
From Final Kingdom MUSH
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Age First of nine lives
Sex Female
Height Tall enough
Weight Whatever she wants
Series Aladdin
Combat Styles Evil Incarnate
Hometown Unknown
Group Shadow Lords
Occupation/Job Dark Lord
Force: Forces of Ruin
Scratch a hero deep enough and you'll find the coward inside!
Recent Events
Mysterious evil things.


Known as "evil incarnate" to a select few from Agrabah, Mirage is a catlike sorceress that lived in a dimension parallel to Agrabah known as Morbia. Only the cryptic Phasir seems to really know who Mirage was and where she really came from. What is clear is that she's an insanely cruel woman that seems to take sadistic delight in the suffering of others. Since the arrival of the Heartless shattered Agrabah and swallowed her own dimension, Mirage has happily fallen in with the Shadow Lords and eagerly spreads the darkness throughout the remaining world pieces. Her favorite prey is that of the noble hero, making a sport of causing them despair and suffering with her extensive mastery over illusions and nightmares.


Dark Distractions March 9th, 2013 While Xanatos Gambits are being spin, shadows sweep out of the background to provide some serious beatdowns and lobster butter.
1001 Arabian Nights February 18th, 2013 The hunt for the Fire Shard of Manhattan leads a group of heroes to an excitable bunch of Heffalumps and Woozles with an interesting hobby.
A Court of Bombs January 20th, 2013 Some days you just can't get rid of a bomb...
The Forgotten December 9th, 2012 Before the Shadow Lords reach the vault, an Abnormality shows up.
In a New York Minute: MAP - North December 9th, 2012 Negaduck had launched a plan to destroy the northern section of Manhattan with his good friend Bob and with the aid of Mirage. The defenders, Tifa, Aerith, and Yuna, moved to stop the fiends. However, the heroes get a surprise guest who finally comes out of the shadows...


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