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Revision as of 16:32, 22 February 2013

Those with Darkness
Date of Scene: 20 February 2013
Location: Catacombs
Synopsis: Edit Me
Cast of Characters: Hati, Katyna

Hati has posed:
Two for two. Both times that Hati had ventured down into those catacombs, she had ended up worse for wear. The first time, she'd gotten lost in those passageways, finding some areas where she couldn't portal out, only to end up half frozen and running for her life from traps and beasts until a time that she could escape back to the surface. This time, it had been the wave of darkness that came off of her friend that had driven her to the edge. The last thing they'd needed was two darkness possessed young women trying to attack them. Fight or flight - and as much as it irritated her... Hati had chosen flight. In some ways, it feels like a cowardly act, but it had taken some bravery and strength to keep herself from losing it right there and attacking those who had become ... something like allies.

After fleeing through that portal, the wolf had found herself deep within the forest. Even her 'aim' was off, as she was quite far from home. The sounds of a village called to her ears, easy prey. Saliva built up in her mouth, body trembling as the wolf within acted on raw instinct. The need to hunt. No! With a growl, Hati snapped her head around, drawing one arm around wounded ribs. She ran. Ran until she was far enough away from the humans of this quiet community, and then her head tipped back in a feral howl.

That was a few days ago. It had taken a while for the pull of that darkness to wain. It wasn't her own, so it was just that much harder to fight back. Certainly, she has a new sort of sympathy for her brother's plight, although perhaps he would never have to stand that close to the edge. Her ribs still ache bitterly, even after the potions that had dulled the worst of the injuries. Perhaps she could have sought out the mouse for some of his healing magic, but then... well, she'd tried to avoid spending too much time with him. It reminded her of a hurt that had nothing to do with the physical, and no amount of spells could cure. The wolf in her isn't apt to give up entirely, though. Sometimes the sweetest prey are those you have to invest time in to hunt.

In either case, the wolf is donned with just a hoodie, her chest wrapped with hasty, self-done bandages that show beneath it. By now, people would recognize her around VALKYRI headquarters. It isn't that she's a guest, but she's here enough these days. First with her tagging along on their missions, then checking on her brother, and now she's come looking for Katyna. She had been next to useless in the fight, her own dark energy proving to only make matters worse. Perhaps because of that, she feels just that much more guilty for what had happened. Guilt and shame are unfamiliar emotions - feelings that come from claiming yourself responsible for something you didn't do. It is a human feeling, not a wolf one, and it weighs on her shoulders.

"Kat." The wolf calls.

Katyna has posed:
After that fateful night that had shown Kat the true power of darkness, in at least one of its many guises, Katyna had been taken back to VALKYRI headquarters, where Faruja had diligently tended to her wounds, in spite of her protests. They'd had a little heart to heart, mostly about the mysterious woman who was after Katyna..About her faith and how the church could help her, and others things. There was a part of Kat that had been hurt by the betrayal of the mysterious priestess, and a part of her that had felt betrayed by herself, by her lack of strength to overcome the darkness, or to learn how to control it better.

Again she blamed the Shadow Lords, most of whom seemed to mock her or yell at her. Only Hati and Riku seemed to want to keep her safe from the darkness, but neither had shown her how to control it for her own benefit.

Of course, she had also asked Faruja to search the catacombs for Hati, as he had warned her against returning there, now that she had been potentially framed. At least, for a little while, she should stay away. Still, Kat worried about Hati. Was she safe? Did she get lost? It's true she had the power to create dark corridors, but she had been wounded. And confused..

After Faruja had left, ordering Katyna to rest and recuperate, she had managed to sleep peacefully for once, her thoughts no longer wracked with nightmares...At least for a little time. Perhaps Faruja's holy magic had rubbed off on her a bit. Even so, it was certain to return to her again in time. When she finally awoke, it was to the familiar voice of Hati. Feeling rested, her wounds mostly healed by now, Kat smiles a little as she opens her eyes, looking much better than she had earlier.

However, when she sees Hati's uncertain state, that smile quickly turns to a frown as she leaps from the sofa. "Hati! You okay?" She moves quickly to her side, assessing her wounds and state of mind. But not wanting to seem too overbearing, she doesn't offer support unless asked. "Do you..Need anything? What happened? I..I was worried."

Hati has posed:
The sudden response to her call brings Hati's ears up, making her look just a little like a puppy who's owner said the w-a-l-k word. Maybe she just hadn't expected Kat to be there when she came to call, or perhaps she was expecting far worse after what she'd left during. To see her relatively alright, whole and unharmed for the most part, it comes as a surprise. Those mismatched eyes rove over her, as if checking her for injuries at the same time that she is doing the same to Hati. "Are you okay?" Both voices echo at the same time, which makes the wolf's ears draw back, and then she just shakes her head, seeming bemused.

"I'm fine. A little sore." She admits, with all honesty there, "But it takes more than that to take me out, you know that." As if to show it, she takes a fist to her own chest, and does her best not to wince. There's one there none the less. The barrage of questions is what has her slowing down, ears tucking back. "I'm sorry I bolted. Not like I was being very much help, either way." There is a hint of self-pity there, perhaps angry at herself for not being able to do more for her friend. "The darkness... kind of got to me. I needed to get out of there before I ended up hurting someone I didn't want to."

Her eyes are still searching though, "But you're alright? They managed to get the gauntlet off?" She asks, reaching out a hand to inspect the girl's arm.

Katyna has posed:
Kat cant help but chuckle at the echoed response, and it causes her to relax visibly. "Heh, I'm fine. The others managed to destroy the gauntlet..Minerva used some interesting trick to pull some of the darkness out of the gauntlet, weakening it enough for me to break free..Still, I was pretty...Scared.." She pouts, seeming a touch ashamed to have to admit such a thing. "I thought I could control the darkness, but it took me over. I got lost in it...And, I nearly hurt people I cared about. If only I was strong enough.."

Kat grits her teeth, brushing a strand of flame red out of her eyes as she looks Hati up and down. "Heh, dont worry, I wont pamper you, too bad you missed Faru though. I'm sure if he saw you now, he woulda pampered you to death like he did me. An' dont worry about running away. You have your own demons to fight, just like me. I know you weren't trying to abandon me, or anything. But.."

She sighs, turning back to the sofa, plopping tiredly on it and beckoning for Hati to join her, "C'mon, we have a lot to catch up on. That girl..Felicia..She never rematerialized. And I'm still having those nightmares. I need to figure this out. One of the dreams I had..Was of a girl who had one blue right eye that looked like yours..I dunno, she creeped me out for some reason.."

Hati has posed:
While there was a time that Hati tried to show nothing but raw strength - rage and anger and power - some of that has faded with the influx of those other, confusing emotions. First and foremost at the moment is that sense of guilt. "You had every right to be scared. I know I was." She sighs softly to herself, blowing out a breath that fluffs a few strands of that dyed hair out of her eyes. "I wasn't scared of the darkness." She admits, eyes showing that strange mix of confusion in their gaze, "But I was scared of losing you." It is a hard thing to say, especially for someone who had so few bonds to anyone in this world. Her own clawed hand reaches up, catching that strand of hair that Katyna had just moved, drawing it back with her own fingers.

"It isn't easy, not even for me. I had to run, otherwise I could have done far worse things if I lost control." She admits, following her over towards the couch. "I could try to teach you more about controlling it, but honestly, I don't want to make it worse." Like before, Hati seems reluctant to add more darkness where there is already some, perhaps trying to protect the other girl from the struggle she faces day to day. "And even then, there's only so much I can do. I don't want to make you live through what I do to keep myself sane. You're a better person than I am when it comes to that, and I'd rather not drag you down with me under the pretense of some false strength."

The comment about Faruja catches her, and the wolf-girl smirks wryly, showing a hint of fanged teeth. "I doubt he would have done any such thing. He's got other things to worry about than me." Clearly, there is something going on between those two that Hati isn't saying, but she does settle down on the couch. Even so, the moment that Kat mentions that blue eye, Hati reaches up and and touches just below her left eye. "Lillian. He used to call her Lily." The wolf-girl's voice sounds ominous, but the dread that she feels can be answered one way.

Reaching into her pocket, Hati draws out a small compact. Katyna had surely seen this before, as the wolf-girl had used it time and again to transform herself into the beast. However, what she wouldn't have seen is the image on the other side of the compact. Within, is a picture of a pale-haired girl, with piercing blue eyes, although this one is intact, with both of them.

Katyna has posed:
Kat was certainly expecting Hati to act 'tough' as always, to push her away, but when she admits her own fears, Katyna is quite taken aback. "Oooh, really?" She makes a face. "I cant imagine you being scared of any....Err.." She blinks in surprise when she admits her fear of losing Kat. "Really? That's....Heh." She wants to say 'sweet' but that sounds too sappy. '...Nice. Thanks, Hati. You're like, the sister I never had.."

How ironic, given recent events. "Hmmmm...It's funny, you remind me a bit of Riku, how he keeps trying to talk me out of trying to learn to control the darkness, because he's supposedly concerned about me.." Kat sighs and leans back on the sofa, running her hands through her short, red-streaked hair. "I dont get his behavior, honestly. He's sooooo annoying, yet..Kinda sweet. In an annoying kinda way." she adds quickly, but smiles, "Well at least he's not on my ever growing list of people trying to kill me! Still..." Another sigh, "Still, I wish that I could learn to control the darkness, so that I dont have to fear it. That glove just made me realize that even more, but I'd understand if you dont want either yourself or me to become more tainted by it. I've seen the bad it can do. After what Riku did to me..."

There's that strange, thoughtful look in her eye again as she says that. "But it's strange, I think, you and I, we're both a little different after meeting VALKYRIE. Still...I dunno, if they knew who I REALLY was, they might not like me.."

As for Lily, it causes Kat to frown, "Ooh, Lord Serrak's daughter, right? But..I dont get it, why am I seeing her face? Did I somehow...Kill her too? I dont understand..All these visions. Faruja thinks Felicia has put a spell on me to make me see these things, to confuse me. But I still wonder if maybe I AM capable of those things.." Again, would the darkness cause her to do those things?

As for Faruja, she simply smiles. She knows not the relationship between Faru and Hati, but she does know how Faruja operates. "Heh, dont sell Faruja short. He's a noble creature, maybe too noble. He'd not hesitate to fuss over you if he knew that you were wounded." Of course, if he knew she was a shadow Lord, how would he react to that? Probably the same way he reacts to all things unholy. She smirks at that thought, and decides not to eve go there.

Hati has posed:
There was a time when it would have been an impossibility for the wolf to speak of any sort of fear, and yet, since her heart had been re-awakened, there are many things that have come to life within her. This strange red-haired girl had been one of those to first people she felt any affection for, and there is still that wolfish, protective feeling when it comes to her well-being. Yet, with Katyna drawing back from it, so does Hati. "Don't discount your importance." Is all she states, leaning against the back of the couch, drawing one leg up underneath her. It would be easy to mistake her for any common girl, the way she's dressed and lounging, but Kat knew better.

"It's a double edged sword, Kat." Hati explains, and within her palm, she calls up a small swirling mist of darkness. Moving over it with her other hand, she pulls at it, forming it into the shape of a wolf, who raises it's head and makes the motion of howling. "You see, in order to control darkness like this, it has to first exist within you." She closes her hand over the shadow-wolf, then growls softly to herself, "And once it gets in, it takes hold and doesn't want to let go. You /think/ that you have it under control. That it obeys you, but it doesn't. It bides its time, waiting for when you're weakest, and then it tries to take you." Her voice has an ominious tone.

"Even the strongest of wills can be dragged down by it. Even me. It isn't a fate I'd wish for you, or for anyone, and I hadn't even realized it was in me like this until it was too late to stop." Hati leans her head back, closing her eyes, as if she were bone-tired. "And now I feel like I'm fighting just to stay me. To not become... something else." With a weary laugh, "So please... if you learn anything from my mistakes, don't try to learn to harness the darkness. Find ways of steeling your heart against it. Protect yourself. Keep yourself safe."

The wolf's eyes stay closed as she says this, even if it seems the opposite of what so many others among the Shadow Lords might feel. She no longer truly fits in with them. Maybe... maybe it's time to let go. "Lillian died a long time ago. But why you're dreaming of her... I have no idea." The fact that the girl in Kat's dreams had one eye is unsettling, since that happened after her death, not before. "As for Faruja... I don't really want him to see any weakness in me. It's hard enough that he's so blinded by white-haired beauties that he doesn't even see me. The last thing I need is more weakness in his eyes. I should have never..." She starts, and then growls, cutting herself off.

Katyna has posed:
"Ooooh.." Kat leans forward, eyes widenned a bit in quiet awe as she watches Hati's little display of darkness. Well it's certainly less..Dramatic than Riku's 'display' that left her with aching ribs after. This one is kinda pretty too. She nods when Hati tells her of it being a double-edged sword. "Yeah, I guess that's what Riku said too. Respect the darkness and all that. But I think he regretted the power he was granted too. He seemed so..Empty. I dunno. I definitely dont wanna end up like that though.."

She sighs and hugs her legs to her chest as she ponders that. In the end, would it really be worth it? WOuld she care if she became something...Different? "I guess, all I really wanted was not to be afraid of the darkness anymore, to know that I was strong enough to defend myself, but..I dont wanna see people I care about get hurt..Least of all you."

Kat glances over at Hati again, smiling, "But whatever you choose, even if you leave the Shadow Lords, I wont be your enemy. I wont hunt you down, even if they order me to. Me..I'm not even sure if I belong in the Shadow Lords anymore. Still, I'm not sure what great purpose I could serve, although I be Faru would like to convert me back to Faram." She chuckles at that..

"Hmm, I need to find out more about Priestess Felicia. Who she is, why she looks like me..There was something else." After some hesitation, she holds out her arm, pulling up the sleeve to reveal what looks like a strange black rune like a tattoo of sorts, on her bicep. "At first, I thought it was just a bruise, it appeared that time in the church, when the lights went out..When I felt something bump into me and a shock went thru me for just a moment..Now, I'm not sure what it is. And it's a little scary. I..Need to contact the Twilight Detective Agency. But not Avira. If this is connected to the Shadow Lords, I cant let her know.."

Quickly, she pulls down her sleeve again, arching a brow at mention of Faru. Again. "Ooh? You should never have what?" Amber eyes sparkle with curiosity, wondering exactly if, or what the connection is between her and Faruja.

Hati has posed:
The small display of dark magic had never been meant to be a matter of awe, but Hati accepts it as it is. She didn't really use darkness, it used her. It was a physical part of her rather than just some entity that she called upon using spells. "Everyone is afraid of something." It sometimes feels like trying to fight the inevitable when it comes to talking to Katyna. Even now, she seems so intent upon her task, always moving forward. "Anyone who tells you otherwise is lying, or is as good as dead already." Her claws tense slightly, then relax again, "Choosing to fight, even though you're afraid. That is bravery."

The wolf has a strange way of looking at the world. It isn't with the same light that those who call themselves heroes might have, but she respects things like courage, and loyalty. Hati's eyes lift, looking at Kat with a more intense gaze. She hadn't mentioned leaving, but perhaps it is clear enough on her features. "There's no reason to hunt me. I'm just choosing to be an outside contractor. Make my own decisions about if a cause is worthy or not." She shrugs. "Not like they ever had any hold on me. Maybe on Serrak, but..."

She leaves that whole topic go for now. For the most part, the Shadow Lords only called upon her for her poisons and potions or her ability to scry. Right now, though, she's still uncertain. Could her master have been wrong about the fall of the worlds? It's something she still has to figure out. "The detectives are probably a good source of information. Some of them are more loose lipped than others. It might be better to set the job under some other guise." She doesn't know or trust most of them, and their ties to VALKYRI might make such investigations dangerous for Katyna.

The wolf examines the mark on the girl's arm, leaning forward, but this time she doesn't move to touch it. Instead, she just nods. "Maybe ask Seith to look at it. He knows about all sorts of dark magic." Just one more thing on her list of worries. Luckily, the question about Faruja jolts her from her reverie.

Hati's mismatched eyes shadow somewhat, growling to herself as she tugs her legs up, sitting in an almost mirror posture to the girl beside her. "I kissed him." She admits, without embarassment. "I walked in on him writing some love letter to that Shard Seeker gargoyle, and I just... wanted to know what it felt like." She lets out a huff of breath. "I asked if he'd teach me about it. I guess, maybe I'm just tired of looking for the White Wolf. I just want... /something/." She lays her head onto her arms, ears folded back. It isn't often that Hati looks this way, and it makes her seem younger somehow. "But he's in love with her, and I don't think he'll ever see me that way."

His words the first time she met him still linger in her ears, when he had said that anyone who serves the darkness should be killed. "Like I said, it's stupid."

Katyna has posed:
Katyna nods slowly, frowning. "Yeah..I guess, but back then. I was really scared. Yeah, I stood and fought..But only after everyone died defending me. I just..Wasn't strong enough. Not until Lord Fessner taught me the secret of my sword. Kasrillen was all about restraint. Never fight, never kill unless you have no other choice. Fessner was all about passion and strength. Pour your heart and soul into everything you do. Dont hold back, but let loose. It was only under his tutelage that I learned how to unleash the true power of my sword. But even then, it wasn't quite enough to control the darkness.."

She smiles when Hati puts it that way though. "Heheh, well maybe I'll be an outside contractor too. I dunno..I'm starting to realize more and more that I dont wanna help destroy worlds and hurt people. All I really wanted was to protect myself." But Hati already knew all of that. Afterall, what was her true purpose in the Shadow Lords' ranks, other than as their spy and informer? As it was, she was already keeping tabs on Leida, and searching for Princesses of Heart. Not that her search had been terribly fruitful as of late.

"Heh, another guise huh?" She grins, "Not a bad idea. I'll have to think on that one. I suppose it'd do no good to have those detectives finding out who I really am although honestly, not even I know about much of my history.." As for the mark, she just nods slowly. Yeah, Seith might know what to do about it.

And then there's Faruja, again and she smirks. "Oooh, you kissed him? Really?" That ellicits an amused giggle from Katyna, "Alright, way to go Hati! How'd he take it? I mean honestly, even if he's in love with...This gargoyle.." Oh wait, had she seen that gargoyle working with that stupid Skoll that time? Or was is Deidre? But she wasn't a shard seeker. "Hmm, so how does this gargoyle feel about him? Maybe you still have a chance with Faru?"

Another shrug, "Hmm, I guess I wouldn't know either. Never been in love. Never really been loved in that way either. Maybe I never will.." afterall, it's not like she had any deep friendships with anyone other than Hati, really..

Hati has posed:
Hearing the two views of Katyna's teachers, Hati just tilts her head in that quizzical fashion. "I think I would lean towards Fessner's way of seeing things. If you fight, you fight with everything you have. Holding back only promotes weakness, second guessing, and not understanding the limits of your own strength." She had warned those she sparred with time and again that she would not hold back her power. This girl was a hard person to learn from, since you had to learn fast, or be left to hurt in the aftermath. "But trust me, Katyna. You are brave. You are strong enough to stand against the darkness, if you trust yourself."

The wolf's eyes search her for a moment, knowing that both of them have changed since the days when they trained with Morgan out in Serrak's front lawn, beating the snot out of each other and working to please their respective 'fathers' or 'masters'. They'd grown up, and perhaps that is why there is that closeness between them. She isn't going to be the one to try to convince the girl to leave, but in some ways, her own decision had been made the moment that Skoll began to pull her away from the lure of darkness.

The topic of the mouse draws one of her ears flat, the other perked in a slightly confused fashion. "Mmm. At first, I kind of did it just to see what it felt like. But when he kissed back, I felt something." She touches her heart, and then shrugs. "And then I wanted to know what it would have been like to really feel that." She does smirk slightly, though, "He was... surprised at first. But then he pushed me away." She doesn't decide to go into the later meeting where she had given him a quite intimate back-rub, but really, it hadn't really gone further than that, other than him telling her about wanting the gargoyle instead.

The wolf shrugs. This seems to be her default response right now. "I don't know." For someone who had never let anyone into that place in her heart, it had hurt when he had told her he was set on the gargoyle. She couldn't have expected otherwise, since she knew his feelings before acting, but... why did it /hurt/? With a frustrated growl, Hati shakes her head. "It doesn't matter. I've been waiting for the White Wolf for years, I can wait and see." As much as she says this, there is an impatient, irritated twitch of her tail.

Katyna has posed:
Ahh, those were the good old days, when they practiced together towards a common goal, without confusing complications like Hati's brother to bug her, or Riku to question Kat's own motives. Or Reize for that matter. When Fessner and Serrak had them under their tutelage, and there was no doubt about their goals and desires. Now that they're gone....

Still, the matter of Hati and Faruja has Kat's immediate attention right now. "Oooh." eyes widen curiously as she listens. "So what was it like to kiss Faru? Was it good?" She grins impishly, "Even if he's in love with someone else, there's no guarantee that she returns the feelings. Dont give up, maybe you still have a chance with him. Just be patient."

She shrugs, "Aah speaking of wolves, I heard your brother was hanging out here in VALKYRIE for a bit. Actually I saw him once but he was asleep.." Yes..It had been sooo tempting to stab him in his sleep. Or something. But of course she knew that it would upset Hati and she didnt want that. "Can't say I care about that....Well.." she grits her teeth, trying not to hurl some insult about Skoll, "But, I'm glad that you found your bro alive and well. Must be nice to have a sibling that cares for you like that. I wonder how that feels?"

But then again, Hati was like a sibling to her, but she was only starting to realize that lately.

Hati has posed:
The good old days before Hati had to worry about such things as memories. When she had no idea where her anger came from, and she was fine with it. Not knowing the source made the darkness grow just that much easier in her heart. It had kept her from forming real bonds of friendship with the other girls, and it had left her just that much more maleable under her teacher's power.

The girl sitting here now is a far cry from that one. Her true self had begun to return over time, even if only in bits and pieces. The fact that she can even show those small hints of positive emotions - care, loyalty - it's a huge leap from where she'd been just a few months ago. "It was... warm." The wolf seems at a loss for how to explain it, closing her eyes. "Soft, and sweet." Then, with a sigh, she opens her eyes again, shaking her head. "Not really sure how to explain it." With a laugh, Hati runs a hand through her hair. For once, she felt like a girl. Not that she feels like a boy most of the time, but... just that flustered feeling of trying to make sense of the heart.

With all of Katyna's ponderings, the wolf flashes a teasing smirk, "I could try to demonstrate, but I don't really think you're interested me that way." As much as the wolf has shown that interest in Faruja, she isn't against testing the waters. Who knows, maybe there would be that 'spark' somewhere, with someone, something to lead her to the White Wolf. But the little quirk of her lips shows she's mostly teasing on the matter.

The grin falters when her brother gets mentioned. "Yeah. I heard he got hurt pretty bad by those Gaudium Lords that he serves. I'd punch them in the face, myself, but I think he wants me to stay out of it." Not protecting a member of her 'pack' works against the wolf's instincts, but it isn't as if he doesn't have other people working to save him from his own mistakes. "You should talk to him. All this anger isn't good for you. It'll give you wrinkles." Again, there is that hint of mirth in her eyes, although it does giveway to something else.

"Hey." Without asking permission, Hati reaches out and loops an arm around the other girl's shoulder, pulling her into a half hug. "You /do/ know what it feels like." In her own wolfish way, Hati buts her head in againsts Katyna's, lightly enough to be affectionate. "You're as much a sister to me as anyone born of my own blood. So quit it."

Katyna has posed:
Kat leans forward, hanging onto every word that Hati says. "...Warm, huh? I guess kissing a Burmecian's different from kissing a human!" She grins, "But he IS kinda adorable, even if he is a bit...Err...Overzealous. Just watch out for that." Still, it's sweet. Katyna already has plans to act as matchmaker, just cuz it'll be fun!

She does start giggling however. "Ooh, I know, I think. I kissed Reize once, but only cuz I wanted to show him what mistletoe is for. I've never really kissed anyone for 'real', though." she sighs, staring upwards. "I guess it's different for each person though...Hmmm....But maybe it'd be more than a distraction or anything, really." Kat's never been a terribly romantic type to be honest. She's always been a rough and tumble tomboy, too busy getting into fights and trying to be stronger to worry about such lofty notions as first love. It causes her to shrug and smirk. "But I'm happy for you..Maybe he really IS your silver wolf.."

As for that stupid Skoll, she frowns again, "Huh, I guess it's not really my concern than either. Not unless you directly ask me to help for your sake along.." she smirks at Hati's suggestion. Oh, she'd talk to him alright. She's put him in his place and goad him into fighting her, just so she could cut him up! But that would make Hati upset and she didn't want that. "Heh, I dunno. It's not like there's anything I could really say without giving myself away. Did I mention how nasty he was the last time he ran into me, yelling and swearing and hurling me around? He tried to kill me afterall." Stupid jerk.

And then suddenly Hati hugs her, and Kat blinks, being caught by surprise. "W-wow, Hati, you've really changed.." Still, she smiles softly, hugging her back tightly, "I know..Thank you. You're the one true friend I have in this world..You're the only one whom I know my secret is safe with. And for that, I'm thankful.."

Hati has posed:
"Not that different." Hati replies with a shrug of her shoulders. She isn't human, herself, as much as she might look like it. So many races, and yet some aspects of romance remain the same even across worlds. "He's... been through a lot." Certainly she finds some aspects of his reactions adorable, but there is that similarity between them, too. For all that they might be opposites in where their lives have lead, both of them carry the scars of what brought them here. The wolf had yet to ask him about most of them, but perhaps she'd get the chance someday.

"You should." The suggestion is offered out there without hesitation. "The world is going to hell in a handbasket. Steal what time you've got." That had been part of her own reasons for why she'd stopped just looking for the White Wolf and decided to take action. "I'd forgotten what it was like to be around others. Serrak made me forget. Now I want it back." She lets out a breath, blowing hair out of her eyes. No, she isn't even going to entertain the thought that Faruja might be her wolf. That would just make the hurt of rejection feel that much worse. It's a weight she doesn't want to put on something that might never pan out.

When it comes to her brother, Hati just raises an eyebrow. "You do realize that Skoll never was on the side of the Shadow Lords, right? You're angry because he attacked you, but do you think Avira, or Minerva, or even Maira would do any less if the Ember Knight threatened them?" It isn't as if she's trying to get the girl to be 'buddies' with her brother, but maybe just to see that things aren't quite as black and white as they seem.

With a pause, Hati offers a shrug. "I don't know. Maybe I'm just remembering who I was." Her master's gift had always been those memory charms, and without his presence to reinforce them, those little things that influence a person in their past have started to come to the surface again. The wolf reads her head against the other girl's, rumbling something faintly contented. "Youre welcome."

Katyna has posed:
Katyna grins and nods, "Aah right. You're a wolf afterall. I guess that's gotta be similar to being a mouse in some ways. I mean, you all have that closer link with nature. the animal instinct. I wonder if that makes it easier to understand confusing emtions." at least Hati seemed to be experiencing emotions a lot more than she did once.

As for taking time for things other than fighting, she just shrugs, "Heh, I dont really have anyone I'm pursuing." she chuckles at the thought, shrugging. "I've already mentionned what's the most important thing in my life. As for this world, do you really think it's going to hell? Because of the heartless? I think maybe, the heartless are our enemies. The Shadow Lords have simply found a way to make them do their bidding. Still, I wonder what will happen if we find the seven princesses..And what are those mysterious keyblades anyways? It's the second time I've seen one. I get the feeling they're pretty darn powerful.

Another wistful sigh escapes her lips. Ahh yes. If she had one of those, would it make her stronger than she is now, without having to help destroy the world?

As for Skoll, she just shrugs and frowns a bit. "I know that, but he was using darkness and seemed to have control over the heartless. I thought only the Shadow Lords knew how to do that. I thought he was working with us willingly, so yeah, it felt like a betrayal." Her frown only deepends at the mention of Maira and Avira. "Well...I suppose they would, but..What I dont get is why they're totally okay with what Angantyr is. He's a dark knight who is allied..No, a disciple of a Shadow Lord, much like me. And yet they're totally fine with that. I dont understand how Avira could be in love with that guy." Of course she doesn't see anything likable in Skoll either. Maybe Avira just has really bad taste.

"Still..." Kat shrugs, "He DID attack me first. I was quite happy to leave him alone." She pouts, "He didn't even try to reason with me. Just pulled out the claws. I respect people who respect a difference of opinion." She smirks, "Of course, I suppose that's better than Angantyr, he just wants to kill me, no matter what. Even if I'm sorry for my kidnapping Maira. It doesn't matter. What an idiot."

Kat does smile though, "Well, I like this new you. You're very..Endearing!" she grins, leaning over to ruffle the other girl's hair. "I wonder what the VALKYRIE girls would do if I turned myself in now, if I told 'em everything, and that I was sorry? I wonder if it'd make a difference? Because..Even if I DID hurt them in the past, still...I still want that power. I dont expect you to endanger yourself to teach me, and I dont plan on killing anyone to get it but...You know.."

Hati has posed:
With a somewhat raised eyebrow, Hati looks over at her friend with a pecilular look. "Normally, I don't go kissing people when I'm a wolf. I imagine I'd be more likely to bite them in the face." Not that most people would really be interested in doing such a thing to a huge, muscular, gender-neutral beast. "Besides, mice are herbivores, wolves are hunters. I wouldn't imagine that there's much similarity there with animal instincts anyways." In the wild, her instinct when encountering a mouse would usually be to eat them.

As for the world, the wolf just shrugs. "No clue, really. Some part of me still wants to believe what Serrak said. That the worlds falling would bring the possibility of new life, a new world where none of this happened. Then again, I'm not sure I'm willing to sacrifice everyone on the chance that is true." Curse those feelings, and how they make her want to protect people.

"Apparently, it isn't just the Shadow Lords with that gift." The wolf still retained some measure of that power, even though she has gone months now without serving the Shadow Lords. "I don't really know Angantyr, or their reasons. Then again, it might be Avira's favor that is the reason the others fall in line." With a shake of her head, "That's a messy situation love triangle there." Dismissing that entire mess with a wave of her hand, Hati leans back again, withdrawing to her part of the couch.

"You were attacking their world, Kat. It kind of goes with the territory." It's sort of like saying: Hey, you were acting as a 'bad guy', deal. With her hair being ruffled, the wolf manages a little growl, but it's playful mostly. "If you want someone to teach you... I can try, but I don't know what to tell you about the others."

Katyna has posed:
Katyna chuckles and nods, "Yeah, I guess that'd be kinda weird.." trying to imagine how mice would be the natural prey of wolves just makes it all the more amusing as she tries to imagine that. in fact it only makes her smile widen all the more.

"Hmm, Fessner didn't give me many details, except that there is some good bright place at the end of it all. We just need to find 'em and figure it out..I just need to know that there's a purpose to what the shadow lords do, other than just hurting people. I still feel a bit bad about what happened to manhattan, although at the time, I thought it was necessary for a greater goal.."

She smirks again, "Hmm, I guess so. Still, it was confusing. As for attacking their world..I didnt think it was Skoll's world to defend too. oh well. It's over now. But even so, if he knew who i really am and what I did, even if I am trying to change, do you think it'd make a difference? He doesn't seem the forgiving type, anymore than Angantyr is. I guess Avira must have some spell or something to keep 'em in line.."

Hati has posed:
With a wiggle of her nose, Hati seems to affirm the 'weirdness' of the whole sitaution between her and the mouse. Well, at least she'd have a chance to see a different side of him soon enough. Someone had heard about a certain 'maid cafe' and a certain Burmecian who is going to be in attendence. That, should be an eye opening experience.

"Yeah." Hati ruefully agrees, looking around the room. Even though there are no others here at this point, she still has that hesitation on talking about such things where people might overhear. "Honestly, I'm not sure anymore. I didn't want to be part of it at the time, and I certainly want no part in it now." She hadn't stuck around to fight at the World Heart. Hati had left long before that final battle, so the most that can be attributed to her intervention might be the loss of the Empire State building.

"It might not have been his world, but it was Avira's, and that gargoyle's." She's not even going to say the girl's name. Evil mouse-stealing ... Ehem. "He cares about those two. Can't decide which one he wants. Indecisive wolf. Either way, it was probably for their sake that he came to fight." Hati shrugs, not really knowing the situation there. She hadn't really been... herself at the time. "I don't know what he'd think, though. He accepted me, faults 'n all, but I'm his sister, it pretty much goes with the territory." Her features do slowly form into a smirk, though, "Of course, you could always just remind him that you're a dear friend of mine and I'd be quite upset at him if he hurt you. Should save you some trouble, I would imagine."

Katyna has posed:
Katyna simply smirks. You can bet she'll be lookin' up Faruja to do some matchmaking! However, hearing that this Gargoyle is also an object of interest to Skoll along with Avira, who is also in love with Angantyr and possibly someone else from what Maira said, all these love triangles make her head spin! "Phew! That sounds complicated!" She makes a face, "but..I wouldn't worry too much about this Gargoyle. I mean, she has Faruja's attention but it sounds like she's interested in Skoll, who is also interested in Avira, but Avira also has Angantyr and Mercade to share her attention with. Wow, how do you people get caught up in all these messes? At least my life is a lot less complicated.." Although maybe not nearly so much fun!

"Still, it must be nice to feel...Wanted. To feel loved." She nods bitterly, "Huh, I remember now, I saw the white gargoyle fighting alongside Skoll, although most of my attention was on wolf boy." She smirks, "But really I dont really care what he thinks about me. I just dont want him trying to kill me again is all. I've already mentioned to him that you are my friend, but would it be enough if he knew that when I'm Ember? I dunno." Secretly, she's just itching to beat him up, because revenge is so sweet!

Hati has posed:
As the red-haired girl starts to go through all the levels of complication going on, Hati just rolls her eyes, slumping down further on the couch. Moments like these, she does look more like a teenager than a warrior, although it's impossible to tell her age, or Skoll's. The girl's small size has always left people wondering if she isn't younger than she appears. Either way, the wolf lets out a breath, blowing up strands of her bangs. "Don't even get me started on that mess. My brother was so caught up in chasing his Golden Wolf that he didn't even realize what he felt for either of them."

Rubbing at the side of her head, Hati seems at as much of a loss with that situation as anyone else. "Think I convinced him to actually give it a shot rather than just hoping for some supernatural wonder. It's stupid to be chasing after a dream, rather than seeing what you've got in front of you." The wolf looks over at Katyna then, offering a shrug. What did she really know about such matters, anyways. Just books she's read, or vague feelings that have only just started to come to life again.

The wolf-girl shoots her a look again, though. "You." Prod. With one finger, she pokes at the knight's shoulder. "You /are/ loved, so stop that." See that look? See the stern wolf-face. She's not accepting an argument there. "Otherwise I wouldn't go getting myself half-frozen or beaten to crap for your sake." Hrmph. She's not even going to bother to continue dealing with Kat's stubbornness regarding her brother.

Katyna has posed:
Katyna smiles, "Heh, I guess it could be pretty confusing and complicated. But maybe the reward in the end is way worth it." She shrugs, "I suppose he's waiting for some grand thing to happen rather than looking at the subtle things. Isn't that usually how life works? You're so busy looking for something out there, and you miss the small...." Oh wait, this is starting to sound like herself. "Hmm, I wonder if my own goals are closer than I think?"

Then Hati suggests just that and Kat laughs, leaning forward to ruffle Hati's hair. "Oh, I know you care about me! But I mean...I guess.." She blushes a little, "Maybe it's silly, I just..Wonder sometimes, how it feels to be loved..In that other way, like what you guys are trying to figure out. Avira loving Angantyr or whoever of her many male friends she loves. I wonder if that can even be real love? Or..How FAru writes love letters to Zia, or...Ah..Maybe it's better that I'm not involved with anyone, eh?" She smirks, "I mean, I've never been a romatic type, but just hearing all these stories has me curious."

Hati has posed:
The wolf tilts her head, watching the sort of realization that plays out on the other girl's features. She smirks slightly, but then offers a playful sort of growl and a swat at Katyna's hand as she reaches to ruffle her hair again. "Stop that." Grr.

"Listen." Hati sits up then, looking serious. "You know I would have planted one on you before if I thought you were remotely interested, right?" The wolf's eyebrows are drawn upward, looking at the girl with a curious expression. "As for 'love', I haven't the foggiest clue. I'm kind of treading unknown territory here. I don't even know why I'm interested in the mouse, other than that he seems to feel things I wish I did."

With a sigh, the wolf pushes to her feet. "He's not interested in me, and that's okay. It just hurts." Tapping her heart, "I'm not used to that. I'm not holding out, waiting on him. I figure... maybe the reason the wolf in the story never catches the moon, is that the wolf is always there to keep it company. Maybe if the wolf just waited, the moon would get lonely and come looking for her." It's a silly idea, perhaps, but it is what it is.

"I'm glad you're alright." She states then, hands going into her pockets. "I've got a few potions to go work on, the sort that need hours of tending to. So... I'll see you around." Clearly, Hati is done talking about feelings.