A Short Pause

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A Short Pause
Date of Scene: 08 December 2012
Location: Manhattan
Synopsis: After the brutal fight with LEXUS at the Empire State Building. Minerva drags Luso into a Drug Store in search of medical supplies to tend to his wounds. Before they make for the portal in Central Park.
Cast of Characters: Minerva, Luso Clemens
Tinyplot: In A New York Minute

Minerva has posed:
Pain, her world is full of pain right now as she flees from the fight in depths of the city. She's managed to get Luso out and she saw that the Samurai had managed to start fleeing before she'd departed. She could only hope hte other hand been able to make it. She's got other things to worry about sucha s Luso at the moment. The area isn't that full of heartless as they seem to be focusing elsewhere. She passes a store front it's a Pharmacy she'd heard about places like this as she forces her way inside with Luso in towe. She's got some Phoenix down on her but she may need other things to help the brave kid.

"That thing, what was it! It was not a man..."
Luso Clemens has posed:
Luso remained unmoving as Minerva carried him along in to the vicinity of the docks and then into a nearby store. Unbeknownst to the monk howeverwas that LEXUS had not managed to do much more than knock the boy out.

Thankfully Raiya managed to interrupt him before he could actually do whatever sort of evil nonsense he was attempting. And thus, gradually, Luso's breathing began to even out and then his eyes gradually opened.

Minerva has posed:
Minerva looks down at Luso for a moment and smiles a bit. "Ah so you live, good. It was a brave thing you did. I have no idea what that thing was other thant it was not a Man. Nothing like that could be a man." She pauses to pull a potion out of a suriving Pouch. "Drink this it should help." She's pretty messed up herself but she's been focused on getting somewhere safer with Luso. Well safe enough to recover. There may be medical supplies they can ahem loot here. She knows it's theft but it's a matter of surival at this point.
Luso Clemens has posed:
"Ah geez...did anyone get the number of that train...?" Luso mumbled quietly, rubbing the back of his head, fixing his hat afterward. Once he finished, he glanced up at Minerva, taking the offered potion and sitting up. "Thanks a bunch, I appreciate it!" Smiling gratefully, the boy downed the potion, feeling the restorative energy flow through him.

"Phew! I needed that!"

Luso fell silent after that, taking a moment to glance about at their surroundings. ...A store? Looked like a pharmacy. Similar to something back in his own world. "...Oh right! Are you okay? And where's that samurai lady? What happened?"
Minerva has posed:
Minerva looks to Luso again as she's still looking about. "It was more like a steampead of Behemonts." She looks at the young man and sher grins a little bit. "Tastes horrible but it does work. Gil well spent." She admits "I shall live. She covered my escape with you, I think she fled shortly after we were away and how rude of me. I am Minerva of the port City of Warjillis of the kingdom of Ivalice." She frowns "The heartl3ess devoured the world some time ago. I was one fo the few to surive the darkness. The stars are going out like they did that last day." She starts looking around "But what manner of aid does this place deal in. It's science might as well be magic." She intoenes as she looks about. Luso would see she's badly cut up, she's stopped the bleeding at least but her clothing is ragged and blood smeared, her own most likely.
Luso Clemens has posed:
"Behemoths, huh? ...I'm not surprised really." He replied, returning her grin while idly rubbing the underside of his nose with a finger. "It's okay though, I'm used to potions! I've had to drink a ton of them back where I came from!"

Standing up at that, Luso stretched his arms above his head. "Mmmn...! Alright!" Finished limbering himself up, the boy checked his minor stash of weapons before reaching into his pack and producing....another potion. "Here, take it." He offered, smiling as he spoke. "Minerva, right? You should have one as well. Even if you'll live, it's no good if you're limping around with cuts all over you, yeah?"

Once he finished handing off the potion to the monk, the boy crossed his arms behind his head, pacing about the immediate area and exploring a bit. "You came from Ivalice though? That's funny...I did too!" He exclaimed, pausing in his pacing to glance her way.

"Well, sorta anyway! It's a long story, but...eh!" Speaking with a sheepish tone, Luso shrugged afterward and the grin returned to his face as he jerked a thumb to his chest. "I'm Luso Clemens! Proxy Leader of Clan Gully, one of the main clans of the Jylland Region! Nice to meet ya!"

And with that, the young woman was offered a two fingered salute to top off his intro.
Minerva has posed:
Minerva says "They do hit hard in my experiance. I only fought one however it was ... an experiance." She will accept the potopn and drink it's contents. Bitter but she can feel some of her injuries mending a little bit from it. It should do for now as she looks about "Aye, I am. I did not know for the longest time anyone else surived the darkness consuming us all. It's good to not be alone then." She's not explored the entire country after all it is a huge place so not knowing the region he speaks of doens't make her suprised at all. The clan however is a term she does not know and that gets a silver eyebrow raised. "I do not know the contex of the term you use I'm afraid but I had not explored the entirty of the kingdom before the clamity. Seems I never reached where you were from." She can't help but laugh a little bit at how he introduced himself. "We should seek supplies it shant be long before the Heartless come this way. I know of an evacuation point the local solidary and law enfrocement are manning trying to get people out of the city."
Luso Clemens has posed:
"Yeah, I know, we've taken down a bunch of Behemoths as Marks. They're insane! I would've gotten wiped if I was alone for sure, ahahaha!" Shaking his head at the mere memory of combating behemoths and laughing sheepishly.

"Well, Ivalice is a big world! I guess I'm not surprised. I haven't seen a whole lot of it myself now..." A shrug was given and the boy turned his attention over to the various shelves of medical products. They had different packaging than he remembered, but he could recognize many of the supplies on the shelves due to the appearance of the actual product itself.

"Yeah, it'd be a huge problem if the heartless came chasing after us, but..." Turning his head to glance at Minerva, Luso raised an eyebrow before making an additional inquiry. "...How are we gonna get anything? There's no shopkeeper here! ...Unless we're stealing now." It's not that Luso was some sort of guilless white knight that could do no wrong, but...stealing from a store abandoned in a crisis still rubbed him the wrong way...
Minerva has posed:
Minerva says "It's sadly little more than nothing now the darkness has taken it." She contiunes looking for supplies, food, medical supplies. She's been taught the wonders of disinfecant by one of the other people in her own little clan. So she's looking for that as well. "I had hoped to explore it but that may never happen now. This is an emergancy we are horribly off and this might be the only chance we get to recover. We need to tend to our wounds as best we can, eat and carry on." She looks at her own clothing maybe some sort of clothing if she could find some in here but it was doubtful. "If this world surives i shall return to pay the shop keeper. Leaving it here in the cash box would only end with it looted by someone else. Also some of these supplies will be needed at the evacuation point. I won't force you to do anything you do not wish to. There is a differnce between being a cut purse and suriving."
Luso Clemens has posed:
"...Well..." He mumbled, scratching his cheek with a finger, not totally sure for a moment. Of course Minerva was right. This was a crisis. Moral conundrums like stealing to further your own survival and help others was just a hinderance, but even then...!

"...Nah, forget it. It's okay. You don't have to do all of that." Luso spoke after a while of thinking, waving his hand in front of him to keep Minerva from suggesting anything more troublesome for herself. "You're right. This is a different situation..." With that said, the boy's smile returned and and nodded affirmatively. "In that case, let's take what we can and leave a note apologizing later! We can at least do that much, right?"

After asking that, Luso proceed to keep his eyes on Minerva, awaiting her response. ...But then he noticed something that he hadn't before.

Her clothes were rather torn up... LIkely from the previous battle.

He hadn't noticed before because the rush of the situation and the adrenaline, but now...well, it left little to the imagination, even his. "Whoa, u-uh! Sorry!" Luso suddently exclaimed, turning around sharply and keeping his back to the young woman. "A-Anyway, let's hurry and get those supplies then, huh? Ahahah a h a h . . . "
Minerva has posed:
Minerva says "When it comes to It I'm more concerned about loss of life than theivery." She grins a bit "I dont' normally do this." She'll get some of the food and devour it. "Most of the food would go bad in days." she notes. She knows she's torn up but not just hoe badly her clothing is as Luso starts to stammer a bit she looks down and a dawning understanding hits her. "Prehaps I should find some new garments?" She's going to go look for anyrhing but pickings might be limited to the sorts of shirts and such you sell tourists.
Luso Clemens has posed:
"It's okay, I believe you! You don't have to explain!" Luso cut in, leaning from side to side idly and crossing his arms behind his head. "And let's be sure to take some of these supplies to the evac teams. I bet they could use it, right?"

Asking that, he remained in place, keeping his back to Minerva still to allow her to get herself decent, however she planned to do it. "That's obvious. I don't think walking outside like that is a good idea. Just find something. Anything will do, right? Just till we get out of here anyway."
Minerva has posed:
Minerva nods in agreement "That would be wise." she's searching the various sweat shirts and such they sell to tourists she finds one that's not too gaudy and she changes to her joy it fits for the most part and will do till she can find something better her shorts have surived so she's not so bad at this point. She comes back out of the isle and seems to be looking for supplies again. "I'd say we look for bandages, disinfectants maybe food or medicines but they are strange they have strange names and don't call things what they actially are." Brandnames are silly things to her. You have a brand store sure but brand names on items just confuse customers!