A Sinister Plot

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A Sinister Plot
Date of Scene: 04 November 2012
Location: Baron
Synopsis: Ambassadors from Alexandria pay a visit to Baron's court. What could have summoned them from their distant land? And can the tale that is told them be believed...?
Cast of Characters: Baigan, Beatrix, Kaydin, Lumeria

Baigan has posed:
Lord Golbez's plans are brilliant as always.

Baigan, right-hand man to the King of Baron, flanked by his faithful bodyguard the dark knight Kaydin, offers a courtly bow to the two visitors from the Kingdom of Alexandria as they enter the magnificent Throne Room, austere for all its splendor, in keeping with the militaristic aesthetic of this land. The Captain of the Guard, in dress uniform of red and white, descends from the steps leading up to the throne, which is currently vacant, to meet the guests at their level. "General Beatrix, Lady Lumeria," he politely greets the two, having smothered his smirk and replaced it with a thin smile. "You honor Baron with your presence. I regret that His Majesty must be absent for our meeting, but the drastic consequences of this-- fusion of worlds ever calls for his attention."

"Of course, the great Kingdom of Alexandria is by now well-known to our people, and the object of much admiration." Given his stoic, even grim exterior, Baigan's flattery manages not to sound servile. "We learned of the loss of your monarch with much regret, and would not have called you here were we not confident we had located her. We have high hopes that soon, your Queen shall be returned to you. In the meantime..."

His unblinking eyes shift from soldier to noble and back.

"I would like to speak on behalf of His Majesty to propose an alliance with Alexandria," he says calmly. "For you see, it is the Water Crystal in our possession which rendered us able to detect Queen Brahne, and we believe acquiring the other Crystals will allow us to find others, citizens of both our kigndoms, who have been lost to darkness. Of course, these Crystals are jealously guarded by selfish fools... thus, for this endeavor, we will require your aid."
Beatrix has posed:
Beatrix steps into the throne room. Yes, elegant as always, her stride shows all of the confidence she has. Confidence in herself, her abilities as well. But also into detecting any sort of threats.

Of course when she received news that they could have found her Queen, there was no reason to not investigate it at the very least. Althoguh there is the possibility she was captured, she doesn't see the interest of a diplomatic meeting if it was such the case.

She steps over to the throne, and offers the Alexandria salute, a fist over her heart, over her left breast. THey don't bow in Alexandria, but it doesn't mean there is any lack of respect either. "We thank you for your invitation and news of finding our queen." She listens to the request. "If you do believe there is a chance to locate our Queen, I would be willing to take my chances with it as well. But the taking of the crystal, would it not disrupt the countries depending on their power as well?" She tries to bring more information to the table first and foremost. She ahs been the 'acting queen' for the nation, and if things are not in the interest of the kingdom, she would see little reason to accept.
Lumeria has posed:
Of course Queen Brahne missing plays right into Lumeria's own plans. Still she would humor Beatrix at least. She certainly doesn't want to get on the General's bad side. Plus she could use her protection if anything did go wrong. "Greetings Captain Baigan, it's a pleasure to see you again Sir Kaydin." She curtseys as she welcomes the two.

"Yes, it's unfortunate that the Queen had to go missing at a time like this." The girl does her best to hide the pleasure she's feeling right now. "An alliance may benefit both of us, but the General is correct. Dragging other countries into this would likely lead to more trouble."
Kaydin has posed:
Kaydin was in full dark knight regalia, hand resting on the hilt of his sword, keeping his gaze on the two women. He nods to Lumeria when she curtseys and just keeps silent for now as he then turns his gaze to Baigan, waiting to see what happens.
Baigan has posed:

Baigan's thin smile widens, though it never reaches his unblinking eyes, as he sweeps out his hand toward the wall beside them, gesturing toward what appears to be a rather new tapestry.

"And what of these 'other countries'?"

Upon closer inspection, this new tapestry appears to be a map of the World of Ruin as it is currently known, with the four continents dispersed about the Central Isles. "Surely they too have learned of the power of these Crystals to seek those who have been lost to darkness. Yet why is it only we who have reported our detection of your Queen? Why do none know of this capacity of the Crystals?" In truth, of course, it is because the Crystals do not, in fact, have that power: they may only seek the Princesses of Heart. Even Baigan himself is not aware of that, however. Though he knows that this 'discovery' of Queen Brahne is a ruse, Goblez has not seen fit to inform him of the Crystals' true abilities. It makes the lie all the more convincing. "Because, as I say, they jealously guard the Crystals' power for themselves, and do nothing to aid this new world in its time of great need."

He approaches the map on the wall.

"Bur-Omisace." Tap. "A temple hidden away in the mountains, where the Earth Crystal now rests, presumably the object of their worship. Yet what do they do with it other than secret it away? Tycoon." Tap. "The Wind Crystal is kept here. This land too has lost its monarch, but do they help others? They are led by a mere girl. No doubt she cares only for the recovery of her father. Surely we could... negotiate with her. However..."


"Fluorgis, desert city, where the Fire Crystal resides. Engineers from a lost city called Karnak live here, doing what they did before-- developing weapons!" He spins about, cloak whirling. "No doubt they seek their vanished land, and that is well for them. But in the meantime, the Fire Crystal is used to bolster this rogue city's military might! Their Clans of vagabonds run rampant across the continent! They are no proper nation, but a threat to our world -- them and all mercenary scum, like those accursed SeeD."

"These nations have no interest in assisting Alexandria," Baigan asserts, "but Baron desires more than its own safety: we understand that we must protect this world if we are to protect ourselves. And how else are we do so but recover the Crystals, if only we appear devoted to the task of recovering those who are lost?" Smiling thinly again, he glances sidelong at the dark knight. "What would /you/ do, Sir Kaydin?"
Beatrix has posed:
Beatrix watches the map, putting that information in her mental notepad for later. Who knows when that information would come in handy. But she's weighting every word. "I only act in the interest of our kingdom, my tasks lies in the defense of it, not in invasion or frontal attacks. Although the Queen is currently missing, I keep that as our prime directive."

She flips her hair, shaking the curls back in place with a headshake "However there is validity in what you said. I would like to keep a close eye on those nations using the power of the cystals. If those crystals are a power to fear, assuredly we must keep a watch so they do not decide to attack us either." She crosses her arms pointedly. "Even as stand-in for the queen I cannot order any sort of attack as it stands, but as allies of our nation, you can count on my cooperation in your designs.
Lumeria has posed:
"Well, it couldn't hurt to pay a visit to these other locations, even if we don't plan to attack." Lumeria figures learning more couldn't hurt. Plus it might aid with her own plans. She agrees with Beatrix on this. "And where exactly did you detect the location of the Queen as?" Learning that could be a way to get the general out of the way.
Baigan has posed:
Baigan suppresses his smirk.

"Of course," he says generously, nodding his head in a gesture of sensitivity. "War would be the most unfortunate of results in any case, and should it occur, Baron has no desire to entangle Alexandria in problems not of her own making. However," he adds, spreading his arms, "if Alexandria could spare some assistance in the suppression of the notorious and lawless gang of thugs known as 'SeeD', who make their abode in the southern part of the Central Isles, our kingdom would be most grateful. Those mercenaries are no nation, but an unpredictable threat to all, who have interfered in Baron's affairs merely for the prospect of gold."

"Once your Queen is recovered," he then adds, that thin smile broadening, "perhaps she may decide for herself how to commit Alexandria's troops, so that the burden shall be off your shoulders, noble General. Ha ha... ha ha." His chuckle is polite, though for a moment it looks like he has to force back more full-throated laughter.

"Ah, yes... the /location/ of the Queen." Baigan anticipated this question. He turns his serpentine smile on Lumeria. "There are extensive waterways beneath our city, and in the wake of the fusion of worlds, the tunnels have expanded, now being thronged with monsters and those Heartless. Our wise Lord Golbez detected her having somehow manifested there, and for now she appears to be unharmed. Who understands how such things occur? Regardless..." He clears his throat. "...due to the tunnels beneath the city being a sensitive security issue for Baron, as much as I am sure you both would love to rush to Her Majesty's aid, we must humbly request that you allow our forces to liberate her. Please understand. I assure you that the Crystal reports her as unharmed, and we have almost reached her reported location."

After all, the disguise is not /quite/ yet finished.
Beatrix has posed:
Beatrix considers that position quietly for a moment. She could storm the aqueducts herself, with her troops, but since they don't know the layout, there would arguably be lots of problem, monsters or not. She nods "Alright then, I shall leave to you the responsability of finding and bringing our queen back. Shall I hear that harm came to her though..." She leaves the threat like that, she doesn't really want to get into details about that part at the least. Its pretty much understod.

"The fusion of the worlds did its own load of problems for us as well, which we have been fixing one by one as we find them. Time will heal things at least." She doesn't know what designs Baigana have, but she has no reason to not trust him yet either, but she always stays careful.
Lumeria has posed:
Lumeria figures those must be large tunnels if the Queen can fit them, but she doesn't say that out loud. "Yes, but maybe we can use it to our advantage as well. We have access to resources that we wouldn't before." She figures that's worth looking into.
Kaydin has posed:
"I am unsure how to go about collecting these crystals. I would suggest approaching each nation peacefully, requesting aid and allegiance in exchange for the crystals. If they refuse and intend to use their crystals to power their forces against Baron, then we will have no choice but to defeat them." Kaydin says finally as he approaches. "As for SeeD, I think I can infiltrate their garden as a refugee. Infiltration may help our allies and our own forces defeat them by weakening the defenses from within." He says calmly.
Baigan has posed:
"I assure you, General," Baigan assuages, "Baron has the situation firmly under control." Or it will, if Lord Golbez and Lady Barbarricia's sorceries function as planned.

"Indeed. Time, and the strength of our kingdoms' indomitable wills. Truly, we are honored by this partnership. Let us both build the strength of our noble countries together, and bring order to chaos wherever it might rear its ugly head." His thin smile towards to Lumeria. "The noble lady speaks wisely. Where there is crisis, there is also opportunity."

When Kaydin speaks at last, Baigan seems to brighten for the first time. The pale seneschal appears to take pride in his subordinate. "An excellent plan, Sir Kaydin. I shall gladly task you with the infiltration of this so-called Balamb Garden. If you succeed in your endeavor, I shall reward you... with a promotion to Commander of the Dark Knights, a post left vacant in Sir Cecil Harvey's /most/ unfortunate absence." Most of the rank and file expected Cecil's 'banishment' to be temporary until the King had cooled his ire, but now that both Cecil and Kain are missing, the leadership of Baron's vaunted armies is lacking.

"But on the Crystals, your thoughts are similar to my own." Baigan turns back toward the map on the wall. "I shall approach this Princess Lenna Tycoon myself and aim to persuade her to lend the Wind Crystal to us. This temple can surely be made to see the light of reason as well. But this Fluorgis-- I am not so sure. Any land which bands with mercenaries like SeeD are not to be trusted. Perhaps with them we shall have to take... other measures." His smile becomes a smirk. "And there is no chance that their airships could stand against the might of the Red Wings!"
Beatrix has posed:
Alexandria isn't a powerhouse in the air, but they do have access to the Red Rose, which is quite the elegant and powerful airship as well. General Beatrix has been using it for her needs at the moment, for lack of anyone else in command with a use for it at least. "I heard of the mmight of the Red Wings fleet as well. I am sure there will be no problem on that side." She still would rather not go to war outright at least, not without the Queen, but there is problem in helping with operations at least, this is what she deduces from it.

"So what are those SeeDs exactly? I have yet to receive any reports on them. I would not judge them to be an immediate threat at least." She muses on that. She has spies going around the worlds and cities to see what changed, what is new, and she wouldn't have missed this kind of threat.
Lumeria has posed:
"I might head to Fluorgris myself. Maybe these mercenaries can be handled with the proper motivation." Lumeria knows there's plenty that can be hired with the right amount of money. "Or gain their trust." She figures they can always use more healing after all.
Kaydin has posed:
"SeeD is a mercenary combat group trained in magic and physical combat. It seems this Garden is an academy for the training of people to become a part of SeeD and use a mixture of advanced technology as well as magical capability." Kaydin explains to Beatrix. "They do not seem to have airship capabilities thus far, however they do possess an impressive ground force. The Hound of Balamb is one Jean Faravan, who uses a weapon called a Gunblade, a mixture of combustion firearms technology with a sword instead of a barrel, each 'shot' causing the blade to cut down with incredible force, a complex weapon to use even by their standards." Kaydin continues to explain before looking to Lumeria. "I hope you be careful, not everyone is honorable and they may use you as a means to advance their own plans.
Lumeria has posed:
"I'm not naive, Sir Kaydin. I'm sure I can further my own goals there as well." Lumeria doesn't generally help out of the goodness of her heart after all. "Besides, I need to see more of what's going on with my own eyes." Sitting in a mansion all day certainly isn't going to do that for her.
Baigan has posed:
"Sir Kaydin is correct," Baigan says, and though his tone is calm, his eyebrow has arched ever so slightly, suggesting that he is actually surprised by the knight's knowledge. "You are well-informed, my good man. Indeed, SeeD is a dangerous band which makes use of unusual technology and combines it with proficiency in both arms and magic. As they sell themselves to the highest bidder, they are unpredictable and not to be trusted. Recently, Baron moved to secure its borders, and SeeD, financed by a rival city, frustrated our efforts. They lay claim to the Dias Plains themselves, as though they have any territorial rights!" Veins in his brow twitching, Baigan's fists clench, quivering momentarily, before he forces himself to calm down.

When he gets worked up, his arms turn into snakes.

"An excellent plan, Lady Lumeria," Baigan says encouragingly once he's relaxed a little bit, that thin smile returning. "But Sir Kaydin is right. Do take care. Do you require an escort? Baron is ever happy to oblige."
Beatrix has posed:
Beatrix looks over to Kaydin's answer, and nods "I see. I still do not think they is cause to be alarmed at them just yet. If they are mercenaries as you said that means you can easily use them as much as they be used against you after all. Mercenaries are an unknown factor in any war, but if one's army has to rely on other's powers to succeed, then it has inherent weakness to begin with." She flips her hair, quite confident of the strength of her army. "I suppose I should take my leave as well then. I leave the matter of our Queen into your hands. I will be awaiting good words from you very soon then." She salutes again, a fist over her heart. Straight to the point as always for the General.
Kaydin has posed:
"When I am not training, I spend my time reading. It is a hobby I have had since chidhood." Kaydin says calmly. He then nods. "I best get ready if I am to act as a refugee." Kaydin says as he begins to bow. "Anything else you wish for, Captain?"
Lumeria has posed:
"An escort would be appreciated, thank you Captain." Lumeria nods at that. Going onto dangerous ground alone wouldn't be the best idea. Especially she isn't exactly a direct fighter. She prefers words and magic over physical combat. Plus it would be a chance to get to know Kaydin better.
Baigan has posed:
"Hmph!" Baigan seems to be getting worked up again. "You would be correct, General, but these scum have sworn to stand against Baron! I heard their accursed Hound, Jean Faraven, say so myself! These inane fools obey neither reason nor superior might! Now that they have picked their side, however arbitrarily, I doubt that we could sway them -- and even if we could, we could not trust them! Those unspeakable idiots!" Losing to SeeD has continued to gnaw at him. Lord Golbez was oh so disappointed.


Baigan opens his mouth to admit their defeat at Dias Plains, and Golbez immediately starts playing the organ, drowning out all Baigan's words, before turning his dark-armored form around slightly and shrugging.


Trembling with shame and rage, Baigan doesn't seem to hear anyone for the moment, the seneschal's face mottling with fury as his arms begin to quiver--

"Don't worry, Boss! We'll get them next time!!"

--whereupon his gloves burst free, shockingly, and a snake head with a gold fang emerges, and begins to /talk/. Baigan, turning ashen, gapes down at his snake arm, which has transformed even as the rest of him remains the same. Before he can speak, his other glove bursts as well, revealing a snake arm wearing a monocle, which proceeds to speak in an urbane tone.

"Contain yourself, my brother," Sir Snaggletooth urges, before turning his beady eyes toward the guests. "There are ladies present. Let us behave with dignity. Pardon our sudden appearance, General. Ah," it then proceeds, the snakearm turning autonomously to Lumeria, "a lovely elf. Charmed, I'm sure."

"Th-this is just a minor malfunction," Baigan stammers, glancing around wildly. "What are you-- go away! Not now! Gaahh-- it's n-nothing to be concerned about," he explains to Beatrix. "A curse! A curse laid upon me by our enemies, exacerbated by the fusion of the worlds. Yes, they are dastardly indeed! But even this, I make use of for Baron, and for righteousness! ...Ahem."

"I wouldn't say /righteousness/, Boss--"

"Shut up!" Baigan shouts, smacking the two snake heads together, causing the monocle of the second to go askew. "Sir Kaydin! Escort Lady Lumeria to Fluorgis and then depart for Balamb to-- er, she is alright--?" Lumeria may not have reacted well to the sudden presence of the serpents.
Beatrix has posed:
Beatrix raises an eyebrow at the sudden 'snake trick' on show. Talking snake arms with monocles... If she was drinking or under the influence of a spell she might understand this, but right now, it doesn't seem to register well "... I see." She leaves it at that. "... I shall take my leave now." She doesn't know what she should say or ask about this, so she will refrain...

She does grow a little suspicious though.
Lumeria has posed:
Lumeria jumps back upon the sight of the snakes, she doesn't care for them at all. Still, she does her best to remain proper but it's clear she's quite frightened. "A curse...?" She stutters a bit at that, she can understand the feeling though. "Maybe I can remove it?" Normally she would charge for such help, but she would be more then happy to get rid of them.
Kaydin has posed:
"I will be more then willing to escort her." Kaydin says and when Baron's royal guard captain grows snakes, he tilts his head. "Sir, you know rage and negative emotions cause such things. Perhaps a few tips from the dark knights on how to contain your emotions may help you in the mean time sir?" He offers helpfully, perhaps no one wil notice he doesnt confirm or deny the /curse/ story.
Baigan has posed:
"No, no," Baigan says hastily, backing away, actually putting his hands behind his back, as though that will do any good. "Quite resistant curse. Actually useful sometimes, in fact. Never fear, Lady Lumeria. Perfectly under control! Yes!" he latches on to Kaydin's words. "I simply require... more practice! More discipline. This magic has twisted my emotions. Nothing I can't handle!"

Normally, he would resent being patronized, but more than anything right now, he just wants to end this humiliating exchange as quickly as possible.

"Don't remove us, Boss!" The Snakesuation cries from behind his back.

"We want only to assist you, Captain," adds Sir Snaggletooth.

"I said shut up!" Baigan clears his throat. "Ahem! Ha ha! Yes. Well. Sir Kaydin! Ensure that Lady Lumeria has everything she requires for her journey. N-now then... these negotiations are... concluded! Aha! Ha ha!"

And he hurries out of the room through a side door, mortified.
Kaydin has posed:
"May I begin assigning some of our supplies and forces to help strengthen Alexandria's borders for the time being?" Kaydin asks Baigan before turning to the woman and bows his head. "Shall I escort the two of you?" He asks politely.
Lumeria has posed:
"Yes, please..." Lumeria's just glad she's not a frog right now. That would make things even more awkward. She's not sure how having snakes for arms would be helpful. She moves in closer to Kaydin as they get ready to leave for Fluorgris.