Ezekiel Fawkes | |
![]() | |
Age | Mid 20's |
Species | Human |
Sex | Male |
Height | 6'0 |
Weight | 197 |
Background | |
Series | Pirates of the Caribbean |
Combat Styles | +Pirate |
Hometown | Clovelly, North Devon - England |
Group | Church Of Glabados, Pirates of the Caribbean |
Occupation/Job | Merchant Captain |
Force: | Wandering Force |
Theme Song | Talisman - Iron Maiden |
Quote | |
"A tall ship and a good crew I have. It's a matter of Fortune an Adventure I lack." | |
Recent Events | |
Got beat up by a Magical Stone Crab, Found a new pair of boots, About to go to Tortuga and punch a pirate in the nose. |
One does not simply make deals with entities capable of coming through on such tall orders as fully equipped and crewed sailing vessels of an ocean-worthy nature. One especially does not do these things without reading the fine print and consider how these terms can be twisted about. It isn't a case of Zeke being made to do things he would find repulsive, as he has enough leeway with the church to do their mandated tasks in manners he deems fit (much to their continual annoyance.) It is a matter of constantly being at beck and Call on exceedingly short notice. This translates to him thinking he'd get a ship where he' only have to do the occasional job and instead has found himself constantly doing work he cannot speak of with little time for personal business.
Ah well there is still plenty of strange to be had in the worlds between the young maid Ariel, Faruja proving time and again no matter how much the church grates under the young captain's skin it has good people working within it, and the creature known as Deelel that claims to have been made by Men.
Some of these mysteries are more pleasant than others and Zeke intends on unraveling them. After all what else can he do when the big tasks of finding and freeing lost worlds seems so far beyond his capabilities one might as well wish for birds to carry them to the moon?
- Man of the sea: Zeke has served on ships since he was old enough to walk. He's familiar with more or less every position from the lowest deckhand to charts and even how to work the guns. It is as natural an occupation to him as weaving or baking are to others. Even 'modern' advances that are past his time make some amount of sense after a few minutes of walking it through logically. Though just because he can understand the value of modern conveniences like motors or whatever does not mean he's fully transitioned away from sail and muscle power. After all it is what he knows, it's what he's found dependable. Why tinker with what works?
- Adaptable: Stuck in a strange land thanks to your own refusal to follow the orders of some stuffed shirt On High? Better be able to mentally deal with the consequences! Even before Zeke's trip to Traverse he had to deal with the likes of zombie pirates, merfolk that's wanted to haul him into the deep, pirates, the Spanish. You either have a good head on your shoulders or the sea pulls you under. Not much phases this man, which is good because the worlds be a weird place.
- Slightly Educated: A side benefit of having a family that's worked the Shipping and Trade industry since, well nevermind. Point is from an early age he had learned how to read, write, basic mathematics, and why these things are important. After all while ye olde nobleman will gladly take him in as a simple minded fisher, or shipmaster Zeke is just waiting and totting up all the little things that can be used in his own favor come time for negotiations. Plus gotta know how to read to know what to make of ship's charts and maps! Sadly while he does have an uncommon amount of education for a man of his time Zeke is still of 'common' stock and so skipped out on philosophy, theology, and the like.
List of Notable Associates
Ariel: Curious lass from a world so unlike what Zeke is used to that even every day objects to her are new and interesting. She possesses an interesting and melodic singing voice and though inexperienced and not wholly understanding the risks and dangers freely puts herself in harm's way for the sake of others yet apparently comes from a home where she was to be shut away from the world.
Status: Would I be a terrible person for pursuing the lass as a companion? Failing that I intend on ensuring she patches things up back home.
Deelel: A Strange woman claiming to be a Program and thus a creation of Men rather than God. While he does not quite believe this claim she has proven smart, capable, and quite the little artist. She presents a mystery... as does her fear of water (the fact that Water from her home is lethal caused Zeke a temporary fit of catatonia.)
Status: Interesting lass wit ha forthright nature and has stood between those that wish to harm others and those unable to fend for themselves. However she represents an unknown.
Faruja_Senra: A Knight of the Church of Glabados. Honorable, but unlike most Monks or other Men of Faith Zeke has noted the curious fact that Faruja both possesses a sense of humor and a sense of fun about him. Yet the Nezu is quite dedicated to his faith and if given reason would likely stab the 'Good' captain if given sufficient cause. However Faruja would have to have a very good reason for this to happen.
Status: Willing to drop just about anything he's doing to aid.
Jack_Sparrow: Not really an 'Associate' So much as someone Zeke has had past dealings with after a fashion. Zeke knows this man. Knows he is not to be trusted and will cheerfully steal, plunder, etc etc his weasly black guts out. Yet he also knows Jack is a man of his word and a decent fellow in spite of best efforts.
Status: Friendly, but Not Trusting.
Current Quests
Name: A Broken Clock is Right Twice...
Quest Giver: N/A
Location Received: Mystery Island, Caribbean
Key Item(s): Pocket Watch (broken)
Status: Ongoing.
Bar Brawl | August 29th, 2013 | Deelel and Brooklyn head down to Port Royal, for a drink. What they find is a flat out bar brawl they get pulled up into with Zeke and his crew. Not to mention the other locals at the pub. |
Confusion! Who Are You Again? | August 24th, 2013 | Following an incident in the port of Palumpolum, new arrivals disembark from their designated ships only to find themselves in a peculiar discussion of of "Guess Who?". |
Requiem for the Nameless | August 22nd, 2013 | Some very strange salvagers are searching for a nameless ship that sank... |
Lamia Seekers | August 13th, 2013 | Kidnappings lead Faruja and his considerable posse to investigate rumors of Lamia mischief. |
Chip and Dale are what?! | July 8th, 2013 | Zeke has spent most of the day trying to find Chip and Dale. To get more information on Gummi blocks. Yet he has no idea they are not human or at least humanoid! Meanwhile Vespa and Deelel are wandering the space port on their own business. |
An Innocent Question. | July 7th, 2013 | Outside the Arcade, Deelel is about to head out on some business with a mysterious dame comes looking for how to contact the TDA. This can not go wrong! It's just an innocent question. Sadly the intent is likely far from innocent given Malicia's likely plans. |
Back to China | June 30th, 2013 | Deelel having not been to the land of Dragons in some time, makes up her mind to go back and check out the Imperial city. However she's not the only one who has the same thought in mind. Also beware the power of Interceptor! |
Beach Head | June 18th, 2013 | Myla's out for a swim when she encounters captain Zeke. To her shock he speaks of a rumor of an portal to another world somewhere off the coast. Will anything come of it who knows. Is it a wild tale or is there some truth to the Captain's words? |
Enter The Draconian | April 22nd, 2013 | A new arrival has come to Traverse Town... yet again. |
The Light-Hearted Dance | April 3rd, 2013 | King Mickey and a group of weary adventurers unexpectedly meet for a chance encounter of joyful drink, dancing, and other forms of fun at The Rabanastre Inn and Pub! |
Search And Rescue | April 3rd, 2013 | Judge Magister Zargabaath leads an Archadian search for the mystery behemoth and to find the personnel still missing-in-action. The results of this search are hardly what he could have ever imagined. |
Ship Fish | April 1st, 2013 | After the insanity involving Tortuga Zke and Ariel have a quiet moment on ship. |
Follow That Ship! | March 29th, 2013 | After the events of Pirate Radio Zeke and his merry crew must hunt down and stop a ship full of kidnapped people all without getting eaten by a demon that's built a body for itself out of all the debris that used to be Tortuga's harbor. |
Pirate Radio | March 28th, 2013 | Zeke has asked, begged, bartered, and hired a group of people to help rescue family from being sold into slavery. To do that though a diversion has to be created. This is the first part of that story. |
Meetings and Partings | March 11th, 2013 | Several wandering sorts each from a different world meet while on the road much to the surprise of each other. |
Negaduck's Rampage In Traverse | March 8th, 2013 | Leave it to Negaduck to take the undead and the Heartless to cause destruction. However, the heroes are there to stop him! ...Or do the make it worse? |
The Breakfast Club | March 7th, 2013 | A Templar, A Captain, and a Heretic have a chat. Waffles were allegedly involved. Don't miss the cameo of everyone's favorite amnesiac! |
A Chance Encounter | March 6th, 2013 | Aurora is attempting to speak to the local wildlife and seeming to make some progress when two stranger from worlds alien to her's and each other arrive and they learn some strange things about each other and their home worlds. |
Ahoy! | March 4th, 2013 | Zeke and Faruja discuss plans for their raid on Tortuga over breakfast. |
Stealing 'Treasure' from Pirates | March 3rd, 2013 | A group of adventurers explore an island near Port Royal, where treasure is presumed to be hidden, and have to deal with the wiles of the local pirates. |
So there's all this Rum see... | March 2nd, 2013 | Post-Getting-Flung-From-Atlantis Zeke having to find a use with all the party favors he'd gathered was holding an impromptu party... |
Mysterious Mysteries | March 1st, 2013 | When pigs give maps and Merlin translates, interesting things happen. Including being swept away to an underwater mystery of mysteries. |
Celebration in Fluorgis | February 26th, 2013 | With the Shadows Over Fluorgis passes, the city undergoes a celebration. Drunks, music, merriment all around. Some shenanigans are abound. |
Down Time | February 25th, 2013 | A number of Heroes are taking some down time after an incident in Fluorgis. Thankfully Tifa's already got her pub up and running again and thus everyone's able to enjoy some well earned R&R |
Collateral Thinking. | February 25th, 2013 | A chance encounter with a strange woman gives Zeke clues as to the whereabouts of his mother. |
Barmaid and Mermaid | February 23rd, 2013 | A barmaid, a mermaid and a crab walk in a bar. No punchline, just a social. |
A Strange Encounter | February 18th, 2013 | Faruja and Zeke run into a woman who lost her ticked named Dominique Destine. |
The Pompa Sanctum Parade | February 11th, 2013 | Jihl Nabaat runs the Pompa Sanctum Parade. People show up, talk, dance, and terrible things occur as the pagent for the win of the War of Trangression goes on. |
Water does what?! | January 24th, 2013 | Zeke and Deelel encounter each other in Traverse Town, and end up speaking about how alien their worlds are to each other. Then Deelel finds out water doesn't kill you in this world much to her shock! |
The True Self? | January 19th, 2013 | A mysterious fog fell over in Fluorgis. Strange mirrors erected in place and the adventurers who investigate found more than was expected... |
On Dark Shores | January 16th, 2013 | SeeD gets a request to investigate disappearances on the beach that may be Heartless related and one of their newest cadets is sent to gain some field experience. |
The Power of Rabbit | January 14th, 2013 | CAPGRAS with the form of a small girl that LEXUS provided to her, walks back to Traverse, before being sleuthed at. However, LEXUS has a plan. |
TDA is where you make it | January 11th, 2013 | Holidays are over, but there's always troubles. Some explanations are given after a wild city chase, on the freeing of the Network. |
Hot Sauce and Plasma Bolts | January 9th, 2013 | Shego encounters a familiar face from her own world. Said familiar face bolts. Hot sauce ensues. |
Stone Faced Disagreements | December 13th, 2012 | Gargoyles displaced from a recently fallen Manhatten confront Kaydin. Oh and there's a Merchant Captain in there somewhere too. |
About Town | December 13th, 2012 | After fishing themselves out of the water, Deidra, Brooklyn and Skyline head into town to get some food. Where to their enjoyment they encounter Zeke. Later to their dismay they encounter Kaydin. |
On Monsters And Upgrades | October 23rd, 2012 | Mercade checks in with Cid the Engineer in Traverse Town for some possible redesigns on his gear, but finds instead Sarafina and Zeke. A conversation about Sarafina's homeland reveals some of her dark past, and gives Mercade a plan to do something about it. |
Seasalt Shanty | September 29th, 2012 | Scrooge McDuck's sale of Seasalt Icecream is disrupted as heartless steal the recipe to the globally well received food-item! |
A New, Blue Frontier | September 23rd, 2012 | A few brave souls venture down the Path of Destiny from Traverse Town -- and a confused one gets off a boat -- and arrive in the bustling seaside metropolis of Luca, even now a hub of trade and activity. A friendly and informative conversation ensues, until it's cut off by the game crashing. |
Are You Not Entertained? | September 21st, 2012 | What begins as a friendly contest of arms within the Olympus Coliseum ends as a chaotic melee when dark forces converge to seize an unknown, bright-eyed participant. Gun barrels blaze! Swords fly! Croquettes are eaten! Jean Faraven jumps through a window! And the mystery-- remains unsolved. |
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