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Coliseum Field Trip
Date of Scene: 22 April 2013
Location: Palamecia - Coliseum
Synopsis: In continuation of testing Rena's interests, Emperor Mateus gives her a tour of the Palamecian Coliseum and a view of monsters she finds familiar and unknown alike.
Cast of Characters: Emperor Mateus, Rena Laradyne

Emperor Mateus has posed:
It is a somewhat overcast day in Palamecia as a small procession on horseback trot across the land. Emperor Mateus leads the way personally, with Rena having her choice either by his side or behind him, and a small squad of knights flank on both sides as well as protect the rear. Though the Emperor of Palamecia had promised Rena a pass to visit the Coliseum on her own time, he had instead offered to accompany her this time with a ‘formal inspection’ as the official reason.

It may also be a measure of apology for the harsh exchange they had over this place not long ago.

With spotty clouds casting visible rays of morning sunlight through them, the Palamecian Coliseum eventually winds into view. From a distance, it indeed seems old and run-down with little care taken of it. But as one comes closer, the chipped and cracked stone forming its outer appearance becomes less rickety and more cosmetic, with structures clearly still solid beneath. In fact, there is little to no sign of actual structural degradation.

A small outpost has been built just outside the enormous structure, with the basic amenities such as stables and barracks. It is here that the procession stops to shelter the horses and the Knights take watch posts in the outpost itself. The entrance to the Coliseum is barely a few hundred yards away, flanked by guards with a small ‘ticket office’, for lack of a better term, built into the walls itself.

The unmistakable sound of a behemoth’s roar echoes from somewhere deep within, causing one of Mateus’ eyebrows to rise. “He’s early,” he remarks dryly, brushing dust off of his purple-and-gold armor before turning his attention to Rena. “How fare you, my lady?”
Rena Laradyne has posed:
The Shivan seems markedly more relaxed once they leave the castle environments and make their way through the forest and then down the winding path of the mountains to the Coliseum. Her eyes drink in the surroundings, listening to the sounds that filter in from past the small entourage.

When they come upon the Coliseum and examine it from a much closer vantage she laughs with delight as she starts to spot the tell tale signs of artifice and camoflague in the working of the outer facade.

Rena pets the neck of her horse before dismounting, patting their side gently as she leaves the stables. Her eyes sparkle with amusement, head tilted like a bird to one side as the sound of a behemoth rumbles from within. With all the care of a child going to visit a zoo, she brushes off her leather armor and takes her gloves off, stuffing them into a pocket.

"Quite well, thank you. A short and uncomplicated journey is always to be appreciated. And the morning has just started, so I am looking forwards to this."
Emperor Mateus has posed:
Emperor Mateus smiles warmly, clapping his hands together in front of his chest. “Excellent to hear!” The fact Rena is already enjoying herself brings out that boyish wonder of his own by proxy, since fun is quite infectious--in a good way. “Then let us begin!”

With a flourish, he offers his arm to Rena as a gentleman then moves to enter the Coliseum proper. The guards need no orders, verbal or otherwise, opening the gates to allow them passage with only salutes to greet them. “This Coliseum was built by my ancestors long ago, intended for military drills and horsemanship exhibitions, but it expanded to include gladiatorial combat between men or monster-and-men. Considering how hated Palamecia was by the rest of my world, it was an appropriate morale booster and diplomatic showcase... at least until military force became necessary.”

Entering puts them in a smallish square entryway, with deep sandstone forming the walls illuminated by stout torchlight and teal or turquoise marble stone tile forms the floors. The gates behind them close and lock before another set of gates opens in front of them to allow them full admittance. “When my world fell, I suspended military and gladiatorial activities and turned it into a temporary ‘zoo’, if you will. It has been quite helpful for my tamers, if none else.”

The color and quality of the stonework and lighting continues into the main foyer, most likely being indicative to the rest of the Coliseum. Staircases flank each side of the main foyer and lead upwards, most likely to actual spectator seating, but Mateus instead moves forwards to a smaller doorway which has yet another locked gate but no guards. Beyond it is a wide dirt expanse structured as a circular arena, with the opposite side barred by a small gate and flanked by the heraldic crest of Palamecia on each side.

“Past this point is the heart of the Coliseum, which is currently used as an exercise pen for the monsters, if not a training area,” he explains, indicating to the dirt expanse beyond. “On the other side,” he points to the other small gate across the way, “is admittance to my private seating.” He taps the gate experimentally. “Though if this is barred so early...” He looks towards the stairs. “Shall we go to a better vantage point to see what is about to happen?”
Rena Laradyne has posed:
Rena takes the proffered arm with a small smile, looking around with interest at the architecture and listening to the history of the place being rolled out before her like a carpet. "A pity." she says as he talks about the coliseum.

"But then, everything goes in cycles. Words are often cheaply sold, but matching actions to thoughts is often a great deal easier. My people have similar trials, and for similar reasons. Though perhaps ours persisted longer as a showcase of skill because no great armies would survive on Shiva's Ice for long unprepared."

She then falls quiet and follows and listens. She looks at the barred gate with some curiosity and nods. "Yes. I would very much like to see what is about to happen. After you."
Emperor Mateus has posed:
Emperor Mateus grins and leads Rena up one of the staircases, which turns 90-degrees in the middle before opening into a view of the arena itself. The lowest seats are perhaps 15-feet high from ground level, with each seat tiered about a foot higher the further back you go. This creates a bowl effect, or stadium seating.

Mateus himself moves to the closest seats and leans forwards against the railing, lavender eyes keenly taking in the sights. The center court is surprisingly clear of guards, only one or two wearing a specific mix of darkened chainmail and leather seeming to be in the midst of a discussion. To their left, the circle seems to have had a square addition built into it, with a large iron gate barring what is perhaps a square holding cell. You can even hear and see movement beyond the gate.

“Ahhhh, I see.” The Emperor’s voice holds sudden understanding and a spike of interest. “It seems one of my tamers is aiming for a promotion. You see, the monsters a trainer is able to command is based on their rank, which is based on their ability by turn.” He motions towards the holding cell. “If they can command the beast without harming it, they will succeed.”

Another behemoth roar echoes, much more loudly this time with the closer proximity, sounding like it originates from the holding cell. “And they are using him to do so? The testee must be aiming for the master rank, then.” He conjures two goblets and a closed pitcher, the latter floating in midair, and offers one of the goblets to Rena. “Anything to drink while we see how they do?”
Rena Laradyne has posed:
Rena raises an eyebrow in interest as they take their seats. Rena gingerly settles herself down as she casts an eye out over the stadium seating with appreciation. As she tries to make herself comfortable she interlaced her fingers in her lap, leaning back against the seat as she graciously attempts one of the goblets.

She does not immediately drink but rather takes in a breath and watches the liquid slosh around in the goblet for a moment as she turns her eyes towards the central court. "I see. I'll have to look into what sort of monsters roam your wilderness, and what worth they are assigned." she smiles slightly, a knowing expression flickering across her face as another roar ripples through the coliseum.

"Well. They do sound irate, don't they? Let's see how the tamer manages."
Emperor Mateus has posed:
The two chainmail-wearing soldiers split, their implied conversation done. One disappears from sight, the other moves to the center of the arena, then lifts one glove to his mouth and issues a piercing whistle. Immediately, the gate begins to rise and the moving shadows beyond still.

“I’m sure you shall not be disappointed, my lady.” Emperor Mateus slinks into his seat, sipping at his goblet knowingly. “And so it begins.”

The gate continues to climb, the wrought metal clanking against unseen gears and chains, but nothing crashes against it nor shows the faintest hint of rushing the process. Only when the gate is fully up and all sounds of mechanisms cease do two glowing yellow slits appear in the darkness within the holding cell. It isn’t until two short, sharp notes resound from the soldier in the center of the area that movement is seen.

As the behemoth slinks out of the cell warily, shaking its massive body much as a dog after a bath, its features become very distinct from the wild Archadian behemoth recently captured. Yellowish horns, wickedly pointed but smooth, and claws similarly colored but with purple pointed tips at the ends stand out clearly against the gunmetal-gray hide. A shock of burnt-orange mane matches the skin between the individual spines of its spinal fin. Reddish tail-spikes indicative of its kind completes the look.

It circles around the edge of the arena, its head low and predatory gaze pinned on the single man in its playground. The soldier is continually turning just enough to keep the beast in his sights, but apparently not matching gazes perfectly. One hand is outstretched but lowered, palm up, while the other is still in front of his face. A low tone echoes on the wind, the Behemoth pausing for a moment as if to listen, then the large beast reverses direction and continues stalking, but its head is raised a little higher and eyes don’t seem to be quite so narrowed now.
Rena Laradyne has posed:
Rena rubs the back of one ear as she takes a sip from the goblet, her eyes pinned on the tamer just as intently as the behemoth.

She watches him with quiet intensity, closing her eyes for a moment as she attempts to pick up the low tone that whistles briefly across the central courtyard. When she opens her eyes again she cuts a glance to Matthew and then back to consider the behemoth.

It is similar and almost comfortingly familiar in a way. There were countless little differences in the fur and the horns but the general look of the behemoth was something she knew. She took in the general look of the creature and it's general demeanor, watching with fascination as her eyes rove between the tamer and the beast as they continue to circle each other.
Emperor Mateus has posed:
Emperor Mateus is also watching the proceedings with great interest, his expression relaxed but eyes sharp. In fact, it seems that he knows how the course of events is supposed to go and is keenly paying attention to the slightest possible mistake. The goblet seems to be almost forgotten in his hand with how much (apparent) carelessness it is held off to the side. Noticeably not spilling anything, however.

A new tone sounds, a short note followed by a sweeping trill. The behemoth stops in its tracks and slowly turns to face the soldier, a low rumble not quite angry but not quite curious, but does not move beyond that. The soldier, for his part, swings his arm wide to point at a straw target at one of the compass points of the area, emitting a sharp triple-trill. Immediately the behemoth pounces with a roar, shredding the straw like wet paper, and once the target is negated, another triple-trill and point indicates another target for the behemoth to attack.

This repeats two more times, straw and dust kicking up in the monster’s wake without quite occluding the ability to see what is going on, then another short-note-sweeping-trill combination stills the behemoth once more. It seems to slowly be panting, sides heaving with each circulation of air, and its claws grind through the dirt. Clearly it has become excited, though not to the point of breaking free from the soldier’s command over it.

Mateus leans forwards incrementally but noticeably, his keen gaze sharpening and intensifying as well. “This is where it can get dangerous,” he murmurs to Rena, his voice barely above the sound of the behemoth’s breathing.
Rena Laradyne has posed:
Rena takes another slip from her goblet and wishes quite suddenly for the luxury of popcorn. The shivan makes a mental note to get a supply of some of the excellent fluffy snack because it would do very well at the show she was being presented, and had been presented since the moment they left the castle.

Oh, it was a brilliantly staged show to be sure. It had familiar elements and an interesting plot line. She hadn't skipped to the ending as of yet because she was allowing herself to enjoy the experience. Thus the craving for popcorn.

The sounds of the sharp trilling tones reverberate and she smiles ever so softly, snorting faintly as she takes another drink. "Impressive." she murmurs after the straw has finished flying in all directions of the compass. Rena pushes a curl of hair back behind her ear and crosses her legs as she stretched languidly before resettling in the chair.

"Like hunting hounds. Except.. that one would take a much bigger chunk out of your hand for a mistake." she matches her voice to his, making it quiet and continuing to watch attentively. "Let's see if he can hold onto it."
Emperor Mateus has posed:
Emperor Mateus hums softly in agreement, as this final trial would be the true test beyond the fun-and-games of merely commanding it. After all, anyone can command a monster--but can you control it without being consumed by it?

The soldier raises his free hand and twists the wrist so that the palm is outstretched towards the behemoth in a ‘stop’ indication. A new series of notes resound, a long note immediately followed by two short, and it is quite clear that the gazes of soldier and behemoth have locked. The spinal fin on the behemoth’s back rises slightly as the mane bristles, reacting to the expression of dominance by the man, and its head lowers as its muzzle pulls back to reveal yellow teeth. But it does not turn aggressive, only hesitating.

That specific series of notes sound again, and this time it is met with a low growl, the fin flexing as its weight shifts from one side to another. But after a moment further, the behemoth slowly stalks forwards, each paw-fall carrying almost ominous threatening promise as it keeps its head low. To the soldier’s credit, he does not move nor flinch as the large monster gets closer and closer, looming over him with horns pointed right at him.

The behemoth hesitates once more, a low snarl and a shake of the mane marking aggravation but not aggression, then noses the soldier’s outstretched hand and presses against it. Seconds tick by, no doubt feeling like an eternity, then the soldier lifts his hand above his head in a sharp motion. The behemoth rears back onto its hind legs with a roar, tail swaying to maintain balance, then a piercing wail of a whistle overrides the monster’s call. The behemoth lands on all fours, then charges past the soldier back into the holding cell, which falls back down with a resounding CLANG!

The Emperor of Palamecia sighs softly, shaking his head in obvious disappointment. “He failed. He let his guard down right before he would have issued that final command, and had there not been another ready to call it back, the behemoth would have struck him down.” He takes a sip from his goblet. “A pity. He had come so far. At least he still has his life and health, so he may try again another time.”
Rena Laradyne has posed:
Rena is momentarily tempted to tamper with the script to this play but she had made a commitment not to trespass on the good graces of her host. The aura of tension was exciting, almost an electric buzz of dominance in the central courtyard.

She allows herself a small and bewildered gasp, like a child visiting a circus when the Behemoth rises up and.. then charges past in a rush. Rena frowns slightly in puzzlement before Matthew's explanation puts everything in perspective.

She lets out a bit of a sigh herself, nodding her understanding of his words. "It certainly would have been a mess. How long is it until one can take the master trial again?"
Emperor Mateus has posed:
Emperor Mateus thinks carefully. “It depends on the person. This tamer had completed the most difficult part, but lost control at the very end. Perhaps within another week or two at the earliest, should training tighten up his control.” He frowns. “The problem lies with the behemoth. It is far easier to pass this specific trial on the first try. Now this tamer is known to him, which means he will remember on the next trial and may not be so easy to command.”

He shrugs, rises out of his chair, and stretches his arms above his head and arcs his back like a cat. “Still. ‘Twas a good show, and it has been some time since I have borne witness to the dance of man’s dominance over beast--or the lack thereof.” He dispels his goblet, though the floating pitcher comes to hover over one hand. “A refill before I show you one last area?”
Rena Laradyne has posed:
"Everything costs. Even a moment of inattention." Rena responds lightly. "And whether he succeeds or not will have to be borne out by what he pays for his error." she gladly takes more from the floating pitcher. "Oh no." she shakes with a sly shake of the head.

"Never a refill. The cup is never empty. Much like food, one simply has to put it aside temporarily now and then for the sake of politeness." when she has another draught and has taken a turn at it, she rises carefully from the chair herself. She rolls one shoulder and lets out a contented sigh as she gestures with the goblet. "Shall we go?"
Emperor Mateus has posed:
Emperor Mateus smiles at her reply. “Wise words indeed. Your perspective is so very refreshing.” He dispels the pitcher easily and leads the way back down the way they’d come, only this time the barred path into the arena itself has been opened. It is through this that Mateus leads Rena, tilting his head back and appreciating the view from within even as he crosses the arena.

The walls around the arena seem much taller from ground level than looking down from the spectator seats, and there are more Palamecian emblems flanking the doors towards the entrance and on each side--matching compass points, in all truth. The ground is a dirt mix with few stones, but constantly stirred up so bad no vegetation can grow. The straw seems well-mixed into the dirt and by the way that fine fibers are mixed in already, they will not be cleaned up.

The bits of metal, bone, and deteriorated fibers probably have very many stories to tell, but not necessarily this time around.

The gate has been opened on the other side, allowing the duo to climb the stone stairs leading up to the Emperor’s private box. There are small seats towards the railing, about equivocal in height to the front-row spectator seats, but the throne is almost immediately eye-catching. Resting on an ornate floor rug of red with gold stitching throughout, the throne itself seems carved from a single block of silver marble, with curved lines and reliefs of various beasts and monsters throughout.

On the back wall is an ornate Palamecian display shield, flanked on both sides by stone statues in the appearance of human gladiators or soldiers. Behind the throne and towards the west, the hallway continues with crossed axes adorning the sandstone walls and the teal/turquoise tile floor. Mateus motions towards that direction first. “That hall leads to the underground sectors, where untameable beasts and prisoners are held. It also has a catacomb that leads directly back to the castle, should you wish for quick access to either location.”
Rena Laradyne has posed:
Rena whistles very softly as the ground level is laid bare a piece at a time. She scoops up some of the dirt mix, crumbling it inbetween her fingers and then wiping them off as she inspects some of the fine fibers and bits of bone.  

She looks up and walks over to the display shield, reaching out to gently touch the surface as if she could read the history from it just from the imperfections underneath her fingertips.

Her fingers graze the throne and then the leg of a stone soldier and across the hallway of sandstone. She peers down that avenue. "Hm. Untameable." she provides no context for the remark, merely nodding in understanding.
Emperor Mateus has posed:
Emperor Mateus chuckles softly. “I will see about showing you some of the monsters that have been tamed, such as the chimeras and perhaps even the behemoth itself. He should be calm after such an invigorating morning exercise.” He lifts off his feet, floating a few feet off the ground before seeming to sit in midair, more precisely nearly reclining. “And how have you found things to be so far, Lady Rena? To my eyes, you seem to be quite enjoying yourself.”

The click-clack of nails on stone echo faintly from the hallway, though with no apparent movement to match. It still sounds like it’s still a fair distance away, likely back towards the supposed staircase leading to the underground sector. If the Emperor notices, he gives no indication of it just yet.
Rena Laradyne has posed:
Rena smiles although there is a slightly vague quality to her smile as if she is distracted by something, her head turning just slightly towards the sound of clicking. Her attention slides back to him and it brightens noticeably.

"I am indeed enjoying myself. I believe something in the manner of an apology is in order."

She picks up the air as if curtseying with an invisible hem of cloth and sweeps it low as she continues to give that bemused, if slightly chagrined smile.

"I do point out though that I've been captivated by such beasts from an early age so my appreciation sadly, is not particularly hard fought but genuine nonetheless. I apologize for scorning so."
Emperor Mateus has posed:
Emperor Mateus waves one hand as if to clear the air between them. “A genuine appreciation for beasts of any origin is to be admired. The fact you have a keen positive interest in this place is indicative enough to your true heart and mind, and let us leave our harsh words to each other as misunderstandings that have been cleared.”

The click-clack gets louder, indicative of approaching paws, and the Emperor lands deftly on his feet as he tilts his head, listening closely. “Oh my, is that...?” A wide, brilliant smile lights up his face as he sweeps forwards, arms swinging wide. “Adina! Sekou!” He whistles a shrill, sweeping trill and unified cat-like yowls of excitement match the sudden appearance of two nearly identical cat-like monsters.

Both are bluish-gray with black spots on their hide, their fur ticking in places to a dull gold or a dark silver, and red eyes flicker with keen intelligence. Their slender, long legs support a solid body and a single fleshy whisker on each side of the face waves and flows like extra tails, stretching down the length of the body to the hindquarters. They purr loudly as they circle around the Emperor, headbutting and weaving around each other while trying to get the maximum amount of attention from him.

“Rena, these are my coeurls: the female, Adina,” he rests one hand on top of the more silvery one, “and the male, Sekou,” his other hand rubs under the chin of the golden one. “They have been at my side as far back as I can remember, when they were but kits and I myself was little bigger.” He chuckles a bit sadly. “So far, they are the only coeurls I have found that survived the fall of my world, so I keep them here for safekeeping. Palamecia used to be known for them.”

He moves to the throne and takes a seat, the coeurls almost immediately curling around the base flanking each side. Only then does he inhale a deep breath as if to recover from the sudden onset of kitties. “Affectionate as ever, I see. Their claws can be poisonous and they can create a burst of light that may paralyze for a moment, so care is still needed.” He pauses, then rubs the back of his head a bit. “Forgive me if I state something obvious, I don’t know if you had coeurls on your world.”

He motions for Rena to come close, though not seeming to be overly worried even after just giving a warning or two for health reasons. “Would you like to pet them? They won’t harm you without reason,” he visibly reconsiders, “though I suggest trying Sekou’s trust first. He is quite protective of Adina.”
Rena Laradyne has posed:
Rena's expression dims to just a small smile. The tight, close lipped expression radiates calm pleasure as she watches the keen eyed cats play with Matthew with kittenish abandon.

Calmly, with a minimum of movement she turns to face the throne. She looks to Adina and then to Sekou then at Matthew. "It is good that you have something that was loved. I believe that is what some tamers ultimately forget. Fear is only one tool." she murmurs. "..of very many."

"No." she says softly to him. "An explanation was required. I have never seen the like of these before. They are beautiful." she approaches calmly and with a minimum of movement. She slowly folds down, the large woman slowly going to her knees like a night blooming flower closing it's petals with the oncoming day. She sits with her hands in her lap and inclines her head respectfully to Sekou.

She hums a very, very low note. It is a faint, jigging sound. A curious sound like something that can only be barely seen in a brush. A curious flash of something. An invitation to investigation.

Rena lays out a hand, palm up. Not approaching but rather letting Sekou approach if he is at all curious. Not approaching Matthew or Adina. Simply waiting.
Emperor Mateus has posed:
Both coeurls lift their heads as Rena moves, the rhythmic wave of their whiskers quickening as their red eyes pin on her. Emperor Mateus himself does not move, only watching in silence as to not interrupt the delicate moment at work.

Sekou cants his head to the side briefly at the sound and the offered hand, his whiskers calming and his tufted ears perking in interest. His black nose flares as he scents the air, his mouth opening faintly as if to draw in more air, then he stretches his head towards Rena as far as he can without budging, still sniffing. His long tail twitches from side to side, the intelligence in those red eyes clearly at work, measuring her and her intentions.

He seems to make a decision a few minutes in, somewhat rising and carefully slinking forwards without really rising off his belly to regard the offered hand more closely. Familiarizing her scent and gauging her as monsters often do. Adina seems to lose interest by proxy, resting her head on her front paws near Matthew’s feet with red eyes half-closed and whiskers nearly resting on the ground around her curled form.
Rena Laradyne has posed:
Rena turns her head away from Sekou, tucking her head into her shoulder. She seems to lose interest in them, that small smile still on her face as she half-lids her eyes, staring off into the wall. Her body does not move.

Her chest barely moves as she breathes in and out shallowly. The jigging note weaves into a faint melody. Pause. Note. Faint melody. No louder or insistent than a draft down the corridor.

Rena rolls her head up towards the ceiling and then down at Sekou, her hand reaching up slowly and attempting to lightly brush against the shoulder with the back of her hand like the friendly brush of another cat.
Emperor Mateus has posed:
Sekou’s pelt tremors under Rena’s touch and his whiskers arc noticeably as his head swivels to regard the ‘offending’ hand. Nothing really comes of it, as he just snorts softly and returns his attention to Rena herself. He shifts still closer, circling around her and sizing her up, rising up on his legs back to his full height--equivocal to an Earthen big cat or so.

He then sticks his muzzle up close to her face, noses almost touching, then nudges at the bridge of her nose with his face before turning back to the throne and trotting away. He then plops down with a ‘chuf’ sound, not quite a purr but close, settling down and seeming content with whatever he’d determined.

Matthew himself claps a bit, a soft sound for the time being. “I’m impressed. Sekou saw something in you, but it seems lifelong loyalty wins out over feline curiosity.” He smiles warmly, leaning over to pet both coeurls. “Perhaps you could become a tamer yourself?”
Rena Laradyne has posed:
Rena returns her hands to her lap and her posture shifts, relaxing so that she slides into a languid seated position with one hand keeping her upright much in the manner that the cats were lounging curled around the base of the throne.

"As well it should. A moment's curiosity was all I was bargaining for." Rena chuckles quietly. "And perhaps. Certainly I have been looking for something to do with my time." she sighs, digging one hand into her hair and teasing out the threads until they slip around her shoulder.

"..and it has been one of the options I have been.. considering."
Emperor Mateus has posed:
“Fufufu...” The Emperor’s chuckle sounds at once pleased and supportive. “You are free to do as you wish, my lady. My home is yours, my land is free for your perusal, and I am curious to see what path you shall yet carve for yourself. But perhaps, that is a tale yet to be told.”

He reclines back on his throne, a sigh settling his shoulders, and looks just about as content as his coeurls. “So much left to see and do... But perhaps a meal is in order before we continue our tour?” He looks towards the clouds beyond the imperial skybox. “It might be almost high noon by now.”
Rena Laradyne has posed:
"Always the wanderer's question. In a world of freedom, which thing to reach for first?" Rena chuckles and rises slowly back onto her feet, brushing her leather armor off as she does so. "And in this case, food would be a welcome distraction. Perhaps you can tell me more about these creatures on the way." she makes another gracious invisible 'curtsy' and then extends her arm much like he did at the beginning of the tour.