Enter The Magnusson

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Enter The Magnusson
Date of Scene: 20 November 2012
Location: Manhattan - Twilight Detective Agency
Synopsis: It's just a normal day in the TDA... And then Tom Magnusson kicks in the door.
Cast of Characters: Deidra, Will Sherman, Mercade Alexander, Tom Magnusson

Mercade Alexander has posed:
It's just another normal day in the TDA. Smooth jazz is on the stereo, and Mercade Alexander sits at the front desk, flipping through files and writing in them as he collates the data he's gleaned from his memory. It's relatively peaceful for now, nothing to worry about.


Will Sherman has posed:
Will is laying on the couch, upside down and flipping through the channels, with the TV on mute because he likes the jazz. Also because nothing is on...

"So any clues on the Heartless yet?" he asks, knowing the answer already.
Tom Magnusson has posed:

While it may be peaceful inside the TDA, the city outside is... Well, /also/ peaceful! Relatively. As peaceful as Manhattan ever gets. Though there's a fog floating through the city streets today, and a cold, weak drizzle pitter-patters on the asphalt and concrete and steel.

And then, the peace is broken. A massive figure pulls in through the fog, great angular shapes perched precariously on one open hand. His eyes stare at the doorknob, then at the sign on the TDA's front door--

Then, he twists the knob just enough to disengage the latch. He plants his great, tree-trunk of a leg into the center of the door, and /blasts/ it inward, revealing----!
Mercade Alexander has posed:
"No, nothing." Mercade says. "All of my leads have dried up so far." Mercade sighs. "This is getting ridiculous. I don't know how long it's going to be before they make a major move. I mean, hell, they could bust in the door right-"



Mercade yells, diving behind his desk for cover and looking around it, pulling his gun as he looks to see what eldritch abomination is assaulting them this time.
Will Sherman has posed:
Will flips back off the couch, aiming to get right behind it, before using his legs...

To kick it towards the door!

The couch moves five whole feet because Will failed to get a good footing!

"Huh...that's odd, that usually only happens if..." he pauses.. "I don't think it's an enemy Mercade."
Tom Magnusson has posed:
There's a thunderclap outside as the rainstorm suddenly begins intensifying. The figure steps inside. He needs to duck his head a bit to avoid smashing his face into the doorframe. He wavers, teetering briefly, before lifting his head, and pulling off his hat, and declaring, "I brought pizza!"

The voice that declares this thing is unmistakable. His size, /equally/ unmistakable! He can only be one person!

Tom Magnusson stares at Mercade, behind his desk, with his gun. And then he stares at Will, behind the couch, as the boy kicks it a whole five feet, before it bops into Tom's shin and comes to an abrupt stop. "What the hell, you guys?" Tom grins, "That any way to treat a guy with pizza?"
Mercade Alexander has posed:
Mercade blinks as he sees the couch scoot. "WILL DON'T USE THE COUCH AS A WEAPON! Seriously, the Thrift store is running out of them."

And then he notices that voice, and Will's comment.

And more importantly, pizza. Mercade straightens up. "Magnusson? Is that you?" He holsters his gun and leans forwards on the desk. "Jesus Christ man, couldn't you have at least called or something before kicking in the door? Manhattan's under siege! We've been a /little/ jumpy lately."
Will Sherman has posed:
Will suddenly flips over the couuuuuch!

Right at Tom, aiming to Enzo tackle the man, because he knows Mercade will grab the Pizza!

"Tom! I thought you were lost out there!" he says, no doubt the man could easily handle him. "Man good to see you back!" he says before finally jumping off the man and bouncing off the ground. "We're almost all back together!"
Tom Magnusson has posed:
"Yeah, uh," Tom scratches at some of the (very irregularly trimmed) scruff covering much of his face. "I didn't have any bars, wherever I ended up. And then those things ate my phone. Didn't take my wallet, though."

And then there's a Will. Tom does not actually fall over when he's tackled. Instead, he makes a sound that's something between an 'oof' and a grunt. "Ow. Jeez, I know you're all happy to see me and all, but--"

"--Wait, we missing other people too?"
Mercade Alexander has posed:
Mercade notices Tom doesn't even move. That's typical Tom, all right. He scratches the back of his head and sort of shrugs. "Things have all gone messy since the darkness ate most of the world. It's just Hobo Lad, me, and I picked up a Gargoyle, talking frog, and a mercenary from another world."
Will Sherman has posed:
"Yeah...for a while it's just been me and Mercade.." he says, and then stage whispers to Tom, "He's totally into the Mercinary we picked up...but he's not layin' the moves down." he says with a wink, "We also kind have Riku? He's a kid lost in the darkness like some of the worlds...but he's got...issues of his own. We're trying to help."
Deidra has posed:
Speak of the Gargyole? She shall appear, she's been following tthe sounds of converstions and well? Pizza. Oh heavens yes there is pizza here. She entes into the room pausing for a moment to flick a bit of stone out of her blue hair. Her wings are wraped about her body like a cape to not catch on anything as well. "So wait..." She pauses looking at Tom for a moment starting at him really good. "New client? Hi there." No one's ever mentioned Tom to her that she can recall. Her tail flicks about idly really she seeming to be just? Chill at the moment.
Tom Magnusson has posed:
Tom frowns. It's a pretty clear expression, even under his scruff. "Well, if I made it back alright, then maybe we'll get some others drifting in. I hope so, anyway. This whole thing is just all kinds of crazy." He glances from Mercade, to will, then back to Mercade. "Well. I guess if we're replacing the ranks, we should be alright for a little while."

Even if the darkness is probably not nearly as merciful as Tom would like to hope.

And then, there's a Gargoyle. Tom stares at the woman and her wings and her tail. "Wh-" He squints. "Mercade," Tom points, "I didn't know you were hirin' those weird costume conventioning people these days."
Will Sherman has posed:
"That's a Garygoyle." Will says to Tom, giving him a frown, "And those are all real. I mean, she's probably able to lift you up man."
Mercade Alexander has posed:
Mercade just folds his arms. "Not a client. He's an older member of the Agency. He was, in fact, part of the old group before I set this back up with Xanatos."

Mercade looks to Tom, then. "And she's not dressing up. The wings are real. I can't say I really understand the deal with it myself, but her help is great." And don't you dare try to get Tom to 'help' with his relations with Avira, you bastard.
Deidra has posed:
Deidra says "Gargyole some time known as the second race?" She tilts her head at Tom for a moment then Will's words make her give a fanged grin. "I could totally bench press him, think I should try Will? I could be funny!" She's frinning still at Tom she's taking everything in good humor. Her wings shifts off her body as if to prove the point they are real.
Tom Magnusson has posed:
Tom just sort of... Peers at her. "Well, I'm pretty sure I'd be able to bench her, too. That doesn't change the fact that she's got wings. And a tail." He hrms, rubbing at his chin. "So, what. The talking frog's like this, too?"

He then stares at Mercade and says-- "Xanatos? Really. Jeez. What'd you sell off to get that deal?"
Mercade Alexander has posed:
"We're the last ones standing. He decided having us as an intelligence source is better than just leaving us to flounder." Mercade explains. "Right now, however, I'm more interested in that pizza. And figuring out how to beat the Heartless."
Will Sherman has posed:
"Yeah, so have we." Will says, sitting down at the table and picking up a slice of pizza. And then another...and then FUSES THEM INTO A DOUBLE SLICE! Will's knowledge of pizzamancery is at it's pennicle. "We've also found out that there are these...shard things that if found and hit with something called a keyblade can restore worlds...but it seems that our world doesn't have a shard...I think it's because it's not lost to the darkness. So there has to be something else..." he thinks for a moment.

"Also, the roads between worlds are pretty dangerous things. And...uh..." he says for a moment... "The heartless? They...they're weird to my sight. Their strings just...tangle around themselves. My hand still works on them, but a strong enough hit can completely unravel them...Mercade watched me do it to a really large one."
Deidra has posed:
Deidra says "Yes, yes I do. Do you have a problem with that? It's not like I'm putting on a suit or something." She relaxes a litte bit and looks abck at Tom "Your all right your not screaming monster at me so all and all that's a better first impression than I get a lot of the time." She also looks over to Will and nodding. "Damn you can do that?"
Tom Magnusson has posed:
"Oh," Tom mouths, and goes to drop the pizza on one of the Agency's bigger tables. "Heartless. What, those weird inkblots with those red and blue hearts on 'em?" He cranes his neck, popping a few of the vertibrae in the column leading up to his skull. "Mmn. I've been brawling with some weird crap while I've been gone. They're not... Invincible, y'know?"

He coughs. "They hurt though. Stings pretty bad when they hit, too."
Mercade Alexander has posed:
"Will's got a lot of weird abilities. I blame it on his Hobo-Fu." Mercade shrugs. "But yeah, you're right. They're not invincible. And that means we can beat them." He clenches his fist. "Tom, you're a way better brawler than I am. I need you to help take point on stopping the Heartless while we look for ways to stop them. I'm better at getting information, so I'm going to be focusing on my current leads... And oh boy, are you going to be shocked at some of these leads." He opens a desk drawer, and tosses Tom a cellphone with the Xanatos Enterprises logo on the back. "This is an interdimensional cellphone, one they call a 'Ma Belle'. It should get the job done and allow you to stay in contact."
Deidra has posed:
Deidra says "Wati till he sees Tranverse town, I have run into things there I thought were myths myself. Like a Lamia whose an knight of all things. She's also a client now looking for her adoptive human father." She notes, "The phones are pretty nice little bits of technology really. Oh yes I forgot to mention I'm also our resident expert on magic. Though I'm really an amature to be honest."
Will Sherman has posed:
"Oh and the bitchstress of games." Will says, grinning, "She conned Mercade out of his hat...but we got her number...oh yes we do." Will says, chuckling.
Tom Magnusson has posed:
Tom snatches the cellphone out of the air. He flips it open, then shut. It's... Basically just a cellphone, huh. "Weird. Kind of strange thinking it. So, what, there're other worlds out there, too?" Tom hrms. "Well, it'd make sense, I guess. I mean-- I kind of... "

He glances at the other two. "Right, you guys lost me again. Egh. Whatever," Tom shrugs, "Next time we run into those inkblots, just let me take point. It'll be like old times, right?"


"...Except with awful darkness-monsters, instead of just thugs.
Mercade Alexander has posed:
"A ton of other worlds." Mercade confirms. "You really should check out our map information in the archives room and get caught up, and then do some exploring of your own. Any world we find might have more information we can use to survive."
Tom Magnusson has posed:
"Mmph," Tom grunts, "I guess so. I'll... Do that in a bit, though." He walks up to the couch, and gently nudges it back five feet, to its original position. And then, he strides over-- and unceremoniously falls into the cushions. "In a bit. For now, I think I'm going to kick up my feet a bit."
Mercade Alexander has posed:
"Sure. Take a rest, no problem." Mercade laughs. "You've must have had a hell of a time out there. So what happened? Where were you and what did you do to get back?" Mercade asks.
Tom Magnusson has posed:
"I dunno, I can't really say," Tom replies, sinking into the couch. "It was really dark for a helluva long time. And these things were crawling out at me to try and kill me. Managed to sort of... Walk my way home, after long enough though." Tom pauses. "I might be missin' some stuff in between there, but it's all pretty fuzzy. I just remember fighting off those weird shadow-blob things, and some other weird crap."
Deidra has posed:
Deidra seems to be taking a bit of a back seat as she ties to get a feel for Tom, so far he's making a good impression on the Gargyole at the very least. "Wait that's my couch!" She points a taloned finger at Tom the theif of Couches!
Will Sherman has posed:
Will continues to eat...

Mmmm...pizza...it felt good to get away from problems, even while talking about them. "Helluva story Tom. I figured they wouldn't take you so easily." he says with a grin.
Mercade Alexander has posed:
"That's delightfully nonspecific." Mercade says with a sigh. "But I suppose it can't be helped. No one else we talked to were able to give anything better themselves." He grabs some pizza, and sits back in his chair, relaxing. "Anyway. I guess we'll just have to take it from here. Welcome back, Tom." He grins. "It's good to see you again."
Tom Magnusson has posed:
"Yeah. Sorry I couldn't be more helpful. I was too busy trying to find my way back to... Theorize much." Tom replies, yawning. "Look, I'm gonna take a nap for a little while. If the winged chick tries to lift me off the couch, I can't guarantee that I'm gonna wake up all nice and smiley." He flips, dropping his face into a cushion. "Mmphkay? I'mma be out for... A day."
Deidra has posed:
Deidra now goes for pizza of her own, and starts to devour some." She nods a little bit "All right I'll make sure you get your nap. I'm not that mean I'll let you borrow my couch to go recover." She's still grinning.
Will Sherman has posed:
"Night Tom..." he says and then continues to scarf down pizza! Today was a good day...Tom was a good friend, and hardcore as a mofo.