of the warrior itself. He dropped shield, because Sora truly believes, that used right, the sword could be both his offense and his defense, and this settled his capability to use magic right as normal. Sora's not afraid to fall if his defenses make him so; he puts a lot of trust in his friends - all of them, not just Riku and Kairi, all of the ones he will make wandering the field - knowing that if they truly care for him as much as he cares for them, then he will be able to stand back up, and continue on the fight. This is because fighting for Kingdom Hearts, and the worlds, is more than just fighting for what he thinks is right - it is fighting for all his friends, in all the worlds, even if he doesn't have them yet. His undeniable optimism is a key factor in what could be a reckless decision - if it goes wrong.
Sora could be called the very example of the 'loyal, brave hero', which isn't actually too far off from the truth. He does indeed have a heroic - and brave - personality, who has willingly risked his life for people and things he barely understands or even knows - such as when he confronted the darkness with his Wooden Sword on the Destiny Islands in an attempt to find the sinking Riku, not wanting to lose him to the Darkness.
He is extraordinarily loyal personality as well, as he was willing to forgive Riku for just about everything(throughout all of the games), and is fiercely protective of Kairi. Over time, Sora will realize that is not just Kairi and Riku he should be looking for and caring for, for Sora has a very big heart, and room enough for all of his friends in it.
Speaking of, Sora has a large and extreme capacity to forgive, even to those he would call his enemies, however this only goes so far; he shows little tolerance for things such as 'cowardice' and 'selfishness', which has helped shape his personality, all things considered - for he doesn't like those sort of attributes, and he'll refuse to stoop down to those sort of levels, as he tries to keep things on the up and up...
Which can be seen to many people, both friends and enemies, as he can be sometimes quite... oblivious to what is going on. However, this doesn't mean that he should be underestimated, as he is often capable of seeing through his enemies ploys while even minutes earlier, someone had fooled him with a far less cohesive story.
This does not mean Sora is all perfect, light and bright.
Sora does contain a strong competitive streak, one that has been built and maintained since he was a young child. Combined with this streak is a bit of arrogance, as well, although this early, he hasn't quite gotten to the point where he is comfortable with his powers and thus hasn't gained it, although it's still there. Examples of this can be seen when he beats Riku in the foot race for the right to share a paopu fruit with Kairi.
Sora can be, on occasion, childish and impulsive. He is known for getting angry when things do not go his way, and he often acts without thinking - as a matter of fact, if 'act without thinking' was a skill to pass an exam, Sora would pass it five times out of four.
Above all, Sora is a empathetic teenager who has been thrust into a new world, with limited knowledge and understanding. He’s going to try his hardest to get things done, he just needs a little bit of help, a friendly hand, and on occasion, a swat to the back of the head.
Name | Short | Thoughts |
Riku | "I found you!" | Riku is Sora's best friend, and has been since he was a little boy all the way back on Destiny Islands. They have a rival-companionship, often competing against each other to prove who is the strongest. |
Kairi | "Oh no..." | Kairi was the other part of the Destiny Island trio, a sweet and somewhat snarky girl Soras' age. She disappeared when their world fell to the Darkness, and he's been trying to find her since. |
Shiki Misaki | "Oyoro.." | Shiki sometimes really reminds Sora of Kairi, and that's heart breaking. However, she means well, so Sora watches out for her. |
Reize Seatlan | "Ahh... uh-oh..." | ALWAYS IN TROUBLE, ALWAYS LOST, 200% OF THE TIME. |
Will Sherman | "You can do what?" | Does cool things. Smells like a hobo, a lot, though. Works for the Twilight Detective Agency. |
Mercade Alexander | "Nice hat." | Head dude of the Twilight Detective Agency. I promised to help him restore his World. |
Donald | "Could be nicer, oy!" | Part of my traveling group. Magician. Not so nice... |
Goofy | "Whoa." | Shield-user, part of my traveling group. |
Name | Short | Thoughts |
Evja | "You... idiot." | Did you have too? Did you HAVE to sell yourself out to Hades, to help a city that already had it? Are you that much of a idiot?! |
Priel Aylin | "Did you really have too...?" | Was preying on Shiki. Sora hasn't really talked to her since. |
LEXUS | "Kinda scary." | What it says on the tin. |
Hades | "No. Words." | Forcibly mutated Avira, seems to hold a contract over her, is trying to get the World Shards of Manhattan. He is definitely up to no good. |
Name | Short | Thoughts |
Avira | "I'm starting to understand, now..." | Avira is... someone important to Manhattan. If I understand my lessons right, she is part of the shards that make up their world. A ... princess? We're trying to find her, right now. She needs us. |
Deidra | "So cool!" | A talking, real gargoyle! AWESOME! |
Ivo Galvan | "Man, sometimes..." | Reizes' best friend. Somehow, I don't understand how he can deal with Reize... |
Lily | "Whoo!" | A magic-girl working with the Shard Seekers. I think she likes Reize. |
The Dennous | "Ah... um... *blush*" | A collection of five girls who have a strange history. Emi is the leader. Imi gave me my... um... first kiss. |
Faruja Senra | "A nice guy." | A knight-rat. I don't remember exactly what his race is. He takes himself very seriously, and is a good guy to have around. |
Pixi | "A nice girl!" | What is says on the tin. |
Maira | "Awesome!" | Someone who primarily uses fire magics. Avira's best friend, if I understand, too. She's very nice. |
Tifa Lockhart | "So cool!" | A bar keep, and a fighter. She does some pretty awesome things, from what I've seen. |
Sarafina Carenze | "Aheh!" | An older lady who worries about all of us... |
Luso Clemens | "Oyoro..." | I think he's sort of like Reize, except they've both got their strengths and weaknesses in completely different places, but he's still cool. |
Skoll Ulfang | "Whoa!" | A ... werewolf, or something? Hangs out with the Shard Seekers, but pretty cool. |
The Shining Maze | June 17th, 2013 | A path to a new world opens... But it is not easily traversed. Nor do its occupants wish visitors... |
Memories of Destiny | June 11th, 2013 | Sora visits Archades in the aftermath of War. Which means that Riku couldn't possibly show up to see him, right? |
Get Lucky? | June 3rd, 2013 | Serendipity attracts a crowd--including Pete and a hoard of Heartless, come to try to kidnap Maira, yelling about Princesses of Heart! |
Impromptu Meetings | April 9th, 2013 | Oh, knowledge is shared / About Keyblades and lives / Sora does haiku. |
Bramble Crossing | March 29th, 2013 | A small gathering exchanges notes, sometimes thoughts, and sometimes snark. |
The Last Number | March 23rd, 2013 | Shiki and her new friends have reunited all of the Tiki Room... except one. That's until she shows up possessed by the darkness. Then, something amazing happens... |
Press X to Advance | March 16th, 2013 | A new mystery begins and Riku explains things to a Wild Yurita. Maybe. |
Restoration | March 16th, 2013 | It has finally come - the final battle to resurrect Manhattan! |
To Hell and Back | March 14th, 2013 | Avira has been captured, dragged into the depths of the Underworld. Avira's friend band together, ready to rescue their friend, and free Manhattan from darkness once and for all. There can be no failure here, for failure has...perminate consiquences. |
The Real Xanatos Gambit | March 9th, 2013 | Hades invites himself over for tea, things get ultra complicated. |
Shard Packing With Merlin?? | March 7th, 2013 | Time to go find the last shard! Everyone gather together because we are hitting up Merlin's. Yet what they will find out, isn't what they were hoping for... |
Suddenly Sora | March 6th, 2013 | Mercade's eating in the Cloud Nine, and Sora pops in for some food and drink. They chat! |
A Test Of Values | March 5th, 2013 | Evja challenges Sora to prove himself in a fight. Angantyr doesn't take happily to this and challenges Evja afterwards. |
To the Victor... | March 3rd, 2013 | Hades hands the World Shard of Wind to th Winners of the Hades cup...and NOTHING else. |
Maid Cafe: The Bacon Episode | February 16th, 2013 | The Shard Seekers and Valkyri put up a Maid Cafe for gaining some coin - for charity |
Funhouse of Nightmare - Group Side | February 11th, 2013 | A mysterious funhouse has shown up and those who explored it never came out. Now, adventurers are tasked to find the missing people. |
Boneyard Shuffle | February 10th, 2013 | Shard UNLOCK! --- A massive undead mammoth shuffles about and inconviences the party. Guest starring Shenzai, Banzai and Ed. --Welcome to the Pride Lands. |
Crushatrice Crisis | February 3rd, 2013 | The infamous crushatrice, Klesta, has descended upon the city of Fluorgis for some absurd reason. Can our intrepid heroes stop him before his rampage levels the city? |
Sora, You Lazy Bum | October 14th, 2012 | Sora wakes up after passing out in the desert, and begins to search for his friends. |
The Pursuit of Ice Cream: Sweet Success | October 13th, 2012 | The missing pieces of the heavily desired Sea-Salt Ice Cream have been recovered, and Scrooge McDuck will be meeting in Traverse Town with the brave souls who managed to recover it, both to pick up the pieces and to deliver their hard-earned reward. Spirits are high! After all that they've been through, the brave souls who banded together to locate the pieces are unlikely to expect anything to go wrong. Or do they? Come one and come all to traverse Town! Don't worry if you weren't there before, there's always some sea-salt ice cream ready for you. Right? |
Enemy at the Gates | October 13th, 2012 | In the wake of the chaotic fusion of worlds, bandits roved the sands of the Eastern Continent, but rumors now abound that these bands are disappearing without a trace, despite there being no evidence of battles between them. Those waiting in line to enter Rabanastre hear the eerie creak of the gates malfunctioning, and a dark wind begins to blow, revealing the sinister truth to these tales... |
Meddle Not | October 13th, 2012 | Priel Aylin does a bad, bad thing. |
Enter Our Protagonist | October 8th, 2012 | Sora woke up in Traverse Town due to Faruja falling on top of him. Initial explanations are made, and then heartless are battled. |
Food Chained | October 13th, 2012 | Shiki and Sora flee from the terrible desert encounter. |
An End To the Beginning | September 16th, 2012 | The Night of Fate |