Mercade Alexander

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Mercade Alexander
Half-Boiled Detective
Age 22
Species Human
Sex Male
Height 5' 11"
Weight 174 lbs.
Series Gargoyles
Combat Styles Mercurial
Hometown Manhattan
Group Twilight Detective Agency, Keyblade Wielders
Occupation/Job Detective
Force: Forces of Restoration
Theme Song
"Everyone needs a hand sometimes. There's no shame in that."
Recent Events
Seeking Justice for the loss of Manhattan.


Mercade Alexander is a detective based out of Manhattan. He is the head of the Twilight Detective Agency, a detective agency ostenibly meant to handle some of the stranger cases out there... But is mainly concerned with the threat of the Heartless and other supernatural forces to their world and beyond. Mercade himself is a witty, down-to-earth man who has a quick mind, quick tongue, and quick hands. He is dedicated to trying to protect others from these threats. While he might not charge into a dangerous situation, he does try to find a way to work around problems nonetheless. He has no special powers, just the assets of a modern detective and two guns backed by a keen mind, a strong will, and good friends.

Maybe that will be enough.


THAT GUY, Bullet Time, Super High-School Level Bad Luck Detective, Can't Be Like His Role-Models, This Is Probably A Good Thing, Internal Monologues For Fun And... Mostly Fun, A Detective Without A Hat Is Hardly A Detective At All, Justice And Mercy, What Do They Mean?, Seize Your Destiny With Your Two Hands, Curiosity Killed The Cat, SHOTGUN!, Xanatos Pawn #4918245, HATLESS


Primary Objectives
Assigned By Short Description
David Xanatos Discover a method to stop the Heartless threat!
Secondary Objectives
Assigned By Short Description
David Xanatos Map The Worlds!
Riku Locate Kairi!
David Xanatos Locate and Secure the targets of the Heartless!
Sarafina Carenze, Kaydin Investigate the darkness of Baron!
Prince Naveen Find a Princess who will kiss him!
Faruja Senra Discover the nature of the Reapers and their Game!
Completed Objectives
Assigned By Short Description
Scrooge McDuck Recover the missing pieces of the Sea Salt Ice Cream Recipe!
Riku Locate Sora!
Sarafina Carenze Seek out Sarafina's husband and children!

The Alexander Files

Name Designation Short Description
Avira Ally A solid fighter and a good person to have your back. Loves pizza.
Ward Zabac Acquaintance A kind man, though his muteness causes communications issues. Searching for his homeland.
Priel Aylin Acquaintance Confrontational, but potentially possessed of useful information.
Reize Seatlan Acquaintance Nice kid, really energetic, but somehow I wonder if he's really cut out for this...
Merilan Yursalin Acquaintance Flying, speedy newspaper reporter! Potentially a valuable information source.
Sora Acquaintance Strange kid. Keeps to himself, it seems. Has a giant key. What's his story?
Sammy Colt Acquaintance G-Man for the ShinRa Corporation. Overconfident, but who knows?
Mica Melchiott Threat Runs a Casino with Heartless. A dangerous game addict, but not entirely cruel... is she?
Magica DeSpell Threat A dangerously devious and dastardly duck sorceress.
Riku Threat Destroyer of Manhattan. Why did he have me captured? Can I really allow him to go after what he did?
Scrooge McDuck Notable Richest duck in Duckberg. Has sea salt ice cream and an awesome accent.
Jasmine Notable Woman who is being chased by Heartless. Why?
King Mickey Notable A traveling mouse who wields a Keyblade. What is he doing?
Kairi Unknown Girl that Riku and Sora are looking for. This could get ugly.
Name Designation Short Description
Xanatos Enterprises Ally The hand that was feeding us. What can he do now after Manhattan has fallen? We all have to adjust...
ShinRa Unknown Hired us to get information on Xanatos Enterprises.
Name World Danger Level Short Description
Rabanastre Eastern Continent Moderate A major desert city. Nice place, but watch out for the local wildlife!
Balamb Central Isles Low A fairly calm area thanks to the famous SEED in the area. But they don't seem to like visitors...
Traverse Town Traverse Town Low A central travel hub for the worlds, many refugees appear to end up here after their world is consumed.
Name Designation Short Description
The Keyblade Critical A powerful weapon against the Heartless, and more.
Name Designation Short Description
The Heartless Critical The greatest threat our world has ever known.
World Shards Critical Pieces of the lost worlds, the remnants that need to be found.
Princess of Heart Critical The Shadow Lords seek these special people. Why?


Mercade's Terrible, Horrible, Lousy, Rotten, No-Good, Absolutely Bad Day - Part 1 December 11th, 2012 Mercade is dropped out of Darkness into the middle of the desert. This is just the beginning of a very bad day.
In The End December 10th, 2012 Finally winning free of the captivity of the Mistress of Games, Mercade rushes to the aid of his homeworld...
Meanwhile, In Fluorgis... December 5th, 2012 Mercade tries to follow up on a lead to locate someone to help with the Heartless problem in Manhattan. He loses a little something...
Do I Want To Be The Guy? October 18th, 2012 Words from his last meeting with Riku come back to haunt him, prompting introspection...


A Researcher's Jailbreak March 30th, 2014 Days after Rhiannon's capture, several forces converge on the prison facility holding her. Things go well. ...Or not. Depending on your perspective.
Return To Twilight March 26th, 2014 Mercade meets with someone he never expected to see again: Chita. They exchange some information and discuss the future.
Bad Decisions And Bad News March 14th, 2014 Kaydin comes to visit Mercade and demand information. Mercade gives it to him, and Kaydin starts to find out what he's in for.
Lady In Red February 25th, 2014 A mysterious woman enters the TDA office on a Manhattan evening...
Seven: Dark Dominion February 15th, 2014 With the World of Ruin becoming more ruinous, a group of people have instead settled in the southwestern region of the Old Kingdom. But they found a strange mountain they don't dare to climb. So they've asked adventurers to check it out - to put their minds to ease.
A Researcher's Inquiry VI February 13th, 2014 The Black Beast is unleashed upon Narshe in another field test by Rhiannon Zellen, scientist of Shinra. Luckily some saviors happen to be here to put a stop to it's rampage. But is it really the end...?
Seven: The World Changes February 8th, 2014 A dark shadow looms over the Northern Continent.
Seven: Dreams January 5th, 2014 Our heroes enjoy a ball and learn some of the secrets that the Castle of Dreams holds. But what's more... there is a dark omen that meets our heroes late into the dance.
Seven: Mazerunner December 5th, 2013 A mysterious entity is causing a ruckus beneath Castle Tycoon; Alice is in danger! Our heroes and some unlikely allies face off against a great and dark evil force.
Seven: Heigh-Ho-Heartless November 7th, 2013 The White Rabbit visits the Dwarf Woodlands, and causes some serious trouble for the Dwarves and their female companion. Just what attracted the White Rabbit to this place anyway? And will he find what he's looking for?
Manhattan Revisited October 8th, 2013 Maleficent said she'd return to the city and she does in force. Two of the new keybladers rise with their companions to defend the city. However? Garland is waiting in the wings and their target is not the city but the defenders...
Not As Planned September 12th, 2013 It was intended to be a grand day, a day of learning, of testing out new advances with Gummi Blocks. It doesn't go that way as the Undead have other plans, life can be a real Lich sometimes.
Requiem for the Nameless August 22nd, 2013 Some very strange salvagers are searching for a nameless ship that sank...
A Viera's Revelations August 13th, 2013 The strange male Viera Mercade helped rescue in Fluorgis meets with him in the Cloud Nine, where he tells Mercade some surprising things.
Breakout! August 9th, 2013 Mercade visits the Grid for the first time, and ends up getting in trouble in about five minutes. Avira and Deelel come to bail him out.
When The Gargoyle Visits August 7th, 2013 Zia comes to the TDA to look for Will to speak with him on things. She doesn't find him, but she does find Mercade. They catch up on things.
A Glitch August 3rd, 2013 Deelel is exploring Game Central and since she has got into trouble when she's gone off alone. So she checks in and when a check in is missed? She missed it because the natives of the game thought she was very confused native of their game. Thankfully people come looking for her as well as others looking into dangerous things doing on for there are Cybugs on the lose in Space Paranoids. Worse one of the bugs eat one of the local tanks.
Maira's Got A Gun July 31st, 2013 Maira's got a gun, you better run~ Also, some firearms training.
It should have been a quiet night July 30th, 2013 Deelel is just closing up shop at the Arcade one evening, when she gets a large number of unexpected guests. Two people she'd been trying to track down for some time, and someone very long MIA with little memory of what's happened since she's last been seen.
Starfall: The Broken Land July 19th, 2013 The intrepid heroes use their newfound conveyance to travel between the worlds and stop a great Heartless from destroying a world they have never seen before.
Future Tense: Mercade July 14th, 2013 It is decided.
Present Possibilities: Mercade July 13th, 2013 The past is prologue. The present? Is full of sass.
The Past is Prologue: Mercade July 13th, 2013 The past is prologue. All else is chicanry and nonsense. Until it's not.
Fridge Raiding the TDA July 10th, 2013 Peter Pan comes looking for Will but finds others at the TDA building in Traverse Town. He also discovers or perhaps rediscovers the concept of the fridge. Which he promptly raids while conversing with the TDA about the current children kidnappings.
Cake Treason July 7th, 2013 Cake makes everything better, it also makes everything very silly.
Starfall: The Conveyance July 5th, 2013 A mysterious being comes to Traverst Town to help give the forces of restoration guidance on how to solve a very large problem.
A Little TLC July 4th, 2013 Avira's laid up in bed. Mercade helps out.
A Memory of Vespertine: The Truth Part 2 July 1st, 2013 Feige's plan become fare more clear. Her master appears and revealed the apparent purpose of Isaac's world. The Truth is perhaps the most horrifying thing the TDA has encountered since this all began.
A Memory of Vespertine Part 1 June 24th, 2013 Feige has lured the TDA with some allies into the Castle Oblivion, what awaits them there? Memories, of a world now dead. It's not just any world either it is the world that Isaac calls home. His friends now start to understand the depths of what was lost...and the creeping horror of how this world died.
Meetings in Oblivion: Mercade June 21st, 2013 Mercade arrives at Castle Oblivion to have answers questioned and questions answered.
The Shining Maze June 17th, 2013 A path to a new world opens... But it is not easily traversed. Nor do its occupants wish visitors...
Fragmentary Passage: Mercade June 16th, 2013 Let the pieces fall where they may. A dream twisted out of shape provides answers.. and choices.
Left For Bread June 13th, 2013 BEWARE! I BAKE!
Starfall: The Night Of Shooting Stars June 8th, 2013 Thousands of shooting stars descend across the world of Ruin, the Giza Plains at the centerpoint. What could be the secret of the falling stars?
Running Into A Bar May 8th, 2013 Riku runs into a bar. An awkward conversation follows after the bruising impact.
Displeasure April 13th, 2013 Garland is not happy and nor does he forget.
Revelations Of Another Kind April 12th, 2013 A meeting with Katyna to relay the information discovered thus far bears unexpected fruit.
A Judge of Sandwiches April 6th, 2013 Riku stops in at Cloud Nine to enlist the help of Mercade and the TDA to track down a mysterious being and a Behemoth...
Inheritance Part 2 March 28th, 2013 Mercade and Emi follow up on an investigation of the mysterious sister Felicia - and get more than they bargained for.
Welcome Home Avira! March 24th, 2013 Manhatten's Princess finally comes home. An awkward party commences!
The Fallen March 22nd, 2013 Katyna and Ramza approach Mercade to talk to him about the ongoing issue facing Katyna and those around her. The problem is getting worse... But the TDA is on the case.
Press X to Advance March 16th, 2013 A new mystery begins and Riku explains things to a Wild Yurita. Maybe.
Restoration March 16th, 2013 It has finally come - the final battle to resurrect Manhattan!
To Hell and Back March 14th, 2013 Avira has been captured, dragged into the depths of the Underworld. Avira's friend band together, ready to rescue their friend, and free Manhattan from darkness once and for all. There can be no failure here, for failure has...perminate consiquences.
Darkest Before Dawn March 12th, 2013 It can always get worse.
Bayou Brawl March 11th, 2013 Following the Avira sightings leads the heroes and a certain necromancer to the bayou. All hell breaks loose.
Enter Macbeth March 10th, 2013 While recovering from their wounds, the TDA meets with Evja... But more importantly, a man from Manhattan has come to introduce himself, named Macbeth. What could this mean for the ongoing battles to restore Manhattan?
The Real Xanatos Gambit March 9th, 2013 Hades invites himself over for tea, things get ultra complicated.
The Final Shard March 8th, 2013 Time to go visit a friend of Merlin's for the real answer of where the Spirit Shard is - Mama Odie. Yet can this Voodoo Priestess really help them? Or will it just be another wild goose chase?
Shard Packing With Merlin?? March 7th, 2013 Time to go find the last shard! Everyone gather together because we are hitting up Merlin's. Yet what they will find out, isn't what they were hoping for...
Suddenly Sora March 6th, 2013 Mercade's eating in the Cloud Nine, and Sora pops in for some food and drink. They chat!
A Heretic's Plea March 5th, 2013 A man walks into the TDA and requests their help after making startling revelations.
To the Victor... March 3rd, 2013 Hades hands the World Shard of Wind to th Winners of the Hades cup...and NOTHING else.
Mysterious Mysteries March 1st, 2013 When pigs give maps and Merlin translates, interesting things happen. Including being swept away to an underwater mystery of mysteries.
Hades Cup: Heaven's Punishment vs. No Sleep Til Manhattan February 28th, 2013 The final match of the round robin portion of the Hades Cup! Who will take home the Wind Shard?
Aftermath Of British Occupation February 27th, 2013 After Clayton's invasion, the TDA winds itself down.
Elf Hunting February 26th, 2013 Clayton and his hired thugs come to collect on Morrighan's bounty. Gunfire ensues, surprising secrets are revealed.
Royal Pardon February 20th, 2013 Leida and Mercade finally meet again and get to talking about things.
The Case Of The Missing Priestess February 19th, 2013 It was a late evening in the Agency. I didn't expect any customers and I was just thinking of closing up. But then she arrived...
The Punchline February 17th, 2013 Will's journey for self-knowledge ends with revelations, lemon pie, and the hokey pokey.
Maid Cafe: The Bacon Episode February 16th, 2013 The Shard Seekers and Valkyri put up a Maid Cafe for gaining some coin - for charity
Burgers and Crickets February 9th, 2013 A small gathering for burgers and milkshakes, and a lovestruck cricket chasing a barmaid.
Hades Cup: Team Two Ladies and a Tramp VS No Sleep 'Till Man February 6th, 2013 The members of the TDA have it out in the Hades Cup to determine who gets to be the MAIN CHARACTERS! WHO WILL WIN?! HOBO OR DETECTIVE?! JUDGE DREADETTE OR LASOR MAGE?! THE SWARM OR whatever Avira is?!
Ham Radio January 30th, 2013 DJ Zero has been having trouble getting the good word out there lately. Whenever the Zero Hour goes on the air, he's pestered by a horde of Pig Noise, apparently attracted by his broadcasting spell! Can his hastily-assembled ragtag band of heroes avert the aporkalypse of iBacon?!
Aftermaths And Battle-Scars January 28th, 2013 After Cirra gets injured in the Hades Cup qualifier, the TDA comes to help her out. It goes in...unexpected ways.
Hades Cup: Qualifying Event - Obstacle Course (AKA Pete throws barrels) January 27th, 2013 The Third and Final Event for the Hades Cup! Pete dresses up like a Gorilla and gets dunked!
On Cloud Nine January 27th, 2013 A lively cast assembles at Tifa's new joint for drinks and banter.
Hades Cup: Qualifying Event - THE RACE January 23rd, 2013 The first qualifying event of the Hades Cup Tournament, in which the Junior Heros race each other to get qualified in the Hades Cup Tournament!
Trespassers Will Be Toad January 20th, 2013 A party of adventurers investigates mysterious disappearances and rumors of monsters in the Fluorgis Water Treatment plant. Everyone was Kung-Fu Fighting. HAAAH. Caution: You May Get Wet.
Business Over Dinner January 19th, 2013 Rosemarie invites the TDA over for dinner and to discuss a mutially profitable business arrangement.
Cloud Nine January 19th, 2013 Truth, Justice and Pie. Isn't that what Kingdom Hearts is made of? Riku scouts out Cloud Nine and confronts his past and considers a world in which he has a future.
Assassin's Will January 16th, 2013 Luso finds a mysterious letter warning someone about the mysterious plans held for the royal palace. Not having a good feeling about this, he gets in contact with others to investigate...
Seekers Of Truth January 14th, 2013 Emi and Mercade meet up while moving into what will soon be the new Seventh Heaven and TDA building. They take a break to talk about the past, present, and future.
Appointments Made January 13th, 2013 Mercade is followed by a strange person, who turns out to be there to give Mercade an invitation. What could the Mysterious Rosemarie and the spooky Dameon want with the TDA?
Knight Of Swords January 12th, 2013 A Gargoyle, Percival, meets with Mercade and Maximilien and asks them for help regarding the Fall of Manhattan. Mercade provides information while Max tests the Gargoyle's mettle. Arrangements are made!
Totally Not A Date January 12th, 2013 Mercade and Avira go to La Cite Des Cloches to visit the wonderous Notre Dame, enjoy the sights and sounds of the city, and enjoy some fine dining as the sun sets over the Seine. And it's totally not a date.
TDA is where you make it January 11th, 2013 Holidays are over, but there's always troubles. Some explanations are given after a wild city chase, on the freeing of the Network.
Manhattan Restoration: Mining for Shards January 10th, 2013 The heroes come to the Woodlands in order to get one of the Manhattan Shards... but run into a bit of trouble.
Biting Cold January 10th, 2013 Introspection Interrupt. Dead ends and Portals and Heartless, oh my. Also. Drama.
Time Is Up January 9th, 2013 Time is up. Can the TDA and friends stop Cronus? Of course they can. The trickier question is whether they can save him.
Enter The Shego January 8th, 2013 A new arrival appears in Traverse Town. Mercade Alexander tries to get the skinny and finds out that this one bites.
Blink Fight: FK Style January 6th, 2013 It's time for Blink Fight: FK Style. Place your bets place your bets. Spend your munny. Spend your munny. Whose going to win this dastardly and emotional conflict? Words are said. Blows are thrown. FK runs on piefaces.
Inside Intertwined January 6th, 2013 The TDA with the help of some pals move to stop VitaTek. Isaac gets angry. And then he gets sad.
Six From The Darkness January 5th, 2013 Mercade meets the restored member of the Legion Network, who he last saw in much less... alive circumstances.
Pick Up The Pieces January 3rd, 2013 Mercade tries to broker a peace between Max and Will. It doesn't go well.
Sports, The Sky, And A Red Lily January 2nd, 2013 A meeting in Luca results in introductions... and confrontations.
Goug City Car Chase January 2nd, 2013 The TDA track down a scientist working for VitaTech. The Shard Seekers arrive to help. And Goug City residents lodge complaints about the noise. A startling revealed! But first they must defeat...Mr. Wheeler.
Cure for the Mutated January 1st, 2013 With the cure finally retrieved from Garland, Avira and Angantyr have taken it to Merlin to have it duplicated. It's a success! For the most part. While the injected darkness in Avira and Angantyr is removed, Avira finds the animal aspects of her mutation fading much, much more slowly. Mercade and Maira come along and everything quickly descends into utter awkwardness.
For the Cure December 29th, 2012 Garland holds the cure to the dark mutation cursed onto Avira. Can she, Mercade, Angantyr and Maira manage to secure it?
Storytime in France December 29th, 2012 A friendly meeting in the French Countryside turns into storytime with Lavi. WARNING: contains extreme Frenchness (Max).
Running Out Of Time December 27th, 2012 The TDA meets the time-controlling murderer of Legion. Things get complicated!
Manhattan Restoration: Merlin's Invitation December 27th, 2012 After fending off an attack from Mad Madam Mim, heroes are gathered to hear Merlin's tidings of comfort and joy, or at least tidings of 'not all hope is lost, now go out and kicks ome ass.'
It's Christmas, Cirra Constantine! December 25th, 2012 A chance meeting between Mercade, Sable, and an erstwhile Judge results in Cirra asking the most terrible question one can ask during a holiday on a Disney-based MUSH. Musicals ensue.
We Are Legion December 24th, 2012 Mercade and Will meet an unusual girl. What mysteries does she hold?
Mysteries of the Heart December 22nd, 2012 Mercade and Jasmine talk current events, fugitive status, forgiveness and redemption.
Dive Into The Heart: Mercade Alexander December 22nd, 2012 An unconscious Mercade finds himself having an unusual dream...
You're Still You December 19th, 2012 Mercade and the Mutate Avira meet on the beach of Bodhum, and catch up with each other while confronting the problems that they have both had to deal with since the Fall of Manhattan.
The Reunion December 17th, 2012 Mercade and Celina meet in Traverse Town, which rapidly develops into a massive confluence of fate... and a meeting with the one responsible for their ills.
Save Yourself December 16th, 2012 After her encounter with the mutated Angantyr leads to an unexpected loss of control, the demon carries Leida to a new hunting ground to recover lost strength. However, some heroic refugees who have made this town their new home have something to say about that.
Of Princess and Gilgamesh December 15th, 2012 Princess Sarisa visits the bar for business with Mercade, while Gilgamesh, still self-narrating, shows off his new (Totally Real) Keyblades.
The Sleeping Judge December 14th, 2012 Cirra Constantine is sleeping in Rabanstre, caught in a waking nightmare. Mercade goes to visit her. Things happen. Conversation ensues.
From Hell To Heaven December 13th, 2012 After a traumatic experience getting back to civilization, Mercade Alexander finds his way to the Seventh Heaven, meeting with Rinoa and Tifa.
Guilty December 13th, 2012 Kaydin finds Mercade in Goug. He asks Mercade for forgiveness for his part in the destruction of Manhattan. Is Mercade in a forgiving mood?
The Odds Are Against You December 10th, 2012 Mercade wakes up in the Casino GOLD. Again. Mica Melchiott has some words for the detective, who... isn't exactly in a state to hear them.
The Prisoner's Game December 9th, 2012 So, where was Mercade all this time? Following the trail of Riku, Mercade Alexander reaches Costa Del Sol. What he finds there is not Riku, but someone else...
Old Timmy's Well: Card Crawl December 2nd, 2012 A dastardly pirate dungeon full of plots and plans down an ancient well where a master card shark met his end. Where has all the rum gone? Here, apparently.
Meeting Merlin December 1st, 2012 Mercade finally gets his hands on a Keyblade wielder, and takes him to Merlin for a meeting about Keyblade Wielders and other such information.
The Phantom Seventh December 1st, 2012 A mysterious Frenchman confronts Mercade and Celina in unusual circumstances.
Chance Encounter November 27th, 2012 Will wondering the streets after the aftermath of the encounter with Leida, meets Belle and is found by his friends who want him to come back
What The Hobo Brought In November 26th, 2012 It's a stormy evening in Manhattan, and sometimes even the King of Hobos brings in a lost one for help. Too bad this time it's Leida...
The Great Mouse (and a Detective) November 24th, 2012 Mercade and Mickey run into each other in the city of Baron. The King hatches a daring plan to infiltrate to determine the nature of the Darkness within the country...
A Confluence Of Fate November 24th, 2012 Chaos erupts in Baron as a number of plots crash together in the halls of power with all of the grace of a freight train.
The Gift of Thanks November 23rd, 2012 Riku and Cirra Constantin drop in on the TDA at the end of their Thanksgiving celebrations. Food is had, friendship is shared, and The TDA gets a new roomer.
Take All Of The Shadows Away November 22nd, 2012 Mercade takes a rest near a river in a land far from Manhattan, where he meets a strange girl who is afflicted with a terrible condition. Will hope save the day?
The Ice Cream Of Fate November 22nd, 2012 Shortly after Mercade narrowly avoids having his life snuffed out by a Shadow Lord (See Log: Take All Of The Shadows Away), Riku invites him over for some Sea Salt ice cream in Luca. Deliciousness and revelations ensue.
And Then There Were Six November 21st, 2012 Another new face shows up around the Detective Agency. What's her story, and why did she come here?
Enter The Magnusson November 20th, 2012 It's just a normal day in the TDA... And then Tom Magnusson kicks in the door.
Hooligans! November 19th, 2012 Manhattan has run afoul of an unpleasant gang of vehicular troublemakers. However, this isn't a biker gang: it's the Heartless! Chase down this mob of Magnum Loaders and Hot Rods before they cause too much trouble!
Judge of Rabanastre November 14th, 2012 Mercade and Will stop in at Rabanastre and run into Judge Cirra Constantin, as well as Avira.
Knights And Reapers November 10th, 2012 The Church Knight Faruja comes to the Twilight Detective Agency to meet with Mercade and offer him a job to investigat the dangerous Reaper organization.
This Ship Runs On... November 10th, 2012 Riku appears on the Traverse Town beach in dire straits. Mercade and Will learn something horrible and try to convince him that he still has the help of his friends.
Beans?! November 9th, 2012 A stalker has not only been troubling and injuring people late at night, but wherever he goes he always seems to destroy all of the beans in any grocer's nearby. What's the connection? - The mission was one that the Shard Seekers could not do alone. Enlisting the aid of the Twilight Detective Agency, the group set out to find out the mystery of the case.
Mr. Narrator Presents November 7th, 2012 An easily riled dame, an easily amused detective, a mushroom capped sugar coma and a displaced teenager meet. It's the city of meetings and partings, some of them rather violent.
A Welcoming Committee November 5th, 2012 Lenna Tycoon comes to Manhattan, looking for her father. She runs into Mercade Alexander and friends. Conversation Ensues.
Awful Advice About Men November 5th, 2012 Avira takes it upon herself to give Maira some sisterly advice about men. Hilarity ensues and Mercade guest stars.
Rescue Please! November 4th, 2012 A nobleman vacationing in Costa Del Sol has reported that his daughter has been kidnapped by a band of marauding goblins and their ogre leader, and whisked away to a ruined fortress where the bandits have made their base. Such a classic case of a damsel in distress calls for the intervention of heroic knights, and Faruja Senra and Ivo Galvan of the Shard Seekers are on the case, along with whomever else has answered the call. Navigate a sand-blasted warren rife with monstrous foes and rescue the girl -- assuming, of course, that all is as it seems.
In A New York Minute: Keys To The City November 4th, 2012 A group of artists and a charity group hold a fundraising ball and art auction in order to help fund the group Hearts Intertwined. Everyone is invited to the party. Nothing terrible will happen at all, surely.
Down In Lowtown November 3rd, 2012 A chance meeting in Rabanastre's Lowtown district brings unusual people together.
A Gathering In Central Park November 2nd, 2012 Ivo and friends call up Mercade to follow up after returning some lost pets to their owners. A LOT OF PEOPLE ENSUE.
To Escape The Past November 1st, 2012 Mercade and Avira meet in Central Park to discuss some things. Mercade reveals to Avira that he's figured something out, and she explaind why, before they are joined by a group of travellers... And a hobo.
Meet Watson November 1st, 2012 Kaydin the Dark Knight of Baron brings Mercade an advance payment for his job. The payment is not quite what he expects....
Knight Of Baron October 30th, 2012 A Black Knight of Baron comes to... offer Mercade a job? Another dark knight observes the exchange and encounters some difficulties of his own.
Snakes on a Plain October 26th, 2012 Even in this new World of Ruin, mighty Baron's ambitions know no bounds. Baigan, Captain of the Guard, believes that his kingdom can only be secured through preemptively seizing control of the Eastern Continent, the lynchpin of which is the Dias Plains, through which all land travel must pass. The hamlets and townships of the plains send pleas across the worlds begging for assistance, and Mysidia, fearful of Baron's dominance, has supplied them with the funds needed to hire the famous mercenary group SeeD. The uneasy peace between the kingdoms is shattered, and the threat of darkness looms greater. Who shall emerge triumphant?
Xarbucks Chaos October 25th, 2012 Baigan, Scarmiglione, and dark knight Kaydin engage in reconnaissance to further the glory of Baron and end up in Central Park's closest Xarbucks, where Maira is just trying to get a cup of coffee. When Negaduck bursts onto the scene and Sarafina bursts through the door, everything collapses. And by everything, I mean the Xarbucks.
Pizza With A Side Of Reaper October 25th, 2012 After a destructive clash in Manhattan, Mercade, Deidra, Maira, and Ward Zabac go to get some pizza and recover from a place they like. On the way, they encounter the Reaper Uzuki Yashiro. Can the offer of pizza get her to relax?
A Noisey Desert October 24th, 2012 Avira and Reize traveled along the Bare Desert in search of the City of Illusion. It was not long after that Lenn and Lily caught up with the two and their encounter with Mercade and Will of the Twilight Detective Agency. However, what lurked in the desert were not all friendly.
Coffee Break October 24th, 2012 Mercade and Riku run into each other again in the WildKat Cafe. Over some food and coffee, the pair catch up on things, and Riku gets focused on a goal....
On Monsters And Upgrades October 23rd, 2012 Mercade checks in with Cid the Engineer in Traverse Town for some possible redesigns on his gear, but finds instead Sarafina and Zeke. A conversation about Sarafina's homeland reveals some of her dark past, and gives Mercade a plan to do something about it.
A Meeting In Atlantis October 23rd, 2012 Even bad luck can be good sometimes. Mercade is swept out to sea during a discount scuba diving lesson, and ends up in the lost city of Atlantis, where he meets with a mousy King! Looks like there's more out there than he thought...
The Burden Of 'Magic' October 21st, 2012 Mercade finds Riku, who is thinking about the events that occurred earlier in the evening (Scene #100). Discussions of what happened then brings up the dangers of magic. Riku decides to give Mercade an example, by giving him a taste of his 'gift'. Lessons are learned.
A Frog In Manhattan October 20th, 2012 They say that sometimes the rain brings out the frogs. They like the water, you see. This time, one specific frog happens to come visit the Twilight Detective Agency...Scene Theme:
An Explosive Situation October 20th, 2012 A busy day at the Twilight Detective Agency becomes explosive as unexpected magics combine and tempers flare. What will happen between Riku and Will?
Dr. Finkelstein's Vault of Terrifyingly Bad Ideas October 20th, 2012 Dr. Finkelstein's Vault has been broken into. It is full of traps, bizarre Clownfish and Dentistry combinations and assorted madness. Also down there, the heart created by Dr. Finkelstein during one of his 'moods' -- is that what the Heartless are after?
Lower Vaults of Doom! October 20th, 2012 Part Two of the Halloween Town Vaults of Terrifyingly Bad Ideas. Heartless. Jaunty Chicken Robots! Pie! We have it all. Come on down. Leave your SAN at the door.
The Path To Goug October 19th, 2012 It's a bit arduous to get to Goug. Travellers find this out the hard way, as a group of them stumble into Seventh Heaven, and Whiskey Time happens. Fun for all ages!
Like Thieves From The Night October 19th, 2012 Avira, Mercade, and Riku meet up in Halloween Town to investigate rumors of Heartless activity. Amidst the culture shock of the area, some thieves steal something important from Dr. Finklestein's lab! What could it be, and what does it mean?
Comparing Notes October 18th, 2012 A visit from Riku to Manhattan finds Mercade Alexander of the Twilight Detective Agency working outdoors in Central park. Both of them catch up on current events and trade information. Will this help them achieve their goals?
Welcome To Baron October 18th, 2012 Mercade and Will go exploring and end up in Baron. While there, a chance encounter with Riku as them talking about more current events.
Meeting With The Boss October 18th, 2012 Xanatos has a conference call with the TDA to get updates and marching orders.
The Inside Scoop October 16th, 2012 A mysterious Turk of the Shinra Electric Company calls upon Mercade Alexander for a job. What could he possibly want? And what will Mercade do about it?
Twilight Intersections October 14th, 2012 A short meeting in Traverse Town between a lost crusader of Yevon, a snarky semi-heartless, a hunter with a new toy and the Twilight Detective Agency. Culture shock ensues.
The Pursuit of Ice Cream: Sweet Success October 13th, 2012 The missing pieces of the heavily desired Sea-Salt Ice Cream have been recovered, and Scrooge McDuck will be meeting in Traverse Town with the brave souls who managed to recover it, both to pick up the pieces and to deliver their hard-earned reward.

Spirits are high! After all that they've been through, the brave souls who banded together to locate the pieces are unlikely to expect anything to go wrong.

Or do they?

Come one and come all to traverse Town! Don't worry if you weren't there before, there's always some sea-salt ice cream ready for you. Right?
Enemy at the Gates October 13th, 2012 In the wake of the chaotic fusion of worlds, bandits roved the sands of the Eastern Continent, but rumors now abound that these bands are disappearing without a trace, despite there being no evidence of battles between them. Those waiting in line to enter Rabanastre hear the eerie creak of the gates malfunctioning, and a dark wind begins to blow, revealing the sinister truth to these tales...
The Search For Ice Cream: Coastal Chaos October 6th, 2012 The Twilight Detective Agency is on the case, hunting down the stolen pieces of the famous Sea Salt Ice Cream recipe! However, nothing worthwhile in life is easy, and the EEEEEEEEEEVIL Magica DeSpell will not allow the recipe pieces to be taken so simply. She has plans of her own... One of the pieces is found off the coast of the beach resort of Costa Del Sol, but the search will be dangerous (and Scrooge is footing expenses). The TDA has sent out a call for adventuers, mercenaries, and do-gooders to help secure that recipe... And the forces of Darkness might be interested in interfering as well. Come on down to Costa Del Sol, one and all! The water's fine. Mwahahahahaha...
The Pursuit Of Ice Cream: Frozen Fear October 6th, 2012 Another piece of the recipe is found within the clutches of Magical DeSpell.
Seasalt Shanty September 29th, 2012 Scrooge McDuck's sale of Seasalt Icecream is disrupted as heartless steal the recipe to the globally well received food-item!
A Heartless In Center Park September 28th, 2012 A massive mechanical Heartless arises in Central Park for unknown reasons. Who can stop it from destroying and consuming what remains of Manhattan?
Welcome to the Casino Gold September 23rd, 2012 The mysterious appearance of the grand Casino Gold, a place of great wealth and great greed.
Are You Not Entertained? September 21st, 2012 What begins as a friendly contest of arms within the Olympus Coliseum ends as a chaotic melee when dark forces converge to seize an unknown, bright-eyed participant. Gun barrels blaze! Swords fly! Croquettes are eaten! Jean Faraven jumps through a window! And the mystery-- remains unsolved.
Now, Here In Manhattan September 20th, 2012 Exploring a park at night!