Snow Demon

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Snow Demon
Date of Scene: 01 November 2012
Location: The Land of Dragons
Synopsis: VALKYRI investigates a rumor of an ice demon resembling a woman and winds up with a new ally in the process!
Cast of Characters: Avira, Maira, Minerva

Minerva has posed:
Imperial China was a strange place to someone who'd not experiance dor heard of it. In one section of one mountainous regions a tale of horror has been making the rounds from merchants and travelers. Even some from local Imperial Army outposts were talking about demon that had taken the form of a woman. It was said she had hair like snow and eyes like eyes. She could control the very chill of the montains and use it against the unwary. The local garrison commander had put a bounty to look into the rumors to dispel rumors of the demon. Or if it was real to bring ti down and return with proof of it's demise.
Avira has posed:

To split hairs, due to certain...incidents, Avira has recently declared that VALKYRI is /not/ a group of bounty hunters. There were just too many issues involved with hunting people. What makes this job different is the rumor that this is a demon taking the form of a woman. "-so based on the rumors I've heard, I actually think they've encountered a Yuki-onna, which is a demon that can control the snow and looks like a woman." she tells Maira as they walk along one of the many mountain roads.

Avira, clearly not being Chinese, sticks out like a sore thumb. "Which would explain why they don't really know what it is. Yuki-onnas are Japanese demons."
Maira has posed:
Maira is walking along beside Avira, nodding in to show her understanding, her wide amber eyes scanning the countryside for this snowy demon. "Well, someone who can control snow and ice...hehe, I have just the thing for that!" she replies, snapping up a finger and lighting it aflame with her magic before blowing it out like a smoking gun. "Has there been reports of her hurting people? Or...are people just creeped out?" she asks, tilting her head in question. "Because if she's not hurting anyone, I mean...why should we hunt her?"
Minerva has posed:
The report swould speak of at least one bandit gang being decimate by the demon and there's whipers even of an Imperial Guard patrol that has fallen to the creature's powers. But who knwos what the truth might be. It's hard to tell what is certain it's a colder area this high up could a person really take to the cold that easily up here? Who knows What is known the region she's generally sighted in is nearing.
Avira has posed:
"You sure do." Avira smirks, "You're pretty much perfect for this, if the rumors turn out to be true." She slows in her gait for a moment, as if mentally reviewing what she's heard about this woman demon, "Yeah, a few. Some bandits. Also a guard patrol but that one's unconfirmed. Of course, they just might not know yet. And besides..."

Avira's grin widens. "The job's mostly to prove or dispell the rumors. If she's not really a demon, then we still get a reward. We'll need proof, I'm sure, but it all works out."

Avira draws her cloak a bit closer to her and shudders. "I'm using my share to buy warmer clothes, I dunno about you. It is way too cold here."
Maira has posed:
Maira nods a little to Avira. "Oh, I see! So we just need to investigate because we have the know..." she waves her hands in frustration. "What do you say instead of 'has the balls' because obviously we don't---oh hey, it's getting colder," she remarks, moving closer to Avira. Maira seems to just radiate heat, and is not shivering even though she isn't wearing warm clothing. Just leather pants and a blouse.

"Well, I bet if we follow the cold, we'll find her. Stay close to me and I'll make some fire if I need to."
Minerva has posed:
The winds pick up and howl like demons there is now going everywhere and there's some signs of battle, a ruined building which seems to only have been recently destroyed infact there's still few embers from burning timbers. Some sort of fight happened here, but what sort of fight happened here. There's no signs of people at least for now but clearly it was brutal and there's an bladed shard of ice embeded in one of the pillars...
Avira has posed:
"Guts. Let's go with 'we have the guts.' Nice and simple." She grins. Sure, it could also be a matter of time and Imperial Guards having better things to do, but that's not a very optimistic route to take over one of their first jobs. At this point, Avira notices that Maira's significantly warmer. It was as if the fire magic from her radiated forth even when not in use. Pretty handy, that.

They come upon a recently ruined building, clearly the remains of a fight, but with no people. No..corpses. "This is recent. Look.." she points at the pillar, then looks to the ground, checking for footprints, "There aren't any bodies...I'm getting the sinking feeling that it wasn't humes being fought here." Eyes narrowing, Avira reaches back behind her and slides her weapon free. Just in case. "Heartless don't leave behind bodies."
Maira has posed:
"Guts! Yeah, there we go!" she replies, nodding emphatically.

She falls quiet as they approach the scene of recent battle, her smile fading as she examines the area. "Yeah...maybe this ice demon lady had a run in with Heartless...perhaps they attack anyone who doesn't know how to control them," she says, keeping her eyes peeled. She's half tempted to just call out and see if anyone answers!

As she moves close to the ice spear it begins to melt more rapidly, water dripping to the ground below. Chewing her lip, Maira looks to her side "Uist, scout the area...see if you can find her," she says quietly to the seemingly empty air, then looks back to Avira. "Uist will see if he can find a sign of her."
Minerva has posed:
The question is what's here there are foot prints humanoid ones in the snow heading away from the ruin and deeper into the hills. Prehaps someone surived or the attacker has headed off with no concern for anyone else being out here?
Avira has posed:
"Or anybody with a heart." Avira rubs her chin, "I'm not really sure how demons work everywhere but they might have real hearts and everything, you know?" Oh dear, here's that Uist "person" again. She still wanted an explanation for that.

Nevertheless, Avira helps look. "Here are some...looks like they're leading away from the ruins. Let's follow 'em."
Maira has posed:
Skald knows she needs to explain to Avira who Uist is. It is both a very simple story and a very complicated one at the same time. She smiles to Avira apologetically. "Uist is..." she sighs. "I wish you could see him or speak to him. He is a dear friend--he's just dead. He's always been dead--or at least as long as I've known him. Lately though....he's manifested a few times when I need his help...anyway," she says, following Avira.

Uist soon returns and reports back to Maira. "Uist says there is a woman waiting up ahead, probably in ambush. Be ready," she tells Avira, leaning close to whisper.
Minerva has posed:
If the woman or demon ahead was aware of Uist? She gave no sign prehaps she was making ready. She was prehaps aware of it who knows with the nature of demons after all but as the two head forward thigns are quiet very quiet but there's no virusal signs of the woman. Just where was she as the pair get closer. The wind howels a bit more than there's n explosion of snow as what could be a woman explodes out of one of the snow drifts. Her short cropped hair is silver, her eyes indeed are icy blue and her skin? Certainly far paler than the locaks aslo given her outfit of a of a half jacket, leather costit, armoreg gauntles shots, shing guards and leggings? She doesn't seem bothere dbt the cold at all as she just heads ritght at them saying.

"So more is it then?! Then have at thee knaves!!!"

IF either had heard of a place known as England the woman's accent sounds down right british.
Avira has posed:
"Soooo...he's some kind of guardian spirit?" Avira prompts, liking this explanation over 'imaginary friend'. It'd also help satisfy why she couldn't see Uist. Not that she's capable of seeing dead spirits to begin with. Given the warning he gives them both about a woman up ahead, Avira's pretty grateful that he sticks around Maira.

In addition to the Spine, Avira also gets out her small buckler shield and attaches it to her left wrist.

It felt like it was getting colder, seems like they were on the right track. Turns out to be the case, where the 'demon' shows up! That accent, though, "Hold it! Identify yourself first! Are you a hume or demon?"
Maira has posed:
Maira nods to Avira, smiling brightly. Guardian spirit, yes! She likes that. Maira glances toward Uist, who is also smiling. It seems he likes that as well.

Having been warned, Maira does NOT jump out of her skin when Minerva appears. She takes a step back though, holding up her hands. She sure doesn't look like a demon..."Um, we're not going to hurt you! ...I don't think anyway!" she adds, with perfect honesty in all her naievity.
Minerva has posed:
Minerva halts her ice encased fist for a moment as she looks at her for a moment and seems confused. "Demon wot?! Hume?! I am human if that is what are you asking. I thought you were like the others." Her accent is clearly English if either of the women she's facing she's still ready to attack at a moments notice. From her clothing and her form she's clearly quite the fighter. "I sensed the magics being used to spy upon me do not think me blind." She looks to Maira for a moment "If you do not seek battle then what do you seek? This land and it's people are alien to me as I am to them."
Avira has posed:
Avira has her shield up, clearly already in a defensive position in case Minerva really does decide to attack. "Hmmmm..." Avira asides to Maira, "That's an English accent. Definitely not Japanese...unless it's a trick. Demons can be tricky." She looks up, giving Minerva a critical eye.

"We're here investigating rumors about an ice demon that looked like a woman. Apparently she had taken out some bandits, maybe an Imperial Army patrol. I get the feeling they were talking about you."
Maira has posed:
Maira feels a bit colder as Uist takes his place close beside her, keeping a careful eye trained on Minerva. Maira may be open-minded, but Uist is a guard dog.

Maira glances to Avira, confusion evident. English? Japanese? What? Her accent sounds...odd, but she sure can't put a finger on it!

The blonde looks back to Minerva, blinking. "Was it you? You seem like you are pretty confused too....did...did you end up here on accident? Were you attacked by Heartless?"
Minerva has posed:
Minerva pauses seeming confused at both terms she doesn't knoe either from the look on her face. She stares for a oment longer and lowers her first. "Yes, they came across me and intiated hostilitys I merely handed them their rears I wasn't even sure what they were at first." She'd never seen people with black hair before. "I was in the wilderness near the Port City of Warjilis then I am in these strange mountains...."
Avira has posed:
Oh right, Maira wouldn't know those countries, would she? "I'll explain later." she says quickly to the fire mage, though odds are she likely...won't. Those aren't Ivalice countries either.

Once the fist is lowered, Avira lowers her own shield. Her weapon, the Spine, remains pointed at the ground in a nonaggressive position. "Those black things you fought which did not leave behind bodies were the Heartless." Avira explains. "I've never heard of Warjilis but from the sound of it, you may have been displaced. What was the last thing you remember before you wound up here in these mountains?"
Maira has posed:
Maira's expression changes almost instantly from wariness to sympathy. She knows what it is like to suddenly end up somewhere completely unfamiliar, all because of Heartless and those who would control them for personal gain.

Maira sighs. "Yes...I was uh...displaced to sort of. Driven out, should come back with us. We can show you Traverse Town. It is where a lot of displaced people stay for a while...and maybe someone will be able to show you how to get back home!"
Minerva has posed:
Minerva says "The world wistes shadows came to life those things you spoke of appeared I fougth them and then. It was then if my senses had betrayed me and the world vanished around me." She scowls "I'd never seen anything like it or such a perversion of teh darkness."
Avira has posed:
"...hrmm, yes, it's as we thought." Avira looks to Maira, sharing that look of sympathy, "As my friend Maira says, you should come with us-you are certainly no longer in your homeland. All the better before more Heartless or bandits show."

Not that the three of them couldn't easly deal with them at this point.

"What's your name? I'm Avira."
Minerva has posed:
Minerva says "Minerva Alira." She tilts her head for a moment looking them both over for a moment longer. "Or the Imperial guard as you said they thinks me a Daemon. I do not fancy another chance encounter lest they try to bring the demon in or worse. I wish to recover what few things of mine are at my camp."
Maira has posed:
Maira nods along with Avira, her smile reappearing. "Not that we couldn't protect ourselves, but yes, we should go. Traverse Town is pretty safe, and there is an Inn there where you can stay to get your bearings," she informs Minerva.

When Avira introduces herself, Maira follows suit. "--and I'm Maira! We're part of VALKYRI! That's a group of women like us who are looking to find out more about the Heartless and help fight them," she adds with a proud grin.

"Nice to meet you Minerva! And sure, go ahead! We'll wait."
Avira has posed:
Suddenly Avira's a little caught off guard, surprised that Maira got to introducing the group before she did. "Ahaha, yes. We wind up fighting a lot of those Heartless. Not to mention handling all sorts of odd jobs and all." When the jobs exist at least. "Oh, so the rumor that you had a run-in with an Imperial patrol was true, then."

Avira finally sheathes the Spine. "By all means, let's do that."
Maira has posed:
Maira is a little gung-ho about the group, its true. She's been spreading the word whenever she can! Maira nods along with Avira more, grinning broadly. Indeed, she's quite happy now. So much so she just does a little twirl where she stands. They may not have gotten paid, but they helped someone!
% Oh right...paying... "Hey...I wonder if we still get paid?"
Minerva has posed:
Minerva says "Shant be but a few moments." She almost seems to vanish into the snow for the moment to go to where ever her camp might actually be. It doesn't take too long less than half an hour passes before her return with a makeshift pack and various other supplies seemingly stuffed into it or hanging on it. She still doesn't seem bothered by it at all.

"It seems my circumstances are improving this day where shall we go?"
Avira has posed:
"Technically we should still get paid. The job was to investigate the rumors. We have an answer now-no demons involved. Just a monk with ice magic. I don't think they have magic in this world, though, so we might want to leave that part out." Last thing she wanted is to have to deal with accusations of witchcraft.

"Follow us. We'll stop by to introduce you to those who asked to investigate this...then we'll leave for Traverse town. You know, Maira, I've been thinking. We need a central...base of operations. Or house. Or something. I'm going to start looking into what might be available in Traverse Town."
Maira has posed:
MAira's smile widens at the prospect of money. She's not greedy, no, not at all. She's just poor, and has been poor for far too long.

"Yes we should! That would be a good base for us I think...plenty of buildings in District 2!" she tells Avira. "I can ask around too," she adds.
Minerva has posed:
Minerva says "Just ice?" She laughs for a moment "You have yet seen my arts in full you seen but a small aspect." She grins and falls in with the others "All right then, and base of operations? Are you sell swords of some fashion? If you are hiring I would be quite interested in some form of employment. I can brew well enough as well."
Avira has posed:
Avira's income is pretty variable too. She also needs to eat! Even with Clan Dagda, things have been pretty tight budget-wise. "Sellswords, well, sort of. We're a bit more tight knit than your average band of sellswords because we work together. Regular mercenaries just don't play nice. And we are.../definitely/ hiring."
Maira has posed:
"Oh! I brew too! All sorts of potions!" she says, hopping beside Minerva, assumably babbling and getting to know each other as the scene fades...