Meet Watson

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Meet Watson
Date of Scene: 01 November 2012
Location: Manhattan - Twilight Detective Agency
Synopsis: Kaydin the Dark Knight of Baron brings Mercade an advance payment for his job. The payment is not quite what he expects....
Cast of Characters: Mercade Alexander, Kaydin

Mercade Alexander has posed:
The Twilight Detective Agency is doing well.

For a given definition of well. The Agency still smells like coffee, ramen, and pizza, the jazz is still playing, and Mercade Alexander is leaned back in his chair behind his desk, an open book on his face as he lolls backwards.

The sound of light snoring can be heard.
Kaydin has posed:
Kaydin comes into the building. He had been drawing attention to himself since he came through the portal and at first it took some difficulty, but he had come. He opens the door to the lobby and walks in with a yellow Chocobo, the chocobo's head peering into the office and opens it's beaked mouth.

"KWEH!" Goes the loud call of the chocobo, as well as the delightful aroma they come with.
Mercade Alexander has posed:

Mercade jolts at the sudden loud Chocobo noise, and he falls over out of the chair, hitting the ground. The book lands on his head. "Ugh... What's that smell?" The Detective mutters. "Wait, that smells like..."

He peeks his head over the desk. "OH HELL, IT'S A SUPER-CHICKEN!" He yells, panicked. He doesn't even notice Kaydin at this point. Maybe he had some bad experiences with them recently...

(spoilers: yes)
Kaydin has posed:
"They are called Chocobos." Kaydin says as he would watch the Chocobo. It tilts it's head at Mercade's actions. It decides Mercade must be trying to talk to it, so it speaks back once more.


Kaydin rubs the Chocobo's neck and looks to Mercade. "I have come to pay for the investigation I hired you for in advance." He says calmly.
Mercade Alexander has posed:
"Right, super-chickens." Mercade replies distractedly. The second KWEH doesn't make Mercade freak out, since now he's ready for it. "So wait. You..." He looks at Kaydin, pointing at him. "Are paying me with..." He looks to the Chocobo. "That."
Kaydin has posed:
"You expressed an interest in Chocobos I figured that getting you one of your own would help." Kaydin says as it sniffs a pizza box and tries to eat the cardboard thing only to spit it out across the room, letting out something similar to a bleh sound as it then turns to Mercade, looking down at the human.
Mercade Alexander has posed:
"A bunch of them ran me over on the plains outside Goug." Mercade drawls. "So what... Do you guys use these for? I guess they might make a good dinner... And I guess it doesn't like cardboard. What does it eat?"
Kaydin has posed:
"Gyashl Greens. And we use them as horses, mounts. A good chocobo can run as fast as these metal boxes I seen here." Kaydin explains and when Mercade says about eating it it sorta stares at him now and tries to back up now away from the human. "Oh now you done it..." Kaydin says as he tries to calm the Chocobo down only to have it try and run away from Kaydin, trying to get away and thrashing the office.
Mercade Alexander has posed:
"Oh god dammit!" Mercade yells as the bird starts panicking. "And these things understand human speech too? What the hell?" Mercade sighs. He doesn't get near it, knowing he'd probably just spook the bird even more. "So I'm supposed to use it as a mount. I guess it'd be easier to deal with than a car..." He says dubiously. "A lot of places don't have gas stations."
Kaydin has posed:
"Chocobos are smart. This way you can tell it to go to someone and they will do it if they like you, and if you threaten not to eat it." Kaydin says as he moves to the Chocobo and manages to calm it down...Course it is now standing on Mercade's desk. "This one is trained to be used as a mount. Not to mention Chocobos can carry you if you want to sleep. Course...They are rather curious creatures." He says as it now picks up the book with it's beak and spits it out with another bleh sound.
Mercade Alexander has posed:
"NO! Books are not for eating!" Mercade waves his hands. "Oh God, this is going to take getting used to." He picks up the lightly-chered, Chocobo-slobbered book and sighs, tossing it into the trash. "All right, no eating. I guess I will have, uh..." He peers at the bird and reaches out, trying to scratch it over the head.
Kaydin has posed:
The chocobo tilts it's head at the hand and moves to the hand to let him pet the chocobo. "Probably need to give you some pointers on how to ride them, but other then that, just feed it These Gyashl greens." He says as he sets a sack of the stuff down. "Should be enough here to last you the month. If you need any more, Should be some places about Juno and Costa de sol." He says calmly.
Mercade Alexander has posed:
Mercade nods at the dark knight. "All right. I guess I'll have to convert a room into a place for him... It is a him, right?" He thinks for a moment, and then looks at the bird. "How do you even tell? Are you a boy or a girl?" He continues scritching the chocobo absently. "I never throught I'd have a giant bird for a pet..."
Kaydin has posed:
"It's a Boy and I dont know for sure how to tell, I didnt ask. Anyway They are good and reliable." Kaydin says as he pets the Chocobo. The chocobo just stands on th desk, enjoying the attention before it steps down, making happy sounds.
Mercade Alexander has posed:
"No, down. No standing on the desk..." Mercade says, carefully trying to keep him from knocking over the computer monitor. The desk creaks dangerously under the weight of the bird. Thankfully, it doesn't collapse before it steps off. "All right, boy. I guess you're going to need a name." He thinks for a bit. "All right, I got it. Your name is going to be Watson." He grins. "That should work out fine." He looks to Kaydin. "Uhhh... Thank you! I'll make sure to treat him well." He has no idea what he's going to do with this bird....
Kaydin has posed:
"He should make traveling amongst the worlds easier atleast. You wont have to walk anymore." He says as he pats the Chocobo. "Watson, a good name." He says as he looks to the Chocobo before it Kwehs at them as if approving also. "I wonder how your friends will react to you having a Chocobo." He says with a smirk. "And if you ever wanna outfit him with armor, I will see what I can do."
Mercade Alexander has posed:
"Uhhh... No, I don't think we'll need armor." Mercade would invest in Kevlar anyway instead. "Do you have the tack and harness for it? I mean, you said he was trained as a mount, right?"
Kaydin has posed:
Kaydin nods as he reaches within the bag and gets the harness and tack set up on Watson, showing Mercade how it can be worn comfortably on the chocobo. "And thats how you do it." He says calmly. He then nods. "I figured this was a good way to pay you for your services and even if your unable to complete the investigation, you can keep him."
Mercade Alexander has posed:
"Thank you." Mercade's expression seems a little confused. "I.. appreciate it. This is going to be a learning experience." He gives the chocobo a pat, and wrinkles his nose. "That's a very unique smell."
Kaydin has posed:
"It's unique to them." Kaydin chuckles. "Imagine how the stables smell." He says as he would begin to go out to the lobby, letting the Chocobo be lead by Mercade now. "Could bunk him with that guy who seemed to be a beggar." He offers helpfully.
Kaydin has posed:
"It's unique to them." Kaydin chuckles. "Imagine how the stables smell." He says as he would begin to go out to the lobby, letting the Chocobo be lead by Mercade now. "Could bunk him with that guy who seemed to be a beggar." He offers helpfully.
Mercade Alexander has posed:
"Maybe. Maybe they'll like each other. Dunno. He might try to eat Will's hat." He shrugs, and takes the reins. "Okay Watson, let's get you a spot." Thank God he took that job from Shinra, he could never justify this as a business expense for XanatosCard.