
From Final Kingdom MUSH
Revision as of 23:55, 15 September 2012 by Raenas (Talk | contribs)

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Riku pic.png
Age 15
Species Human
Sex Male
Height 5' 10"
Weight 170
Series Kingdom Hearts
Combat Styles Quickstrike, Dark Valor
Hometown Destiny Island
Group Shadow Lords
Occupation/Job Wanderer
Force: Forces of Ruin
Theme Song Treasure Planet - I'm Still Here
“Giving up already? C'mon.. I thought you were stronger than that.”
Recent Events
Riku:Recent Events

A calm and collected boy with a wry sense of humor, Riku is a wanderer from a tranquil world and both piece and player in a far reaching game between multiple evils. He keeps his own council and has been many things; A rival, a storyteller and manipulator, a chosen one no longer chosen, a friend searching the far horizons for familiar faces. He is a knight whose heart has slipped over the edge of dusk, an adventurer searching the worlds for those he cares for at any cost, blinded to the consequences of his actions. Whatever path he chooses, it never quite seems to plunge into the deepest darkness, or even wind back towards the light he left behind.

Skills: Never Piss off the Deuteragonist, I will Fear No Darkness, Self-Justification for Fun and Profit, Dark is not Evil, Power Corrupts, Ultimate Power is Pretty Nifty, Save Vs Will, Broken Ace, Suspicious Minds, Jumped at The Call, but It Refused Him, Snark Knight, Surrounded By A Thirty Xanatos Pileup, Takes Notes, Mysterious Big Brother Instinct, Also Aloof Parkour Guy, Shops At Faustian Bargains Warehouse, Multiple Boss Fight Mileage Card, Well Intentioned Extremist,


Potential Keyblade Wielder


Strong Willed

Powers of Darkness






Stat Performance
Stats Rating
Magical Attack Power Below Average
Physical Attack Power Above Average
Physical Accuracy Above Average
Magical Accuracy Average
Magical Evasion Good
Physical Evasion Amazing
Physical Defense Average
Magical Defense Average
  • Warning: Stat margin of error greater than expected. Approach target with caution.