Beach Head

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Beach Head
Date of Scene: 18 June 2013
Location: Traverse Area - Bodhum - Beach
Synopsis: Myla's out for a swim when she encounters captain Zeke. To her shock he speaks of a rumor of an portal to another world somewhere off the coast. Will anything come of it who knows. Is it a wild tale or is there some truth to the Captain's words?
Cast of Characters: Zeke, Myla Mason

Myla Mason has posed:
Myla Mason was not exactly here she was out some distance from shore swimming, for one of her people to go a day without swimming would be like not being able to breath for most people. Most of her clothing was in a heap on the beach with swimmer camped out on them like they were some sort of make shift blanket one could see mylia off a bit occasionally breaking the surface for air before vanishing once more under the waves.
Zeke has posed:
Zeke was, likewise, out for a swim. This was potentially strange but the weather was tolerable and this was just him and the water. Occasionally he would dive down, almost as if he were looking for something. Myla might notice he wasn't looking at the fish or the debris. Instead he was looking towards the ocean floor.
Myla Mason has posed:
Myla Mason is surprised to find another out though Zeke if he notice might understand Myla's outfit at last the core of it was meant for swimming and the rest was to be easily detached from it. She does notice what Zeke is doing as as he swims he might find the goggled young woman looking up at him from the sea floor questioning as if to say what's up?
Zeke has posed:
Zeke shrugged at Myla and continued swimming down. He looked confident in what he was doing, though the goggles might seem silly. A thumbs-up gesture later and he was back to looking around before kicking back to the surface.
Myla Mason has posed:
Myla Mason has the goggles for a reason so she can sea more easily but she's still down there she seems to have no problem holding her breath she does pauses for a moment. She then kicks off the bottom and launches her self back to the surface in an explosion of water.

"...So Captain what's got you so curious about the sea floor?"
Zeke has posed:
Zeke bobed in the water as he thought the question over. "Well for one it's a nice day for a swim so why not." he opened his mouth to speak but a wave seemed to pick that moment to go over his head causing him to sputter cough, gasp.

Then he made waving off motions. "I'm fine. No really fine m'good. Deep breath. "OK... other reason I'm out here is I"d heard ariel washed up I dunno if this's day night what but she litterally washed up, said the portal back to her home is down there somewheres. So I'm tryin t'find it while my ship's getting mantained and restocked."
Myla Mason has posed:
Myla Mason says "There is no cycle it's always night in this city, I have adapted to it more or less. I was just curious what you were looking for. Generally there's nothing but confused displaced sea life down there thankfully we not got anything hostile like a Kraken or something of the same sort. Humm if there is I have not seen a portal in all my swimming out here and no one I know has either. It may be much farther out and require a serious search to find."
Zeke has posed:
Zeke continued to float in the water, apparently for the moment just watching how Myla moved. Then his head shook. "It'd probably be worthwhile even without a specific destination to find. As mch of a meat pie as this place is, it's a good island and i don't want to think about what'd happen if an army of lurking horrors were to just slide in because the best we've got are people on the beaches."
Myla Mason has posed:
Myla Mason says "It would, but it would be best if I perhaps made an automated drone to go looking for it rather than doing it in such a slow and inefficient way. It would also warn us if there was anything amiss as well. Given how much the spawn of chaos seems to like to pop it's head up in this world. Humm also a sensor net may be a very good idea, a very good idea actually. Not bad Captain, not bad at all if anything you prove my mother smacking her crew for claiming our ancestors were dumber than we are true. Also the fact that ... temple's traps...would have made Soan drool."
Zeke has posed:
Zeke stared at Myla as well as being stuck in the ocean would allow. "Wot?" His head tilted. "There were words there but..." Splash. Sputter. "Phah. I like th'water lass but thiss's gettin a mite rediculous."
Myla Mason has posed:
Myla Mason pauses for a moment. "You have given me ideas that may work to not have us bobbing about like corks. My people have ways to search for things below the waves without going down there." She grins and starts for shore. "Did wonders for naval applicaitons when it was invented."
Zeke has posed:
Zeke splashed a bit, "Oh?" Curious, some of those scars on his body looked like... Teeth marks. If Myla's been to Port Royal she'd know there's maybe at best a handful of fish that could do things like that.

"I'm mostly jus worried 'bout the fact my parents be here along wit ha bunch of other people without homes. This place goes where do they run?"
Myla Mason has posed:
Myla Mason has been to Port Royal and pauses, her world had a lot of sea life that could threaten a person but Zeke's world was was down right tame when it came to predatory life for the most part in her world view. "Are you all right looks like you got in a tussle with something mean." She tilts her head back to shore. "We do what we can and thank what ever gods or god you worship that...part of your home survived the fall." She brightens as she moves on another topic. "Well it's not fallen yet and it keeps attracting powerful people. There is Manhattan and the world of ruin but this is still rather safe."
Zeke has posed:
Zeke flopped onto his back and started swimming for shore. "Aye. Gotta appreciate what's there." His voice sounded thoughtful. "Least there's plenty to do."
Myla Mason has posed:
Myla Mason exits the water and shakes her self off, wrings out her hair a bit and looks over to Zeke for a moment before she starts to reattached her strange outfit. She tilts her head. "There is much to do, I heard a nation in the world of ruin has been hit very hard by an attack and it's comparable to my world in it's use of magi tech. I may be able to help and find some employment there though a project here may actually be an idea, I should pursue if I get a chance."
Zeke has posed:
Zeke nodded to the girl as he towled off and put his coat back on. "Aye. Good things lass. Good owrks and time well spent." He started walking leaving bare footprints in the sand. "Another day mayhap two and I'll be gone again. I'll want to see what wonders you concocked and whip up.
Myla Mason has posed:
Myla Mason says "If I have time I admit, I need to get moving there's a lot to do and never enough time honestly. I'll put my ideas for here on my to do list but I have a great deal more to look into. I best get going and come on Swimmer we need to go. See you around Captain, and my you not be land locked for long."