The Limits Of Hospitality

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The Limits Of Hospitality
Date of Scene: 29 April 2013
Location: The Ame-no-Torifune
Synopsis: Sydney Losstarot arrives on the Ame-no-Torifune. After an exchange of words, he finds himself being helped off.
Cast of Characters: Souji Murasame, Sydney Losstarot, Minette Odam

Souji Murasame has posed:
The Ame-no-Torifune sails through the sky, The Ship of Heaven carrying the Murasame Zaibatsu through the skies towards their next destination. The ship is made of an unusual black metal lined with neon blue light, the horseshoe shape studded with crackling spires that attract and reabsorb the lightning from the thunderstorm that the ship rides upon. The craft sails along with an alien grace, Souji himself stands upon the deck, watching the ground below pass as the ship rides along the skies towards their next destination. In what seems to be becoming a tradition, he stands there, deep in thought, while holding a chilled glass of wine. He does, after all, need to learn the vintages of the World of Ruin. Wine knowledge is useful when dealing with nobility. They take pleasure in such inanities.
Minette Odam has posed:
"Mr. Murasaaaaameeeeee!" Minette calls as she comes up the gangway onto the deck. Her steps are cautious, as if she expected the airship to fall out from underneath her feet at any moment (she does and it very well just might, at that). The Ame-no-Torifune is unnatural to her; it doesn't rock and sway under her feet like a ship ought to. In traditional Levitani fashion, she has elected to not wear shoes when about on deck, even though this is an airship and there's no damn good reason to do that. Some cultural artifacts don't die easy.

"I have the budget figures for your approval." She waves a stack of papers in one hand; the other is holding a mug. She sips (read: slurps) from it loudly. "Also I have cocoa. Wanna sip?" She offers up the mug congenially.
Sydney Losstarot has posed:
A corridor of darkness rises into existence at the bow of the ship, ethereal tendrils of darkness writhing about slowly around it. Run of the mill corridor, one we've all seen a million times before, no point in explaining it. At first, a small, plated foot steps forth from the portal, clanking against the ground as it finds solid footing against the deck. Soon, Sydneys entire figure has walked through from the portal...though something about him seems off, this time. In his hands, are two ice-cream cones, a treat he'd picked up in some hopes of achieving diplomacy without reading anyones mind today. Holding his hands up in a 'at ease' gesture, he looks about, his harsh gaze falling on Souji.

"Before you take up arms, Sir Murasame, I'm not here to play games, nor am I here for a fight. I'm here to for civil discussion, and I'm sure its in your best interest to hear me out. cream?" He asks, holding a vanilla cone forwards for Souji.
Souji Murasame has posed:
Souji's reverie is interrupted by the needs of business. It's not so much an interruption as a necessary pause: Business does not rest. Souji rarely does himself. Some people on the ship claim that he does not sleep. He does not respond to such accusations.

He looks over to Minette as she approaches, and looks down at the cocoa. "No." He says, shortly. He does, however take the papers with his other hand. He lofts the wineglass into the air, cushioning it on the wind itself in a simple application of magic, as he reaches into his suit...

And then Sydney arrives. Souji looks over, his expression not one of pleasure. The last time someone arrived upon his craft in such a manner, it...was not the best experience. His hand, however, moves away from the hilt of the Murasame Blade as Sydney appears. His gaze moves towards the ice cream cones, and he blinks for a moment at the offer. "... No. If Odam wishes it, however, she may." Souji flicks the papers in his hand and pulls out the pen in his suit, fanning through the papers and beginning to read through the numbers quickly. Faint images appear on his glesses as he does so, shifting rapidly as he moves between page to page, making marks every so often. "So to what do I owe the pleasure of your visit?" Souji asks the man. He may as well be polite. "Welcome to the Ame-no-Torifune."
Minette Odam has posed:
Minette shrugs. "Your loss. It has haaazelnu--WOAH!" Minette starts when Syndey suddenly appears. A little bit of cocoa sloshes over the side of her cup. A sad loss. Her hand falls to her side, where her yo-yo is holstered. But... Souji seems okay with the man's presence and hasn't ordered her to remove him from the ship, so Minette lowers her hand.

She frowns at the ice cream. It could be evil ice cream. Her brows narrow in concentration, as if she'd be able to divine something other then the flavor by staring at it, /really/ hard.
Sydney Losstarot has posed:
Sydney raises a brow, taking a second to look about his ship. "Hmph. An airship. Impressive, indeed." He says, completely disregarding the pair for a second to look over the edge/lick his ice cream (Which is rather comical looking, since he refuses to take off the grumpy-face while he's doing it.) After a second or two, he returns, looking a little underwhelmed. "...Not quite what I'd imagined as a child." He mutters under his breath.

"Now, on to business." He says, taking a deep breath as his piercing eyes survey the two. Mainly Souji, the sidekick is ignored for the most part. "The Dark Knight." He says with a sigh. "In the aftermath of the battle, you seemed rather...defensive of that /thing/. It gives me reason to believe you know something I don't." He says with a foul smile. "But not knowing can be a good thing, you see. Had I assumed I had all the information, I would not have considered your words...and I must say-" Sydney says, taking a moment to clap his hands together. "You were right. A master with no wolf can find another with ease. But a beaten wolf with no leash will quickly turn. I cannot claim to believe that the Knights soul is saveable...if he even /has/ one at this point. But if you know anything that would assist me, I would gladly hear it." He says, stifling his condescending-ness for the sake of diplomacy.

"...Go on, child. I would not make so foolish of a mistake as to give you tainted food on your employers ship. It would be tantamount to suicide." He says with a frown. He takes a moment to take a quick bite (Yes, bite.) out of his cone, remarking. "Besides, even the gods na'er partake in extravagance as delightful as this. T'would be cruelty not to share."
Souji Murasame has posed:
Souji arches his eyebrow, as if he's undecided what he wants to do with this man who's appeard on his ship. He's still not looked back at Sydney yet, attending to the budget sheets that Minette has provided him. "Most things rarely are." Souji replies with a businesslike neutrality.

When Sydney gets down to business, Souji finally pauses in his work, looking up at the man. "My point was that whatever was done to the man can be done to another." Souji says, gesturing. "Dealing with the puppetmaster may allow the Dark Knight's position and demeanor to be turned to more... useful options. You've seen the man's power for yourself, It took a small army to stop him. I would certainly consider co-opting the man for my own needs if it was possible." He shakes his head. "You are far too quick to discard potential assets. Without this control he may be more... reasonable."

Souji shrugs at the extolled virtues of ice cream. "We all have our preferences." Souji simply says in response.
Minette Odam has posed:
Minette is no sidekick, sirrah. To be a sidekick implies that one is the respectful lesser of a greater mentor. Minette is no such thing. She is a minion normally and a lackey on a good day. "Hey! I'm not a child!" Minette declares in a tone of voice that suggests the opposite. She sticks out her tongue to drive the point home. In truth, she's a month older then Souji. This is the difference behavior, composure, and several million dollars worth of breeding make.
Sydney Losstarot has posed:
Sydney grins, shaking his head. "Ah...a merchant through and through, I see. I can't say I'm even the slightest bit surprised. A man who would consume the world is naught but a puppet to the greed of merchants. 'Tis a shame they're a necessity to leech power from the monarchies." He says, giving what may be the most backhanded complement ever made. "Hmph. Allowing you to make such a choice without telling you the truth would be ruinous..." He mutters under his breath.

"Perhaps I should simply show you..." Sydney raises a palm towards Souji, smirking. "Prepare yourself, merchant. The mind is a sickly place."

Setting: Inside Sydneys head. More specifically, his memory of Leons mind. There's nothing but darkness. Empty, pervasive darkness. The feeling of dread that comes with fear hangs heavy over the place, and it feels as though some unseen force is giving everything it can to consume you. The scene fades away, any sign of it ever existing being gone. Minette will have been unable to see anything, as sidekicks aren't invited.

"Tell me, merchant. Would you still seek to control it, knowing full and well what it seeks to do? Whatever force compels the hand of that beast is not allowing it to run freely. It is leashed, preventing /further/ destruction."
Souji Murasame has posed:
Souji folds the budget papers neatly and places them in his suit. He'll have to deal with this later. The wineglass floats back into his hand, having been suspended all this time, and he shakes his head. "Are you attempting to insult me, sir? I am providing the world a solution to their poverty and their pastoral lives. I am giving people the ability to choose their fate. Is it so wrong that I profit as well?"

Souji shrugs. "Regardless..." He waits, experiencing the darkness that Sydney chooses to show them. He is left looking contemplative once again, watching the thunderous clouds beyond Sydney. "What makes you think I would allow it to run freely, sir? Do you think me a fool?" Souji sighs. "The Darkness destroyed our world. Its power is self-evident. But properly channeled, given discipline and wisdon, it can be used to one's benefit without creating... undue harm. Destruction is a fact of life. Everything dies eventually and we will all go through a cycle of creation and destruction. There is no exception."
Minette Odam has posed:
A lot of things transpire that go over Minette's head. She glances back and forth between Sydney and Souji as the dreamscape passes between them, her braids swishing back and forth and back and forth. She waves a hand in front of Souji's face; nothing. Minette frowns. She's getting ready to draw her yo-yo and go to town when Souji starts laying the smack down verbally.

"Yeah." Minette says, nodding enthusiastically. "And besides which, he won't make any mistakes. He's too awesome for that."
Sydney Losstarot has posed:
Sydney laughs harshly, shaking his head. "Hm. Awesome. Yes, he seems to be the sum of awe, no? Like a star, going supernova." Sydney remarks, mocking the probable-secretary and her choice of words. "Hmph. So it appears you've already begun digging the whole you will be forced into one day, whether it be by the hand of the people, or by the hand of Ramuh when that blade you hold so dear departs for...proper ownership. Those who desire the darkness will never be able to control it." He says with a smile. ...Just how on earth would Sydney have known something like that? "When this empire you've built comes crumbling down, your lament will be two-fold. A thought I won't allow to trouble myself any longer. Good day, Murasame." He says, evident scorn in his tone as he turns back to the still-active portal.
Minette Odam has posed:
Minette replies, "Ooooooooooh, you are /so/ gonna get it now." She takes one long step away from Sydney.
Souji Murasame has posed:
Souji's expression is calm while Sydney says his piece. Sydney turns towards the portal...

And an explosion of lightning sears downwards, wreathing the portal as Souji steps forward. His expression is grim and his tone cold as ice. "I have given you welcome upon my ship, mystic, and that bears certain rights. And you have taken those rights and proceeded to insult me, my company, and my employees with your canted tongue and your self-important ways." His eyes narrow. "Answer me these questions, mystic." Souji says.

"First, who are you to make such judgements? You have given no name, have no status in this world, have shown no respect or evidence of learning or contribution that would give me /any/ reason to heed you. You have done nothing but make unfounded, ill-thought assumptions about the nature of my goals, my Family, my employees, and my possessions since you arrived. And second..."

"I would like to know if you are willing to recant your insults, else I have you removed from this ship. Hospitality or no, the guest bears the burden of their choices. It is only through my patience and generosity that I have tolerated you so far." One hand moves significantly towards the blade at his side, thumb resting upon the hilt of the Murasame Blade.
Minette Odam has posed:
Minette's yo-yo is in hand and she works it as one would expect it to be used. The dials move down, the dials move up. Down, up. Down, up. But in Minette's mind, it's more like 'negative one, plus one. Negative one, plus one'. An equation with a yo-yo always totals to 'zero'. This is the key to her ability. She puffs up and tries to appear threatening.

This is hard to do with a yo-yo; no one's ever seen fit to inform her.
Sydney Losstarot has posed:
Sydney cranes his neck over his shoulder, a foul, unsettling smile across his face. "How naive. You threaten to remove one in the process of leaving from your ship. Tell me, where would the sense be in that?"


"You seem to be forgetting, Souji. Your mind holds /no/ secrets from me. Neither does yours, Minette. To call the very depths of your soul would be childish at best." Insert Villanous scoff here. "Now, I was just leaving. But if you'd really like to play guard dog for your ego..."


Sydney brandishes his claws menacingly, creating a small flurry of sparks as he drags them across his palm. "I would be happy to oblige."
Souji Murasame has posed:
"You were leaving, but your words demanded a response."

Souji looks at Sydney with the same kind of expression that one might have if they smelled something foul. "Do not call up what you cannot put down, mystic. I have tolerated your inanity enough. You will not be given the pleasure of leaving in the manner of your choosing." Souji says, icily... And then he removes his hand from his sword. "You're not worth sullying my blade."

He turns away. "Odam. Eject him."
Minette Odam has posed:
Minus one, plus one. Minus one, plus one. Souji gives the order to attack. Minus one, plus one instantly becomes minus three, plus seventeen, divide by three, drop the fraction, multiply by two. In the physical world, this translates to Minette's mythril yo-yo shooting downwards and striking the deck hard enough to rebound up into the air. A flick of the calculator's wrist makes the string snap upwards and creates an aerial arc. She tugs backwards to maintain proper distance, and the yo-yo suddenly careens around, ricocheting off of the guard-rail to fly at the back of Syndey's head.

"I can't back down after I've been challenged! My honor as an accountant demands it!" Minette retracts her yo-yo, twirling it above her head like a meteor hammer. It makes one wonder why she doesn't just use one of those. "Did you honestly think you could just walk in here and..." Minette's attention is drawn down to her mug, still in her left hand. She glances towards Souji, sheepishly. "Sir, could I maybe possibly trouble you to hold this for just a hot minute, pretty please?"
Sydney Losstarot has posed:
Sydney lurches forward a bit, akin to how one reacts to a sudden-but-not-quite-painful attack. "Ow." He says monotonously, before grinning. "What a foolish, childish, idiotic weapon. Bravo." He says, giving the same unsettling smile he often forgets. "...Perhaps you are even a greater fool than I thought, Murasame.


There's a quick flash of blue, and suddenly Sydney is standing a few feet away, waggling a finger mockingly. "If I do not like the game you are playing, then I can simply take my ball and go home at any moment." He says, a cynical condescension to his voice. "Though, you granted me the honour of single combat. It would be /so/ rude of me not to see it through." He says, raising a hand above his head. A quick burst of buffing energy envelops him, causing him to develop a multicolored aura around his skin for a few seconds.
Souji Murasame has posed:
Souji nods to Minette, and takes the mug of hot cocoa from her. He stands there, steaming mug in hand, with an intent expression on his face.

Something looks... a little off with this. "When faced with a dog, why sully your foot? Use the proper tool for the job." Souji replies. "You /will/ be leaving. The discrepancy is in the manner that you believe you will be departing from my ship."
Minette Odam has posed:
"Ha!" Minette boasts, perhaps overly prideful of her early 'lead' by taking the initiative. "The yo-yo is a mathematically perfect weapon! A sword is simply a linear expression with two end-points... only the rapier is worth considering! But a yo-yo is a constant calculation in motion... a calculation that will always balance! People that don't appreciate the beauty of numbers couldn't possibly understand their value."

The disk comes back to Minette's palm. She puts a little 'English' on this throw and as the weapon starts careening off of surfaces to come at Sydney from unexpected angles, it starts to glow with a silvery light; she calculated a spell into that throw. More specifically, a dis-spell.
Sydney Losstarot has posed:

Sydneys jaw turns upwards as the Yo-Yo strikes him in the cheek, causing his lip to begin to bleed. "It would be rude of me to underestimate such a weapon after being struck with it." He says coldly, wiping away the blood.

"But enough talk, have at you!"

Sydney raises his palm above his head, a ball of dark magic beginning to condense in the air above him. Text begins to scroll by in an ancient Kiltian tongue, growing larger and larger by the second as it leeches energy to strike. There's an inhuman VWOOOM noise as it seperates itself from the ball, slithering through the air like a snake towards Minette.
Souji Murasame has posed:
Souji continues to stand there, one hand holding the steaming mug, the other casually propping up the arm as he watches the exchange. He looks almost bored. Every so often, he takes an absent sip from the mug. "Why stop being rude now? You've been doing so well so far." There's only a little sarcasm.
Minette Odam has posed:
Minette starts calculating the moment that Sydney starts casting his spell. Magical is tricky; it's harder to calculate things that don't obey Newtonian physics. Makes things a mite tricky, that. As the blast of darkness starts to snake through the air, Minette recalls her weapon, her eyes rapidly scanning around the deck of the airship.

She can see, as if it were a physical thing, the angle of ricochet off of the railing. She rejects that; too steep an angle. The rigging overhead proves to be similarly unfitting because too many bounces leading up to the needed angle resulting in insufficient power. Thus Minette throws at the deck, the floor providing the proper angle to impact into the snaking bolt of darkness and deflect it up into the air, where it explodes harmlessly.

"People always underestimate me because they think I haven't got any sense! And it's a good thing I haven't because then I'd know to be afr--wait." Minette pauses, thinking upon this for a moment. Then, with a shrug, she hurls her yo-yo forwards, sending a number of potential hits flying in Sydney's direction.
Sydney Losstarot has posed:
Sydney laughs, shaking his head. "One would not think twice if on murdered a murderer, so why grant a sociopath desiring to control that which he must never have the pleasure of social tact? T'would be wasted, Murasame." He responds immediately after casting his spell. Back to the battle, though!


The Yo-Yo blasts Sydney right in the stomach, leaving him coughing for air for a few moments as he slides back a step or two. Quickly rising to his feet, Sydney simply shakes his head. "Your skills with that toy are commendable, Minette." He says, taking a moment to waggle his finger mockingly. The Blood-Sin begins to flare violently with dark magic, acting on a mixture of supressing the pain of his current wounds, and enabling what he's about to do. "But I'm afraid I've wasted enough time as is. Why hunt an animal intent on ending its own life? The Dark Knight is no toy." He says with a sneer, before disappearing in a quick flash of blue. Told ya he'd leave on his own terms.

Minette Odam has posed:
"It isn't a toy! It's a weapon!" Minette exclaims, snapping the yo-yo back towards her and letting it bounce around several times. It leaves dents in what it hits. Most yo-yos are toys. This one is a deadly weapon. "It's a weapon that's KICKING YOUR BUTT!" Minette shrieks at the top of her lungs. There is going to be absolutely no living with her for the next week. "I'll let you go, /this time/, but next time I might not be so merciful, nyo ho ho ho ho!"

Minette twirls her weapon around, then starts hopping up and down in the air. Arms up, arms down. Arms up, arms down. Plus one, minus one. "Ha ha! I did it! Yippie-skippy!"
Souji Murasame has posed:
Souji does not dignify Sydney's sore losing with a response.

Instead, he walks over to Minette and hands her the mug. "Adequate." He says.

The mug is empty.

He pulls out the papers, and hands them over as well. "Make the required adjustments for the adventurer budget. We're going to need it for our Mythril Mine operations. Other than that, you're set."
Minette Odam has posed:
"Yeah!" Minette lifts the mug to her lips, throws her head back. And then stares up at the bottom of the mug, head still tilted back. Confusion washes across her face.