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Wisdom In The Snow
Date of Scene: 22 December 2012
Location: Mulonde
Synopsis: Two mice share prayers, wisdom is imparted, and a wounded community witnesses a miracle.
Cast of Characters: Faruja Senra, King Mickey
Tinyplot: The Stars That Shine In The Darkness

Faruja Senra has posed:
Where once a tall, strong sanctuary of Faram stood, there is rubble. The aftermath of the battle between Kaze and Garland has shattered the proud Cathedral, and much of the Marketplace. Yet, even as mourners bury their loved ones, construction and prayer fills the streets. The people of Mullonde are strong and united in faith. Temple Knights, soldiers, and other retainers of the Church are out in full force, clad in robes and golden armor; symbols of safety and strength even after such an assault. Priests walk the streets, offering comfort and healing, wherever it is needed.

Faruja stands before the ruined Cathedral, several other Templar guarding 'ground zero'. Leaning on his spear, the rat's claws grip it tightly. Frustration, anger...the Church had stood still, orders ungiven, and then /this/. Certainly his superiors have their plans to deal with the Darkness! But even so, the lack of communication is infuriating. And then there's Riku...Garland...Sho...So many enemies, and the list growing long indeed. The ratling looks around, one eye half drooped.

"...Is there no place sacred to these demons?"
King Mickey has posed:
It is true that the city of Mullonde has suffered a horrendous tragedy. One can certainly see through the destruction caused by two very powerful beings, the suffering that is written about the faces of it's citizens. Yet, it appears the citizens are not letting the darkness enter their own hearts. Together, they would mourn the losses they incurred, they would face trials and tribulations brought about by the darkness, and they would rebuild, as a whole, as one community.

If one looks beyond the tragedy itself, it certainly remains a sight to behold, an entire community standing together in the face of a devastating loss and restoring their way of life.

The presence of the Glabados Chruch is not to be neglected either. Despite a strong military presence to reinforce defense of the city, the presence of missionaries, priests, religious icons, and the like making rounds about the streets shows to be a comforting sight to the citizens.

The heavens have certainly taken notice of the difficulties that have befallen the city, along with their struggles in the face of it all. The stars continue to twinkle brightly in the sky when an unusual sight begins to emerge. An emerald star begins to stream swiftly along the night's sky, passing over the city leaving a stream of green in its wake. For those seeking salvation and hope, it is a welcomed sight though it appears that not all of the citizens take notice of the phenomenon. Could this star be unique?

In front of the remains of the cathedral of Faram, a child glances up to the sky seeing the sight. Their eyes widen with the sights of awe and wonder, complete with a smile to boot. Immediately, the child drops to one knee and begins to pray in front of the guards and the cathedral, wishing upon the shooting emerald star. Just what could they be wishing for?
Faruja Senra has posed:
Red meets green as Faruja turns his gaze to the sky. A shooting star, emerald green, catches his attention. For a moment, he too can't help but stare in wonder at something so...unheard of, so unique! At first he doesn't know what to make of it; until he spies the boy. A little boy, oh so young, eyes full of hope as he prays upon a shooting star. For family? For health? For the world to be at peace? The rat couldn't fathom such a young person's dreams, having gone through so much. But the sight of one so happy and hopeful in the face of adversity...finally, Faruja knows. Dropping to a knee, he prays beside the boy to a heavenly star moved by the hand of Faram.

'Lord in Heaven, give me the wisdom to accept what I must, the intellect to See the dark schemes of the Abyss. The strength to be the shield upon which Darkness breaks, the blazing torch to light Faith in the hearts of a million souls; to protect those I love. Most of all, grant me Your Blessings, to bring the innocent into Your arms, to bring down the walls that divide us! To light a burning pyre to cast down the Darkness, lit by the will of all of those yet free from Darkness!'
King Mickey has posed:
As the holy warrior speaks his prayer, the emerald star seems to shimmer lightly in response. Could it be that the star has heard the prayers of the pair below them?

Only time can tell. However, the power of prayer carries the same power as the wish. The strength of one's wish is determined by the desire and hope of the individual making it and their resolve to see it through. Tonight presents a unique case of two who desire the same wish, making it much more powerful than the ones previously encountered by the emerald star.

The emerald star shoots away, disappearing into the sea of stars. Yet, a stream of emerald light descends in its wake. The light begins to fall upon the fallen cathedral, almost as if beckoning the knight to enter the ruins.

A short time later, the child looks up from his prayer and begins to rise. His gaze turns towards Faruja with his smile still beaming. He bows to the knight templar and politely says, "Thank you, sir knight for praying with me. It certainly means a lot! Ha ha!"

The child reaches in and wraps his arms around the knight, embracing him with a strong hug to show his appreciation! As he releases his embrace, the child begins to look away towards the ruins. He narrows his eyes, trying to get a glance of something he sees within.

His gaze does not stray for long before turning back to Faruja and his smile widening even more, almost as if he's got something special to say. He leans in to the holy knight and whispers softly, "I have secret to tell you. He's waiting for you inside.", and then he pulls back to finish, "You best not keep him waiting!"
Faruja Senra has posed:
Prayer ending, Faruja pushes himself to his clawed feet. Gazing upon the ruined cathedral, alight by the emerald glow, beckoning, calling to him. Part of him balks, to see a miracle so close. He barely thinks himself worthy, a nezumi of fears, hatreds, and growing doubts to his own strength. Arms wrap about him, and he's greeted with the words of a child.

The embrace is returned with a heartfelt smile, a gauntleted hand gently ruffling the young boy's hair. "Nay, young Master, 'tis an honor all mine to pray beside such a youth of great piety as yourself!" The bow is returned, exaggerated just a touch for effect. As the boy leans in, the rat kneels slightly, looking the young one in the eyes.

"...Whom?" For a moment, there's a slightly worried look to his muzzle. Faruja stands. He salutes his fellows, some of whom stand agape. "Ser Joffries! Come now, my friend, mouth closed. I do believe the young Ser here desires to take my watch. Do keep an eye on him, I shall see to this..." The ratling gestures vaguely to the cathedral.

"Phenomenon." Whatever his personal feelings, he has to stay professional. Straightening up, smoothing his robes and armor, he strides confidently into the Cathedral; if there's a visitor at the end of this, he'll be Faram-blasted before he makes a meek entrance in the Church's own backyard.
King Mickey has posed:
The child speaks no more about the secret, leaving the knight with but a big toothy grin and a giggle before running off!

As the holy knight makes his way into the ruins, it is difficult to see among the darkness. However, the sight of a full moon emerges from behind the clouds, its light begins to illuminate various parts of the fallen cathedral and the aforementioned destruction that has not been cleared by the workers yet.

However, despite the ruins that surround him, the temple still remains to hold a powerful holy presence. An additional soothing feeling can be felt as the templar makes his way further inward. An unusual phenomenon to be sure though what could be causing it one might wonder?

The moonlight shines brightly through a large gaping hole of the roof of the lightly restored cathedral, beaming down upon one of the few areas left untouched by the destruction, the Altar.

At the foot of the Altar, the short form of a figure can be seen, kneeling down as if in deep in a prayer of his own. A closer look reveals the individual to be a small animorphic mouse. A powerful presence of the light emits from the individual. Could he be the one the child spoke of?
Faruja Senra has posed:
For the first time in a long time, as Faruja steps into the moonlit Cathedral, he feels at ease. Despite the destruction of the physical building, the calming presence of something ancient and holy remains, at least in the rat's mind. And today, he can feel it physically. Glancing to the kneeling form of a...mouse? the rat winces. 'Mouse.' He'd heard of someone wielding a very special blade, and referred to as such. Could it be!?

Faruja strides forth, stopping briefly before the Altar. Kneeling down silently, he places his weapon upon it and kisses the cross about his neck. A quiet moment passes, the ratling praying for dear friends, before he finally takes the time to inspect the kneeling fellow mouse-like being. No Burmecian, this one.
King Mickey has posed:
The pair share a moment of silence in prayer, making their own thoughts known to a higher presence.

The mouse beside the burmecian does not appear to move from his spot. His head is lowered and eyes are closed. His unique attire seems slightly more modern than the citizens of the Mullonde, certainly making him stand out if there were others around. However, the mouse appears to be unarmed and unarmored., with no sign of a weapon upon him.

A couple minutes pass before the mouse breaks his kneeling pose. He raises his head, opening his eyes as he feels the presence of another has joined him in the ruins. As he stands, Mickey's gaze looks over to match the knight, nodding to him in silent acknowledgement. The mouse respectfully waits for his new found acquaintance to finish before commenting with a greeting to break the ice, "Greetings, fellow knight." and then he glances up through the hole above as he finishes, "Lovely evening we're having tonight. Don't you agree?"
Faruja Senra has posed:
The pair seem to be alone, for now, so many guards, the destruction, and that odd light about the Cathedral dissuading most from entering. Mickey's attire is certainly strange by the standards of the Mullondites, and his kind even more so; it's possible one of two may have mistaken the King for Faruja!

"Quite, though with but a touch of rain, 'twould be one to remember! Well met, well met, and Lord bless. Though certainly you have had plenty of that from our Priests." The Burmecian responds with a smile, and offering a bow as he stands once more.

A small pause, and Faruja takes a step back to give Mickey some breathing room. "Temple Knight Faruja Senra, at your service, Ser. A young child mentioned there was...someone desiring to meet with me?" A fuzzy brow rises, tail slowly swaying behind him. Mickey's physical appearance may seem almost inconsequential, but the pure feeling of Light around the small being is more than enough to get the Holy Knight's attention; two auras, one of peace and solid strength, the other burning, yet flickering with self-doubts.

"...Have we met before? Your voice is familiar. You...fought in Manhattan, did you not?"
King Mickey has posed:
King Mickey responds to the fellow mouse with a smile of his own, "Well met, Sir Faruja Senra. My name is Mickey Mouse, adventurer by trade.", underplaying his true nature for reasons only known to him.

The King looks at the temple knight curiously, quirking a brow as the burmician mentions the young boy, "A young boy you say?"

The mouse looks back towards the entrance of the cathedral, appearing to not be knowledgable though remains interested in the boy who might have altered Faruja to his presence. Was the Burmercian who summoned him here?

Mickey returns his gaze back to Faruja as he mentions Manhattan, confirming his original suscipions of him being the one. A further gaze upon the temple knight causes him to provide an empathetic look about his face, as if he can somehow feel the turmoil turning within the knight's heart and wondering about what troubles he has faced since the event.

Putting that aside for the moment, The King responds with a nod to Faruja's question, "Yes, I was present during the Manhattan event though I do not believe I had the pleasure of making your acquaintance back then.", then he begins to take a seat upon the stairs leading up to the altar.

King Mickey looks upon Faruja and continues, "By your tone and question, I can only assume that you were also present during the event. I feel your aura is also telling me that you have had some troubles since that time. So, Sir Faruja Senra.."

"Please, tell me your story."
Faruja Senra has posed:
Faruja nods slowly at the name. He'd heard Aerith speak of a 'Mickey', and his face might betray recognition of the name. He doesn't elaborate on it at the moment, however. "Quite. The young one said 'he' was waiting for me. I had half expected some form of angel, but alas, I shall have to settle for my fellow mortal being!" The rat cracks a half-hearted smile.

'Tell me your story.' So honest, so blunt. The rat opens his muzzle, looking about to rebuke the smaller fellow mouse-thing. He stops, however, one tattered ear folding back. The Templar looks Mickey in the eye. Faram save him, he's needed an ear. And worse, Light calls to Light, even as different as they may be.

Faruja stands as Mickey takes a seat, head tilting up to the sky briefly. "...I know one of the people responsible for it. One by the name of 'Riku'. Indeed, I had almost counted him a friend, and certainly an able companion. I...at times, he gave me pause. His abilities, the way he stood back and watched...and how he was able to give the Heartless so much pause. But he was a Shard Seeker, and an ally." Faruja's teeth clench, composure slipping.

"...I should have seen it. The rest? A displaced Knight, /children...damnit, that BASTARD was using us all! And I had not the vision, the clarity to see what was right before me!" Just like with Reize, he can't hold back before this strange, strange mouse. All the walls, appearances he's forced to keep tumble as he unleashes his feelings.

But betrayal isn't all of it. No, the rat's issues run straight to himself. "We fought. All of us did! And to what end? To bleed, to die? Squire Holgresh meeting his end by the jaws of those beasts? Only upon the eve of our victory, to have it all fall apart in our very grasp! All because of one foul, Heretical traitor and my own damn weakness!"

In his growing wrath, the ratling kicks a stone, sending it skittering against a partially rebuilt wall. Faruja looks at his claws, scowling. "...I could have stopped him. If I was stronger, more /clear/, more able...and yet, for all the training, all of the sacrifice, still do my skills and power fall short. Our foes are numerous, almost unending. What is my worth if I cannot have the strength to burn away the Darkness? To have the skill to bring together those that would fight instead of cower? And who amongst those can even be counted untainted if a group headed by someone so pure and innocent can be so easily deceived under the gaze of a fracking Templar!?"
King Mickey has posed:
King Mickey listens intently to the burmerican's story, paying close attention to the feelings being emitted as the tale is being told and never emitting a word. After all, the mouse entrusted the floor to the temple knight and he has much to say on the matter.

When Faruja mentions Riku's name, the King's interest is piqued, causing him to turn his head at the mention. Once again, he does not break his silence and allows Faruja to tell the rest of his tale.

Mickey's gaze glances down at the stone, kicked by the templar knight as he openly expresses his anger, despair, and other flourishing emotions that come to the surface as a result of the event. Still, the mouse does not seem to be falter in the face of the burmecian's rage. Rather, he appears to accept the young one's anger, empathizing with a concerned look about his face.

As Faruja's story comes to a close, Mickey remains silent for short time, allowing the quietness of the room to fill the ambiance as he lets the story sink in and carefully choses his words, "The events caused within the city of Manhattan were tragic. No one can fault that. Many were displaced, injured, and at worst, fell as a result of the actions of those who desired the darkness. However, I am getting the feeling that you feel guilty for not being able to stop the darkness from spreading. Feelings of anger arising from betrayal from the one known as, Riku that I am sensing you feel is responsible for the tragedy. Then finally, despair and discouragement from the fall that occured. Am I correct in understanding you thus far, sir knight?"
Faruja Senra has posed:
Faruja whirls on the small mouseling as Mickey finally speaks, tail lashing violently. "Pray tell, Ser, what /else/ should I feel? Lord in heaven, there were children! CHILDREN fighting! Brave, innocent, young children standing against the Darkness, peoples from so many races and nations! None of them should have been there! They should be home with their wives, their children, their parents...to whom else should such a task fall!? What use is a Knight who cannot beat back the Darkness? Where is the utility in a blade that is rusted, pitted, and dull!?" Faruja finally stops, breathing hard. Pausing, he squeaks low, exhausted. Leaning his weight against the Altar, he sighs. "...Forgive me, I act unbecoming of my station. You are not my enemy, I should not rage at you. Yes, you are indeed correct." One hand clutching his cross, he tries to calm himself.
King Mickey has posed:
The temple knight's outburst is not unexpected by The King and does not take offense as a result. He shakes his head as Faruja begins to apologise to him, "Do not apologise for your words, Sir Faruja. It is apparent to me you feel a great deal of sorrow for what has occurred and for you to be able to openly express them to me in such an honest manner, provides me with great pride. It tells me that you are able to trust me in such a manner and for that, I am deeply honored. For your losses, you have my deepest sympathies."

The King looks away for the moment, his gaze rising up to the stars and taking in a deep breath before exhaling slowly. The King may not be the burmecian though he most certainly has walked in those shoes many a time and can preciate the frustrations tormenting this holy soul. Keeping his gaze to the stars, the mouse continues, "Allow me to say that I can preciate where you are coming from, sir knight. I have experienced those same frustrations more than once and I can tell you, it does not get any easier to see. However, through our battles, defeats, difficulties, struggles, the trails, and even the passings of innocents, I can say we gain one thing that helps us to face these trying times, time and time again."

Mickey returns his gaze to Faruja, offering him a weak smile comments with but a simple word, "Wisdom."

"Wisdom provides us with the knowledge, the strength, and the fortitude to ourselves in trying times, as well to provide aid to others in their times of need. It also helps us to gain insight, not just into others but introspectively, into our ourselves."

Mickey holds his hand out plainly before a small ball of pure light appears in his hand. He lifts his hand, allowing the ball of light to go freely where it may. The ball of light appears to show images of individuals throughout the city, working hard to rebuild their community.

"For example, look around you. The people within this community were struck by an almost equally devasting loss. Loved ones were lost, homes were ruined, and lives were destroyed as a result of the events that unfolded. Yet, still these citizens persevered. They will continue to grieve the loss of those who passed and that which was destroyed but what is important is that they came together as one, a community that helps one another in the face of difficult times."

The King turns back to Faruja, keeping his smile about his face as the ball of light descends to fall into the temple knight's hands, pulsing lightly as if to rest comfortably, "The same could be said for you, sir knight. You experienced a great defeat, as did the rest of us in Manhattan. However, I ask for you to consider a different perspective. Together, even as we were defeated, we saved many lives. Is that not a victory within itself?"

"I can see you are a honorable soul and one who entrusts deeply in that of the light. You were wounded and yet, here you are in a city that appears to mean a great deal to you, offering aid, protection, and supplies with the help of your fellow breathern. I can tell you have a good heart, it simply lacks the confidence to see that you yourself have a great of strength that lies within you. One remains valient, supportive, and most of all, cares about the well being of others and as a result, I believe the heavens look upon you favorably."

King Mickey rises from his seat and begins to wander over to the fellow mouse, placing his hand upon the knight's shoulder, "You are also one who has many allies and friends, who are willing to stand beside you in the times of our darkest hour. If at anytime, you feel despair or uncertain of your own worth. Look to them and I am certain, you will never be lead astray. After all, that which is lost, may not always be lost forever." and then he provides the temple knight with a note of blue paper that shows the following,

""What is lost can yet be found. If yours is a heart that seeks hope, turn your search underground. Stones may hold swords, but lakes hold secrets. In one week's time, it all begins in Traverse Town."
Faruja Senra has posed:
Faruja's eye stares into the ball of light as Mickey speaks. So many people, united, working hard to restore what was lost. He thinks back to his own efforts in helping rebuild, to mourn, to push past the pain inflicted upon them. He'd seen it all, yet, hadn't truly /seen/. No, the sting of the event, and events follow still held their mark. All it took was a little mouse and his wise words to open the Burmecian's tired eye.

"Wisdom, you say?" Faruja closes his eye, pondering. That of a Priestess, to know what words to stir souls, that of a warrior's to know when mercy is necessary, and that of a governor's to know how to run a community. The Burmecian has never been a calm person. But even in the raging inferno that is his heart, there's still a place for caution and temperence. Indeed, it's what he most lacks.

"Wisdom and perservereance, is it? Ser Mickey, you do me too much credit. I am but a humble soul, desiring to do what I must so that others have no need to touch a blade. Yet, in these times, it seems few have such a luxury. Nay. Unity, Ser. This confidence you speak of, to pull together against the Darkness and cease these...petty conflicts that so divide us. Yes. Even in such corrupt times, there are those who fight beside me, even when I do not deserve it. Manhattan...it shall not remain so darkened. Nay! As a Knight of the Church, I have sworn to see this ended!"

Some of his usual fire and vigor returns. The paper is offered, and taken. Reading, a smile slowly cracks his muzzle even as a dream is ignited into his Heart; a world, no, /worlds/ united against a common foe. For better or worse, the rat's fate has taken a turn thanks to the mouse before him.

"...It seems we've work to do, then." A nod, and a bow.

"I look forward to it."
King Mickey has posed:
King Mickey watches as Faruja speaks his peace and begins to depart from the ruins of the temple, bidding him a nod in return. He speaks no further words, as everything that needed to be said has been. Another's light has been restored in the face of the tragic events that befallen the metropolis of Manhattan. He beams a smile to the knight as he departs, thinking to himself, . o O (The honorable ones are usually the toughest upon themselves. Nevertheless, I suppose this experience will serve to temper him further in the times ahead.)

Then in reference to the letter, could it be as The King had stated? Could that which has once been lost, be found once again? Only fate knows that answer.

As the temple knight departs, The form of King Mickey is surrounded by the emerald hue of the magics resonating from the star shard, preparing him for his next destination.

"Allow me to leave you and the others of this town with one final gift, as I depart."

BGM: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DVZFG_YraMk

From outside the temple, the form of the emerald star shoots up towards the stars once more, heading off to its next destination! As it departs into the night, the clouds deepen in the skies, hiding the stars behind them. Just then, the small forms of snowflakes begin to fall from the sky, signing the first snowfall within Mullonde.

The children begin to emerge from their homes, even at this time of night to witness the fall of the coming snow. It may have been sometime since they have seen snowfall and it remains to be a small gift in light of the events that have taken place.