Rinoa Heartilly

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Rinoa Heartilly
Age 17
Species Human/Sorceress
Sex Female
Height 5'3
Weight 115 lbs
Series Final Fantasy 8
Combat Styles Trainer
Hometown Deling City
Group Unaffiliated
Occupation/Job Freedom Fighter
Force: Forces of Restoration
Theme Song "Eyes on Me"
"Gosh, you're such a pessimist. There are no guarantees in the future. That's why TODAY, the time we have now, is important."
Recent Events
Having been discovered unconscious in an alleyway in Goug slums, she was rescued by Tifa and now helps her out at the Seventh Heaven.


Scars of the Past March 4th, 2013 Rumors of an unknown lab dating back to the War of the Magi has been making the rounds as of late. Worse something has been attacking near by towns. A band of heroes and others go to drive into to the depths and find something left behind by a long ended war.
French Cooking February 21st, 2013 Maximillen offers up some of his own cooking to the tennants of the Cloud Nine.
You know I'm not male... right? February 1st, 2013 Evja goes to the hotsprings to relax and meets up with Rinoa and Tifa - and later a strange fellow who pisses the rabbit off.
Coyote's Call January 31st, 2013 Darkness lurks in Montressor Spaceport. Who will answer the call for help and beat back the darkness?
Beach Party! January 29th, 2013 Impromptu beach party where a lot of people showed up - including Damien's thong.
Hades Cup: Qualifying Event - TOURNAMENT OF STRENGTH January 25th, 2013 A contest of strength!
Pets in the Potion Supply January 22nd, 2013 Kidnapped pets, heartless, and dwindling supplies! What ever will our heroes do? Can they protect the kitties and doggies and chocobos?
TDA is where you make it January 11th, 2013 Holidays are over, but there's always troubles. Some explanations are given after a wild city chase, on the freeing of the Network.
POVs Of Dreams and Mind Control January 7th, 2013 Dark Knight Neviril depossessed from her armors talks with Aerith, Rinoa and Tifa, enraging Jecht when it comes to mind control.
Pillaging the Dwarf Woodlands January 4th, 2013 With Manhattan devoured by darkness and Xanatos Enterprises thwarted for now, Baigan plots to once again make his move in the name of Baron, aiming to restore the kingdom's glory and secure its territory after his setbacks on the Dias Plains and at Balamb Garden. In dire need of resources and in hatred toward all adorable forest critters, Baigan has set his sights upon an unsuspecting target: the Dwarf's Woodlands in Phantasia, with its plentiful lumber and precious metals and stones. All that's required is to secure the location for long enough to loot it and scurry away through a Portal with their ill-gotten gains, and then to use it to further enhance Baron's navy and air force... and adapt the technology stolen from Xanatos. Will Baron's vile plot succeed with its ranks blostered by new allies, or can our scattered heroes intervene in time to save the woodlands from total devastation!?
Enter the Wind Princess December 30th, 2012 After the Sevent Heaven renovations are done, the girls admire the new Inn, until a lost WindDancing princess enters.
Party Crashers December 23rd, 2012 A group of Manhattan refugees flee to Deling City, but it seems a heartless has followed them and now lurks in the sewers below. Anxious of drawing its ire, the refugees are hesitant to celebrate an upcoming birthday party, and so they hire some mercenaries to deal with the problem!
Today's Lesson December 18th, 2012 Rinoa asks Tifa to train her in self-defense, and as they work on it, Aerith comes back from her training trip to provide a demonstration, as well as to test her skills against her original teacher.
Road of Memories December 17th, 2012 Rinoa takes a wrong turn and ends up lost. She runs into Seifer, who leads her back to safety. Along the way she reminisces about their past..
Darkclouded Aftermath December 16th, 2012 After the events of the Temple of Fiends, the Shard Seekers, along with Tifa and Rinoa, made it back to Cornelia to bring the prince to Princess Lara. Elated, she allowed the heroes to stay as guests. However, tensions rise as the health of the prince has not improved...
Temple Of Fiends December 14th, 2012 The kidnapped Prince of Cornelia lies in the Temple of Fiends. A brave party enters to rescue him...but what awaits them inside these terrifying walls?
Contracts and Books December 13th, 2012 Rinoa peruses books at Balamb Garden, determined to find as much information on sorceresses in an effort to understand Edea and her mysterious motives better..With Tifa's help, of course.
From Hell To Heaven December 13th, 2012 After a traumatic experience getting back to civilization, Mercade Alexander finds his way to the Seventh Heaven, meeting with Rinoa and Tifa.
Not So Fun In The Sandpit December 4th, 2012 Amidst the sands of Fluorgis, an Antlion who gorged on Heartless is rampaging towards the desert city! Can it be stopped? Will our heroes survive? Will anyone be eaten, and can they avoid massive amounts of spit? Read on to find out!
Corneo's Coin Quest November 30th, 2012 The first of the keys required to unlock the gates of Serendipity are a set of ancient Casino Coins once won from that fabled place by a legendary gambler who was doomed to lose them all. Thanks in part to a suspicious calling card, Don Corneo has become aware that these coins have ended up in Casino Gold, the mysterious den rumored to herald disaster for the unwary, and/or people wearing hats. Hiring everyone he can to protect him, Corneo will venture there to win back his prize. But can a man so ruled by his vices tear himself away from the game before he loses everything to the darkness?
In A New York Minute: The Gangs All Here November 29th, 2012 Unknown forces engage in a raid into the blackout area of the Harbor, attempting to acquire more of Xanatos' powerful laser weaponry. Surely this isn't going to go wrong at all.
Reunion? November 22nd, 2012 After being accosted by heartless in a dark and lonely alleyway, Rinoa is rescued and then reunited with Seifer. But he doesn't seem as happy to see her..
The Next Day November 22nd, 2012 A rather upset Rinoa retreats to the WildKat cafe, where she discusses the previous days events with her friends..And tries to decide what to do to avert another sorceress war..
Xanatos Business Proposal for a Barmaid November 16th, 2012 Xanatos has invited Tifa for some business proposal. Aerith and Rinoa tag along, taking the chance to all dress pretty.
Unlearn Everything November 14th, 2012 Aerith and Tifa finally begin training together, in the hopes of the flower girl learning how to properly defend herself and others. She gets pointers from two very unlikely sources along the way.
Raid on Balamb Garden November 10th, 2012 Enraged by his defeat at the Dias Plains, Captain Baigan has vowed to destroy the meddling mercenary force SeeD, and is bringing to bear the might of the Red Wings in an all-out assault on Balamb Garden. To supplement his kingdom's forces further with expendable Heartless, he has, in the name of his King, formed an alliance of convenience with the sinister vizier Jafar, for it has been discovered that Balamb now shelters the Princess Jasmine, object of the Shadow Lord's ambition and desire.

SeeD's strength shall now truly be put to the test. Will those fools who dare defy the almighty will of Baron prove another Mysidia and be routed? What shall become of the brave Princess? The Water Crystal silently sheds its light... a single mote upon it depicting the Princess's location.

Aerith kidnapped by Heartless! November 6th, 2012 While decorating Tifa's bar with flowers, Aerith gets kidnapped right under their noses. A chase through the city and a fight to retreive the flower girl ensues.
In A New York Minute: Keys To The City November 4th, 2012 A group of artists and a charity group hold a fundraising ball and art auction in order to help fund the group Hearts Intertwined. Everyone is invited to the party. Nothing terrible will happen at all, surely.
Barmaid Stompings November 2nd, 2012 Another quiet night at the Seventh Heaven, no heartless this time, but Kaydin gets a stomping when he appears behind the unsuspecting barmaid.
Halloween at Seventh Heaven October 31st, 2012 Jack tries to spook people at the Seventh Heaven for Halloween, only to have the Hearless turn against him!


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