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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2012/11/23 |Location=Baron Castle |Synopsis=Kaydin returns to Baron with the captured Avira. Morrighan of curse takes utter pleasure in antagonizin...")
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|Date of Scene=2012/11/23
|Date of Scene=2012/11/23
|Location=Baron Castle
|Location=Baron Castle
|Synopsis=Kaydin returns to Baron with the captured Avira. Morrighan of curse takes utter pleasure in antagonizing said captive. But of course, she does not submit willingly. It's going to be a long day...
|Synopsis=Kaydin returns to Baron with the captured Avira. Morrighan of course takes utter pleasure in antagonizing said captive. But of course, she does not submit willingly. It's going to be a long day...
|Cast of Characters=Avira, Kaydin, Morrighan Alazne
|Cast of Characters=Avira, Kaydin, Morrighan Alazne

Revision as of 05:05, 24 November 2012

A Captive of Baron
Date of Scene: 23 November 2012
Location: Baron Castle
Synopsis: Kaydin returns to Baron with the captured Avira. Morrighan of course takes utter pleasure in antagonizing said captive. But of course, she does not submit willingly. It's going to be a long day...
Cast of Characters: Avira, Kaydin, Morrighan Alazne

Morrighan Alazne has posed:
Well, today was certainly a strange day.

Having had another one of her fits of anger, Morrighan decided that she simply could NOT wait around any longer, and ordered a certain hapless dark knight to go out and capture another certain uncouth ape. One that had taken the unfortunate pleasure of having her fist collide with the dark elf's face. ...Multiple times in fact. Apparently, that fight back at Balamb Garden still left the healer angry at the huntress. And she vowed revenge.

But of course she was not going to go outside herself and take care of that! Hah! That's what subordinates were for!

...This was much earlier in the day.

Now imagine her surprise when Kaydin returned through a dark portal, carrying the very object of her hatred over his shoulder.

Glee, happiness, incredulity, giddiness...ah, there were many words one could use to describe it. But we'll skip that. Instead, let us move on over to the castle dungeons!

After giving both Avira, and Kaydin basic treatment for their wounds, the shorter woman was promptly locked into the nearest cell. The white mage soon followed, finding herself standing on the other side, arms crossed and an amused smile playing across her face as she observed Avira's better, but still not up to prime condition.

"My, my, my~ Look at you...You certainly have seen better days, haven't you~? Ohohoho~!" That question was topped off with a haughty giggle. Indeed, she was going to enjoy this...
Kaydin has posed:
Kaydin had a nasty habit of following orders so he really didnt see why Morrighan was so surprised to see he succeeded. Course, his armor was completely destroyed, he came back in only his black tunic and black trousers and sword at his side. He looks to the white mage and then looks to the woman in the dungeon cell. "She was the one who hit you in the face repeatedly?"
Avira has posed:
The last thing Avira remembered was sand. A facefull of sand before her body had succumbed to the wounds of her rather vicious fight with the dark knight. She was extremely worse for wear when she was picked up, Kaydin's sword having left several wounds on her that would have easily dropped a lesser man.

Drifting in and out of consciousness, she doesn't really remember arriving. She only slightly remembers her wounds being treated. She definitely remembers being handled roughly and left somewhere cold and hard.

She rouses fully when she hears the voice of THAT HARPY and suddenly her stomach fills with dread. "...damn it!" she immediately swears and pulls herself to her feet, only to stumble and need to brace herself against the wall. A few seconds pass...

...then she throws herself against the bars without warning, reaching out between them with one hand, grabbing at the white mage. "And I'll damn well do it again!"
Morrighan Alazne has posed:
Morrighan nodded to Kaydin's inquiry, her gaze still locked onto the woman on the other side. "Indeed. My beautiful, flawless face! Defiled by this peasant!" Her eyes narrowed as her tone of voice dripped with venom as each word passed. "But nevermind that!" The healer spoke in a much more energetic tone. "After all, with this ape now behind bars, I feel that finally, justice is going to be served~"

Morrighan broke out into a fresh fit of haughty laughter as Avira threw herself against the bars of the cell, valiantly attempt to grab at the dark elf. "Oh my! Still so energetic, I see!" Smiling mockingly, she rested a hand against her own cheek as she observed the other woman's anger.

"Now, you and I are going to oh so much fun together~! What shall I do first? Chain you up and whip you?" A moment of silence passed before Morrighan shook her head. "...Oh no, that is far too simple! Perhaps I should have you swear your servitude to me! Ah, you WOULD look lovely in a maid's dress now! Mhmhmhm~" Leaning forward just enough to be out of Avira's reach, but close enough for the shorter woman to be tempted to try, she added on. "...What say you, hmm~?"
Kaydin has posed:
"Be careful Morrighan. She is stronger then you believe, it was by luck I managed to best her." Kaydin says calmly as he watches the dark elf with concern before looking to Avira with a calm expression on his face, his body still mostly injured from the damage of their fight. "She is also capable of ice magic."
Avira has posed:
Morrighan manages to hit a few of the words that Avira really despises being called in a matter of seconds. Peasant! Ape! "Flawless as a dog's rear end, maybe!" Avira growls back, reaching out as far as she can possibly push herself against her prison. Her fingers wiggle, desperately trying to snatch up the dark elf.

When it quickly becomes clear that Morrighan has already moved well out of her reach, she sulkily retracts her hand. She remains right up at the bars, like a tiger being taunted with tasty-looking schoolchildren. Mention of whipping earns Morrighan a growl, which fills that pause the elf gives.

Morrighan starts to lean in, but Avira remains still, muscles tensing. She's likely about to strike when she thinks Morrighan will least expect it...only a look of horror settles on her face as her captor brings up the idea of serving her in a maid outfit. "...I think I'd prefer getting whipped."

An angry look is spared in Kaydin's direction, "You /tool/." Curiously, she doesn't seem to be trying to use that ice magic at the moment. Maybe she's out of mana.
Morrighan Alazne has posed:
"Oh I know what sort of nonsense magic this unwashed monkey uses. I had to deal with it firsthand. Though it certainly wasn't much~" A brief giggle followed. "I think she realized as well. Because she soon resorted to swinging around her fists in a rather barbaric fashion!"

Rolling her eyes, the white mage focused back on their captive. "But you know..." She started, resting her hands on her hips while still remaining leaned forward. "...I do love the feisty ones. It makes it so much more enjoyable when they finally....break....down~" With that said, she straightened up, raising one hand slightly as a thing stream of light began to form before growing...and growing....and growing some more. In a matter of moments, a moderately sized blade of light was floating above her palm rather menacingly. "Well, I don't particularly want to whip you, and you certainly seem to be rather adverse to the idea of wearing a maid's dress, though I still say you would look rather stunning in one~"

Stepping forward as she spoke, she kept the magical blade at the ready as she did. "...So let us compromise. I'll torture you WHILE you wear a maid's dress! You win, I win, we ALL win! Ohohohohoho~"
Kaydin has posed:
Kaydin watchs Morrighan calmly before looking to Avira as she called him a tool. "I am under oath to serve Baron. If you didnt cause her offense I wouldnt have captured you." He says calmly as if that was enough reasoning to torture avira in a maid outfit.
Avira has posed:
"Awww, you're just mad because it worked." Avira huffs, her fingers suddenly curling around the bars into a tight grip. "No respect for tactics, none at all! Maybe if you worried about your defenses instead of relying on Baigan to do it for you, your precious face wouldn't cave so easily beneath my knuckles."

Her bickering with Morrighan is put on hold for a second to continue her glare at Kaydin, "The very definition of a tool. I'll see that you suffer for this one day, /Kaydin/."

Back to Morrighan who is progressively beginning to worry Avira, if the look on her face is any indication. "Stunning as a servant?" Avira grumbles, her eyes mostly on the slowly growing holy blade. Seems she remembered that spell from when she was fighting Morrighan. It hurt and in her current condition, she didn't want to take anymore blades, magical or not. "Whoah, whoah whoah whoah!" she lifts her hands in the air, "I don't like this compromise! Look, let's just go back to the servant thing, okay?"
Morrighan Alazne has posed:
"Oh? Well good, good! I'm glad you're finally seeing things MY way~!" With that said, the blade of light began to dissipate, but not fully. Seems she was ready to flare it up again if Avira tried anything funny. In the meanwhile, she stopped right before the bars, reaching through to stroke the huntress' cheek with her other hand. A risky move really, but she seemed prepared to retaliate if necessary.

"Are we in agreement then? You'll serve as my maid rather than be tortured~?" The healer's finger wound up at Avira's chin then, tilting her head upwards slightly so that their eyes met fully. "...Otherwise, I could just inform Baigan or Golbez of your presence. I am quite sure the former would be more than glad to...'interrogate' you now! Ahahahaha~!"

Yes, because she would already see how the latter would go...

"Golbez, sir. We've captured an enemy affiliated with Manhattan! How should we--"

Her inquiry was cut off. By what? The sound of an organ playing. It was the same song as usual. But the fact remained that she was not being listened to. At all.

Back to reality now.

"Ergh..." Just the mere thought caused the dark elf to shudder slightly in irritation. How did things get done around here anyhow!? But nevermind! Now was certainly not the time to dwell on their commander.
Avira has posed:
Avira's eyes seem to be on the space where the magic is lingering. Squinting, she knows in that spot the mist has been pulled together and primed. She'd done similar things before but it took far more effort than what Morrighan could do. "Ugh-" she lets her eyes flick back to Morrighan proper just in time for her to reach through the bars and touch her. Caught off guard, she doesn't even flinch as she normally would.

Her lips start to pull back as the natural reaction of any Avira with something being put in the vicinity of her face was to bite it. Then the elf moves the finger away, lifting her chin to look at her captor in the eye.

The Hume is obviously still quite angry, hatred radiating from her cold gaze. Silence reigns the moment after the elf suggests telling Baigan and Golbez (Golbez? Hasn't heard that name yet.) that she's here.

Knowing neither all that well, her mind constructs a different, not as harmless scenario. One that involves being bitten by snakes a lot. "...fine." she grumbles. It'll get her out of the cell, right? That's a start. "Let's go with that."
Morrighan Alazne has posed:
"Perfect~ I would hate to marr this face more than you already seem to have~" Chuckling to herself, she reached behind herself and produced a key to the cell to show, but she didn't open it just yet. Oh no. After all, she needed insurance!

What was to say that Avira wouldn't just run away the moment she was let out? That would not do at all. And so, tucking the key away again, Morrighan reached back into the cell, tracing a line across the shorter woman's jawline before slowly going downwards to her neck. "But before I let you out...." Suddenly, it became apparent that the dark elf was not simply just touching inappropriately for absolutely no reason. A thin ray of light began to expand around Avira's neck, forming into an almost tattoo-like glow encircling the neck. Satisfied with her work, the healer pulled her hand back out of the cell.

"There~ If you try to run, then all I have to do is cause that light to constrict. You would suffocate in no time at all~! Ohohohoho~!" Did I mention that she was enjoying this just a little too much? Yeah? Well let me reiterate; she was enjoying this FAR too much.

And with that, the key was produced again and the cell door was unlocked. "Now! Come along, my faithful servant! We have oh so much to do!" Stepped back to give Avira space to leave the cell, Morrighan waved a finger mockingly, a small orb of light magic radiating from it. Seems she was teasing the other about the spell currently around her neck.

Well then. Good news? She was free. The bad news? She wasn't free. Oops!
Avira has posed:
"Somehow I doubt that~" Avira says through gritted teeth, still vaguely threatening that biting. There's a noticable tensing of her chest when she sees that key produced.

Morrighan is right though. Avira really would split the moment she was let out. Physically, she knew she could overpower the elf. If she did that before she was utterly slammed with her magic, then she could subdue her and get away! "-would you knock that off-" she says irritably at the touching, now actually electing to nip at those fingers.

She can't see the line, but she does feel something tingling on her skin. A hand lifts to touch her neck, half expecting to feel something there, "What the..urgh..." Avira visibly cringes at the triumphant laughter now. Being collared like a dog, what indignity!

Mentally, she calms herself. There had to be some way around it, she just needed time to think, right? "Right, right." More grumbling, plus a look like Avira wants to wring Morrighan's neck! Once her cell door is open, she steps out and looks both ways down the hallway.
Morrighan Alazne has posed:
Morrighan wasted not much more time being down here. After all, it was not the cleanest place around. "Come now, get a move on!" She spoke decisively, pushing Avira along towards the stairs leading up to the rest of the castle. "After all, we need to get you out of these dreadful rags, dressed properly and prettied up at once!"

The two of them made their way up the stairs into the main floor of the castle. Once there, Morrighan stopped a nearby maid, ordering her to find a spare maid's dress at once. Once done giving out inane orders, Avira was dragged off to the nearest guest room and pushed inside none too gently. "And I know exactly what you should do first!" Grinning in amusement, the healer spoke as she stepped in after the shorter woman, resting her hands on her hips. "But first..."

And at that moment, the maid returned, setting down a maid's uniform onto the bed. It certainly wasn't the most dignified thing to be wearing. Not by any stretch of the imagination. And especially not for someone of Avira's profession.

...This is likely the exact reason why is was going to be hilarious of course.

"Well? Go on! Get dressed! Chop chop! Time is wasting!"
Avira has posed:
"For Faram's sake, I can walk!" Avira squeals as she is shoved up the stairs. Seems she's also restraining the urge to shove back, especially when they get to the top of the stairs. One push and the elf would go tumbling down! A smile briefly crosses Avira's face as she imagines this happening.

Though she's distracted for more than just reasons of revenge fantasies. She's scoping out the layout of this place, which will be important later for when she figures out how to escape. The maid's outfit doesn't even register on her mind, she's so busy looking around. Rude dragging interrupts her observation and she stumbles into the guest room, losing her balance and falling face-first on the floor. Avira is definitely not yet at a hundred percent. Scowling, she pushes herself up onto her feet.

Slowly, Avira looks over at that -outfit- on the bed.

This may come to as a vast surprise to many, but Avira is not much of a dress person. They were hard to run in! And hide weapons in! And barely even armored! And she typically didn't look good in them!

Walking to the outfit, she picks it up with two fingers as if she was holding a soiled diaper. "...wait, right now? Aren't you going to leave the room?!" Just after she asks the question, Avira realizes the answer. No. No this horrible harpy would not.

Turning away from Morrighan, she puts her back to the woman and starts to disrobe. Being a hume, she's not slim and delicate like an elf. Avira also has an impressive array of scars on her back, two prominent ones seem vaguely circular in shape. From there, she dresses herself quickly, tugging the dress down as far as it would go.

The huntress is positively glowing with embarassment afterwards.
Morrighan Alazne has posed:
No, Morrighan definitely was not leaving the room. Who cared? After all it was not like Avira had anything she didn't have herself. In fact, she didn't even respond, only smiling wider at the other woman's indigant question.

Not exactly hiding, the dark elf stared openly as Avira changed, noting the various scars and other array of wounds decorating her body. My, the two circular ones on her back were curious enough though. She almost wanted to ask about them. But before the words even came to her, down came the dress, obscuring it all again.

"Ohhhhh myyy~" Morrighan cooed, bringing to a hand to her cheek as she walked around to have a better look at the huntress in the outfit. "I was right! A maid's dress DOES fit a peasant like you now! Ohohohohoho~"

A fresh fit of haughty laughter followed the statement, the healer absolutely basking in Avira's embarrassment. "Oh! This is even better than I could have hoped now!"
Avira has posed:
Mid-changing, Avira does pause to glance over her shoulder. Of course she knew the elf was watching, but she looks anyway, meeting those smug eyes with her own for a few seconds before looking away. If it was anyone but HER, Avira might be okay with undressing around other women.

Tugging at the dress some more, she looks up suddenly at the sudden outburst from the elf, watching her like a hawk while she circles around her and busts out...that word again. That p word. Red flashes in Avira's mind and her hands twitch, her embarassment merely deepening.

The latest round of haughty laughter is like a flag waved in front of an enraged bull. With a shout of anger, she lunges at the elf, aiming to grace her face with her curled fist. Just like "old times!"
Morrighan Alazne has posed:
Well, there was one thing Morrighan never seemed to learn despite all her antagonizing. Don't leave yourself utterly open to get your face caved in when you're doing it. Thus, it no surprise when Avira's fist collided full force with the dark elf's face. Letting out a loud squeal of pain, she fell back, covering her face with her hand. And even then blood was slowly beginning to stream through her hands.

"OW! Ugh! You worthless, violent midget! How dare you!?" She all but screamed up at Avira, glaring intensely as she immediately began working her healing magic over the blow she just recieved. "Well, it looks like you need to learn just WHO is boss around here!"

Finished curing herself, her nose was no longer broken and good as new again, minus the already lost blood. The healer then stood back up, snapping her fingers. Upon doing so, the light tattoo around the other woman's neck immediately began to constrict, cutting off her air supply.
Avira has posed:
Given all that has happened today, that little squeal the dark elf makes is music to her ears. Not that she usually takes pleasure at someone else's pain. "Quit calling me a peasant!" she snarls at her, advancing with her fist raised. Oh dear, it doesn't look like she wants to stop. Avira will even allow Morrighan to heal so she can break that nose again.

Since she was released from her cell, a small part of her had been wondering if that spell around her neck was real or just a bluff to keep her in line.

As the girl gets ready to give Morrighan another fierce punch to the face, the dark elf activates her spell. Avira's eyes immediately widen in surprise as she learns that the spell is indeed real. Instinctively, she reaches up to her neck and pulls and claws at it, as if it would somehow help stop the choking. Turns out it really doesn't.

She gasps and coughs, growing dizzy. After a few staggered steps, she collapses to her knees.
Morrighan Alazne has posed:
Seeing Avira advancing on her, Morrighan would have been lying if she had said that she was not scared. Physical harm in general often terrified her. And this ape here seemed to be the sole source of it recently! Thus, seeing her prepare another punch caused the elf to panic, constricting the other's air supply a bit more than she had intended. But still, the job was done.

"H-Hah! Take that! You thought you could touch me without any sort of repercussion? Oh my....did you think I was joking~?" Smirking, she knelt down with Avira, caressing her cheek gently and not letting up on the spell just yet. She then leaned over to the shorter woman's ear, whispering playfully. "...Well, you thought wrong~"

And with that, Morrighan lifted her finger slightly, causing the ring around her neck to expand again, just enough to allow the currently captive huntress to breathe again, but still constructed enough to remind her who was in control here. "Now, have you learned your lesson, hmm~?" She asked, gently brushing a few stray strands of hair out of Avira's face, smiling in utter amusement.
Avira has posed:
Sweet panic. Too bad Avira doesn't get to witness it for very long before she undergoes some panic of her own.

She continues clutching at her neck, gasping deeply and shuddering as Morrighan touches her cheek. That punch to the face seems all but forgotten noww judging by the tone of that whisper. She struggles to breathe just a little harder when she hears that.

Finally, there is some relief and she gasps deeply, letting air fill her lungs. She keeps doing so until the slight lightheadedness she was starting to feel goes away. The dark elf kneels before her, playing with her hair, teasing her further.

Avira swallows and slowly nods her head, resentfully looking away from her captor. One of her hands still rubs at her neck, rebelling against the tightened band. It doesn't help.

It was going to be a long day.