Disarray Grimstone
Disarray Grimstone | |
![]() | |
Age | Unknown |
Species | Beast |
Sex | Female |
Height | 6'4" (Beast) |
Weight | Bulky/Muscilar |
Background | |
Series | Beauty and the Beast |
Combat Styles | Dark Blacksmith |
Hometown | French Countryside |
Group | Shadow Lords |
Occupation/Job | Guardian / Blacksmith |
Force: | Forces of Ruin |
Quote | |
"They judged me as a monster. Well, let me show you how monstrous I can be." |
Once upon a time, there had been a noble girl who had everything she could ever want. She might have gone on to marry and become some nobleman's wife, but instead she was found by an enchantress and turned into a terrible, monstrous beast. Alas, this story does not have a happy ending. Hard as she might have tried, there was no redemption for the girl who came to be known as Disarray. She was doomed to remain a monster, and so a monster is what she became. Now, she serves as a loyal Shadow Lord, ready to fight for the fall of the worlds and against the light that abandoned her. They thought one selfish child deserved a lifetime as a beast, then they would just have to deal with the hatred and anger of the beast she became.
(Comming soon...)
Once upon a time, there was a girl of noble birth who was born into a family of a local nobleman. Her mother died when she was just an infant and her heartbroken father never remarried. For all her father was kind to his people, his daughter did not inherit his fine grace and kindness. Desiree was spoiled. She had everything a child could wish for and wanted for nothing. She was doted upon, loved fiercely by family, and expected to give little love in return. Her future was assured. She would someday marry a noble man, bear his children, and become the lady of a Manor with her own servants to take care of her every whim. This was what everyone told her, and this is what she came to expect.
It is a future that would never come to be.
She was young when she accompanied some of her sisters into the village. The older girls were off fetching dresses for some ball, but Desiree had no interest in that. She preferred to play tricks on the village girls. None of them would dare lay a hand on her, the favored daughter of their Lord. So, she would throw things at them, chase them through the streets, and laugh when their parents pulled them away. No one dared to stop her from doing whatever she wished. She had just taken a loaf of bred from a local vendor's cart, without paying - mind you, when the sight of an old beggar caught her attention. This was /exactly/ the sort of person that she took joy in tormenting.
Right as she was about to say something cruel, the beggar lifted his head, raising a withered hand to offer out a tarnished old pocketwatch. The girl was so stunned that she stopped in her tracks and stared, her taunt falling from her lips. He offered her the watch in exchange for the bread, but she turned her nose up at it.
"Why would I want that rusty old thing?" She huffed, folding her arms over her chest. The old man chuckled then, showing yellowed teeth, then twisted the top of the watch, popping it open so she could see that it still worked. "You shouldn't be so deceived by appearances, young lady." Desiree glared at him then, "Yeah, like you? You're filthy, and disgusting, and I'll have my father throw you in the jails for speaking ill of me." She reached down for a rock, about to throw it at the old man, when he vanished. Confused, Desiree stared at the spot where he had been, but there was nothing.
That night, she sat alone in her room - her hair brushed by her servants and the chamber warmed by a roaring fire. A cold chill rushed over her, and as she turned, there was the old beggar at her window. She was on her feet in an instant, calling for the guards. Alas, she was not quite quick enough, and the disguise of the beggar man vanished to reveal an enchantress. The girl stared in awe, but said nothing, making no excuses for her behavior. She stood motionless as the woman came forward, and placed a curse upon her head as if she were some fairy godmother granting a wish. This was no dream, though. This was a nightmare.
The curse turned Desiree into a monster - a beast, with the condition that she would have to show true love, caring and compassion for someone other than herself before the time the clock wound down, or she would be doomed to that beastly form, forever. In that moment, the enchantress vanished, and the guards arrived. What they found was not a scared girl, but a monster where she should have been. No matter how she tried to explain, they didn't listen. The guards attacked her, drove her from the castle, and sent her alone and frightened into a world that she had never been prepared for.
Try as she might, the girl was never able to return home. The guards claimed that a blood stain on the floor, from their spears, had been proof that the beast killed poor Desiree, and soon the village was brought out to mourn her loss. They flew great black banners, and her father wept bitterly. She watched from the forest, confused and lost. That night, she tried to go to her father, to explain... but when the beast came to his window, he was so frightened by her beastly form that his heart gave out. She wept, kneeling on the floor with his limp body in her arms. Perhaps in some ways, it had been the first moment in her life when she did feel loss, but it had not been for her father's death alone. With him gone, she had no chance of convincing the others. Her entire life died with him that night, and for all that she might have loved him, she also knew that there was nothing she could do to ever get back what she'd lost.
He was not the only one that she tried to reveal herself to, but each time the results were the same. They wouldn't listen. They would run from her before she could explain. Soon, Desiree became Disarray. Too many had misheard fleeting attempts at communication, and the monster soon gained a terrifying name and worse in the form of local legends. Starving and cold, she had to scavenge what she could from farmers, and soon it got the attention of the town militia. Pitchforks and torches gathered, they hunted her far into the woods, until she reached the edge of the mountains and they could go no further.
It didn't take long for her to become little more than the beast that she had become. She hunted in the forests, lived where she could find shelter, and hated the enchantress for her judgement, her father for dying, and all the people that passed her way for their fear. How? How was she ever to return to human when no one would even /look/ at her? The clock ticked on, and she grew ever more incensed with it. She attacked caravans, kidnapped people to her cave and kept them there, trying to force them to understand. Most escaped, all except for a teenage boy named William. She had watched him for months as he worked with his father at a nearby smithy, lurking at the edge of the woods and waiting for just the right time to strike. He had a bad leg, so he couldn't escape her, and as scared as he was, he listened. He stayed with her for days, and she'd thought that maybe there was a chance. Maybe, she could care about this boy, and he could care about her, and she would be okay again. Life would go back to the way it was.
Hope is a wonderful thing when it turns out, but a terrible thing when it goes wrong. William's father came into the woods with a group of hunters. She didn't try to fight them, because the clock was already slowing. She didn't have /time/ anymore for them. But when they came, William didn't stay with her. He ran for them, and she got a bullet to the shoulder rather than a savior in his eyes. There was pity in his eyes, but he did not truly care for her. All he wanted was to go home. The clock ticked once... twice... then stopped. All her hope was replaced with rage. She hated this hunter who took away her only chance to be human. She hated his son for his fear. The enchantress wanted to show her the beast within... well she had found it.
She rushed at the hunter, only to find herself shot in the chest for her troubles. Maybe that would be the end of it. She would die like a beast. That wasn't to be. The bullet missed her heart, and while the hunters took her for dead and left her there, Disarray still lived. A few days later, William disappeared a second time, but this time he would never be found.
It was years later that their world fell. The Heartless were drawn to the darkness within her heart, and while they attacked others, they held back from her. This, of course, drew the attention of one of the attacking Shadow Lords. Someone like this, they could use. So, Disarray was recruited, on the offer of being able to fight back against everyone that had turned her into the creature she was. No more was she a noble girl, but Disarray had become like a blade - sharp and deadly. Her hatred solidified the darkness inside her, and she lead the charge of the Heartless against her father's lands. She lead them to destroy everything he'd built, because they drove her out, they wouldn't see her, and they deserved the same pain that was wrought onto her.
Now, Disarray remains as a loyal lieutenant of the Shadow Lords. Her hatred is their weapon. She is the prowling beast of Hollow Bastion. She is the sound of metal in the night, of iron rage being pounded into form - a skill she might have picked up from the boy after watching him for so long. If there is anything human left at all beneath, it lies so buried that it might never come to light again. Whatever she is, now and forever, Disarray is a beast.
If one were to describe Disarray in one word, it would be: self-centered. Favored from a young age, she has never grown out of the idea that she is the most important person in her universe. That isn't to say that she can't care about others, but often it is for entirely selfish reasons. 'Friends' are only the people who are useful to her and offer her something that she can get in return. The idea of self-sacrifice is a foreign thing to her, and thus far she has never met a single person that would be worthy of her giving any part of herself up for. That isn't to say that someone might not earn that place in her esteem, but the chances are slim and even so, it would not be for selfless purposes, but because /she/ could not bear to be without them.
Disarray is selfish and sometimes more than a little cruel, especially to those who think they have a right to judge her and her actions. There are so many who think that words can make someone turn over a new leaf, but she has no interest in them or the redemption they offer. Everything done to her has been unfair. She was just a child when this punishment had been handed down. Worst of all, she hadn't done /anything/ wrong. The beggars were a constant nuisance to the guards and to the nobles. They were a blight to the village. Layabouts who pray upon the kindness of others, and she was expected to treat them with any sort of respect? Hah. The girl has the ideals of someone who was raised in nobility, without the understanding of those who might not have lead such a pampered existence.
Even after her exile as a beast, she still sees herself as a lady of noble birth and one who deserves respect. Her time fleeing from mobs and hunters hasn't given her sympathy, but instead hardened her hatred into a weapon. She had been betrayed, time and time again. She doesn't often trust, preferring instead to simply use and discard people when it suits her needs. She is the sort to abandon a comrade if it seems that the battle is going badly in order to save her own hide. Not exactly a dependable sort, but her strength makes her useful and her hatred makes her a someone that the Shadow Lords like having around.
When it comes to the rest of the world and her reasons for serving darkness, the answer is simple: revenge. They offered her the power to seek revenge on those who hurt her. Not just the villagers who chased her from place to place, but also her own family and the guards who wouldn't even listen when she tried to explain herself. Power is an addictive thing, and now that she has it, she isn't about to let it go. The Shadow Lords gave her a chance to be more than a beast. They gave her a chance to lead armies, to strike down her enemies with all her hatred, and to show just how much of a monster she really is. Most of all, though, they gave her the power that she believes will someday let her stand up against the Enchantress who cursed her and strike her down. This is what she lives for. She lives to make others suffer as she has suffered, and to see the all those who think they can judge a mere child for their mistakes... die at her claws.
(Comming Soon)
(Disarray: *hates everyone*)
A mission for the beast | March 25th, 2014 | Seith and Disarray converse about the future of a certain country's Belle. |
Fight for the Castle | October 24th, 2013 | Our heroes try to stop a Shadow Lord from gaining possession of the Beast's magical mirror. |
Creatures of the Night | October 19th, 2013 | Dark things are happening in the French Countryside. A group of heroes goes to investigate, only to find it is more dangerous than they had thought. |
Dark Clouds | October 5th, 2013 | The Shadow Lords have a meeting, to speak on current events. They plot they plan and Negaduck finds out the price of being late! |
The Beast and the Mage | August 2nd, 2013 | Seith encounters the prowling beast of Hollow Bastion. |
The Beast and the Shaman | July 25th, 2013 | A shaman encounters a beast doing what they do best, terrorizing small villages. |
No logs submitted yet. |