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Date of Scene: 13 December 2012
Location: Goug Slums
Synopsis: Kaydin finds Mercade in Goug. He asks Mercade for forgiveness for his part in the destruction of Manhattan. Is Mercade in a forgiving mood?
Cast of Characters: Mercade Alexander, Kaydin

Mercade Alexander has posed:
Mercade Alexander is picking through the slums of Goug. After a stay at Seventh Heaven, new change of clothes, and some quality time in the shower, he feels almost human again.

Almost. The Detective works his way through the dense housing, riding along on Watson the Chocobo as he works on learning the layout of the area. That's one of the most basic things a detective has to do when he sets up shop in an area, after all.
Kaydin has posed:
"Good to see you pop out from the darkness. I knew you were strong willed enough, detective." Kaydin says as he approaches from behind, looking to the man cautiously. He of course didnt wear his heavy armor, just black sleeveless tunic with black trousers, bare feet heard along the ground.
Mercade Alexander has posed:
Mercade pulls Watson up, halting him. He looks over his shoulder at the man addressing him, and blinks. "Kaydin." He says, simply. He jumps off of the chocobo, and turns to fully face the man, watching him. "To what do I owe this visit?" His tone is neutral, but his expression is dark.
Kaydin has posed:
"I want to help you set things right. During the battle, when the heartless and shadowlords began attacking the portal to stop people from fleeing, I decided that was crossing the line." Kaydin says as he approaches. His sword was wrapped in the chain that usually goes around his arm. "I was there to protect the portal. I tried to get as many people as we could out."
Mercade Alexander has posed:
Mercade's expression goes even darker at those words. "Oh, how sweet. The Dark Knight suddenly has a twinge of conscience." He steps forward, grabbing Kaydin by the shirt and pulls it forward. "You helped destroy my world, and you think that you can just say you're sorry? That you turned around and tried to help?" He shakes Kaydin, pulling him in even closer as he yells in rage. "HOW MANY PEOPLE DID YOU HELP KILL, KAYDIN? HOW MANY OF MY FRIENDS? AND YOU THINK YOU CAN JUST MAKE IT ALL BETTER?"

He thrusts his hand away, pushing the Dark Knight roughly backwards as he lets go.
Kaydin has posed:
"I am willing to try and atone for my mistakes." Kaydin says, his expression remaining neutral. "At this point I believe you need all the help you can get. I want to help. In the end this works out for you because even if you dont trust my intentions you can use me as a shield against them."
Mercade Alexander has posed:
Mercade turns away, pointedly not looking at Kaydin. He folds his arms. "A shield against who, Kaydin? What atonement could you possibly offer, and why do you think I am in the position to give it to you?"
Kaydin has posed:
"The Shadow Lords. They did this to your world, I think the proper course of action would be to hurt them back. Other then Xanatos you probably represented manhattan world's will to fight against the heartless. People look to you as a leader though some may never admit it." Kaydin says as he watches the detective.
Mercade Alexander has posed:
"The Shadow Lords..." Mercade says with a grim tone. "So that's who they are, huh? The Shadow Lords... And Baron." He turns away from Kaydin. "How do you expect me to trust you when your own country can't? You flip sides so often it makes my head spin."
Kaydin has posed:
"I only gave information with the intention it be used to help others, however seeing as how people preferred to use it to hurt my country, I stopped. As for now, I do not think I am welcomed back home because I fought against the shadow lords. From now on I intend to do what is right. If you cant trust me, then dont. Send me to places where the likelihood of survival is nonexistant. What you choose to do I will do if it involves saving people." Kaydin says as he looks around. "You know the dark knights were considered a symbol for good once? We gave ourselves to darkness to use it to protect our home. Thats why I became a dark knight. Now the country has become evil. I believed I could save it from within but I couldnt."
Mercade Alexander has posed:
Mercade doesn't look back. "I don't care about your history. What matters is what you do... What you do and why. You haven't even looked back at your own home. You abandoned it without even looking."

There is a pause. "You're guilty... Is that it? You're looking for a place to die? Are you asking me to find a way to kill you to salve your conscience?"

Mercade turns, his hand rising as a pearl-handled revolver spins up into his hand. The barrel hangs an inch from Kaydin's forehead, and Mercade pulls the hammer back with a thumb.

Mercade asks, his voice charged with anger. "Do you think death will make up for what you did?"
Kaydin has posed:
"Do you think my life will make up for what I did? If so then take it." Kaydin says as he doesnt react to the gun being so close to his head, watching him. "I want to set things right. I dont need your trust to do it but it will make things easier. I have been keeping an eye on Baron since the battle, so I havent completely abandoned my home, just watching it." He says as he waits.
Mercade Alexander has posed:
There is a deadly pause as Mercade watches Kaydin's eyes. Listens to his words.

After several moments, there is a gunshot.

The gun had moved to an inch past his right temple. Mercade turns around, looking away from the Knight. "You're dead, Kaydin." Mercade says simply. "What you do from here is up to you. Do you want to do good? Then go out and find ways to help people. Dedicate yourself to their protection like you say it should be. Take responsibility for your actions, and go find ways to make it right. Don't wait on me or anyone else to tell you what needs to be done. If you mean it, your heart will know what to do."

He spins the gun and holsters it. "I wasted a bullet today. Don't waste your life."