Shopping in Manhattan

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Shopping in Manhattan
Date of Scene: 17 November 2012
Location: Northern Manhattan
Synopsis: A shopping trip for clothes among friends after checking out the new bar's place.
Cast of Characters: Deidra, Tifa Lockhart, Avira, Rhyme, Aerith

Tifa Lockhart has posed:
Tifa Lockhart is still in Manhattan, after last night's meeting with Xanatos, she decided to check on the building that might become a new Seventh Heaven, so she's been checking on things, and even spent the night there. Nothing more than a pillow and a blanket in one of the second floor rooms mind you, but she gets the feeling of the place.

There was Gargoyles on the roof yesterday too, but they didn't seem to be aggressive, so it wasn't really a problem for her either. She got up early, in the main room near the entrance, a cup of coffee from a nearby store in hand as stands there, pondering and picturing how things could be later, once the furnishing and decorations are done.
Aerith has posed:
And then Aerith enters the front door, her usual pink and red clinging to her frame, metal staff in her hands and a sparkle in her green eyes. She'd left her hair down, since the florist couldn't be bothered to braid it again. "Good morning, sleepyhead!" She took a sniff, her features turning down a bit. "Coffee? Seriously?"
Avira has posed:
It was TIME. Avira's actually here to take care of some business with the Twilight Detective Agency. There was something of hers being held in their office and she needed to retrieve it soon. That huge statue was taking up loads of space after all. Mercade would be happy to see it leave.

Naturally, this means she's out side, on her way to the offices which are in the same general vicinity. Xanatos was footing the bill for Mercade's real office these days.
Tifa Lockhart has posed:
Tifa Lockhart waves a hand, giggling a bit at the reaction "I just felt like it, its actually pretty good. There's a Xangbucks nearby. I think they have tea too, but its not like we won't have our own if we open up here. It's just.. bare right now, isn't it?" she takes a along look around the place again.

The door was left open behind Aerith, so there'd be the chance to see the two girls inside the empty building. Well it was empty until recently at least, that might catch attention as well. She looks back to Aerith "What do you think?"
Aerith has posed:
Aerith stepped further in, took a good look around. "Lotsa space... I see a stairwell, so we could have rooms up there, let this double as an inn... And it looks to be in good condition, so we won't have to spend extra to fix the place up." She beamed. "Just about perfect! And I love the location, too. Much less... nasty than Midgar."
Avira has posed:
Strolling down the sidewalk, Avira takes notice of a building she's pretty sure was vaccant the last time she came by. Since the door's been left open, she curiously peeks in as she passes and finds herself surprised. Aerith and Tifa were both famiilar faces, though Tifa slightly more so as they've fought against foes together a few times. Not only that, Avira has hit up the Seventh Heaven before in the past.

"Uh, hey." Avira peeks her head in through the door. "What brings you both so far out here? This is quite a trip from Goug."
Tifa Lockhart has posed:
Tifa Lockhart nods, smiling "Of course, renovations are underway for the rest. It needs a fresh coat of paint when I've picked the color, furniture, and of course the drinks, but Xanatos chose well, he's got a good eye for the kind of business he wants to open up."

She nods at the mention of Midgar. "Well, did I tell you about the reasons I opened up the bar in Midgar of all places?" She doesn't remember, she was careful about talking about her personal reasons after all, but Aerith prove to be a very dependable friend for her up to now, she could tell her.

But then Avira interrupts her. Well, that kind of talk can wait. She waves to Avira, holding the coffee in the other hand "Hi Avira. Well, you could say we'er here on business. Xanatos gave me a business proposition..."
Aerith has posed:
"...And she accepted, gratefully." Aerith walked over to Avira, put a hand on her right shoulder, and squeezed just enough to be amicable. "She's expanding the Seventh Heaven, and apparently he wants to help." Aerith let go and took a few steps back. "But there was another reason... thanks to what you told me, he's getting ready for Baron's attack... whenever it happens."
Avira has posed:
Only after Avira speaks does she realize she interrupted what was likely a private conversation between Tifa and Aerith. For a few seconds, she looks rather apologetic but the curiosity returns. Especially when Tifa mentions Xanatos. "He did? Wow! That's very fortunate. With his backing, you'll certainly go far!" She's a smart girl, she can put two and two together and figure out that part of the deal must've been this vacant building.

Aerith approaches her and reaches out to grasp her shoulder. Avira's actually a little startled by this, being someone who isn't used to much physical contact from other people. "What a relief! I've been keeping an eye on this much as I could. I have noticed that the Archadian judges have been out and about a bit more." Though Aerith would know that as well because she was there the day Avira ran into Zarg. "But I see no signs that they've allied with Baron."
Tifa Lockhart has posed:
Tifa Lockhart smiles and nods "Well, its hard to refuse such an offer, I'm just wondering how I'mm be able to be in 3 or 4 bars at the same time now." She grins at that, putting her coffe cup aside. "He offered renovations in the Goug's heaven, and making all of them into bars and inns.
Aerith has posed:
Aerith nodded. "If you don't see the signs, it means that I've successfully talked Zarg out of getting cozy with anyone that controls the Heartless. He doesn't like them any more than we do, and he's definitely one that looks like he wants to see the right thing done." She turned toward Tifa. "So how long have you been here, all night?"
Avira has posed:
"I could imagine!" Avira exclaims brightly. "Wait, he's asking for three or four new bars? Goodness, you'll become a franchise. You clearly will need to hire some additional managers for the bars you can't be, least I think you'll need to." She does another apologetic smile, "I'm sorry, I'm getting ahead of myself. I'm not exactly a businesswoman myself...not really..."

Clans were different...weren't they?

"That would be quite a relief." she turns to Aerith, looking thankful "It's funny, not long after the world broke I heard rumors that Archadia was using Heartless themselves. Though it's some consolation that those rumors appear to be wrong."
Tifa Lockhart has posed:
Tifa Lockhart nods "I slept here, getting the feel of the place. There are rooms on the second floor, I slept there. Not that comformtable without a bed, but compared to the backroom in Goug, its not that terrible either." She shakes her head "Yeah, I'll definitely need some help. I can't be in that many places, but I guess that means I'll technically have a house in many towns. That will be weird for a while I think."
Aerith has posed:
Aerith grimaced. All night? On a cold, hard, unforgiving floor? No. "Come on, let's go." She turned an about-face toward the doors and headed toward Avira. "You too. We're going out and about." This wouldn't do at all. Tifa needed a break.
Avira has posed:
Avira's about to make a comment about sleeping in trees, but she decies against it. "All paid for by Xanatos too I assume. A very nice deal if you ask me." Shrugging, she starts to head for the door, ready to leave the pair to their previous conversation.

Except Aerith demands that she come with them. "Me too?" she says before shrugging again, "Well, alrighty."
Tifa Lockhart has posed:
Tifa Lockhart blinks a bit "I slept with a pillow and a blanket, come on now." She says as she's getting pushed toward the door now. Well, almost. She follows Aerith out, locking the place up behind her. Not that there's anything to steal, but wouldn't want hooligans to just make home in there either while she's out.
Aerith has posed:
Aerith rolls her eyes. "I wasn't asking how you'd slept or what with." She'd made up her mind, and now she was going to follow through. They had to do something about their outfits anyway, and with the suit she'd bought, Aerith had a few ideas. But first, she had to take care of her friends. She made an attempt to flag down a cab as she spoke. "Are those clothes the only ones you have, Tifa? I mean, besides that dress, which was really cute."
Tifa Lockhart has posed:
Tifa Lockhart smiles "Well, its mostly what I'm wearing, because its practical for fighting. But I could use a refresher, something new as well. Too bad Shiki isn't around, she's a clothes designer, she'd help out pick stuff with us."
Aerith has posed:
Aerith glanced at the barmaid. "You know a clothes designer?" She grinned. "Why did you not tell me this earlier? We could have brought her along!" She stopped flagging down a vehicle and turned toward Tifa. "What's her name?"
Tifa Lockhart has posed:
Tifa Lockhart giggles "Shiki Misaki, we're good friends, we met shortly after we both appeared int his place. She helped me find Goug here, and we fought together a few times too. She's a cute young girl but she knows about fashion.
Aerith has posed:
Aerith giggled and held Tifa by her shoulders. "I really need to get used to this whole world-mash thing. There's so many new people!" She turned back to her work, and finally got a taxi to pull up. "You're going to tell me everything you know about her while we head to the mall."
Tifa Lockhart has posed:
Tifa Lockhart grins and nods "Alright alright." Aerith can be rather pushy when she wants to, but she's good at it too, not like she's really being pressured either.
Avira has posed:
Avira's a little bewildered herself actually. The last time anyone has been like 'hey, let's head to the mall, come let's go right now!' at her was...well, at least a decade. Or maybe never.

"Wait, which 'she'?" Avira asks as she squeezes in after Tifa and Aerith.
Aerith has posed:
Aerith turned toward Avira. "Her name's Shiki. Apparently Tifa knows her, and she's a fashion designer." She faced forward and informed the driver to head for the mall. "If I'd have known that earlier, I'd have brought her with us. It'd be appreciated to have some insight."
Tifa Lockhart has posed:
Tifa Lockhart smiles "We said that we'd go shop together eventually, but you just emped her." She slides into the taxi after Aerith "I've never been to the mall here, but I checked the shops around here for drinks."
Aerith has posed:
Aerith pouted. "Well, we'll have to bring her with us next time. For now, we just need to get you into something that doesn't shout that you work at a bar. All day. Forever." She chuckled as the drive continue. "How about you, Avira? Anything you wanna get while we're there?"
Avira has posed:
"...ohhhh, I know her. Sort of. More like seen her a few times before." Avira at least knows enough about her to know that she's a Player but she doesn't bring this up at all. "Uhh, me? I dunno, I guess I could always use another outfit for when I come visiting here. Dalamascan clothing gets a lot of...uh...looks in Manhattan."
Tifa Lockhart has posed:
Tifa Lockhart nods to Avira "Yeah I know what you mean about that. I get looks as well, but I'm used to it." She is a barmaid after all, being eye candy is part of it, it sells the drinks. Although anyone that knows her well enough know that its just a front. "I like that cocktail dress, but it doesn'y really fit a barmaid, or a fighter."
Avira has posed:
"I think our looks are probably different." Avira assumes since, yes, Tifa really has the attractive barmaid thing down pretty well. Avira could pull of 'kind of cute', on the other hand, and probably shouldn't be tending any bars anytime soon. "Dresses are pretty impractical for fighting, I agree. ...or even walking sometimes."
Aerith has posed:
Aerith didn't bother giving her a once-over, she'd seen her once already. "Well, this is why I would have liked someone with a bit more insight here. I know a little, but not much... So I'll just stick with certain kinds of jeans, pants, shoes, things like that. I wouldn't know about you guys, though. Tifa though..." She glanced at Tifa, checked her eyes and hair. "Let's get you something bright and sunny, light colors I think. How's that sound?"
Tifa Lockhart has posed:
Tifa Lockhart smiles at Aerith "Sunny and colorful like your flowers huh? By the way, we'll want more of those if we open up more bars huh?" she grins "Maybe you should set up a small shop in this town too, outside of Central Park there doesn't seem to be that many. Its a bit like Midgar, without the giant pizza plate.
Aerith has posed:
Aerith chuckled. "A lot more sun, a bit less coaxing from me. I mean, making flowers grow in a place where they usually can't? that's not easy." She sighed. "In fact, it's downright draining." She glanced over at Avira. "Before I ask, there anything in particular you like wearing?"
Avira has posed:
"Preferably something I can run in." Avira says, sounding a little embarassed. "Should I need to. I really haven't thought too hard about this stuff since I started..." she hesitates, "Uh...adventuring." The woman looks contemplative for a few moments before adding, "Well, I am fond of jackets and vests. Having really had the chance for them lately, though."
Tifa Lockhart has posed:
Tifa Lockhart smiles, and slides out of the taxi as they arrive to the mall "Should be able to find lots of nice clothes in there at least." She looks around, waving to the other girls to follow.
Aerith has posed:
Aerith took a better look at Avira... and nodded. "I figure just a few pairs of jeans for you too, maybe some better shorts that are better-fitting. I'll let you pick your own stuff, but we have to get you something light for a shirt. I figure... that would be good enough, right?"
Avira has posed:
"Hah, works for me." Avira laughs a little, "Er, wait, better fitting?" Now she looks really embarassed, "Yeah, that'd be good enough. I am a little familiar with clothing here so shopping around shouldn't be so hard for me at least." She grins, "You two should have a lot of fun though. Try out a bunch of different styles."
Aerith has posed:
Aerith chuckled. "Those are a bit too close of a fit. Gotta be a bit uncomfortable." She looked toward Tifa. "Okay, we got a basic guideline. Let's get it going!" With that, she headed in, hopefully with the others in tow, and immediately began scanning the racks for something she liked.
Rhyme has posed:
Across the way, is the Rhyme Mecca of the mall. There is a punk store, and not one of those stupid Hot Topics either, those are where the emos and the children play. No. There is a hardcore Ten Thousand Belts and Spikes and Skulls store, right next to...

The food court. This mall is the best oh my gosh but it still sucks compared to Shibuya but orphans can't be choosers, can they?

Walking out of the store with a corndog in her mouth and her hands full of bags, she spots a familiar face or two across the way.

Huh, that's strange, is her eyesight super good or something? No, totally not, random coincidence
Aerith has posed:
And as Aerith headed into her first store with Avira and Tifa in tow, just across the way she saw... "Rhyme!" She waved the cutie toward her direction. It'd been a while since they'd seen each other, and she wanted to give her the usual super-big hug.
Tifa Lockhart has posed:
Tifa Lockhart smiles, seeing Rhyme there "Hi there." Its not Shiki, but maybe Rhyme knows about fashion too, right?

Why isn't she surprised that Rhyme is in the middle of food?
Avira has posed:
About to embark upon a shopping adventure with Tifa and Aerith, she finds that they're taken on a quick detour to court? Avira can get behind this. Eating was enjoyable. Especially so since she burned a whole lot of energy lately. "Rhyme?" Recognition dawns upon her when she spots the tiny teenager (that is likely shorter than Avira herself!) that Aerith runs off to hug. Avira lifts a hand and waves it as her greeting.

Her attention, however, is drawn to that particular punk store. It was a legit-looking one too, not one of those completely corporate Hot Topic chains either. "....hmmmm."
Rhyme has posed:
Rhyme sort of helplessly flails a bit as Aerith motions for hugs. Hands are both taken up with crazy amounts of clothes and a corn dog in her mouth and so she sort of bounces a bit before heading over, setting down her bags and taking a big bite out of her corndog. "Hello!" She beams, looking at the group. "Is everyone shopping today? I just found this place!"
Tifa Lockhart has posed:
Tifa Lockhart giggles at Rhyme. She's always so cute to watch. She smiles and nods "We're here for shopping as well. Aerith says we all need new clothes." she looks at herself "Well, we probably do. Looks like you're done with your shopping though."
Aerith has posed:
Aerith beamed as she hugged her darkly-clad ray of sunshine. "Well I'm glad you found somewhere that suits you!" She glanced toward Avira. "I'm gonna assume you're heading in here too? Tifa and I are just gonna check that store across the way." She directed her attention towards Rhyme again. "That looks so cute on you. <3"
Avira has posed:
"...just to experiment a little..." Avira says, sounding awfully defensive all the sudden. Stuff from that store was what Skoll dressed in and she couldn't help it: "I'm just curious. I've never really tried a look for me before. Ummmm...I'll catch up a little later, alright?"
Aerith has posed:
Aerith nodded. "Meet back here at the food court. Go have fun!" She looked up at Tifa. "Hey, should we bring her with us? I mean, she's doing okay on her own, but... y'know..." Curse this sense of responsibility.
Rhyme has posed:
"Who, me? Yeah! That place has a lot of good stuff. It reminded me of another place, back where I... well, used to live. Before the whole dying, worlf-consuming thing. Yep, anyway, this place is okay! You should check it out!" She giggles, as Avira is drawn to it. DRAWN TO IT!


The beaming, hugged Rhyme's inner thoughts are not broadcast out, of course. She munches her corndog again, before speaking around. "So fyourll shoffing?"
Tifa Lockhart has posed:
Tifa Lockhart smiles as she moves toward the shops, looking back to the hugging Aerith and Rhyme "Let's go then, all together hm?" She grins as she checks into the first shop that seems to have clothes. Jeans first. That should allow the barmaid to serve drinks and fight pretty well, as long as they aren't too baggy or tight at least. "Hug or talk, but not at the same time!
Aerith has posed:
Aerith let go of Rhyme with a smirk. "Could you translate that please? I don't speak food-in-mouth." With that, she turned toward the store across the way. "If you're allergic to super-girly things, you might want to go back with Avira. This is your last chance." She started heading toward the store anyway.
Avira has posed:
"It's not that I object to girly things." Avira says, still sounding very defensive. "Well it's just that I really haven't been able to wear them could say. It's hard to explain. If Shiki was here maybe she could, I dunno." She shrugs, then disappears into that Thousand Years of Belts and Black store. Maybe she would look good with another belt added. One with a skull on it of course.
Rhyme has posed:
Swallowing hard, Rhyme smiles bashfully. "Sorry. So you're all shopping?" She wonders to the group as Avira peels off. "I'm not 'allergic' to super-girly things, I just don't think they're as comfortable." She explains, smiling as they enter the first store. "I just like this stuff becuase it's easy to wear and nobody bugs me. Like on the subway!" She frowns. "There are a lot of creepy people in Japan."%
Tifa Lockhart has posed:
Tifa Lockhart smiles as she checks on the jeans. She nods to Rhyme "Well this isn't Japan, I think? But either way its not a bad idea I guess. I just make them think twice, if one decided to touch me, he'd understand I'm not wearing boots just by some kind of fashion."
Aerith has posed:
Aerith entered the store and, immediately upon taking her first steps, led her little party toward exactly what she was looking for as if guided by a laser. She started to search the racks, glancing at Tifa now and then. "So what kinda colors do you usually wear besides black, white, and dark red?"
Tifa Lockhart has posed:
Tifa Lockhart smiles to Aerith "Yeah, neutral colors. Can you really blame me though, think about how things are in Midgar. If you're dressing flashy, you're looking to get mugged or dirtied." She pulls out a pair of jeans from the rack, sliding them in front of her hips to see if it fits.
Aerith has posed:
Aerith chuckled. "Then I must have been a really easy target. Pink and red are not the best combination for being obscure." She walked along the rack, almost as if she didn't want anything, then plucked certain pairs of jeans from the lineup. She ended up with three pair before heading toward the tops, as if she knew exactly what she were doing. "Then again, I don't feel like I have to hide from anyone."
Avira has posed:
Some time passes before Avira makes an appearance again. But she eventually does, after having explored the Thousand Years of Belts and Black store. When she comes back, though, it's likely hard to recognize her on first glance.

She doesn't wear skirts very often, if at all. Right now, however, she is-it's a plaid skirt of mostly red and green, pleated too and to the length of just above the knees. Her shirt has also been replaced with an untucked, but buttoned, white dress shirt. On top of that, she's actually wearing a tie, though losely tied around her throat. It too is plaid, matching the same pattern of the skirt. She still has the same boots as before though. Considering what else was available in that store, what she actually caved into buying is pretty darn mild.

For some reason, she seems oddly pleased with herself. "I really did need new clothes. Hadn't realized how much the old stuff didn't fit. How's it going over here?"
Tifa Lockhart has posed:
Tifa Lockhart smiles "I don't know about that, you seem in good health, Aerith". She looks over to Avira "Its all going well~" she decides on a pair of light blue jeans, and goes to look for matching tshirts. What kind of shirt could match those jeans now, hmm.
Aerith has posed:
The flower lady however was not surprised, and she gave Avira a once-over as she approached. "Wow, that's great! You look a lot different, and by that I mean better!" She moved over to give her a closer look. "I like the whole matching thing, it's great. How'd you think of this?"
Rhyme has posed:
And now the Thousand Years of Black and Belts seems to be a Thing now. And it has Plaid-erized Avira. But before that...

Neutral colors? Don't be flashy?
These people have /never/ been in Shibuya. "Where I'm from, Shibuya, /everything/ is clashing, everything is fashion and making a statement and having an ensemble, an outfit. It's an expression of character! And while there's a lot of creeps, crime is very low. The worlds are so different... It's exciting!"

And then Avira shows up.

"Oh wow!" She beams! "You're very... Plaid!"
She manages to deliver that with a straight face.
Avira has posed:
"You think so? Thanks, Aerith." Avira grins, "I dunno, I just tried a bunch of different things they had in the store for a while. I think they might've gotten kinda mad, actually, 'cause I basically camped one of the dressing rooms for a while."

Now Avira could spend a lot of agonizing minutes pondering over whether or not that was a compliment from Rhyme. But since she's in such a darn good mood, she just decides on the spot that it is. "I know, right? And it is exciting." She must've caught the tail end of what Rhyme was saying to Tifa and Aerith. "I hope to get a chance to visit all the worlds someday."
Aerith has posed:
Aerith shrugged. "Well, consider me just a round peg in a square hole. I never did believe in all that blending in stuff." She glanced over at Rhyme. "I'd love to see your world someday, it sounds great!" She'd picked out a light blue halter top with purple accents near the hem and a pink tube top with a white flower pattern. she also has a pair of jean shorts, the hem at just below mid-thigh. "Right, lemme get set up... be right back!" She found the dressing rooms, as planned, and just about vanished.
Tifa Lockhart has posed:
Tifa Lockhart finds a white tshirt, but she looks through other colors, watching Aerith disapear into the booth to try out some clothes. She smiles, looking back to Rhyme "Anything that catches your eye here?" And then to Avira "It looks good on you~ Its good to try new things sometimes too."
Rhyme has posed:
As Aerith disappears into the dressing room, Rhyme sort of leans against a rack, gathering her bags to herself. "That will probably be hard, what with Shibuya being gone and all." She gives a weak smile. "But here is nice!"

At the question about clothes, rhyme just lifts her bags. "I'm good! Plus, I'd need to go bust noise or something to get more yen to pay for more stuff, and I... Don't really think I have that much time on my hands. Or enough noise!" She grins. "Plus, a penny saved is a penny earned!"
Avira has posed:
Yen? Wait, Avira recognizes that word. Japanese currency, right? She squints a little harder at Rhyme for that before becoming distracted. "Ahaha, thank you very much, Tifa. Oh, and look-" she lifts the edge of her skirt up just a little bit so the edges of what looks like a pair of shorts underneath can be seen. "-perfect in case I need to run. Or jump. Or climb something. Then if some jerk tries to peek..."

She trails off, trusting they'll all get the picture.

Rhyme mentions noise. Suddenly Avira gets this blank look on her face, flashing back to days and nights spent evading Taboo noise in Bramble Forest. "...there's been enough noise..." she says distantly.
Tifa Lockhart has posed:
Tifa Lockhart smiles "Well I've been making my money with some mercenary work and being a barmaid. I guess its good to spend that money sometimes, be a bit more eye catching for the customers can be helpful for me after all." She nods, and finds herself a nice red top "I think this would look good~ ( ). She smirks to Avira "I know what you mean. I like clothes that let me move easily as well, since I never know what we can run into."
Aerith has posed:
Aerith strides out from the dressing room... looking worlds different than she had when she'd disappeared.

Combine the jean shorts with the pink, white-flower print tube top and a pair of soft-white training shoes, and what do you get? Aerith, version three! Of course for those that missed version two... only Tifa has knowledge of that. "So how do I look? <3"
Avira has posed:
"Exactly!" Avira pounds a fist against an open palm. "You never know! You have to be aware of your surroundings and ready to roll at any moment! Things are dangerous now." And Avira's kind of paranoid now too. Living through the crumbling of a world can do that. "They're also loads more comfortable too. I like not having to worry about, uh...exposing something."

Aerith reappears and Avira doubletakes. "Oh wow. That looks good on you, Aerith. The shirt's really cute."
Tifa Lockhart has posed:
Tifa Lockhart smiles "You're perfect for a flower girl Aerith, always so colorful." She puts her red top aside, intending to buy it along with the jeans. "I cna't really wear dresses like Aerith does, it would get in the way when I'm fighting. But pants like these are nice."
Rhyme has posed:
Rhyme looks at Aerith. She smiles pleasantly, and withholds comment. Because she's imagining Aerith in a black sweater, with a big pink skull on it, maybe with some flowers... And two crossed belts, and beaten up black jeans, maybe with some red shoes, and... Biker gloves! Yeah! And accessorizing with skull earrings. Yeah!

"Wow that'd be awesome..." Rhyme murmurs, off in her own little world.

"I mean, yeah! It's great, Aerith!"
Aerith has posed:
Aerith chuckled and headed over to the blonde, a hand atop her head. "Y'know if you want to say something, just say it. I'm sure you have plenty of good ideas." With that, she headed for the clothing racks again, this time picking out a close-fitting, spaghetti-strap tank top, gemstone-green in color to match her eyes. With a nod, she turned toward the other members of her little squad with a grin. "Just one more thing. Anyone know what would be a good jacket to wear?"
Tifa Lockhart has posed:
Tifa Lockhart smiles, watching Rhyme going accessory-crazy. It makes her laugh a little, that girl is full of wonders really, between fashion and food. She folds up her jeans and choice of shirts and jeans, at least for this shop. "I think I'm good for this place, how about you?" she smiles and moves over to Aerith, tugging a bit on the back of the tubetop, just making sure its in place. "That's actually the kind of suit I can wear." she grins "Showing legs is my specialty."
Avira has posed:
"I say a long one." Avira recommends, "Those always look nice. And they're warm. As long as you don't need to run through small spaces and kick things, it should work out for you." Come to think of it, Avira hasn't seen Aerith fight yet. Judging by the fact that she does typically wear a dress, she's going to guess that she ISN'T a martial artist such as Tifa.

"I'm good. I think I might have hit my money limit at that other place anyway."
Rhyme has posed:
"Well, why not... Like, just a sweater or something? Like this!" Rhyme lifts her orange with black skull pattern sweater out of a bag, and grins. "It's got color and style and is warm and has a hood and everything!" She closes an eye as her head is patted by Aerith, sort of rummaging through her clothes bags a bit idly.

She's not /that/ much into fashion, she just wears what she likes. What's the point of wearing stuff for others if you don't like it yourself?
Aerith has posed:
Aerith peered at the sweater for a moment, wondering if this was a good idea or not. It wasn't exactly cold this time of year... then again, the heart-shaped skull did look cute, and she didn't want to knock it until she gave it a shot. Aerith smiled and stood. "Let's get moving then, we don't have much time left. I'd rather have something in black, though... Lead the way!"
Tifa Lockhart has posed:
Tifa Lockhart smiles, and picks up her clothes so she can go to pay for them. We're moving shops after all, and she's happy with what she found. "What's the next store?" She wonders if there'll be anything good for bartending too.
Rhyme has posed:
"I bet they have that in black, yeah!" Rhyme smiles, hopping up and heading over to the next store. "I mean, I wear this all the time. It's a designer brand! From Shibuya. Just like my necklace, my brother got it for me... It was super rare, I'm lucky to have it." She grins.

"And it'll get colder. Sweaters are always in season!"
Avira has posed:
"Black...?" Avira looks Aerith over. "Hmmmmm. Maybe an evening dress. Evening dresses always look good in black." Well, for the 'sitting on top of a piano and singing in a sultry manner' sort of way. Maybe it's because Avira envisions herself doing that one day. "Those can be expensive, though." Something more reasonable like a sweater seems in order though. Grinning at Rhyme's enthusiasm, Avira follows.
Tifa Lockhart has posed:
Tifa Lockhart smiles "I think I might like something in black too. I mean, it can be rather dirty when someone splashes a drink on you. Maybe if it was in leather it would be even better, since its water proof." She considers.
Aerith has posed:
Aerith heads for the sales counter, moving to get her clothes all paid for. This next store would probably be her last, since she had to save enough for the next night of her stay in the hotel. Oh sure she had more than enough, but... it wouldn't hurt to cut back a bit. "So then, what do you suggest, Rhyme?"
Aerith has posed:
Fortunately for her... she manages to get help from someone who doesn't work at the store... but should be helpful anyways. "Never thought I'd run into you here Maira." And hopefully that would have her look up, only to see Aerith!
Rhyme has posed:
Rhyme shrugs. "I don't give people big fashion tips. Find yourself a sweater, put on a bunch until you find one that feels right! That's all I can explain it as!" The beanie-girl offers to Aerith, before grabbing a pile of sweaters of various colors and proffing them to Aerith. "Start trying!" Biiiig grin.
Tifa Lockhart has posed:
Tifa Lockhart loosk over her shoulder as she hears up Aerith "Well, you're running into lots of people you know today." She hmms "Should I try finding a sweater too?" She wonders as she listens to what Rhyme explains. She's not really used to wearm clothes, she never had a use for them, except that one expedition for lost recipes. She wished she was wearing something warmer than that skirt, for sure.
Avira has posed:
Seems sweaters will win the day on this suggestion. No skin off Avira's back, really, as hers was pretty impractical. No wonder these girls needed Shiki to help. At this point, Avira seems to space out a little. At least until she sees a familiar face as Maira slips inside the store, clearly in dire need of shoes.

Avira actually feels a little bad at this point noticing the state Maira's footwear was in. She herself had enough money to buy some things but Maira might not. "Hey, Maira."
Aerith has posed:
Aerith ruffles Maira's hair. "Let's go ahead and get you something better than what you've got right now." She started to guide Maira through the store. A pair of black, calf-high boots was the first thing she saw, and she pointed at them. "So then, how's those?"
Aerith has posed:
But she only needs to pick out one, a black sweater with a big pink skull on it, hearts for eye sockets. Aerith nodded at Rhyme to put the rest away, then turned her attention to Maira again. "Okay... Let's see what we got here." Aerith glanced around the store, taking a look at what they had... and shrugged. "Lots of black, that's for sure... the only black thing we're gonna have on you are those boots. Let's see if they have anything better..." She walked around until she found something more Maira's style, a light blue t-shirt with cute, stylized black kittens with crossed-out eyes all over it. Aerith showed it to Maira. "I figure this'll be good for a shirt... and now we need to get you something a bit more stylish than what you have on your legs..." She searched around until she found a good pair of jeans, slate gray and fitting neatly over the boots. Aerith stepped back for a bit, wondering if there was anything else... and then she grinned. "Hang on..." She got a studded leather bracelet for Avira, put it on top of everyting else she'd given her, then shooed her off toward the dressing rooms. "Don't worry... everything fits."
Tifa Lockhart has posed:
Tifa Lockhart shakes her head. Well, Maira and Aerith are definitely good with each other. Its odd how this works though. She's teaching Aerith, and Aerith teaches Maira, different things, different talens really. She smiles, and moves over to try to find something that matches what she has in mind. There must be something stylish she can wear for bartending.
Avira has posed:
Though she may be Maira's friend, Avira is nonetheless a little surprised when Maira pounces her with a hug. After a second of confusion, she's hugging back before releasing. "Hey! Didn't think I'd run into you Oh, yes.."

Avira looks down at herself. "Just tryin' something new. I'm not uuuusually a skirt person but I like this one so I'm making an exception. Here to get some shoes, huh?" Looks like Aerith is already picking them out..and just about everything else under the sun. Avira chuckles a little.
Tifa Lockhart has posed:
Tifa Lockhart finds herself in the leather section, that's what she was talking about earlier at least. Leather should be resistance to heat and water, so perfect for a barmaid. She hmms, looking over the various articles of clothing. She never seen clothes like these in Midgar at least.
Aerith has posed:
Aerith sat and clasped her hands together, eyes fixed toward the dressing room in anticipation of seeing what Maira looked like in her new outfit. Her features were aglow with anticipation, the only thoughts in her head consisting of whether she did a good job or not.

Then her left ear twitched, just a bit. The back of her mind scratched at her senses as a faint whisper began to make itself known only to her. She tilted her head to the left, one light brown brow raised in confusion.

That didn't just happen out of nowhere.

The whisper made itself known again, resonating in her head. She peered around the store, wondering where the source of the unsettling echoes could be... and then she turned toward the store's exit, and the whispers stopped, replaced with a crawling feeling on the back of her neck.

Something was wrong.
Aerith has posed:
Aerith responds without turning around. "It's nothing." Not yet anyway.

She turned toward Maira and her eyes widened at the ensemble. It was absolutely perfect, she'd done everything right! The shirt offset her hair and eyes just fine, the jeans made the shirt stand out, and the boots were nicely hidden beneath the legs. Maybe she'd get a skirt for her later, but right now that was all she needed! Even the leather bracelet wtih silver studs made the whole thing that much better! "I wish I could take a picture right now. That is so cute!"
Tifa Lockhart has posed:
Tifa Lockhart finds herself a leather vest. Its a zip up type. She tries it over her tank top, to see how it goes. She hms, turning a bit to look in the mirror. Well, that certainly seems to fit her. It still shows her stomach though, but who will complain about that really.
Aerith has posed:
Aerith looked toward the dress and placed a hand on her chin for a moment. "Well it's something to shoot for. Bet we could find that same thing in a different color though, but if you want red, that's cool too!" Aerith moved to pay for the clothing she'd gotten Maira. After all, she'd picked the clothes, she should buy them.
Tifa Lockhart has posed:
Tifa Lockhart turns over to the other pieces of leather around. There's that sort of short with a large, long flap that seems to catch her eye. It's like an apron too, it has pockets down the front, which is perfect to put some tools or tip. Its a match for the top she's wearing, so that should work well together. But she can't try those in the open either. She takes up the long piece of leather with her toward the changing booths.
Aerith has posed:
Aerith glanced toward Maira for a moment, then stepped back with a smile. "Hey, whatever you say. Just remember, I'm here when you need me to spot you." Then the whispers echoed in her head again, louder this time. She maintained her smile, even though her thoughts were racing. Definitely not a fluke, so where was the danger?
Tifa Lockhart has posed:
Tifa Lockhart comes out of the booth just moments later, showing off. The long flap is behind her, draping down from her rear, a bit like a cape would. She loosk at herself from every angle in the mirror, and tugs at the bottom of her top a bit, putting it in place properly. She smiles to Maira "I think it looks good too."
Aerith has posed:
Aerith grinned as Tifa modeled her new outfit for them. "Way to go girl, that's hot!" Aerith gave a wolf whistle as Tifa turned and showed off. Fortunately the voices had silenced for now... but that probably wouldn't last long. She actively listened for it now, and would head for wherever the whispers told her to go.
Tifa Lockhart has posed:
Tifa Lockhart moves over to Aerith, a hand on her hip "Well, I think this will do nicely. I think it even fits the look for this town, shouldn't be getting odd looks at least."
Aerith has posed:
Aerith nodded and glanced toward the exit as Maira left with Avira. "I think this was a good day, yeah? Let's get moving, we need to get back." She glanced to her right. "And yes, Tifa, you're staying with me in my hotel room. I've got an extra bed. Just promise me you won't sleep on the floor anymore, okay?"
Tifa Lockhart has posed:
Tifa Lockhart laughs "Its alright, it wasn't that bad, plus gave me the chance to get the feeling of the building and the place. Its not too noisy at night either.
Tifa Lockhart has posed:
Tifa Lockhart returns to the new building of the bar to get her things. She didn't sleep there without anything at all after all. By that time, the day is well advanced, and its about to sundown too. She hmms musically as she slips into the building.
Deidra has posed:
Deidra awoke as the sun set with a inhuman yawn and a lot of stony bits shattering about her. She'd gather some of the shards as she'd have use of them later but given well there was another Gargyole there who was going on his own way she didn't want to accienely use some of his stone skin as reagents it wasn't right. She'd chosen to sick around a bit she'd sworn she'd seen Tifa last night and was curious to why she was there. So she's going to skulk about and see if she can figure out whose there without getting noticed first.
Tifa Lockhart has posed:
The lights to the building you are standing on show that there is still live in the building, but she'll soon be on her way out. Closing up the door behind her, she has a small bag of her things in hand as she moves along the street, back toward the hotel room she'll share with Aerith today. not that goug is that far away, but might as well stay in town a bit more.
Deidra has posed:
Deidra now does see it's Tifa to be sure as ehe heads out, she drops down to an alley way Tifa's about to pass and calls out. "Hey Tifa! Over here." she keeps to the shadows and out of sight but Tifa should know hte voice and she's more than a match for any of the run of the mill street thugs in this city.
Tifa Lockhart has posed:
Tifa Lockhart tilts her head a bit as she hears a voice, but smiles, moving into the alley "Are you trying to hide? I guess people aren't used to your kind here?" She hms. Not that she doesn't understand, but she's learned not to stop at apperances a long time ago, so she's friendly with everyone in that aspect.
Deidra has posed:
Deidra comes out of the shadow sin the ally enough. "Yes, yes I am. Used is putting it very midly. Try terror, fear and being hunted for what I am. Anyway it's good to see you. So is that building yours now?"
Tifa Lockhart has posed:
Tifa Lockhart hmms "Well more or less. I've been offered it, so I can open more Seventh Heaven. Also was offered to turn my own Heaven into an inn, so its going to get an upgrade soon." She smiles "So we've been hanging in town a bit, done some shopping."
Deidra has posed:
Deidra says "So business is good for you and mark my words that one beer I remaked on is going to get a lot of turned heads from the locals here. Doubt I'll be able to visit this one much during business hours I'm afraid. Still good to see things going well for you."
Tifa Lockhart has posed:
Tifa Lockhart giggles "Well business hours are during the evening, but yeah, I guess you'd cause a commotion. But if you come through the second floor I can still serve you something." She smiles "I'm going to open in other towns too, but one at a time. I can't take too much while keeping up with other works.
Deidra has posed:
Deidra says "I'll keep that in mind and I appicate it I really do, Tifa. So been shopping from the looks of it. You have no idea how hard it is to aquire ahem certain things. If not for will and Mercade I'd have to resort to being a theif..."
Tifa Lockhart has posed:
Tifa Lockhart smiles "I can help you if you need anything. Just give me a list and I'll go get what you need, its not any problem for me after all."
Deidra has posed:
Deidra says "I may very well do that I'd not inflict some of my list on Will or Mercade." She starts laughing a little bit. "Guys will be guys regardless of species."
Tifa Lockhart has posed:
Tifa Lockhart hmmms, and nods "Yeah, especially if you want any unmentionnables, it can come back to haunt you. Or them, depending if they get caught doing it too. Humans are rather simple creatures sometimes, aren't they?" she smiles.
Deidra has posed:
Deidra says "Oh you know what it's like finding ungerarments with room for a tail. Not a shop on the planert carries them. So are we. People are people right?"
Tifa Lockhart has posed:
Tifa Lockhart nods "Yup, well we can always make a hole, but its never as solid as if it was made that way." She thinks about it for a moment "Actually, we could maybe ask Shiki to help you with that. She's a designer I heard, a tailor. She can probably get something done for you easily enough."
Deidra has posed:
Deidra says "True but wait you know someone? Someone who would be willing to deal with me. Then very much if she's a tailor who'd deal custom fit stuff would be amazing! seriously you know how much work this jacket took....and my knees don't exaclty agree with pants."
Tifa Lockhart has posed:
Tifa Lockhart giggles softly "Yes, I can believe that. Well I don't think there's much risk asking anyway, I'm sure she has seen much worse than a Gargoyle. What's the worse that can happen really?"
Deidra has posed:
Deidra say "She tries to set me on fire or stab me I'd wager but I hope she doesn't. I'm more than willing to pay extra." She grins "Still I shouldn't keep you long there's enough worry in this city over the heartless at this point..."
Tifa Lockhart has posed:
Tifa Lockhart smiles "Its quite alright, there's only Aerith waiting for me at the hotel. At least once this place opens you'll have a place to rest.