The Judge, The Mouse and the Guardian

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The Judge, The Mouse and the Guardian
Date of Scene: 24 November 2012
Location: Rabanastre
Synopsis: Faruja and Zargabaath meet up early for a charity function, where they meet Auron. Cirra makes an appearance before resuming her guard duties, when a heartless attacks Rabanastre.
Thanks to: Cirra, Faruja and Auron for giving their best.
Cast of Characters: Faruja Senra, Auron, Cirra Constantine, Zargabaath

Zargabaath has posed:
Rabanastre. The city paradise in the middle of a desert.

Or so it seems.

It's still a jewel on the outside, however, archadian forces have been occupying the town for a number of weeks after Vayne Solidor's coronation to Lord Regent. Of course, after the banquet, Vayne has been strangely absent from Rabanastre. In his place, however, has been the 12th Airship Fleet, headed by none other than Judge Magister Zargabaath. Some people in Rabanastre feel this is a fortunate turn of events because he's one of the more reasonable Judges. Others still feel that any Archadian involvement means trouble, or a place to look for trouble.

However, this is one of the calmer days. Judge Magister Zargabaath walks through the main part of the city, but this time he has no guards. That is because Judges and soldiers are spread all over the city. Apparently they're preparing for something that shall he happening rather in fact. He's telling some of the judges and soldiers to head for the gate and to look for something that should be coming towards the main gates soon.

Auron has posed:
Well, Auron has no idea what is or isn't coming to the gates of the city. Aside from him, as he's approaching those gates. He looks relatively nonthreatening, except for the sword on his back. And he's making no move to go for it. At first glance he looks like nothing more than an old man walking in the desert -- and who walks in the desert without some for of protection against monsters, right?

It's only when the more astute get a glimpse of him as he nears the gates that the discrepancies can be picked out. That is a very big sword to be used by an old man. And the way he moves does not indicate frailty or age one bit. There's a confidence in his movements that suggests strength, belying the downcast head and slumped shoulders.

Faruja Senra has posed:
After yesterday's negotiations, one Temple Knight Faruja Senra finds himself on standby. Charged with overseeing the coming charity event and ensuring nothing goes tailwards, the Burmecian has little to do other than to babysit. Dressed today in his far more utilitarian, though by the standards of most other armies highly lavish, armor and robes the rat is at least looking comfortable. He had a mage enchant it with a cooling enchantment so he doesn't overheat.

The babysitees seem to be a trio of humans. One is a bespectacled, book-bearing woman with short blonde hair and a rather mousey appearance wearing the robes of a White Mage as well as wearing the cross of a Priestess. The other two are dressed similarly to the Burmecian, with spears on their backs and green robes, but lacking in the golden armor. One is a young man, barely past fifteen from the looks of things, while the other is a woman in her early twenties.

The older Squire shakes her head as she peers about. "Whuts wi' all the hustle and bustle, eh? Don't suppose they're doin' all this jus' fer us?"

The younger one shakes his head, one brow twitching. "Uh...dunno. L...Lord Senr..ack!" A clawed, gauntleted hand swats the boy-squire on the back of the head.

"Did I not tell you to drop that stuttering? You shall make us look as fools! We represent the Church, here, Squire. See to it that you do not embarrass us!"

Cirra Constantine has posed:
Standing on the battlements of the battlements of the great gates of Rabanastre is a gargoyle like armored figure. Feminin but strong, the armor of the Judges hides the full identity of Cirra Cosntantine, but seeing as she's standing on the edge of the wall like it was nothing at all makes it look like she doesn't care if she falls, or is seen.

The Judge walks, stepping over hte arrow slits in the wall as she watches the traffic below. The group from hte church, more travellers and...

Cirra pauses, and peers down. There. That man. Something about the way Auron walks hits a nerve in her mind somehow. She hops off the wall and then walks down the stairs, much less obviously then just standing on the wall, but she was probably already seen.

Zargabaath has posed:
One of the guards steps in front of Auron and holds up his hand for Auron to stop. "Halt. State your name and business." The guard is very blunt. Another guard moves over to assist, noting Auron's huge sword.

Faruja and his squires draw a bit more attention, and a couple more guards his way, getting the same treatment near Auron as they approach the gate. There's still plenty of guards to cover for them.

However, shortly after they are stopped, Zargabaath steps towards the gates and comes down the steps towards Faruja. "Templar Senra. You're early. I didn't expect you until tomorrow." He holds out his hand for the burmecian to shake.....with a couple of the guards obvious disapproval....but they won't voice it.....

Auron has posed:
Cirra may be quite visible, but with his head down, it's unlikely that Auron has seen her from his distance. Or if he has, he makes no mention of it. Faruja's group earns a glance, but Auron doesn't bother them. Though he does raise an eyebrow -- a two-legged, talking rodent? That's an odd sight. But then... he found a pair of flying lizard-people... at least, he thinks they were lizards.

Auron stops when he's asked by the guards, and raises his head to fix the guard who stopped him with an unreadable gaze. And to the request? "...Auron. I seek temporary shelter." Because it's a desert, and there's really nowhere else to go. Never mind the fact that he doesn't appear to be sweating. He remains calm, though. Even if that flat, unreadable, one-eyed gaze might be a little unnerving.

Cirra Constantine has posed:
Cirra reaches the guards stopping Auron and watches for a moment. "Stand aside..." she uses one hand to get betweent he two soldiers. Regular soldiers tend not to like Cirra though, there are ...rumors about her. That she did something to herself to get advancement into hte Judges, or curried favour.

"Auron." she says, eyes concealed by her helmet. "You seek temporary shelter from the desert heat, but you seem no worse for having walked through the heat."

Cirra can do that... But Cirra's been modified by Dr. Bunansa.

Faruja Senra has posed:
Faruja's one-eyed gaze sweeps the lesser guards, Judges, and finally lands on a Judge Magister. Not that he can really pick out Zarg thanks to the armor, and his nose is quite useless what with all the crowds. But he makes an educated enough guess. As the soldiers near, the Burmecian gives his chatting Squires each a discrete swat to the leg with his tail. The pair form up, at parade ground attention, the mousey Priestess blocked nearly from view if it weren't for the fact that she's taller than Faruja.

"Oh dear me, bless you, my Children! May the Lord bathe you in His Divine Light!" Comes the rather squeaky voice of the Priestess as she greets the guards. Faruja and the Squires salute as one.

"As the Lady Priestess says, fine guardians of Arcadia. Temple Knight Faruja Senra of the Most Holy Church of Saint Ajora Glabados, and my charges. We are here to see about preperations for the charity event...ahh! Your Honor! Do excuse me, fine guard." A bow, and the little group approaches the Judge Magister. As a hand is offered, Faruja waves off his two Squires confused looks.

The hand is taken, and shaken with the look of someone esperately trying to /not/ be awkward. "Fare you well, Your Honor? Lord bless you. A most annoying habit of mine, or so I am told! But better early than late, I say. Besides, these things always take more time to set up than anyone realizes."

One of the Squires looks to Auron, then approaches Faruja. She whispers in his ear, then gestures to the red-coated man before stepping back. The 'talking rodent' briefly turns his own gaze to Auron.

Zargabaath has posed:
"Good to see you again, Templar." Zargabaath says as he looks over the squires that are with him. "I Suppose you shall take a walkthrough to see where you will be advertising your wares and all." He then nods and waves away the guards. Who definitely seems to glower at the group there. However, Zargabaath seems to be a little distracted, mostly by the man in the red coat, and how Cirra seems to be questioning him about his travels through the desert. He may intervene in a moment, if need be. He looks back to Faruja though. "Have you all brought weapons? Just in case You are accosted by theives?"

Auron has posed:
The words from Cirra seem to indicate suspicion. Auron raises the brow of his visible eye. "...Is that something you would leave a traveler out in the desert with no shelter over?" he inquires, looking to her with that brow raised. To his credit, he doesn't deny it, though. And while he waits, he manages to catch Faruja's glance to him, and nods once, politely, in greeting. He'd speak to the rodent fellow and his entourage, but he's kinda getting grilled right now. Zargabaath's presence doens't go ignored, either, and the Judge Magister might notice a look aimed his way. But before long, Auron will return his attention to the woman who is grilling him.

Cirra Constantine has posed:
Cirra looks Auron up and down again. "No."

"You can find shelter most easily in Lowtown." then stands aside.

Both of the guards give her dirty looks like she's just done something she shouldn't have. "Enjoy your stay in Rabanastre."

Faruja Senra has posed:
Wares. The entire Church party, minus the Priestess, peer at the Judge Magister for a moment before softening. He's technically correct, they /are/ fundraising. "Indeed. And scrape up any locals who may wish to assist. We are expecting about twenty others, knights, Priests, and various healers and laborers come time to set to work. No doubt we will be swamped, however. It shall be a long, but rewarding, day and night. To tell it bluntly, I much prefer this sort of work to what else usually comes of my position."

Faruja nods at the Judge's question, unslinging his usual spear. The Squires do the same, though their weapons are far more simple. As for the Priestess, she reaches into her robes to reveal a firearm. The indicated weapons are quickly replaced, however, before the little group can make too much of a stir.

"W...we had three on the way, Your...Your Honor." The young Squire answers. As for Faruja, Auron gets a smile, one ear perked towards the man and his grilling. Seems he's taken care of his own self!

Still, best to extend a hand. "Ahh, pardon, Honored Judge and Ser. Mayhap you are one Ser Auron, beholden to a certain Lady Priestess Yuna of Besaid?"

Cirra gets an apologetic bow.

Zargabaath has posed:
Nodding to the squires and Faruja, Zargabaath nods as he sees all of the weapons. However, to the stuttering squire, Zargabaath turns to him and chuckles. "I want you to try something to help yourself out. Before you speak, think about what you're going to say. Then speak a little slower. It may help you out in the long run."

However, then his attention is turned towards Cirra and Auron. "Excuse me for a moment." he says before hearing Faruja's comments, and he waves the squires over towards Faruja. He doesn't know anything of Besaid or Lady Priestess Yuna, but he's determined to hear what's going on.

Auron has posed:
Auron nods once, respectfully, to Cirra. And to the guards as well. "...Thank you." This too is aimed at both Cirra /and/ the guards. However, Faruja's inquiry gets his attention. Not because the Burmecian has /his/ name... but because he spoke Yuna's.

However, Auron is not a man who gives much information, especially when it's not needed. Especially not when he's not sure whether Bevelle has given up on that whole 'heretic' business they'd been talking on. Something seems strange about the title, too -- 'Lady Priestess'? What kind of title was that?

So instead, Auron replies to the question... with a question of his own. "...Do you know her?" he inquires, raising that brow again. He's not looking to keep anyone out of the conversation it seems. At least, not yet.

Cirra Constantine has posed:
Cirra simply stands aside to let Auron past. Zargabaath seems to want to speak to him. When Faruja bows in apology to her, Cirra tilts her head slightly. She's not completely sure how to respond, and just nods stiffly.

Faruja Senra has posed:
The Squire stiffens at being addressed, the poor kid at first being unable to speak. The female Squire looks amused more than anything. Gulp. After a moment, he nods. "Thank you...Your Honor." Comes the mostly un-stuttered words. It's a start.

Then, there's Auron. Faruja's tail slowly curls, the Burmecian wearing a warm smile as he moves to better sit within Auron's good side. "A passing acquaintance. I met the Lady shortly before her departure from this city to Traverse Town some time ago. Quite the interesting person, I must say, your charge. For a woman who at first seems so...soft, there lies steel most sharp and well tempered." The rat chuckles, shaking his head in amusement.

He coughs slightly, pausing for effect. "But more to the point, she made mention of a few things that are of theological interest to me. She is quite scarce, however, it seems and thus I must take what means lay before me. Perhaps you would be willing to enlighten a humble Knight upon a few points? At your leisure, purely. And as a lone traveler...and more importantly, something of a Knight if I've the look of you, I cannot help but see you to a decent set of accomodations for your stay. What say you, hmm, Ser Auron?"

The older Squire whispers to the rat again, and Faruja rubs one of his ears.

"My, my, my but the heat deprives me of my manners! Temple Knight Faruja Senra of the Most Holy Church of Saint Ajora Glabados, at your service!" A low, sweeping bow is given to the red-coated warrior, the Burmecian's snout nearly touching the ground as he does so.

Zargabaath has posed:
Zargabaath smiles beneath his helmet at the squire, and nods. His gazes falls upon Judge Constantine, but then turns towards Auron, while listening to Faruja. 'Ser' huh? So this man must be a knight as well, he thinks. He stands there quietly as Faruja introduces himself, however waiting until Auron introduces himself.

Auron has posed:
Oh, Auron will most definitely keep Faruja on his left side. As well as keep as many people that are here on that same side. He wants to make sure he can see as many people in this little group as possible. Trust? What's that? On a more serious note, he's not underestimating any of the people gathered here. Even if they do look a little, er, 'mousey'.

But as he listens to Faruja's description of Yuna, he nods. Yup, He's met Yuna all right. However, it's the mention of things Yuna said that 'are of theological interest' to the Burmecian that draws that brow to rise again. But he doesn't speak just yet. As for whether he'd 'enlighten' the Burmecian on a few things? "...Depends on what you want to know." Because there are things he won't speak of yet.

Oh but THEN! Then the introduction. A knight of a church? Oh, /this/ is rich. The irony brings a tiny, wry smirk to his face, hidden mostly by the collar he wears -- unless one is taller, mind. But seeing that smirk might not be necessary; the soft 'hmf' of amusement that follows as he closes that eye briefly is clear enough. However, he does return the bow, with one of his slow, respectful nods.

Notably, Auron hasn't admitted that he's a knight, and when he gave his name to the guards, he only offered his name. But neither has he denied it. And since he gave his name to the guards -- and because this 'Faruja' already spoke it -- he doesn't see the need to introduce himself again. He does look to Zargabaath, but since the Judge Magister hasn't spoken, neither does Auron.

Cirra Constantine has posed:
As the other begin to converse, Cirra looks to Zargabaath, "I'll retake my post, your honour." and turns, heading back up hte stairs to the battlements.

Zargabaath has posed:
Nodding to Judge Constantine, Zargabaath grants her leave to go without a word. Before he can introduce himself........a scream can be heard from inside of the city......and one guard from inside of the city flies past them, into the sand. He's not dead, but he's not getting back up. More guards rush in, but three more are thrown out to join the first. Zargabaath groans, but looks up to Judge Constantine. "Remain at your post!" He then begins to walk, not run, walk his way into the main part of the city.

There they find heartless attacking people, and the body of one person in the middle of all of this. "Guards.....evacuate the people here. We'll deal with them."

Faruja Senra has posed:
"Namely? The Lady mentioned certain spirits. Ones, on my own homeland at least, that were considered naught but the tales of fancy, dreamers, and those a touch too deep in their cups. She also made mention of some form of Pilgrimage that she was on, or an interrupted one at any rate. Certainly you can understand my interest, as a Knight of the Church." Smile. As Cirra makes her way back to her post, she gets a bow in passing.

Then, there's a scream from inside the City. Faruja turns to his companions even as he draws his weapon. The others do the same. A shared nod comes to the group. "Come! Squire Jenny, stay with the Lady Priestess, and tend to any wounded. M'Lady? Try to calm the citizenry if you please, and help the guards direct them. Soothe their souls, and their bodies. Squire Jake, we've work to do."

Two salutes and a nod later, and the group is off, splitting up as ordered. Faruja and the stutter squire are soon at the Judge Magister's heels. "Your city, Your Honor. We are at your service."

The Burmecian readies protective spells as they make their way to the chaos.

Auron has posed:
Auron sends a look to the departing Judge, nodding in farewell as she makes to retake her post. But then the scream draws Auron's attention up, and he frowns. Guards start flying then, and he looks up, to see the source of the problem. Whatever it is, it's in the main part of town. Zargabaath will probably note pretty quickly that he has someone else following him, at the same pace. And once the source of the issue is seen... his eye narrows.

That's right. With a Heartless threat in Rabanastre, the people receive the temporary use of the Lady Yuna's Guardian Auron. Limited time offer! And from the looks of it, it's an offer he needs to be taken up on!

As they near the site of battle, he readies no protective spells -- he has none, sadly. What he does do, however, is ready for battle. He draws his sword from the sheath on his back, shakes his left arm free of the coat, and slides his left foot forward.

To buy the others time while they cast their protective magics, Auron turns his attention to the Heartless. "YOU! Do not move!" he growls, channeling his energy into the shout. Hopefully it will surprise the Heartless enough that as he darts forward, his distracting attacks don't get countered viciously....

Zargabaath has posed:
Speaking in it's gutteral language, it completely ignores Auron's attack and raises it's arms into the air.....summoning even MORE heartless into the area. This could get very very ugly quickly....

Zargabaath has posed:
Even as more heartless pour into the area, Zargabaath tromps his way forward. "DOn't let them slow you down. We must fight towards the one summoning them!" He growls before slashing a few times at the heartless that summoned them, one of them a very nasty type of cut.

Faruja Senra has posed:
Auron's threat seems to fall on deaf ears, but at least it's gotten the creature's attention off of the Holy Knight as he casts. Unfortunately, it seems as though the beast has summoned friends. The stuttering Squire steps ahead as the small beasts make their appearance, sweeping his spear and stabbing at those who get too close. Faruja smiles despite the situation. He'll make a Knight out of this one yet!

With his Squire assisting the Judge Magister in cutting a path, Faruja focuses on the summoning Heartless. Gripping his spear, it glows white with Holy power as he incants. "Armor won't help the heart stay sharp! Shellburst Stab!" Thrusting the weapon at the beast, a purple crescent of energy falls from the sky, aiming to slam into the beast's chest.

The female Squire assists the guards and lesser Judges in ferrying the people away from the fighting. The Priestess calls out to the multitude, doing much the same, in a far more beseeching and soothing manner of prayer. The little mousey bookworm isn't above assisting, however, flicking her gun out from her robes. An aim, and BLAM! "Fear not the demon, for it cannot hope to touch the soul of the pious!"

Auron has posed:
Well, that didn't work. Somehow the Heartless managed to avoid his attack. No surprise; that happened a lot. Powerful as Auron was, he wasn't exactly what one would call overly accurate. A very speedy opponent is an almost impossible obstacle for him without assistance.

That in mind, he turns his attention on the Heartless that were summoned. If he can't hit the one that did the summoning, he can at least try to keep the numbers of summoned down some. And he has to respond to the priestess, too. "...They won't need their souls if they're dead. Right now, worry more about their lives."

Zargabaath has posed:
The Heartless are slashed, blasted and hammered by the gourp that is assaulting them. Only, the more they attack, the more heartless spawn from their former bodies. two becomes four, four become eight, and more. The leader wiggles his fingers a bit and all of them feel a lot heavier all of a sudden....before suddenly gravite seems to really really spike and pull them down!

Zargabaath has posed:
Zargabaath doesn't stop advancing upon the heartless. Even with the heavy gravity, his stomping only becomes a lot louder.....even leaving cracks in the cobblestone as gravity increases. His sword becomes heavier, but he still slashes at a heartless that comes close to him. another slash to a heartless that comes near, and still he advances. A third slash comes out, causing one of the heartless to bleed darkness out of it.....which it seems all of the heartless feel....

Faruja Senra has posed:
The Priestess doesn't respond, instead glaring at Auron. Faruja, however, does. "Hold thy tongue! Death comes to us all, only our souls are immortal!" A pause, and gravity proceeds to crush both Templar and Squire darn near to their knees, rather unhealthy sounds being made by their bodies.

"But the sentiment I can agree with. Fah, to the air Squire!"

The two Church warriors spring upwards despite the added force of gravity, not without some effort. Simply bypassing the the crowds of Heartless, one holy-infused spear and a simple weight-enhanced one has the pair crashing down upon the Heartless!

Hit or miss, they're both not foolish enough to get rounded upon, and leap back quickly away from the Heartless to assist their less agile friends.

Auron has posed:
Auron's response to Faruja's proclamation? "...Hmf." There's not really time to make a proper response. Because suddenly Auron's limbs feel very heavy. Augh, he knows that feeling. And in response, he turns his sword and plants it upon the ground... just as the spell begins to take hold. The added weight presses the tip of that blade against the cobblestones hard enough to crack them slightly under the blade.

But regardless Auron pushes through it, moving forward as well. So! It's going to use magic, is it? Well, he can try to fix that. He channels energy into his blade as he moves forward. And as he swings, a blue gleam slides down the blade. Contact with the Heartless -- this he's aiming at the boss Heartless, even if he has to /cut through the rest/ to get to it!

Zargabaath has posed:
Seeing the attack coming, The main heartless simply steps out of the way from Faruja and his squires. What DOES seem to have this heartless worried, are the advancing Zargabaath, despite gravity affecting him, as well as Auron, who are cutting up it's summoned allies like a hot knife through butter. However, it then begins to cackle.....and raises it's arm into the air....bringing unnatural cold into the area, as well as large ice shards.

Zargabaath has posed:
The shards of ice hit Zargabaath in the chest, and even dent his armor in a few spots. Still, Zargabaath continues to advance. His sword begins to glow as he gets withint a few feet from the magical heartless. Zargabaath raises his sword into the air and growls out at the heartless. "You shall not darken Rabanastre......ANYMORE!!"

His sword, with the Judge Magister's conviction flashes and shines with a bright white light as he raises high above his head.....just as the heartless begin to swarm upon the three of them. Then the light explodes out in a bright pulse of holy light, daring to destroy all of the heartless in one attack.

Faruja Senra has posed:
The lack of a response seems to satisfy Faruja, even if it's not for the reasons the rat's assuming. Though the pair missed with their strikes, both rat and Squire continue to fight despite the wounds already inflicted. Faruja seems more angry than anything, while the Squire is far more worse for wear. As spells come for him and his younger companion, the Templar quite simply knocks the boy behind him and thrusts his holy-charged spear.

"Absorb power in the sky and strike! Lightning Stab!" A blade of lighting forms in front of the Burmecian, blowing aside the spells tossed at him and piercing into the beast.

Zarg, however, isn't missed by Faruja. Those techniques, ones he's seen before and used, have him raising a brow. Could the Judge Magister be a Holy Knight as well?

Raising his spear, the rat mutters a prayer. Leaping into the air as Zarg calls down Holy fury, angel wings sprout from the rat's back formed of the very same element. Raising his spear, he quite simply chucks it at the creature, redoubling the explosion caused by the Judge Magister.

"In the name of the Heavenly Father, and his Divine Son Saint Ajora Glabados, be you cast back into the Pit from whence you came Demon!"

Auron has posed:
No sooner does he feel the cold than Auron steps back a bit, bringing his sword up to defend. The worst of the shards are deflected, but still others actually strike him. It hurts, and frost begins to form on his coat and his skin at the freezing strikes. Auron is further distracted by Zargabaath's holy strike -- ow, that kinda hurts his eyes.

This leaves him the last to act. And in addition, he doesn't use anything flashy, unlike the other two. He's no holy knight. His concern is just to get in there and knock this thing out, before it hurts anyone else.

Zargabaath has posed:
The Heartless are pretty much extinguished by the combined might of Auron, Faruja and Judge Magister Zargabaath. Despite all of the attacks, the lead heartless struggles to get up to it's knees after all of those attacks. It gets to it's knees and finds Zargabaath standing over it. It doesn't get a chance to react before Zargabaath plunges his sword into the Heartless' chest. "Vae Victus...." He the heartless fades to nothingness......

Faruja Senra has posed:
With one final sword-plunge, the damnable abomination is dead. Faruja takes a moment, crossing himself and praying. Then, he spies the initial victim in all of this, and rushes to the traveler's side after a glance to ensure the other three aren't about to keel over dead. "Squire! Bandages!" the Templar calls out to his subordinate as he begins casting, the Holy Dragoon Life and Curaga-ing the man into hopeful life. The Squire, breathing heavily, makes his way over and starts to tend to the man's lesser wounds.

"Are you both alright? I shall see to your wounds in a moment. Well fought, Sers."

Luckily, there's a White Mage in the house. Mousey Priestess and the older Squire are soon on scene, each aiding in the curing of the group at large.

Auron has posed:
Auron has some last words for the Heartless. Just as Zargabaath's blade pierces the thing for the final time, he grunts, "...Hmph. If you were as powerful as you were ugly, maybe you'd have been trouble." And when it seems to be well and truly over, Auron shifts to sheathe his sword again, and pull his left arm back to its tucked position in his coat.

Then he turns, to look at the others who had fought, and at any civilians that might have been caught in the attack. Faruja's comment brings his attention to the ratling, and he shakes his head. "...I'm fine. Tend to the injured townspeople," he notes, his voice gentle.

And sure enough, with that frost beginning to melt from him, he... doesn't look injured. No bruises, no scratches, no blood. Not even his coat is torn....

Zargabaath has posed:
Zargabaath looks over to Faruja and nods. With the cure spells tossed out, the man is up in no time, shaken, but otherwise fine. Turns out his only affront was catching his wife cheating on him with another man. Jealousy ensued and.....well...we all saw what happened.

Zargabaath sighs a bit as he looks to Auron. Finding him unscathed, he looks to Faruja. "How about you, templar? How do you fare?

Faruja Senra has posed:
Faruja can't help a brief, incredulous look as that ice melts away from Auron. Not a lick of damage. The Templar's seen one too many battlefields to know the likelyhood of such is near least back home. A twitch of his rat-nose, and an oddly muted smell hits him. Yet, still human. Single eye narrowing briefly, he returns his attention back to reviving the poor civilian.

"Curious." he mutters as he goes about his work.

And soon enough, the man's up! Faruja bows to the poor guy. "Lord bless you."

"A bit worse for wear, Your Honor, but nothing the Lady Priestess and I cannot repair." They start first in on Zargabaath, followed by the Squire and finally the Templar himself. At the end of it, they're all in one piece, though the Squire looks dreadfully tired.

Auron has posed:
Auron is probably not from the home that Faruja knew. He does seem relatively all right, and he'll look over the others to make sure they are at least well enough to be standing. As he doesn't appear to be needed just yet, Auron will stand to the side, so that the other two can talk. They appear to, if not know each other, have at least some kind of understanding that he doesn't share. In the meantime, he will begin to assist the townspeople with cleanup. There's probably some damage from such a sudden attack.

Zargabaath has posed:
Eventually, things calm down and most of the townspeople thank Auron and Faruja. Some glares at Zargabaath, but grudgingly thank him for defending them when they needed it most. Some people inquire as to what they were. Others, such as the man who collapsed, pass it up as a bad dream.

Zargabaath, after he's patched up, walks his way over towards Faruja. "Thank you for your assistance, Templar." he then looks to Auron. "You as well, Auron."

Faruja Senra has posed:
"'Tis a Templar's duty to protect the innocent Faithful." Faruja deflects, before bowing to the two men. "If you both will excuse us, we should report this matter. Good day, Sers." The Church party is off, forming up as they make their way to their lodgings.

Auron has posed:
Even as Faruja and his party depart for parts unknown in the city, when he's addressed by Zargabaath, Auron is suddenly... no longer there. there's nothing left behind to indicate where he might have gone, no indication that he walked away. No footprints on the sand-strewn cobblestones, nothing.

For not being all that speedy, he sure makes a halfway decent impression of a ninja, doesn't he?

Zargabaath has posed:
Zargabaath observes the guards as they clean up the destruction of the heartless. However, Zargabaath has made a mental note on how Heartless can suddenly enter someplace.