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Date of Cutscene: 07 January 2013
Location: The Grid And ShinRa
Synopsis: CHIEF goes to get a tank from the Grid.
Cast of Characters: CHIEF

The Grid.

A world of computer programs, lines, and a city within such a great computer world. Though a good deal of it has had some problems with the Darkness, some parts, still available for access.

Though within this computer world, a particular program has made his way back into the world of digital lines; even though the grid here is not his home, he has come to learn to deal with it. Well...

For the most part.

"Silver." CHIEF grumbles looking at the gloved gauntlets. "How.. old." Then reaching for his cigar, he finds that it has become a block. Which he stares at for a moment before roaring out in his completely frustration.

Yep. He just /loves/ it here.

Though for his 'love' of the Grid, there are some things that CHIEF does in fact enjoy. One of these being how it easy for him to blend in with the other military-like programs. Mostly those who operate what are known as Grid Tanks. A fine arsenal of the Grid that has a great deal of power and not something that is easily destroyed.

There was only a few Grid Tanks however as they took up a good source of data and only one place to gain access to this marvelous beast of machines. Something CHIEF knew exactly where to go, thanks to some lovely folks in the bar that found themselves begging to tell CHIEF.

Which, they probably won't mind the fact such begging came from being shot at, ran into a wall, and near deresolution for the insane programs pleasure.

Once CHIEF though did arrive to the location that he desired, it was then a simple matter of taking one of a joy ride. A joy ride out of the Grid. Yes, this is where the story really begins...

Several tank programs slowly make their way toward the terminal, until one of them hears an odd sound. The program glances over to see something in the shadows, before he turns to look at his other fellow program, "Hey, did you see that?"

The other one stares over, glancing around. "Nah, its just your imagination. Now come on, we are going to be late and you know how well that goes over."

"Yeah.. Yeah. Just give me a few. I just want to be sure."

"Whatever, but I am not covering you again."

The other program watched his friend leave, before slowly making his way over to the dark corner. His eyes narrowing slightly. The green lines along the silver glowing softly before he called out to the shadows. "Hello? Who is there? You are aware this is restricted area.."

However he quickly went silent as a green-aqua glow formed, before a rifle-like weapon made it out of the darkness. Soon followed by CHIEF slowly stepping out of the darkness keeping the rifle that was merged to his arm aimed at the program. "I've had a very bad few cycles here in the Grid, kid. So lets make this really easy.."

The program slowly stepped back, his eyes wide as he tried to reach behind for his disk. "Now, just wait a moment. I don't know who you are and you can't just going aiming that around at anyone you know."

"Oh, I can when I /want/ something and your /my/ key to getting that very thing. So tell me, Program. Are you feeling lucky? Are you?" CHIEF said with his smile only getting larger.

Soon several shots could be heard firing off, before there was silence. Several programs came running over to investigate, but by the time they got there. Any evidence of what had happened was missing. Several programs though stayed behind to search the area, while several more went on; including one extra. CHIEF himself wearing the other program's disk over his own and keeping his head down low as he walked in with the rest of the Tank programs.

When asked for his identity disk, CHIEF handed it over, and then was cleared through. Once he was, he tossed the Identity disk to the side and started to make his way toward the tank hangers like any normal program would. Even if he was humming gently as he walked along and doing a few quick steps.

CHIEF then carefully opened the hanger doors, before staring at the row of tanks before him. His eyes went wide before he gently chuckled to himself. "Hello, mama. You are all looking so beautiful tonight." Then narrowing his eyes. "Now which if you should I take home with me..."

However this thought process was quickly interrupted as a hand fell onto his shoulder. "Hey." A voice said behind him.

CHIEF then frowned for a moment, with his eyes narrowing dangerously, before he turned to face the other program with a smile on his face, "Mmyes? What can I do for you, fellow program?" he said with the most common voice he could; which admittedly was very tricky since he was fighting ever urge to punch this program before him in the face.

"Are you part of the maintenance crew? I haven't seen your face before on this side."

"Maintenance." CHIEF replied back, "Why yes, I am actually. I am here to check on the tanks and make sure they are all operating at full capacity."

"Excellent to hear. I was starting to get worried, since I got a call from your superiors that you were running late."

CHIEF then chuckled lightly, "Yeah, I was going to, but you know how it goes. Sometimes you just get.. lucky."

The other program nodded. "Well, I'll let you get to it then." He then gives a wave, before walking off.

CHIEF waves back with a smile, before his eye brow twitches lightly. "...what I.. really would do for my cigar right now.." He rumbles before turning to face the tanks once more, "Where was I.. oh yes. Which of you are coming home with papa." CHIEF says as the dark smile once more comes over his face.

Several minutes pass with nothing to report. Programs are going about there daily stuff, until a program arrives on a light cycle outside of the complex, running up to the other program who address CHIEF early as the maintenance program. "Sir! I am sorry I am late!"

The program blinks, "Late? Wait.. are you.."

"I was sent here to check over the repairs of one of your tanks. Is-- there a problem?"

The program stared at him for a long moment before his eyes went wide, "..If.. you are that program then who was.." This focus of conversation was quickly interrupted by a massive explosion within the tank hanger, as a light shell blasts over and past everyone's heads.

Soon in the horror of many programs, including several running, one of the Grid Tanks rolls out, before the hatch opens up as it rolls right through the gate, with CHIEF saluting the programs, "Thanks for the present. /Programs/! I'll make sure she gets put to /great/ use!" Though he quickly growls as a bit pops up and goes simply: "No!" Which CHIEF then takes his fist and smacks it back into the tank before closing the hatch once more.

Several of the tank programs stand there staring in disbelief before the one who seems in charge, growls softly and then yells at the others. "What are you waiting for! Get him!!"


Several moments later at ShinRa...


Warning lights start to flicker within a large room, before the digitizing laser comes online and then starts to form several streams of lines across the floor. Several of the employees who just happen to be in the room stand there staring, because though they may have gotten use to this being used to bring programs to and fro, they have yet to see it take so long and to form so many 'bits' into the real world.

Line by line, they started to watch form a massive vehicle which they could only realize after a moment was a tank. A /tank/ that had been brought form the digital world into the /real/ world. A few of them by this point end up running out of the room, with only one staying there with his jaw dropped as the massive black, sleek tank comes into completion with its red lines.

The employee slowly takes a step forward, reaching his hand out to touch the glossy surface of the tank, before the hiss of the hatch opening from above causes him to jump back several feet and hide behind one of the containers.

CHIEF opens the hatch and chuckles at his success before placing it hands into the air, "It is done!" Though once more gaining a dead-pan look as the bit floats out simply going, 'no no no' over again. Then CHIEF reaches over to grab it before growling at it with the cigar back in his mouth once more. "Look you little piece of zeros and ones, shut up before I blast you into decimals! ..Got it?"

The bit was silent for a moment before it beeped a weak, "..Yes."

"Good." Then CHIEF lets go letting the bit quickly float back into the tank. "Never liked those things. Always got in my way anyhow."

Slowly the employee slinks out from behind the container, "..Wh--what are you planning on d-doing w-with that?"

CHIEF slowly glances over to the employee before he chuckles softly, before he responds with an almost sarcastic manner, "I plan to go to a party and pick up some chicks." He then narrows his eyes. "..and you people are not invited." CHIEF then reaches up to take a hold of the hatch. "Oh and I am going to need a truck.. or LEXUS. Whichever you can get first." Then closes the hatch shut before rolling out with the Tank.

The employee blinks before he quickly yells out, "But that wont fit--" however before he could finish, the Tank goes crashing through the wall and the man just sighs, "..or.. I guess you can just make your own exit.. Man, why do I always get stuck with these things? I really need to ask for some vacation time.."