Meeting With The Boss

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Meeting With The Boss
Date of Scene: 18 October 2012
Location: Manhattan
Synopsis: Xanatos has a conference call with the TDA to get updates and marching orders.
Cast of Characters: Deidra, Will Sherman, Mercade Alexander, David Xanatos

David Xanatos has posed:
Xanatos sits in his office in the Castle that rests atop his building. His fingers are steepled as he looks at a map pieced together of reports with lines drawn connecting bits and pieces of the map. Smaller lines are criss crossing showing the communications network that is begining to spread out through the known worlds, or dimensions. The lights are dim, so when the comm device on his desk beeps and a small red light flashes showing an incoming call, it gies Xanatos an earie glow.

Leaning back in his chair, David presses the button. A man's voice comes over the little box. "Mr Xanatos. I have the individuals on the line. Shall I patch them through sir?"

"Please do Owen."

"Right away sir."

There is a soft click and then Xanatos nods. "Gentlemen. I trust you have the new Cell Phones? They have a pretty strong battery, but the chargers will need to be used here in Manhatten. However they plug directly into the Dimensional COmmunications I'm establishing. So you can call anybody on those lines. Myself included." There is a slight pause. "Now. What do you have for me?"
Mercade Alexander has posed:
Mercade begins speaking first. Because letting Will be the face is basically a recipe for disaster. "Hello, Mr. Xanatos. Thank you for the phones, they will be extremely useful. I have some critical updates to the last reports I have had Will drop off."

There is a pause. "I'm sending over more information now. We've uncovered evidence of the remnants of the worlds that bave been sealed off. They are being called, for the moment, 'World Shards'. You might notice that we've reestablished communications to New Orleans. The Shard for the location was recently discovered in Traverse Town. There is an artifact known as a 'Keyblade' that is rumored to be able to lock or unlock anything... And these World Shards are no exception. The one with the Keyblade released the Shard, allowing it to reappear in our world."
Deidra has posed:
Deidra has been wandering the worlds, maping exploring and being suprised she's not the only not quite human race out there. Plesently so at least so far from what she's seen. She's been also profiling Magica Dispell given the fact she used no apprnt foci for her power and was so powerful? It was unerving to her to say the least. She makes her way into the room with disk on hand. She'll wait her turn after all.
Will Sherman has posed:
"Yeah and apparently I can see them." he says, shrugging his shoulders...though The boss might not see this motion.

"I think there might be the world shard of said worlds IN the worlds that are left open...I am wondering if that's what the heartless are seeking in each well as you know, eating people." he says casually.

"Also, nice phones."
David Xanatos has posed:
David Xanatosis silent for a few moments as he takes this in. "Interesting." he says finally before he takes another pause in his speech. Tapping a finger on the desk he says evenly, "Will. I'd like you when you finish with whatever it is Mercade has you on, to rent a Helicopter ride and see if you can see anything in Manhattan. As we were one of the Worlds left open it stands to reason we MAY have a Shard here." His fingers automaticlly go back to steepling and he ponders for a moment. "Have you learned anything on the organizations that comprise some of these worlds?"
Deidra has posed:
Deidra says "There is one person I encountered worth bringing to your attention. Magic Dispell an avian humanoid, she seems to be from the same world as that Darkwing Duck criminal is from, at least at best guess as an merchant in Tranverstown knew of them both. She's a powerful magic user and unlike any member of the first or second race here. She casts like a member of the third able to cast spells without the use of any sort of foci at all. She's also either in league with or able to subvert and control the heartless for her own ends as well. I have more details her in my report on the disk. It might prove useful should she come causing trouble here. She seems to have it in for one Scrooge McDuck the merchent I mentioned as well."

The Report would go into more magical observations and detials about Magica's powers. Deidra is clearly a very new mage but all things considered it should be useful to at least gauge what powers she's shown.
Mercade Alexander has posed:
Mercade makes the sound of rustling paper. "Most groups within the worlds are fairly small. There are some that have banded together to try to help the worlds, like the Shard Seekers of Fluorgis. There are a few governmental military forces intact, like in Baron, as well as some mercenary groups, like SeeD of Balamb." He pauses.

"There is also a large corporation. The Shinra Electric Company. A member of it approached me to request that I undertake a job investigating Xanatos Enterprises. He wanted me to look into your business connections so he can, quote, 'report to his superiors on whether they should approach Xanatos Enterprises to work together with them."

Deidra breaks in with her report, and Mercade comments. "Right, this is Deidra. She's joined us recently to work with the magical side of things since neither of us are what you could say, uh... Magically inclined." Mercade is still kind of a skeptic despite seeing it in action.

"Anyway, I was thinking that we could try to use this to our advantage. Based on what we tell them, we could cause different reactions. I'm currently in the middle of investigating them to get a profile on what their operations are like and what their function in the world is. Once we have that, we can decide how to proceed with them. Unless you have a plan for it already."
Will Sherman has posed:
Will shrugs...magic, no...but then somewhere a certain assistant to Xanatos might be laughing on the inside.

Will doesn't have much of anything to add here...shrugging at the mention of Shinra.

"They don't seem all that competant...but maybe they weren't trying to be? Who knows.." he continues a bit.

"There are a few people with power over the heartless...and their strings stained with darkness. Its uh...a thing I keep seeing."
David Xanatos has posed:
Leaning back in his chair, Xanatos smiles that knowing smirk of his. "No. No plans as of yet." That yet meaning he's formulating one even as they speak. "Miss Deidra, it is a peasure to make your aquaintence. Since Mercade and Will have brought you in, I trust you know to eb discrete?" He pauses and then continues.

"Shinra Electric sounds like a glorified power company. My guess is they are equipped for corporate war, and depending on the world they come from, could be either espionage, actual soldiers, or both. Find me which one they are and procede as you see fit Mercade. If they inform you of any military like actions, please do inform me."

As Will describes the Heartless and strings, Xanatos rubs his chin. "Interesting. This... Magica. She can pull on the Strings you see attached to the Heartless?" The question is asked without even batting an eyelash. As if he believes, or knows all of what is said.
Mercade Alexander has posed:
"I will report to you as soon as I have something of note." Mercade replies. He lets Will and Deidra take it from here, they're better equipped for this one.
Deidra has posed:
Deidra grins a little bit. "It's good to meet you as for Shinra I can confirm they do produce weapons and have a military of some sort. I encountered one of their SOLIDERs several times in Traverse town. Their computing technology seems roughly on part with us give or take a few years." She goes quiet again happily enough to have proven useful so far. Magic could seem like she was not that good at it but Deidra had to wonder if she was just screwing around at the moment.
Will Sherman has posed:
Will makes a face...

"Well...yes and no? The heartless...don't have strings as they have tangle messes of's like. Okay, We all have strings...because we're all part of the world. We have strings to each other, to other people, to things and places...usually things don't have Strings, unless they are important. Such as World Shards, or very important items...I would imagine articles of signifigant power or legendary things have them too...just on their natures. I'm getting off course...but heartless don't have strings to each other...or to anything. Their strings are...tangled messes..static on the TV to an degree. However, take orders from people who also have strong ties to Darkness....but it seems like off instinct when they aren't listening to someone else."

Will shrugs a bit. "That's all I really know...but...I do know one thing. I have a very negitive influence on Heartless. I guess it's just a unseen effect of how I operate."
David Xanatos has posed:
David Xanatos listens to Will. Once he's done he nods once and then taps a finger on the desk again. "So. This Magica. I'm firstly assuming she a ... A duck? Second, I'm assuming she's ruin and is strong enough to control hearltess?"
Mercade Alexander has posed:
"Yep. There's walking talking anthropomorphic ducks out there. There's one of them who robbed a bank here in Manhattan. He called himself Darkwing Duck. I'm plannig on putting the kibosh on him." Mercade comments.
Will Sherman has posed:
"Yeah...she had the same strings...well, NOT the same, but similar strings to Magica. So I am assumging they might be allied or something? Maybe..." he shrugs.

"And yeah on both counts."
Deidra has posed:
Deidra says "That's right sir, she's shown she can control them on several occasions. Also she's not just summoned the smaller ones she's summoned ones that were very formidable to fight. Still that's abotu eveyrthing I have."
David Xanatos has posed:
David Xanatos nods his head and continues to tap his finger on the desk in thought. "That is one person we know that can control them. Do you know another?"
Will Sherman has posed:
"Darkwing Duck...uh...that Mistress of games who uses them to run a Cassino...That's all I know off hand." Will says, with a shrug.
Mercade Alexander has posed:
"There is a woman known as the Mistress of Games. She runs a casino called the Casino GOLD. I tried to use her... predilections in order to try to get her to give information about the Heartless but she managed to turn the tables on me." Mercade points at his hatless head. "I'm planning on a rematch."
David Xanatos has posed:
David Xanatosnods. "Then I want you to watch them as well. Let me or my assistant Owen know if you need addition resources. These Heartless and those that control them might be Key." As if the last word were a reminder he continues after a brief pause. "And find out what you can of this Sora or his Keyblade. If you see an opportunity to capture one of these women take it. But do not endager yourselves or innocents. Now. If you will excuse me, I have a meeting to attend." And after farwells, Xanatos Silently closes the connection.

He leans back in his chair and steeples his fingers once more. A Duck, a Gambling woman, and Heartless. How were they connected? How was Shinra involved if at all? So far his ventures were working, but he was no closer to solving the issues at hand.
Mercade Alexander has posed:
Mercade listens as the connection closes, and he snaps the new phone shut, looking to the other two. "Well then. That's the word from the Boss." He scratches the back of his head. "Nothing we weren't going to do anyway, I guess."
Deidra has posed:
Deidra looks back to Will and the others as the connection colses at this point. "well we got our marching orders and really it's not. So I have no problem with it. I do want to see fi I can find any libaries of magical information on the otehr worlds it could prove useful with how much spill over things are starting to have."
Mercade Alexander has posed:
"Go for it. Look for anything you can use. That's my weak subject, so anything you can donate will help." Mercade replies. He looks over to Will. "Anyway, we have things to do. Time to get going again?"
Deidra has posed:
Deidra says "I say we order a pizza have that then head out. I not had proper pizza since I left the city."