Power Play: Extraction

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Power Play: Extraction
Date of Cutscene: 25 January 2014
Location: Purgos
Synopsis: The ruler of Purgos' underworld contemplates the immediate future.
Cast of Characters: JAVA
Tinyplot: Power Play

Purgos was a hellhole. That’s never changed, and it never will. Even in a system full of clean lines and neon lights, this happens. Gunk. Inefficiency. Dirt.


The Program rolled the word around in his head, spending a few klicks on it as he drank a refreshing glass of energy. Corruption. Unintended conseqences. Moving /outside/ of the design of this place. Nothing wrong with a little corruption… But this place...

He turned, walking to one of the windows and looking out onto the street. Watching the Programs pass by, performing their functions and attending to their needs. What was this place /designed/ for? It has been ages since there were any patches to the system, and it showed. Holes everywhere. The buildings looked dimmer, some even decrepit.

He hated this place. Even the energy tasted bad. He took an irrational moment to consider going through a cleanup routine, but dismissed it as being a reaction to this city. This scuzzy city.

And then there was the current ‘energy crisis’. The Program looked at the glass in his hand, glowing with that essential liquid. Energy was everything in the Grid. Everyone and everything needed it. But some needed it more than others.

And he needed a lot of it. Thankfully, he was in a position to take advantage of it. Under that low-res Tessler’s nose, he’s been working. His predecessor left him a good infrastructure, and he’s expanded it. All he needed was an opportunity.

And now that infrastructure is going to take him to the next level, take him out of this place, knock over Tessler and give him the resource he needs to make a mark. To move to a better place, where he can become rich and powerful. Not like here, where no one gives a byte.

All that energy is going to a good cause. His cause. A little trade gave him what he needed.

Purgos was a hell hole. That’s never changed, and it never will.

And that’s why he’s going to leave…

Even if Purgos has to burn for it.