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== Profile ==  
== Profile ==  
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=== Skills ===
=== Skills ===
Albino Magical Girl, Scottish Lass, Dark and Troubled Past, Well Guarded Secret, Sorcerer's Pet, Spell Books and Claws, Beware the Quiet Ones, Slow to Trust, Mistaken for A Garden Sculpture, Scavenger, Salvager, Dumpster Diver, It's Just A Little Dirty! It's Still Good!, Wind Caller, Storm Sense, Clanless Rogue, Trouble Magnet
Albino Magical Girl, Scottish Lass, Dark and Troubled Past, Well Guarded Secret, Sorcerer's Pet, Spell Books and Claws, Beware the Quiet Ones, Slow to Trust, Mistaken for A Garden Sculpture, Scavenger, Salvager, Dumpster Diver, It's Just A Little Dirty! It's Still Good!, Wind Caller, Storm Sense, Clanless Rogue, Trouble Magnet
== Personality ==
== Personality ==
Like so many who have gone through many trials at a young age, Zia carries with her a subtle sort of vulnerability. She has been through a great deal, and the events of her past are not things you recover from without having some strength of heart to carry you forward. While gargoyles are not creatures who tend to live in the past, sometimes it does catch up to her, especially on those quiet nights when the sounds of the city wander into her dreams. The sky has always been her solace - the guiding stars so dimmed now due to the light of the Manhattan skyline, and yet sometimes if she stares hard enough, she can remember them as they once were.  
Like so many who have gone through many trials at a young age, Zia carries with her a subtle sort of vulnerability. She has been through a great deal, and the events of her past are not things you recover from without having some strength of heart to carry you forward. While gargoyles are not creatures who tend to live in the past, sometimes it does catch up to her, especially on those quiet nights when the sounds of the city wander into her dreams. The sky has always been her solace - the guiding stars so dimmed now due to the light of the Manhattan skyline, and yet sometimes if she stares hard enough, she can remember them as they once were.  
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== Abilities ==  
== Abilities ==  
=== Items ===
* '''Crystal Heart:''' The blue pendant which Zia wears has been passed down for generations from an ancestor who once came from a distant land. It's origins remain unknown, but it seems to be an item with some power. She largely keeps it hidden and guards it as her family 'secret'. So far, she has told no one what the crystal can do, but for anyone who knows of her ability to forgo a gargoyle's stone sleep, it seems likely that the crystal is at the 'heart' of it.
=== Combat ===
=== Combat ===
* '''Gliding:''' Like most gargoyles, Zia has the ability to utilize her wings and the air currents to keep her aloft. This is not true flight, as it has some limitations. She is not able to take flight in close confines, or areas where there would be no wind or air to catch her. Her flightspeed is determined by the winds themselves, and generally not as quick as with those who have more full-fledged flight.
* '''Gliding:''' Like most gargoyles, Zia has the ability to utilize her wings and the air currents to keep her aloft. This is not true flight, as it has some limitations. She is not able to take flight in close confines, or areas where there would be no wind or air to catch her. Her flightspeed is determined by the winds themselves, and generally not as quick as with those who have more full-fledged flight.
* '''Wind Caller:''' Zia is a natural-born mage. While she still depends heavily on incantations and spells, she has a natural ability with the winds. This, in some ways, bolsters her already wind-based magic, but also allows her simple feats like shifting the winds around her while she flies, or moving the clouds to see the sky beyond, or having some weather sense when it comes to impending storms.  
* '''Wind Caller:''' Zia is a natural-born mage. While she still depends heavily on incantations and spells, she has a natural ability with the winds. This, in some ways, bolsters her already wind-based magic, but also allows her simple feats like shifting the winds around her while she flies, or moving the clouds to see the sky beyond, or having some weather sense when it comes to impending storms.  
* '''Dark Thread:''' While most of her weather-based magic comes from tapping into some thread of connection to natural energies, this has been somewhat tainted over time. What might have become an ability to utilize nature magic, has instead been corrupted into the ability to channel a darker variation. While she rarely uses these spells, there is a touch of that darkness that an acute mage might sense even in her weather magic.
* '''Sorcerer:''' Due to her experiences while captured by Valen, Zia has some limited knowledge of sorcery, and has access a couple of his stolen spellbooks/notebooks. She knows of one quite dangerous spell, which already got out of her control once. Due to this, she's unlikely to dabble with it a second time, as she has seen the after effects of a spell gone wrong. She does have a natural skill with sorcery, which Valen had been trying to tap in to, attempting to use the girl as a focus for his own magic, but as of now it is largely untrained. She does know one spell which has saved her tail a time or two, and that is a very simple 'sleep' incantation, which only seems to work on those weaker-hearted humans (NPCs) or those willing to accept it.
* '''Sorcerer:''' Due to her experiences while captured by Valen, Zia has some limited knowledge of sorcery, and has access a couple of his stolen spellbooks/notebooks. She knows of one quite dangerous spell, which already got out of her control once. Due to this, she's unlikely to dabble with it a second time, as she has seen the after effects of a spell gone wrong. She does have a natural skill with sorcery, which Valen had been trying to tap in to, attempting to use the girl as a focus for his own magic, but as of now it is largely untrained. She does know one spell which has saved her tail a time or two, and that is a very simple 'sleep' incantation, which only seems to work on those weaker-hearted humans (NPCs) or those willing to accept it.
=== Non-Combat ===
=== Non-Combat ===
* '''Scrounger/Salvager:''' Over the years, Zia has developed the ability to scrounge up what she needs to survive. Usually, this involves a lot of patience, watching and waiting in order to figure out when shops get rid of expired food or faulty goods. There is also a bit of cleverness involved, sometimes knowing just the right place to look for things. Give her a pile of scrap and she's likely to find something useful there. One man's junk is another's treasure.
* '''Scrounger/Salvager:''' Over the years, Zia has developed the ability to scrounge up what she needs to survive. Usually, this involves a lot of patience, watching and waiting in order to figure out when shops get rid of expired food or faulty goods. There is also a bit of cleverness involved, sometimes knowing just the right place to look for things. Give her a pile of scrap and she's likely to find something useful there. One man's junk is another's treasure.
* '''Music:''' Growing up, Zia was raised on her father's stories and ballads, and through him she developed a love of music. She has a good singing voice, but her real skill is with a homemade set of panpipes, which her father taught her how to make when she was still a child.  
* '''Music:''' Growing up, Zia was raised on her father's stories and ballads, and through him she developed a love of music. She has a good singing voice, but her real skill is with a homemade set of panpipes, which her father taught her how to make when she was still a child.  
== Combat ==
== Combat ==

Revision as of 06:07, 23 October 2012

Age Adult (Unknown)
Species Gargoyle
Sex Female
Height 5'6"
Weight Skinny
Series Gargoyles
Combat Styles Wind Mage
Hometown Scottish Highlands
Group Unaffiliated
Occupation/Job Freelance Scavenger and Part-Time Architecture
Force: Wandering Force
"Sometimes, when yer path isnae clear. All you can do is close yer eyes and go where the wind takes ye."
Recent Events
Living in an abandoned building in Manhattan, avoiding humans and gargoyles alike.
Zia Letter.jpg


The last born of a once-great clan, the story of how a single Scottish gargoyle came to live in upstate New York is a long one, with many nights far darker than her days. Yet, where there is darkness, there is also light. It was by sheer accident that a rich collector's wife fell in love with a statue while visiting a village outside Stirling, only to discover that when she arrived home, it was not a statue at all. Since then, Zia has lived on the outskirts of Manhattan, scavenging for what she needs to survive. Clever and wary, she's managed to stay clear of both the humans and gargoyles within the city. Yet, with the world changing, it seems unlikely that she will remain a recluse for long.


Albino Magical Girl, Scottish Lass, Dark and Troubled Past, Well Guarded Secret, Sorcerer's Pet, Spell Books and Claws, Beware the Quiet Ones, Slow to Trust, Mistaken for A Garden Sculpture, Scavenger, Salvager, Dumpster Diver, It's Just A Little Dirty! It's Still Good!, Wind Caller, Storm Sense, Clanless Rogue, Trouble Magnet

Zia Skyscape.jpg



Like so many who have gone through many trials at a young age, Zia carries with her a subtle sort of vulnerability. She has been through a great deal, and the events of her past are not things you recover from without having some strength of heart to carry you forward. While gargoyles are not creatures who tend to live in the past, sometimes it does catch up to her, especially on those quiet nights when the sounds of the city wander into her dreams. The sky has always been her solace - the guiding stars so dimmed now due to the light of the Manhattan skyline, and yet sometimes if she stares hard enough, she can remember them as they once were.

While Zia is certainly a survivor - one of those who manages to get through whatever life throws at them, she is also quite lonely. She still remembers what it was like to have a family, though it has been a great many years since anyone has reached out to give her a home or offer her anything in the way of comfort. Yet, she remembers what it was like with a basal sort of longing, like knowing love for such a brief time then finding it always out of reach. Gargoyles are, by nature, social creatures who prefer the safety of a clan to life alone, and yet with so many years by herself, there are some walls she has put up to keep others out. The girl is cautious and careful, having known some of the worst that humanity has to offer.

So much of what she knows comes self-taught. Her father taught her how to read and write, which came in handy when reading was all that she could really do to pass the long nights. She's a clever one, quick to figure out most things that she sets her mind to and quick-witted enough to be able to find food and shelter within a city crawling with human beings. She might not be a wiz at modern technology like some, but Zia has managed to pick up some things, and since she sometimes has longer days than most, she often spends her free time reading or tinkering with things she finds that the humans have left behind.

For the most part, though, Zia is caught somewhat in limbo just now. She's managing to survive, but is that all that there is to life? She hovers on the precipice. Even with the influx of Heartless, she seems averse to helping the darkness, and equally so to becoming a 'defender of the night'. The only things clear about her is that she has a strong heart, but just who's side she ends up being on largely depends on who earns the trust of a girl who is used to being on her own, but still longs for everything she's lost.


(Note: This is an edited BG which does not include some plot-points meant to be kept hidden.)

Zia KH.png

Gargoyles were not always creatures of myth and legend. They were once just as real as so many other beasts that roamed the dark of night. Some say that the first Gargoyles took flight in a time when humans were far more likely to have been the myths. A thousand years ago, when the first humans came to lay claim to the sea-side cliffs and give them the name Wyvern, a part of the clan that lived there refused to follow Hudson's decree to live with and protect the humans. Instead, they chose to continue to cling to their own ancient ways, setting out for lands where the humans had not yet reached.

Long after Wyvern had fallen at the hands of the Vikings, they remained, claiming high cliffs and distant reaches as their home, always moving on when humans got close enough to be a danger. Over the course of time, the small nomadic clan came to adopt others under their wings - usually refugees from fallen clans who had once been so many. One that had come to them was an odd looking gargoyle who carried with him a strange blue crystal, and a secret. He never told of where he had come from before, but his strange way of speaking clearly claimed him as a foreigner to Scotland's shores. In time, he came to be as accepted as any other member of the clan and even claimed a mate. It was with her lying in his arms that he finally told his story - of the lands his people once came from and the power that the crystal still held. Through the years, the secret was kept, even as the clan began to grow smaller and smaller. Every generation, some brave souls set off to find out what happened to the rest of the clans, never to return. There were fewer and fewer eggs in the rookery, and less places they could go to be safe from the encroaching reach of humanity. In the end, there were only a handful left, with only a single mated pair who still called the cliffs of their ancestors home.

It was into this tiny clan that Zia was born - the last of a lineage that dated back as far as that stranger who came to their shores, and further still to those who once left the so-called Wyvern clan before humans had given it that name. She spent her early years living with her two parents, elder brother, and aunt, who made up all that was left of the 'clan'. In the ancient ways, she was raised without having a name, although the familial relationships were obvious. Like so many others, her aunt had wished to travel elsewhere - wanting to find a mate of her own, and she convinced her nephew to accompany her. Afterall, what hope did he ever have of a future beyond growing old alone on the cliffs with his parents and sister? They were not the last to leave.

So much would happen in the years to come, starting with the loss of her parents, and ending at last with her capture by a human sorcerer by the name of Valen, who kept her in order to study the girl and possibly use her to further his own magic. It was through Valen that she discovered her gift for spellcraft, and that ended up becoming his downfall when she turned one of his own incantations against him. It was in one of his own notebooks that she first saw the name 'Zia'. For all that the man may have held her as a captive and had darker plans for her fate, he had given her a name with a singular meaning: Light.

She was older now, and smarter about things this time as she set out into the world. For nearly two years she survived, hidden from the humans. Of course, everyone makes mistakes, and the one that brought her to New York was falling asleep in a statuary store. The unique 'sculpture' was immediately bought up by a rich wife of a senator who decided that she just /had/ to have the creature for her garden. Imagine her surprise when she got the huge shipping crate home, only to find her sculpture came to life. The papers claimed it was a psychotic break, but the tabloids picked up the woman's hospital rantings about a 'little white monster'. One would think that it would be quite hard to adjust from a small town to a city existence, but she found one thing to be true for the most part, New York-ers never look up.

So, Zia lives as she always has, as a scavenger - scouring the streets for food and shelter. She's seen the others from time to time - the clan that calls the city home, but these ones seem to work with the humans - first atop the tall castle, and then within the clocktower. Yet, could she ever come to trust humans? Zia had seen their cruelty for so many years of her life, They had taken away her family. They had given her a name. But trust? Well, only time will tell.


Zia rooftop.jpg


  • Crystal Heart: The blue pendant which Zia wears has been passed down for generations from an ancestor who once came from a distant land. It's origins remain unknown, but it seems to be an item with some power. She largely keeps it hidden and guards it as her family 'secret'. So far, she has told no one what the crystal can do, but for anyone who knows of her ability to forgo a gargoyle's stone sleep, it seems likely that the crystal is at the 'heart' of it.


  • Gliding: Like most gargoyles, Zia has the ability to utilize her wings and the air currents to keep her aloft. This is not true flight, as it has some limitations. She is not able to take flight in close confines, or areas where there would be no wind or air to catch her. Her flightspeed is determined by the winds themselves, and generally not as quick as with those who have more full-fledged flight.
  • Wind Caller: Zia is a natural-born mage. While she still depends heavily on incantations and spells, she has a natural ability with the winds. This, in some ways, bolsters her already wind-based magic, but also allows her simple feats like shifting the winds around her while she flies, or moving the clouds to see the sky beyond, or having some weather sense when it comes to impending storms.
  • Dark Thread: While most of her weather-based magic comes from tapping into some thread of connection to natural energies, this has been somewhat tainted over time. What might have become an ability to utilize nature magic, has instead been corrupted into the ability to channel a darker variation. While she rarely uses these spells, there is a touch of that darkness that an acute mage might sense even in her weather magic.
  • Sorcerer: Due to her experiences while captured by Valen, Zia has some limited knowledge of sorcery, and has access a couple of his stolen spellbooks/notebooks. She knows of one quite dangerous spell, which already got out of her control once. Due to this, she's unlikely to dabble with it a second time, as she has seen the after effects of a spell gone wrong. She does have a natural skill with sorcery, which Valen had been trying to tap in to, attempting to use the girl as a focus for his own magic, but as of now it is largely untrained. She does know one spell which has saved her tail a time or two, and that is a very simple 'sleep' incantation, which only seems to work on those weaker-hearted humans (NPCs) or those willing to accept it.


  • Scrounger/Salvager: Over the years, Zia has developed the ability to scrounge up what she needs to survive. Usually, this involves a lot of patience, watching and waiting in order to figure out when shops get rid of expired food or faulty goods. There is also a bit of cleverness involved, sometimes knowing just the right place to look for things. Give her a pile of scrap and she's likely to find something useful there. One man's junk is another's treasure.
  • Music: Growing up, Zia was raised on her father's stories and ballads, and through him she developed a love of music. She has a good singing voice, but her real skill is with a homemade set of panpipes, which her father taught her how to make when she was still a child.


Stats Rating
Physical Attack Power Bad
Magical Attack Power Exceptional
Physical Accuracy Bad
Magical Accuracy Great
Physical Evasion Average
Magical Evasion Average
Physical Defense Average
Magical Defense Average
Aerial Fighter
Bright Eyes
Rock Solid
Shield Surf
Lucky Striker
Kinetic Barrier

Zia Typetype.gif


Action Type Element Description
Airbreaker Debuff Air Charges the air around her opponent, strengthening offensive spells against them.
Creeping Frost Debuff Water A slow-acting spell that causes painful ice to cling to the extremities.
Air Blitz Attack Air A quick attack used to get distance from her opponent and keep herself airborne.
Electric Shock Attack Air A shocking attack that drives the opponent to the ground and stuns them.
Static Charge Attack Air A charging attack which boosts her magical power while sending electricity at her opponent.
Thunder Blast Attack Air A blast of pure lightning which knocks the opponent away.
Tempest Wind Attack Air A powerful attack utilizing blades of condensed wind
Spirit Force Attack Dark An attack which utilizes concentrated magic, boosting defenses while attacking.
Dark Cutter Attack Dark An attack that channels darkness, resulting in sometimes unpredictable effects.
Aqua Jet Attack Water A lower level attack which uses water magic to remove positive effects on an opponent.
Limit Break Type Element Description
Force of Nature Attack Special A high-level attack which utilizes a balance of elemental magics.
Call Storm Attack Air A high-level attack that summons up the power of a full-blown storm, threatening to sweep everything up in the destructive force.




Name Status Thoughts
Daniil Petrov Zia Unsure.jpg Wary Whoever he works for, they certainly have to be equivalent to my world's FBI, or CIA, or something else with letters. He's human, though, so he's probably not as nice as he seems. What was with the lurking on a rooftop with a sword, anyway? I might be able to get some food and information out of him, though.
Deidra Zia Confused.jpg Confused She might be a fellow gargress, but there's so much she doesn't seem to know. Is it really amnesia, or is there something else going on here? She seemed to easily ally herself with the humans, but can such a 'friendship' really last? How much do they know about our kind, because of her?
Morgan Albaste Zia Unsure.jpg Wary On the surface, she seems like a kind creature, but there is something there is something else there, too. There's the way she reacted to the Heartless and what she said about giving herself over to learn Dark magic. I guess I'll figure it out, eventually. I do owe her that flight, someday.
Reize Seatlan Zia Normal.jpg Neutral He seems nice enough, but perhaps not as wary as he should be. There's definitely more to him than there seems to be on the surface. I wonder why he went all stiff when I touched his hair?
Sköll Ulfang Zia Sigh.jpg Wary I... just don't know. He acts like some noble knight in wolf's clothing, but he also controls Heartless and talks about the Darkness as if it's something he reveres. Is he really a good person, or is is there something else going on here that I just don't understand? And just who or what are those 'Dark Lords' he serves?


Where the Serpent Sleeps March 27th, 2014 Skoll joins Zia in the Serpent's Trench and the two search for the Cloister of Midgarsrmr.
Crossroads and Graveyards March 24th, 2014 Skoll meets up with his Golden Wolf and is reminded of a choice that lies before him, and of the dangerous threat that lurks behind.
The Masked Keyblade Wielder March 21st, 2014 Deelel encounters a woman dressed as a wolf guarding Port Royal.
The Cloister of Shiva March 16th, 2014 A group of adventurers make it to the Cloister of Shiva. But what will they find inside?
Temple Hunt, the report January 31st, 2014 After locating the temple Shiva and clearing out the heartless in getting in the way. Deidra contacted Zia to meet her on he roof of the Cloud Nine to give her the information.
Seven: Dreams Go On - Waking Dream January 18th, 2014 Seith's curse comes to bear. Cinderella falls asleep. As do many of our other heroes. This is the story for those who escaped the curse's grasp.
Seven: Dreams January 5th, 2014 Our heroes enjoy a ball and learn some of the secrets that the Castle of Dreams holds. But what's more... there is a dark omen that meets our heroes late into the dance.
Meeting the Golden Wolf November 7th, 2013 Skoll meets a mysterious stranger who just might be the Wolf he's been searching for.
What We Know September 16th, 2013 The Seekers speculate on the nature of the keyblade quests.
Future Tense: Shiki Misaki September 15th, 2013 It is decided.
Future Tense: Zia September 14th, 2013 It is decided.
Present Possibilities: Zia September 6th, 2013 The past is prologue. The present? Is full of Heartless.
Past is Prologue: Zia August 24th, 2013 The past is prologue. All else is chicanery and nonsense. Until it's not.
Meetings outside Oblivion: Zia August 17th, 2013 Zia meets Lucas to have answers questioned and questions answered.
Lamia Seekers August 13th, 2013 Kidnappings lead Faruja and his considerable posse to investigate rumors of Lamia mischief.
Oh it had to be a Heartless... August 8th, 2013 The Shard Seekers head off on an adventure sadly for them there is something foul waiting for them at their destination.
A Refugee from Himself August 7th, 2013 Evja comes to the Shard Seekers, looking for someplace safe from the people pursuing him.
When The Gargoyle Visits August 7th, 2013 Zia comes to the TDA to look for Will to speak with him on things. She doesn't find him, but she does find Mercade. They catch up on things.
Booze and Business August 2nd, 2013 Zia and Deidra talk about current events over some cocktails.
The Cloister of Carbuncle July 28th, 2013 Skoll and Zia stumble through the Cloister of Carbuncle in the first stop on his quest to regain his summoner powers.
Deliveries and Job Postings July 22nd, 2013 There's some interest in Arthur Drover's 'help wanted' flier, as well as a delivery to his Synthesis Shop.
Above the Town July 16th, 2013 Deidra's perched up on the Clock Tower having a meal when Zia pops in. It's been a while since the two have caught up and they talk on things. Just generally catching up.
Dreams and Pathways Forward July 11th, 2013 Skoll wakes from a dream of the Espers, only to find that he isn't the only one with strange dreams.
Visitors, Cupcakes, and Relationships July 1st, 2013 Maira stops by for a visit to the Watchtower, only to be beset by addictive cupcakes, relationship advice, and... dun dun dun: Percival.
Fragmentary Passage: Zia June 30th, 2013 Let the pieces fall where they may. A dream twisted out of shape provides answers.. and choices.
In the Deep: Serpent's Trench June 22nd, 2013 A group of heroes has heard about a Heartless invasion in Serpent's Trench and moves to find out what is going on. What they find is... unexpected!
In the Deep: Atlantis June 22nd, 2013 In order to defend Atlantis, the party there leaves the place and plans to use explosives to break their way out. Continued in In the Deep: Serpent's Trench.
The Sorrow of Lost and Found June 21st, 2013 Avira discovers her own ties to Atlantis, and the sorrow that goes along with it.
Power of the Ancestors June 18th, 2013 Percival discovers the truth about the sword he wields, and the power within.
Wolf-Baths and Gargoyle-Rituals June 18th, 2013 Skoll gets a bath, and Zia discovers the 'Gorlois' of Atlantis, who perform a ritual to bring life back into her crystal.
Journey Without A Map June 16th, 2013 Seeking out the lost city of Atlantis and what knowledge might be contained there-in, a group of adventurers set out to face peril... and spear-throwing chipmunks.
Keepsakes June 13th, 2013 Fate has a way of bringing people together when they need it most.
Behold - The Quest NPC June 5th, 2013 Skoll and Zia discover a mysterious old man, who just may have a lead for them on their quest.
Love and Dusty Armchairs May 29th, 2013 Zia and Percival catch up on their recent mis-adventures.
Training Begins May 28th, 2013 Zia and Faruja catch up a bit on current events, and then the mouse decides to start on her training, only to discover just how difficult a task he signed up for.
Awkward Moments May 26th, 2013 After fighting the last of the elemental 'sisters', Skoll and Zia try to ackwardly figure out what they plan on doing from here.
Saving Werewolf Ulfang May 25th, 2013 Avira, Skoll and Zia finally challenge the remaining Gaudium Lord flunkies; 'The Gaia Sisters' to free Skoll of the darkness-inducing collar.
A Dark Visitor May 21st, 2013 Seith drops in to give Percival a 'friendly' reminder, but ends up encountering a young sorceress instead.
Gargoyles Go House Hunting April 11th, 2013 Since gargoyles do tend to clan together, Zia and Percival go house-hunting for a decent roost in Fluorgis.
Mystery Woof April 1st, 2013 He'd promised Hati, and now after things have settled down a little, finally has the chance to do that one thing he still wanted to do. To treat Zia to a 'date'.
Following the Path March 17th, 2013 Adventurers go off in search of treasure, only to be thwarted by the 'Ghetto Knight'.
Restoration March 16th, 2013 It has finally come - the final battle to resurrect Manhattan!
Love and Rooftops March 15th, 2013 Zia and Percival discuss things like love, and princesses, and his past.
Dinner and a Talk March 15th, 2013 Skoll and Zia have a brief chat over bacon sandwiches.
To Hell and Back March 14th, 2013 Avira has been captured, dragged into the depths of the Underworld. Avira's friend band together, ready to rescue their friend, and free Manhattan from darkness once and for all. There can be no failure here, for failure has...perminate consiquences.
The Real Xanatos Gambit March 9th, 2013 Hades invites himself over for tea, things get ultra complicated.
The Final Shard March 8th, 2013 Time to go visit a friend of Merlin's for the real answer of where the Spirit Shard is - Mama Odie. Yet can this Voodoo Priestess really help them? Or will it just be another wild goose chase?
Shard Packing With Merlin?? March 7th, 2013 Time to go find the last shard! Everyone gather together because we are hitting up Merlin's. Yet what they will find out, isn't what they were hoping for...
Stealing 'Treasure' from Pirates March 3rd, 2013 A group of adventurers explore an island near Port Royal, where treasure is presumed to be hidden, and have to deal with the wiles of the local pirates.
Mysterious Mysteries March 1st, 2013 When pigs give maps and Merlin translates, interesting things happen. Including being swept away to an underwater mystery of mysteries.
'Princess' and Penitent February 27th, 2013 During the celebrations, Zia drags Percival off to the Shard Seeker's Headquarters to figure out what is bothering him.
Celebration in Fluorgis February 26th, 2013 With the Shadows Over Fluorgis passes, the city undergoes a celebration. Drunks, music, merriment all around. Some shenanigans are abound.
Banish the Darkness February 22nd, 2013 The shadows over Fluorgis at last unleash their true power. The malaise which has so oppressed the once-lively citizenry suddenly condenses and then erupts in a dark rain over the desert, a veritable storm of Heartless weltering down upon the weakened city. With the light of the Fire Crystal flickering and its defenses depowered, Fluorgis's last hope and protection are the adventurers who have heeded her call. A desperate battle in the streets ensues as the siege -- and the Shadows Over Fluorgis plotline -- reaches its climax!
Defending the Temple February 22nd, 2013 The newly found Glabadosian temple falls under attack by Royce and the undead, leaving only Zia and a few Templar to defend the retreat of the historians and researchers.
Questions and Answers February 13th, 2013 The Network tracks down Zia in order to ask some questions, and get asked some in return.
Confessions of the Heart February 11th, 2013 After the battle in the Pridelands, Faruja and Zia return to the Land of Dragons and the mouse springs his love letter on a certain unsuspecting gargoyle.
Boneyard Shuffle February 10th, 2013 Shard UNLOCK! --- A massive undead mammoth shuffles about and inconviences the party. Guest starring Shenzai, Banzai and Ed. --Welcome to the Pride Lands.
Revealing the Truth February 7th, 2013 Deidra and Zia catch up on current events, and share some measure of their secrets with one another.
Dive Into The Heart: Zia February 2nd, 2013 A stonesleeping Zia takes her first step into a mysterious journey.
Wounded Hope January 23rd, 2013 Skoll, wounded and bandaged up in VALKYRI HQ, awakens to Zia watching over him.
Port Royal Sniffers January 20th, 2013 Zia and Avira make their way to Skoll's last known location...
The True Self? January 19th, 2013 A mysterious fog fell over in Fluorgis. Strange mirrors erected in place and the adventurers who investigate found more than was expected...
An Interesting Theory January 13th, 2013 The running theory is that a certain white gargoyle is the Manhattan 'Princess of Heart'. She seems quite surprised to be addressed as such by a young knight of her own kind.
Fate and Bacon January 10th, 2013 Sometimes, it's okay to just have a laugh.
Manhattan Restoration: Mining for Shards January 10th, 2013 The heroes come to the Woodlands in order to get one of the Manhattan Shards... but run into a bit of trouble.
Prelude ~ Panic in Fluorgis January 6th, 2013 It started off as a normal day for the Shard Seekers, but then the Heartless invaded the city itself. Many adventurers banded together to stop the outbreak with a bit of a mysterious help...
Warnings and Antics January 4th, 2013 Avira comes to warn Zia about her confrontation with the 'Dark Lords' that Skoll serves, but the two end up distracted by their shared worries over the werewolf, and puppy antics.
Side Quest: Hold My Hand December 31st, 2012 The Shard Seekers (and friends) accompany the infamous 'Ghetto Knight' into the Mythril Mines. Cue shenanigans.
Turning to Stone December 20th, 2012 On a visit to Mullonde, Count Valos encounters a real gargoyle amongst the statues, and a conversation about the prospect of turning to living stone commences.
Sleep By Dawn December 19th, 2012 Things move from Sammy bugging the Shard Seekers HQ to Zia revealing a big secret to Skoll.
Of Ships and Shards December 19th, 2012 A slip of the hand means an impromptu meeting between two wanderers who have both lost their worlds.
Songs on Rooftops December 17th, 2012 The white gargress puts aside her fear of humans for a time to share in their sorrow over the loss of Manhattan, only to find that even among the refugees there are 'heartless' beings that have nothing to do with the fall of darkness.
To Fight Or Flee December 10th, 2012 After awaking from the battle in Manhattan, Zia discovers her world has fallen. Fleeing to the rooftops, she is soon joined by a friend.
Last Light of Manhattan December 9th, 2012 Here is it. The final struggle for the Heart of Manhattan. A few brave heroes blaze against the tides of darkness in the hopes to save the world from crumbling into the darkness.
In a New York Minute: The Fall December 9th, 2012 This is the villain side: Riku has accepted the darkness and old friends collide in battle. ....And more horror is unlocked.
In A New York Minute: The Blockade December 8th, 2012 Leida and Ember (Katyna) are tasked with creating a blockade around Manhattan's Central Park Shadow Portal. Our heroes will have none of that.
Scaling To The Moon December 5th, 2012 Skoll Ulfang and Zia investigate a mysterious happening atop the Alexandrian Mountains.
Trouble Brews In the Family December 4th, 2012 After the situation with Shiki's shower incident, Reize called the Shard Seekers to a meeting. Should Priel be a member of the Shard Seekers?
The Dog Days November 21st, 2012 Two 'guests' of the Shard Seekers surprise each other in the dorms, and then share the stories that brought them there. With a cameo by a very, very lost Reize.
Beggin' Bacon October 26th, 2012 Zia and Skoll meet back up within the Shard Seekers HQ.
Rooftop Meetings October 18th, 2012 Faruja and his companions startle Zia by teleporting onto the rooftop she'd claimed as her perch.
An Awkward Acquaintance October 9th, 2012 Dark going downs in the city of Fluorgis.
Crossing the Fens October 3rd, 2012 Once upon a time in a dreary mire... three like individuals cross paths...
Seasalt Shanty September 29th, 2012 Scrooge McDuck's sale of Seasalt Icecream is disrupted as heartless steal the recipe to the globally well received food-item!
Rooftop Ornaments September 23rd, 2012 While checking out Manhattan, Daniil, an agent of the Turks, discovers that there are not just humans in this world. Of course, the girl he runs into is clearly suspicious of the 'man in black'.
An 'Easy' Target September 21st, 2012 A wandering Reize draws the attention of a couple of muggers, only to be 'rescued' by a gargoyle and a werewolf. Of course, it seems as if he didn't really need the rescue afterall.
Tussle in Traverse Town September 20th, 2012 Skoll encounters a somewhat lost and quite hungry Zia, and then the pair end up accosted by a drunken Bangaa and Seeq and inevitably end up in trouble.
Night in the City September 17th, 2012 After encountering a Heartless, Deidra meets up with a fellow gargoyle who shows her how her wings work, and takes her into the city for a breakfast of stolen baked goods.