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Revision as of 23:40, 18 December 2012

Date of Scene: 18 December 2012
Location: Bare Desert
Synopsis: The Bare Desert offends King Mickey, and he decides to talk to Angantyr to spite it.
Cast of Characters: King Mickey, Angantyr Vespar

Angantyr Vespar has posed:
The bare desert and Dalmascan sands have, more than usual, become Angantyr's home of late. He has decided to retreat from society, mostly because...

Beng a seven and a half foot tall monster now, made of what might best be described as shadow, and having a hunger that often overrides his sense of self...yeah. Life has not been good for the Mercinary, because of the choices he had made. Both in his choices in helping the Shadow Lords for coin, and of course, allowing his concious to get the better of him when he was faced with the consiquences of his actions in the form of Avira.

Walking out of his makeshift shelter, he makes the treck to the shore. It was a good hour walk, but eventually, and right as the moon really started to rise, he was able to find the shore he had come to take small pleasure in enjoying. Sitting down hear the water, he let the tide slowy rise and fall over his feet, looking up at the night sky.

People would not expect the beast that Angantyr looked like to be able to do such a thing, appreciate a beautiful night, but screw it. He was going to do it, mark hunters or no.
King Mickey has posed:
It appears the mercenary dark knight has been dealt a rough hand since the fall of Manhattan. Then again, life for a dark knight has never been the easiest cross to bear and for those that walk this chosen path, they know it well.

It is said that time waits for no man and the world will continue despite the trials and tribulations others face. However, human beings are not and were not meant to become omnipotent beings like Grandfather Time. They were meant to be the balance between gods and demons and for their emotions were preserved as a part of their free will.

In short, all humans feel pain and need time to grieve for their losses.

The cold and desolate lands of the desert appear to be merciful this evening, providing weather fit enough for a worn-warrior to rest and enjoy the view of the night.

The stars twinkle lightly, only forshadowed by the moon's brilliant light. A short time later, an anomly appears in the form of a bright emerald star, which appears to be shooting across the night's sky. Could this be one of the potential stars individuals speak of to make a wish?
Angantyr Vespar has posed:
Angantyr's eyes follow the strange star. He sits back, looking towards the sky a bit more than the casual observation before. Slowly, he thinks back as a child, to the many nights he would sneak away from the house to the shipyard, looking up to sky like he was now. He would point out the constalations, the various important stars, and occasionally shooting stars.

He never believed in wishing on them, at least, that he could remember as a child. But...right now? He does so silently, thinking of Avira, and the cure he sacrificed everything to get for her. He just hoped that she was finall free of the mutate state...

He laughs a bit, a whispy unpleasant sound... "Funny time to be nostalgic."
King Mickey has posed:
The emerald star continues on its path through the sky, it twinkles slightly brighter as Angantyr makes his silent wish. Could the star have truly heard the warrior's wish?

Only time and the warrior's hope can determine the answer to that question. After all, a person's wish can be one of the most powerful magics known within the universe but its power is only as great as the desire, effort, and hope provided in its creation.

However, there remains to be a side of this magic that is not commonly known, one that will effect whether or not the wish will come true: Opportunity.

A short time later, the emerald star blinks out of view, taking the dark knight's wish with it. A cold chilling breeze flows quickly in, causing ripples in the waters where the dark knight resides.. The ripples create small waves that blow over his feet, while a strange and yet soothing feeling can be felt in the surrounding area. One of light.

A squeaky voice from further down the shore line breaks the silence, speaking the following words, "Hail there, friend. Rather cold night to be out all by your lonesome."

Then the form of a small animorphic mouse can be seen wandering along the shoreline. He beams a bright smile as his form is fully revealed by the light of the moon, tiling his head as he asks with a tone of concern, "Penny for your thoughts as to why the long face?"
Angantyr Vespar has posed:
Angantyr and the light have a...strange relationship to say the least.

However, even he still draws comfort from it, despite his appearance and general nature. However, the words of another getting the drop on him cause him to slowly turn his head towards the mouse, the Animorphic mouse, his yellow eyes peering at him for a long long moment.

"Oh, I don't know...I felt that bringing my beautiful face into a city right now would only get the ladies jealous of me. We can't have that, right?" he says, with a rough laugh, and turns from him to look back at the Ocean. If he were here to be a threat to him...well, he doubt he'd be so open like he was.

"I don't have a face? But if you mean to why I am about here, like this...well, take a long look at what I am. That might answer some questions...and no, I don't have self essteam issues, far be it from that. This is what happens when you make bad deals with evil men."

"What about you, what brings you out here to talk to an abomination? Surely you do not go out looking for us? Are you prehaps recruiting for an abominations annamouse" the pun seems intended, "club?"
King Mickey has posed:
King Mickey speaks not as the tormented warrior before him relays his words. Rather, the mouse justs listens intently to the beginning of his story, appearing to be non-judgmental of the statements as they made. The King's smile lessens a bit as he takes a seat nearby, still lightly chuckling at the man's quip about his own looks, "Maybe so, I gotta admit. You certainly would appear quite frightentning in that form."

The Mouse appears to acknowledge the frightening appearance of the warrior though how come he does not appear to be fearful in the slightest? Is he simply that bold to approach a hulking monstrosity without any concern for his well being? Or perhaps he simply has a death wish?

Mickey mimics his new found friend by gazing out to the ocean, making a quick comment of his own, "Then again, if you were truly the monster you represent to be, I some how doubt you'd be spending your night sitting here by the ocean. After all, this is the kind of thing brooders, philosophers, and other thinking types seem to do and frankly.."

The King turns to Angantyr, saying post-humorously, "You don't strike me as the type to do that, pal. As for my being here?"

The mouse's bright smile beams once more as he finishes, "Well to be honest, you summoned me here. The name's Mickey." and then he offers his hand out to the abomination, "What is yours, if you do not mind my asking?"
Angantyr Vespar has posed:
The hand of Anganty is massive, it is also clawed, but, he carefully, extends a finger, to at least not be rude towards the King. He tries to remember if he knows about a Mickey...it is a large world of ruin, and he doesn't even have a reputation to go off of. However, reguardless of the Mouse's reasons, he simply accepts his company. Looking back over the water, he lets loose a sigh.

"Broody might be what I am lately. I am Angantyr Vespar, formerly a Dark Knight." he pauses, "Before you ask, no...it is not the reason why I look like this. The reason for my...form is because of a man named Selvarius and a Shadow Lord named LEXUS. I'll not bore you with the details, but it was my life for that of another. But...whatever it is in that injection, feeds on the darkness inherrant within a person."

"Unlike others, I was born with a wellspring of darkness. It is a matter of time before I lose the ability to even hold a conversation, I fear," he comments, "I guess that is how I summoned you here. So you are summoned by the desperation in a person? Kind of a raw deal, you must not get to hear very many happy tales, eh?"
King Mickey has posed:
The King shakes the talon of Angantyr, as the abomination introduces himself . The name LEXUS makes him groan lightly, causing an old wound to act up from where he was pierced by the rebel program. He places his hand over near his left shoulder, rubbing the spot gently as he speaks with a somewhat lowered tone, "LEXUS, huh? There's a name I won't be forgetting anytime."

The Mouse resumes listening to the dark knight. He does not seem to recognize the other name Angantyr mentions though he appears to empathize with the dark knight's condition, as his ears droop slightly at the mention of the dark syrum. Its obviously not the first time he's heard of someone toying with the darkness in an attempt to create some new weapon.

"Geez, gosh, my friend. Talk about getting the short end of the stick here."

Mickey looks up to the sky for a moment, taking a little longer to consider his words, "To answer your question, its really not so bad. You'd be surprised at the stories I hear. Some are filled with great joy, while others are filled with incredible sadness like yours. If you wanted to rationalize it, Its all part of how the world works.." and then he turns back to the hulking form of darkness as he continues, "A delicate balance if you will."

The King can feel the darkness ragining within his companion, along with the potential fear of losing himself to the darkness. Yet, among that darkness, a few small beams of light remain, likely emerging from the knight's remorse of his actions. He takes a deep breath, exhaling briefly as he asks, "Angantyr, You mentioned being born with a well spring of darkness. Is that the reason you became a dark knight?"
Angantyr Vespar has posed:
"It is perhaps what I deserve. You see...I fought with the Shadow Lords. I attacked the military base..." he mumbles, "I helped destroy a world, despite not knowing what it was I was doing. My aid when I saw what they were doing was too little too late...and well.." he shrugs, "So I spoke with actions. And here I am, sitting on a beach with a mouse."

"No offense, you've actually be the best company I had in ages." he says, with a chuckle.

A question... "It was not a matter of becoming. I was naturally a Dark Knight. You know the phrase, that the brightest light casts the darkest shadow? Well.."

"My family, or as the story goes, once beseached a great being...one of light and infiniate mercy. They asked it for it's light to protect itself from the darkness. It granted this to them, but warned them that in doing so, one must bare the darkness that the others cast off. A balance, so to speak. I was the first of the generation of would be Paladins, so it was I who was chosen to be the barer of said darkness, so that the light could shine brighter. You'd think I'd be respected, but instead at this point the family cared only about it's status. I was but a shadow reminding them of their bargin, and...well..." he shrugs, "The darkness came in my actions. I could never stop the flow...especially if I were angry...upset...hell, even when I was happy or joyful. I learned on my own to bend it to my will, but I was but a novice...and then I met a man who showed me how to better control it, so that I did not destroy myself and others around me."
King Mickey has posed:
Angantyr's mention of the being part of the assault on Manhattan does not sit well with Mickey. His knee-jerk feeling is to release the dark knight back to the darkness without a second thought for has what happened. However, the King is a patient mouse and has since learned to not let such emotional reactions get the better of his reason and judgment. While he does approve of the warrior's actions, hired hand or not, The King understands that the events that unfolded were not entirely his fault and it appears the dark knight does feel differently about what he has done in hind-sight.

Mickey looks to Angantyr and with a grin about his face, shakes his head and says, "None taken."

The King continues to sit back as his companion tells the story of his family and the pact they had made to ensure their own survival, along with the price they had to pay as a result.

This causes the mouse to think differently of the dark knight than he had previously. It is obvious to him now that the abomination before him did not have a choice in the initial decision of his destiny and has struggled to make the most of his fate.

Coming back to the present, it is as the dark abomination has mentioned: Here they are, on a beach having a philosophical conversation about the workings of the universe and how fate can be so cruel.

Mickey looks up at the hulking darkness before him, nodding to him, "So, you were chosen to inherit the darkness within you. Does not sound like much of a choice to me. However, one thing remains apparent and that is you chose to accept that fate and sacrifice yourself, so others in your clan would live." and then the mouse looks out to the sea, "If I recall, that is one of the primary requirements to be a dark knight. To sacrifice something of great worth in order to receive the power. What the knight does with that power however, remains for them to decide."

"Tell me, Angantyr. Do you fear your fate?"
Angantyr Vespar has posed:
"If you had asked me this before, when I was still human, then I would tell you no, Mickey. I was not afraid of the darkness, or of my power. I could not afford to be, iron will and fearlessness is how you controled the darkness...lest it controled you." he continues, "I could no more get rid of the darkness than I could get rid of a piece of myself. So I accepted it, and used it like I could anything else. Or let it consume me."

"Now...now I do fear myself. I do fear the fate that awaits me at the end of this trip. There is no coming back from it, I can feel it scratch at the back of my mind...it takes pieces of me when I am forced to fight, and when it does I do not remember what it takes, so I can not even mourn it properly. I ask myself...how much longer can I hold out? A day...a week...a month? How long until I can even answer that one?"

"Fear is not something that comes easily to me, Mickey. I'll not cower in fear of it...but to say that I do not fear it...well, that'd be stupid." He says, with a strange smile, "But I do not regret making this choice. I would do it again, if it ment to save her."
King Mickey has posed:
King Mickey says, "I do not believe that fear should come easily or not, it simply is. It is natural to be scared."

"A long time ago, I heard a proverb that stuck with me, 'each day is a gift and not a given right'. I mean aren't we all essentially living on borrowed time, steadly progressing towards the fate we have made for ourselves?"

Mickey looks up at the man named Angantyr and continues, "My point is about living in the present and not worrying about what you've done in the past or what may await in the future to come. Its about what you are going to do now. After all, I feel Destiny and Fate are not absolute. If fate is to be the result of your actions, then its obvious that destiny would be up to you to decide."

Mickey cups his hands together and rests his chin upon them for a moment as he asks, "Besides that, you mentioned someone. A woman perhaps that you would do this again for. Just who is this person you speak of?""
Angantyr Vespar has posed:
"Heh...yes. Avira." he rumbles, "She got hit with something that turned her into a beast too." he mentions.

"I met her a few months ago, she had fallen into our world, I suppose I always figured she wasn't from it, but I never called her on it. I accepted her escuses, and offered to train her in defending herself. I was impressed with her. She, despite being horribly bad at it, never gave up. She threw herself into it...not once was she detured, not once did she give up. It was what brought me to her...but there was other things about her."

"But we are not getting any farther into that." he says to Mickey, "But...what you say, live in the present and not worry about the future huh? Let the wind take it will eh?" he laughs a little, "I remember the times I lived like that. I don't believe much in destiny and fate, but I refer to my fate being as it is because of what I am infected with...and lets be honest?"

"What the hell am I going to do to fix it? Wave a magic wand? God I wish. Make my life easier."
King Mickey has posed:

King Mickey takes a moment to consider that name, crossing his arms and putting right hand up under his chin. He's never been very good with remember names but for some reason that name seems to strike some sort of familiarity with the mouse, . o O (Where have I heard that name before? I know it from somewhere but where!?)

(Something about someone being captive..) O o .

(Baron.. Baron. Yes, that sounds familiar but what about Baron!?) O o .

This struggle goes on for a few minutes, apparently frustrating the mouse as he tries to remember. However, Mickey suddenly pops up excitedly, bringing one fist down upon an open palm, "I got it!"

"Avira. She was the one in the castle that got kidnapped and dressed up as a maid!"

Then there's an semi-awkward silence...

Mickey clears his throat and then quickly continues, appearing somewhat embarassed by his outburst, "Ehem.. Where we're we again?"

The King looks back to Angantyr and says, "Well, you did mention that you were infected by LEXUS and this... Oh what was his name.. Sel.. Selvarius was it? Do you happen to know if they had a cure or anything that could help your condition?"
Angantyr Vespar has posed:
Angantyr blinks...

"NOW I remember!" Angantyr says, something in his mind unclouding, "You were there...you held the way out for us! With the Keyblade.." he realizes. "Oh. So you're a keyblade weilder." he considers this, "And I just basicly told you..." he considers this again, and coughs.

"I was there, I was helping Avira escape, I fought the White mage and the Dark Knight Kaydin...who is pretty pathetic. I left with young woman of dark complexion? While Avira and her friend left in a different direction." he comments.

"Had the large mace, with the spikes." he points out.

"Ha...despite the situation, that was probably the most fun I had in a long time. It was...interesting." he comments.

"Yes, there is a cure being made. A single vial of the stuff, being manufactured to be sent to Avira. The cure is for her condition, I took the injection of the black vial in her place." he comments, "And if she has any darned sense, she'll take it. Take it and forget about me." he mutters more to himself.

"Right now, LEXUS has the cards, and I have no way to get the upper hand on him."
King Mickey has posed:
The pair essentially share a moment of bonding as they reminisce on the chaotic battle that was waged in Baron Castle as a part of Avira'a rescue by VALKYRI and others.

Mickey blinks for a moment, "You were there too, huh?" and then recalls the dark knight who battling both Morrighan and Kaydin in the dungeon of the castle. His memory of man's original appearance is limited, as he only saw the knight for a short time though does recall meeting him briefly.

Although, Mickey is pleased to have reunited with another fellow warrior, he cannot say he shares the dark knight's view of it being a pleasent time. From running away from giant crocodiles, Pete showing up, and the incident with The King of Baron, he was far from pleased from that incident.

Mickey can't help but find some humor in the situation. After all, it was pleasent to drop stop his arch-nemesis in his tracks.

However, the time to reminisce is over and King Mickey gets back to the subject at hand. He looks to Angantyr for a moment, "I think you thinking about this a little to narrowly."

"This LEXUS fella, is a cunning individual. He is smart, calculating, but he's not invinicible. Everyone has their weakness, so you could gain the edge on him if you can find it."

"That being said, aren't you being a little too selfish here wishing she take the potion while you are out here needing help just as much as she did? How about her feelings on the matter? I would think she worries about you just as much as you do about her."

"Isn't there a way you two could replicate the antidote from the original and both be saved?"
Angantyr Vespar has posed:
Angantyr was a man who loved conflict...he can look back on it with a smile, because it made him stronger, and brought him closer to many people. Slowly, he stands up as Mickey speaks to him, pausing at his words...

"If...there is a way, I would take it in a heartbeat. But...who has that experience? That is the issue...who could do it? I don't know. It is not something common in Arcadia, or in any world I know save the one that fell." However... "But you are right. I do know how much it hurts her to see me like this." he rumbles, like a sigh, "Damn it.." he says struggling with himself a bit.
King Mickey has posed:
King Mickey watches as Angantyr begins to rise, his large hulking frame casts a shadow over him. Still, the dark knight's frightful form does not startle him. In fact, the mouse begins to rise with him, standing by the dark knight's side as he speaks cryptically, "For every problem, there must always be a solution. Otherwise, there can be no resolution."

The King looks to Angantyr and says with a smile, "This scenario is no different. It is all a matter of perspective. If you are at a loss, then look to your friends for help and since we're friends. I'll help ya!"

Mickey closes his eyes and then before long a ball of light his hand. He leaps up on some nearby rocks to give him a little leverage up to the beast's hand, placing the ball of light in the beast's hand, "I know this is not much though its the best I can do for now. This will help seal ease the effects of the darkness upon you. Don't worry it will not harm you."

"When you friend has received the antidote, ask her to take it to a man named Merlin in Traverse Town. Tell him that you were sent by me. It is my belief that he should be able to assist you in this matter."
King Mickey has posed:
King Mickey says, "Also, you gotta do me a favor, Angantyr. Talk to her and use each other to understand one another. I got a gut feeling that you both have plenty to talk about, even if you both may feel otherwise."
Angantyr Vespar has posed:
The ball of light is placed into the monster's hand. He can already feel it, soothing...creating a balance between the light and Dark that exists within. It...it was nice to feel that again, the balance returned, instead of the dark scratching at him. He nods...once. "Thank you, Mickey. You...had no reason to help me, and after everything I have done still help..." he pauses...

"Geeze, just like Jasmine." he mutters after a bit. "Right. Merlin. I will seek his consul then, when the time is right then."

Then Mickey speaks about Avira...and he laughs, "Alright...alright. I'll talk to her. I swear." he says, with a...well, you can tell it is something like a smile.

"Thank you."
King Mickey has posed:
King Mickey says, "You are welcome. After all, what are friends for?"

After that statement, an emerald aura begins to surround The King's form. He looks at himself for a moment before shrugging his shoulder, along a signature chuckle as he speaks, "Well, it looks like I am being called for my next job, so I guess this is good bye for now, Angantyr!"

"Until next time, my friend!", echoes through out the desert, as the keyblade wielder shoots off like an emerald star into the night's sky!"