Daft Girl In Fluorgis

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Daft Girl In Fluorgis
Date of Scene: 02 November 2012
Location: Fluorgis
Synopsis: Finally recovering from his near fatal event, Reize decided to take an easy and do some town missions and possibly shop for goods for the headquarters. However, Reize meets an artist along the way...
Cast of Characters: Reize Seatlan, Deelel

Reize Seatlan has posed:
Fluorgis is a prospering land. People are able to gather together and enjoy their time in the desert city. The Oasis of a town is perfect for those who travel about and need respite. The sun is shining and the clouds are plentiful.

It's good to be out and about again. Promising that he would not do any traveling outside without his friends for a while, Reize is busying himself out in the city. He's doing some small tasks.


"Hee! Don't worry! I finally got you!" Along his hands is a small kitten, previously frightened as it was on a high building. Reize managed to get to the cat and lure it to him.

Within the town square, Reize sees the owner. He approaches a little girl, kneeling down while presenting the kitten to her. "Oii, here you go.." He leans over to hand the kitten to the girl.


"Spring! There you are!" The girl scoops the kitten out of the boy's hands, hugging her kitten close. Reize stands up, having a smile as he watches the reunion.
Deelel has posed:
Deelel was a media program and somedays insperation just hit her, and she had to do something about it. This was one of those days as she'd traveled through the strange Oasis of a town. Users had been strange and she wonders would this be the first creation of her kind seen by her makers? Sadly she doesn't quite get all the property laws out there.

SO she's working away with some strange toorls rally on a side of a building making an image, it's of a dark place with strange alien buildings made of light and she works away with the thing she's painting not paying attention to anything else in the world. She's also humming something that might almos be from Daft Punk.
Reize Seatlan has posed:
"Thank you very much!"

"It's no troubke at all!" He moves over to ruffle the little girl on the head. When he starts to leave, the cat mewls out to the boy. Reize turns to face the kitten, then he kneels down as he gently pats it on the head. "Don't worry, Spring, I'll still be about."

As Reize continues to walk along the roadside, he finally comes to a stop near a building. He looks over to what looks like to be a paint set and he is watching the woman do some painting on the wall.

He stares, his hands move behind his back as he tilts his head to the side.

After a few seconds of silence.

"Wow! That's pretty neat!"
Deelel has posed:
The device she's using doesn't really look like a spray can and she keeps working. The strangely clad woman seems happy enough. It's been far too long since she got to preform her primary directive. She halts her work as she hears a voice behind her. She turns to look at the young user before her and smiles a little bit. "Thank you, I'm not quite finished this work. I just felt the need to do something it's been far too long since I carried this fuction out."
Reize Seatlan has posed:
Leaning over, Reize looks over the artwork out of sheer curiosity. He can't tell of any particular aesthetics, but it does catches his eyes. Both eyes shut and he has a bright smile on his face. "Still, it looks great!"

He leans closer to the painting, trying to get a better look over it, "How long have you been doing this? ... Would it take long to finish it? I'd like to see what it looks like when completed!"
Deelel has posed:
Deelel says "It should take a few more micro cycle just let me finish it up. I'm working on a painting of my home." She says before going back to work. "Just watch I'll be finished soon enough if you'd like to see me work." She goes back to working on the picture. It's clealry a city scape but strange the background and skies are dark but the buildigns are lit with neon shades of blue and white as she works.

"You from here?"
Reize Seatlan has posed:
Blink. Blink.

Reize tilts his head to the side, looking rather confused over the woman's term. "Uhhh..." He stares at her cluelessly until he finally decides to ask, "... 'Micro cycle'? What's that? Sounds small." Then, he listens to her up. "...Oh! Y--yeah!" The boy looks rather excited.

However, seeing the city scape, it is dark and the area is lit with neon lights. He squints, peering it over. "...It is like Manhattan, but... odd. It's different!"
Deelel has posed:
Deelel keeps working and she pauses at the comment about Manhattan. "It could be somewhat like it. It's not odd to me this city is far stranger to me than Manhattan is to be perfectly honest." She contiunes working and paint a strange craft in red almost like a greek letter that's flying over part of the cityscape now in red this time for it's trimming.

"You from here and yes it means I'll be done shortly. A Micro cycle that is."
Reize Seatlan has posed:
"...Not really," The boy finally answers. Reize brings his hands behind him and he adds, "I came from a small village that was in another world, but...." The Heartless likely ate it. Though, in reality, Reize doesn't know for sure. It likely did, but... he wasn't there for it.

"Well we don't have anything like what you have here!" Reize adds, then he peers over towards the strange symbol in red. "...What's a microcycle?"
Deelel has posed:
Deelel says "No it's a flying craft used by Security Pro...personel. Called a Recgonizer." She says there's also something odd about her voicwe it's got this odd digital warble to it if you pay attention. "I doubt it none of your people from any world have ever been to my world. I think I was the first to leave it."
Reize Seatlan has posed:
Once the explanation regardign the device is given, Reize's eyes lift up as he starts to come to somes sort of understanding. "Oh... I see." The manner of her speech does cause him to quirk an eyebrow, but Reize doesn't pay too much mind to it.
He is about to turn to depart since there are still some groceries that he needs to pick up, but....
"Your world? First to leave it?" The mention of her world causes Reize to regard it with deep interest.
Deelel has posed:
Deelel says "Yes, I left to try to find help for it and so far I'm failing at it." She frowns as she finishes up the work leaving a tag for her name in the form of the letter DLL before standing up to look at it. Seemingly pleased with it. "Yes, I was the first to leave my world. I didn't realise that was I was doing at the time and I may have put you at risk as the thing I was trying to find help against had been using me to see if he could surive the transtion."
Reize Seatlan has posed:
Blink. "Find help?" The boy quirks an eyebrow, then he tilts his head over. "What do you mean? What do you need help with at the world?" And then, she forms the letter with the 'paint'. The takes the moment to step away to get a good look.

"Wow! That looks nice!"

After the look, his gaze follows Deelel and he considers, "...Survive the transition? What help are...." He considers. "Well, I think the Shard Seekers can provide help if you need it!"
Deelel has posed:
Deelel says "To put it mildy my world is very alien to this one." She looks at the young user for a long moment she's never really told more than one person here about it. I mean in Manhattan she'd get locked away as a crazy for it. She wasn't dense after all here she might say something. "Yes, given my world is one made of data and not the same matter as this one here. I'm not human as you would put it I'm more a creation of humans my entire world is, they creat us wuth their computers their systems my world arose out of that. I am Deelel I am a multi media program from the Encom System." She waits to see how Reize takes this.
Reize Seatlan has posed:
"What is data?"

Reize squints, but after a moment, he shakes his head. As she explains more about her world, the boy tries to figure out how to take it in.


He shrugs.

"I'm Reize Seatlan! Pleased to meet you!" A hand is extended her way, "Whatever you need, I believe the Shard Seekers will be glad to help!"
Deelel has posed:
Deelel says "...you don't have computers where your from do you? Well it's humm how do I explain this. It'sn inforamtion as best one can put it. The master Control program has gone insane. He's locked down the system prevented us from carrying out our commands from our users, he's also consuming other programs for their access rights and functions. I'm one fo the few left who was free to reist him...i'm not sure if I'll be able to repay you."
Reize Seatlan has posed:
"....Computers?" Reize looks at Deelel with full confusion on his face. He squints over to her, then he just listens.



"ARGH MY HEAD HURTS!" Reize holds his head, unable to comprehend such. "Argh, my head. It hurts, I can't think." He frowns, then he looks at Deelel, "Ummm... maybe I'll learn as we go?" He gives a sheepish, apologetic look. "Nevertheless..."

He brightens, "Don't worry about paying us back. Knight's Vow #1: Always help a person in need!"
Deelel has posed:
Deelel sighs, "This is going to take a while just think powerful devices like very advanced books. I'm sorry I'll stop I didn't mean to harm you and prehaps it's best but if you really willing to help us. I'd be a fool to not accept the problems is figuring the way back and knowing the entry point is likely crawling with Black Guard at this point."
Reize Seatlan has posed:
"Powerful devices...." He furrows his eyebrows. Thinking on it is going to hurt. However....


"Oh! Ivo would know! Ivo knows a lot!" The boy brightens cheerfully, then he turns to look over towards the female. As she explains the situation, Reize brings a hand up and he nods, "We will have to discuss it as a group sometime, I'll introduce you to the others!" He grins.

A hand is extended her way, "Come with me!" The boy then starts to walk towards the headquarters.
Deelel has posed:
Deelel says "Just accept people are in trouble we'll figure it out as we go along." She follows after Reize now letting him lead on and she wonders about the hand he offered and this time accepts it to follow the young user. "So you said your ID's Reize right?"
Reize Seatlan has posed:
"Yeah! That's how I look at it!" Reize adds towards Deelel. Even if the situation seems bad, Reize knows that in the end, things will always look up. The young adventurer continues to walk along the city.

They pass along the bridge that leads to the various parts of the town. Nevertheless, the travels take the two towards the entrance of the Shard Seeker HQ.

"It's not much, but... this is home!"