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Nothing fancy, just some notations for the sake of convenience... (and to aide my pea-brain in rememering some points):

ROLEPLAY PREFERENCES: I'm a pretty easygoing person, and long story short I honor consent adamantly. I value your boundaries as both a player and the characters that you play, and in turn I expect the same. That stark disclaimer aside, all-in-all I'm approachable and friendly and if the weirdoes that I play have the potential to enrich your idea(s), by all means ask! I enjoy many avenues of RP, though when it comes to combat please bear with me in these sorts of scenes. Through my RP career I've only had a few 'acquaintances' with coded combat so I'm not quite used to it. Especially on a game where it is so multi-faceted and complex. :)

TIMEZONE: Pacific Standard.

GENERAL AVAILABILITY: I try to make myself available as much as possible, when it comes to random connections and spontaneous RP. But given the business of my RL schedule, especially due to a hectic full-time job and busy family life, I cannot connect nearly as often as I used to manage a few years ago. So in the times where I cannot connect randomly, here are some things to keep in mind:

• Please @mail or email me (<-- better) at to set up a day/time in which to scene. This bodes well for personal/casual RP or TPs. I am able to access emails quickly and respond just as quick, whereas I am slower with @mail. This is 'The. Best. Way.' to coordinate with me. :)

• My days off typically fall during mid-week; weekend sessions generally have to be planned.. though occasionally I find the time to connect Sat/Sun. Typically late morning/afternoons.. some evenings.

Morgan Albaste - Only /very/ few will recognize Morgan's predecessor concept, Fiell Chambliss, from the now defunct FFMUSH. My stint on that game was very short.. barely a drop in the bucket compared to the oldbies. Still, I came away from that game with a few new friendships and for that, I am glad. Here on Final Kingdoms, Morgan is derived from Fiell but with a decidedly 'meaner' background. Rewind to 2006 when another defunct game, Fantasy Legends, existed. Also a KH/FF blend, I played a Morgan and Malachy set (V.1) over there too. In the porting of their concept to FK, I of course wanted to tone down the melodramtics a bit... but still leave that level of forebode. While Morgan V.1 was 'younger' and far more twisted, this darker, elegant take is more subdued in her turmoil.

Morgan can mesh well with most scenes I figure.. though she isn't one who wanders without much of a cause ICLY. More often than not she returns 'home' to Cornelia, but isn't above going where she is required (or asked ICLY). She /can/ be subjected to lighthearted RP, but it takes some IC prying to get her to 'let her hair down', so to speak.

Sassaral - Admittedly, I didn't intend to take on an alt.. not so quickly after acquiring Morgan. But the possibility of exploring this concept proved too tantalising due to the fact that I play her big sister, Saiishuke, elsemu*. Anyone who frequents Final Fantasy MUX may recognize that jumble of a name from the WHO list! Saiishuke has existed since June of 2010 and ICLY, she mourns the loss of Sassaral (only a little girl in that setting, and the one who was killed). But honestly, I've always wanted to see things from Sassaral's POV.. what if the roles were reversed?

Case in point, porting Sassy over to FK! She is in no way tied to the 'AU setting' of Saiishuke over FFMUX way; in this case, Sassaral is the one who lived while Saiishuke lost her life. It's an interesting and macabre twist. But honestly? I apped Sassaral to be a carefree foil to Morgan and all of her demons and restrictions. That, and I just wanted to toss together the ironic pairing of a white mage and berserker into one small girl. I see her as a character that I can just 'throw' into many a scenario.. she'll be my token 'world wanderer'. c___Ca

IMPORTANT NOTE REGARDING OCTOBER-NOVEMBER 2012: Effective Oct 20th - Nov 15th, I will be away on a course that will end up devouring all of my time. Therefore. leading up to this and during, I will be abstaining from Tinyplots in general so as to not be problematic in coordinating times. Casual RP is fine, and so too is email-based RP (if you dig it) ... but connecting to the game for live RP for that span will be difficult and not something that I can promise. Please bear with me! Once I return, the gloves are off.. and I can get these OCs of mine rolling. <3