Rivalry on the Rooftops

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Rivalry on the Rooftops
Date of Scene: 26 October 2012
Location: Fluorgis - Rooftops
Synopsis: Above a city painted by the setting desert sun, the swordsman of the Shard Seekers is pursued by a willful woman with an unexpected agenda. Amidst clashing steel and scintillating magics, a new rivalry is born -- and perhaps, just perhaps, something more.
Cast of Characters: Ivo Galvan, Avira

Ivo Galvan has posed:
Those kids and their adventures.

After only a couple weeks, Ivo Galvan is familiar with most of the shortcuts and sidestreets in Fluorgis, the desert city he and his new friends have made their home. An achingly beautiful sunset paints the buildings in vibrant hues of orange and purple as he passes through an alley, boots crunching on sand-strewn cobbles, hearing -- as always, here -- the faint and soothing sound of fountains in the distance.

Having occupied himself with getting their headquarters in order, the blue-cloaked swordsman hasn't ventured forth from the city in a little while, even as his allies are flung hither and yon in certain of treasure and glory. Of course, Ivo is always up to something. There's no word for 'networking' in this era, but the connections he's been making with the locals and his ever-growing understanding of the city and how it works seem to him vital for ensuring they make no missteps. (Also, he's been figuring out where he's supposed to take all these puppies that Riku liberated from Negaduck. He's identified-- most of the owners.) His young pals aren't exactly focused on such details, but if he can make sure no one gets mired in bureaucracy or breaks any strange laws, he will. It's a good excuse to let the heat from Rabanastre die down, so that no one comes to mess with the Seekers on Ivo's account.


Shielding his eyes with a gloved hand, the young man smiles slightly as he looks back up at the endless sky, no longer obscured by the towering city he was so familiar with back whence he came.

It's lovely here.
Avira has posed:
In these parts of Ivalice, belonging to a clan is quite an honor. Ivo no doubt had a small taste of this when he had realized just how much gil it cost to start one. Meaning even the smallest of clans had quite a bit of backing and dedication behind them.

Marks are a clan's lifeblood and, in fact, quite different from a bounty. Bounty hunters, strictly speaking, rarely belong to a bona fide clan. However, those belonging to clans don't necessarily turn their noses up at bounties all the time. Case in point: today, a member of Clan Dagda is pursuing a bounty levied by the city of Rabanastre against one Ivo Galvan, thus turning this beautiful night into a nightmare.

For days, Avira jealously guarded her insider knowledge of where Ivo must be staying. She hadn't realized the whole 'Shard Seeker' connection until days ago when she met Reize. Today she had seized the opportunity of most of their members exploring Cleyra to make her move, leaving Ivo berfit of his younger allies.

Most of the day was spent laying low, getting an idea of the city layout, and keeping an eye out for Ivo. She did spot him a few times, but didn't dare approach him. Under the cover of night, she'd make her move. Right NOW, she'd make her move, having tracked Ivo to this very alley. Right ahead is where she waits, around the corner at the edge of the alley. Silent, she waits until he is about five feet from her, then steps around the corner.

Her weapon, a swordlike object made from what appears to be a spinal column, slides free from the hilt with a faint rustling noise. Up ahead, her petite shadow "blocks" Ivo's immedate exit to the alley. "Ivo." Avira says brightly.

"I've come to collect!"
Ivo Galvan has posed:
Only a warrior's instincts can match a huntress's stealth.

For all his perceptiveness, Ivo never noticed he was being observed over the course of the day. Perhaps he has let down his guard to some extent over the last week, or perhaps, despite his seasoned demeanor, he remains in essence fresh out of the military academy and still lacking in real-world combat experience. Most likely is that Avira is good enough at what she does to avoid detection where a lesser stalker would have fallen under Ivo's watchful gaze.

So as he approaches the end of the alley, Ivo isn't sure why the hair begins to stand up on the back of his neck and his pulse begins to quicken. Nevertheless, despite his analytical mind, he has always trusted his body, as any lover of the aesthetic must. He reaches for the hilt of his sword, and though his smile does not entirely fade, he halts, his eyes narrowing slightly. A mugger? Or--

There follows a long pause as his assailant reveals himself.

Then Ivo sighs.

"Didn't I tell you to take whatever reward money the Archadians offered you and buy yourself a drink with it?" he says, shrugging laconically, seeming completely unworried. "Considering I got nothing for my efforts, I figured that would be an even trade."

It must be the bounty. He's no fool. Still, this is a little odd. Why would the member of a Clan waste her time on simple bounties, especially one so minor, rather than major marks? He's come to understand at least that much about clans. Does she really bear such a grudge? What a tiresome woman!

"I'm surprised you have nothing better to do than pursue me to Fluorgis," he says idly, even as his gaze scans for a way out. He could turn and flee, but exposing his back would be dangerous. Some crates stacked along the side of the alley seem more promising. But first, he'll have to distract her. "You're more attached to me than I realized," he then adds, his smile widening slightly as a ploy occurs to him, glancing at her sidelong. "Could it be that, during the perils of our journey, you've fallen for me a little?"

It's a long shot, but maybe that'll fluster her a little.

Obviously, there's no way that could be /true/.
Avira has posed:
"Good enough" would suffice for now. Tips and a lesson from Skoll have also helped, in recent weeks, improve but secretly, this is the first time that Avira has seriously hunted down a human. Maybe all that 'randomly ambush people in the desert for practice and laughs' stuff made all the difference.

"Well, there are two things about that, Ivo. One, where I'm from, a man who does not keep his promises is hardly a man." She keeps her weapon pointed to the ground as she starts to step forward to him. Her shoulders are hunched, her body language aggressive despite her calm and cheerful tone. "Two, and more importantly as I'm sure you realize, the Archadians need you alive."

The huntress nears closer. "Making assumptions about what is and isn't worth my time is a dangerous thing to do, Ivo Galvan. You might annoy me," she interrupts, only for she herself to be interrupted in turn: 'You're more attached to me than I realized.'

She stops in her tracks, eyes widen, "What?" 'Could it be that, during the perils of our journey, you've fallen for me a little?' Avira promptly loses her cool and goes red in the face, growing super flustered by this accusation. All the sudden she seems to be having trouble getting words out. "T..that's not true at all! I'm not chasing you down 'cause I like you or anything!!! You're outta your mind!!!"
Ivo Galvan has posed:
Ugh, it was just an offer, not a promise! What's with this woman? Has a man never offered to buy her a drink before? Well, maybe with that attitude.

Ivo is just slumping slightly now, his features revealing that he is now experiencing the worst possible emotion: boredom. Some simple-minded woman chasing him down over some silly, meaningless bounty, now to be lectured about his questionable knightly virtues (he does keep promises, if they're actual promises!), to be abducted by an empire for his advanced engineering abilities, and nothing about it whatsoever is interesting or--

Ivo stares.


And his expression transforms, a grin blossoming as his blue eyes sparkling with delight, eyebrow raising at this unexpected development. "The lady doth protest too much," he says, placing a hand on his hip, the -- let's face it -- dashing knight-errant tilting his head slightly. "Your cheeks betray your lips, huntress. I'm flattered. Would you prefer it if instead I captured you? As an honorable knight, I would, of course, treat you... quite well." He won't stop grinning. "A tempting thought, but--"

He leaps suddenly, a sudden shift from his relaxed and confident posture to full action, launching himself atop the crates behind him and then pushing off again, aiming to scramble up to the ledge of the roof above and pull himself over, escaping to the surfaces above!

"I have other plans!"
Avira has posed:
Ivo may be closer to the truth on SOME things than he realizes!

When it comes to what is effectively her job, Avira likes to keep it professional. Sure, she gets pretty overexcited and enthusiastic at times, but she was nonetheless focused in her purpose. Her purpose at a /hunting/ job. Hunting humans, she's beginning to realize, is a different thing entirely. Animals and Heartless don't really talk back (okay, so she's encountered some Heartless that do, but not many!) and they certainly don't MESS WITH YOUR MIND. Not like THIS!

Ivo looks at her with that grin of his and she quickly looks to the side, her teeth gritted, "It's not-" she tries to interrupt, but no, he continues, laying it on thick. Not even using her name! "It's not like that!!!" Avira can feel the redness on her face and this moment of self awareness only makes things even worse for her.

Then he splits. She almost misses it completely, what with her looking away from him as to not see that smarmy smile of his. Her embarassment is quickly supplanted by anger and all too soon she is chasing after him, but not after sheathing the spine, so she too can jump atop the crates and scramble up onto the roof Ivo just fled to.

"You scoundrel!" she calls after him, her anger apparently making her quite agile! "You'll pay for that!"
Ivo Galvan has posed:
On the one hand, he'd really rather not fight.

"Ha ha ha!"

On the other hand, this is supremely entertaining.

"Your passion is charming," he teases, "but you'll have to be a bit more lady-like if you want to win my heart!" Still, her agility is alarming, and he can't discount her persistence. He knows these streets and these rooftops -- yes, even the rooftops to some extent -- but inwardly, he's not confident he'll be able to escape her just by running. He's not sure she knows about the Shard Seekers. It's likely she does, but if there's a chance she doesn't, he can't risk leading her back to the HQ and getting his friends involved. He'll have to deal with her somehow.

Well, he /could/ actually capture her, and tie her up, and then--


As he dashes across the roof with Avira in hot pursuit, Ivo draws Hauteclare from its sheath as he scans around for something to aid him. Near the edge of this rooftop is a clothesline tied to two wooden poles, sodden sheets drying in the fading desert sunlight. He grins to himself again. "Why don't you relax and--" Running past it, he turns and hurls the poles in her direction, aiming to entangle her in the attached fabrics. "--take a seat!?"

Immediately after, Ivo's sword pulses with a mysterious light, wisps of energy gathering around it, and he lashes out at a distance, sending ribbons of ethereal purifying power at his stalker, a technique with the power to partly banish the emotions and fragment the will. He has to fatigue her somehow. With that thought, he then turns and leaps from this rooftop to the next!
Avira has posed:
Too bad for Ivo that Avira came expecting a fight. She was not unaware of just how much her very presence seemed to irritate him. Perhaps it was because, as he had so delicately put it, she was not very "lady-like."

Still though, somehow, that comment actually hurt a little. Unless he looks back at precisely the right time, Ivo's not likely to notice her reaction immediately afterwards. After she hauls herself up onto the roof, he earns himself a sharp-tongued response that happens a little too long afterwards. Like she had to spend a moment thinking of a good comback. "As if! I know your type, you couldn't /handle/ a woman like me!"

Now the Archadians wanted this guy alive, so despite her irritation, Avira knew she had to work hard to just disable him and not completely -destroy- the knight. His hands, especially, would be needed in top condition. If she could just trap him, then render him unconscious...

Quickly she starts to gain on him, allowing one hand to flick out as she starts summoning up some of her ice magic. Applied in just the right way, she could immobilize him, right? She doesn't think too much about those clotheslines up ahead until Ivo upends them and hurls them at her. Panicing, her first reaction is to release her magic-which chews a small baseball-sized hole through the fabrics and continues onto Ivo. Upon impact it's revealed to not be all that strong. Maybe she just didn't have enough time for something larger?

Avira flails through the sheets, pulling one off her head just as some kind of light passes through her. Immediately afterwards, she finds herself feeling rather ill. It's only seeing Ivo's escaping back that prevents her from sitting down right then and there to stop her head from spinning. With a growl of annoyance, she disentangles herself and resumes chasing.

The Spine is withdrawn by her right hand and with a running leap, she jumps the next rooftop gap, landing with steady footing. "Get DOWN for a moment and I'll show you what I mean!" As she rears up to her terrifying five feet, she lifts the weapon with her, which shimmers white and abruptly unleashes a wave of force from it. If she could just knock him off his feet for a second..!
Ivo Galvan has posed:
"But you'd like me to 'handle' you, wouldn't you-- guhh!"

Ivo turns his head and torso to deliver his retort, which turns out to be unwise as her ice ball slams into his side, briefly knocking the wind out of him and at last wiping that grin off his face. Well, mostly. With one eye squinted shut and a hand at his side, the knight-errant is still managing a lopsided smile. "It's not easy to take the fight out of you," he murmurs under his breath. Not that he's surprised. But at least, for the first time, her determination is turning out to be fun in its own right, and not purely an irritation.

Of course, he'd still rather have nothing to do with her!

That sword of hers sure is odd-looking. But Ivo's sword has a few tricks of its own. With a press of its pommel and a quite click, a faint crackling can be heard as the Hauteclare's blade separates from its hilt, an orb of energy beginning to thrum at the empty space between them, the cutting edge improbably levitating a few inches from the guard. "Get down, eh? Whoa--" He can sense that surge of force. Eyes widening, he turns to lunge toward the edge of the rooftop.

"I can move anywhere--"

Dropping into a slide, he grins again.

"--and so can my sword!"

He slides off the edge of the roof just in time, dropping down into the alley to barely avoid the impact of her shockwave-- and moments later the flat of his blade, flying free from its hilt, spirals through the air and strikes Avira in the back stunningly, inflicting an aching and debilitating bruise.

Soon answer Ivo can be seen leaping up to another rooftop closeby, looking back at the huntress insioucantly. "That was fun. Why don't /you/ try it!?" His wrist twitches rapidly. Somehow, that orb of power at his hilt is able to /control/ the blade dancing freely through the air. From meters away, he sends Hauteclare's blade rapidly stabbing down at her, aiming to force his perhaps stunned assailant off the brink of the roof!
Avira has posed:
"S-shut up!!" Avira's face is bright red again. Only after she blurts that out does she realize that she shouldn't be responding to him at all like this. He's just trying to get rid of her, get her off her game!! It makes her just a little madder to think about that. But anger didn't get her to where she wanted to go...which was at Ivo!

To capture him of course. Yes.

She rushes to the edge of that building where he had just jumped down to avoid the shockwave. She's about to follow when she sees something fly up into the air. "What the-" then without warning, it spirals around and strikes her in the back, "AHH! WHAT THE &#(@ WAS THAT?!" she teeters on the edge, her arms pinwheeling furiously, and nearly falls off the building before managing to jerk herself backwards. A sigh of relief escapes her lips.

It is short lived once she sees Ivo pop back up onto another rooftop. "You-!!" she says, exaspirated before she discovers just what "that" thing was that hit her in the back. The...blade of his sword? She did not know his sword could do this THING! Frantically, she parries the rain of stabs with her own weapon, stepping backwards with each strike. It does protect her, but at the same time, she doesn't notice what's behind her and falls backwards off the building, letting out a startled cry.

Where Ivo cannot see, she hits the ground on her back, her Spine rattling out of her grip from the impact. The woman lies there for a moment, the wind knocked out of her and for a few moments, she considers just giving up and going home.

Then she pictures that smirking, laughing face of his and her anger blossoms anew.

Things are different now. I'm not going to put up with being a failure anymore.

As she stands, she takes a potion from one of the pouches on her belt, and chugs it. The empty bottle is tossed aside and she takes a breath before running at the wall and leaping. The alley she's fallen into didn't have handy boxes in it to climb, so instead she jumps at the wall and hits it with as much force possible with her feet, sending her propelled to the other wall of the alleyway, where she repeats the action, leaping even higher. Two more bounces and she leaps from the alley up onto the building.

Avira hits the ground running, relentlessly chasing Ivo down. "I bet you think you're pretty hot stuff, huh?!" Her harshly-gripped weapon suddenly shines bright blue as Avira channels her own ice magic directly into it. She all but flies across the roof, jumping another gap, onto the building that Ivo stands. "-then how about I-"

For the first time, she manages to close the gap, striking out with the "flat" side of her weapon, which has a triangular instead of flat edge as a normal sword would. The flat side of the Spine minimizes contact with the sharp serrated edges.

Each hit invites a biting, stinging cold with it, leaving a layer of frost in its wake. "-cool you off!"
Ivo Galvan has posed:
Did he get her?

Ivo heaves a little sigh of mingled relief and satisfaction as Avira disappears down into the alleys below, taking a moment to wipe a bead of sweat off his brow with his gloved hand. Wielding Hauteclare grants him the element of surprise, but it's incredibly fatiguing to manage such precision, especially while on the run. The small energy orb at his hilt still crackling, Ivo inhales and shakes out his cloak, then looks over at the rooftop's brink. Now's the time to escape, but--

"...Thought you had more than that."

--now, to his own surprise, he's a little disappointed.

"I guess-- gehh!?"

The typically poised knight-errant simply gapes Avira vaults back into view with preternatural agility, already dashing at him. "Damn--" Desperately he summons his blade back to him, cursing himself for stupidly neglecting to do so immediately, but he's left with nothing but hilt and buckler. "Gahh!" Curling up behind his small shield, he takes the brunt of the elemental attack on the metal, staggering back from the force, shivering violently as traces of frost curl in his dark hair.


Peering back out from behind his shield, Ivo winks.

"You've made another mistake... Avira."

How does the way he say her name sound so /suggestive/?

"For you see--"

He lunges at her, jumping forward with a swirl of his cloak, stabbing out with that pulsing magical sphere manifested at the tip of his sword-guard in place of his blade, which then emits a shocking surge of power. Spinning in midair, the blade spinning towards him reconnects with its hilt, and the renewed Hauteclare is then turned on the huntress in a flurry of artful swings.

"I'm already as cool as it gets!"
Avira has posed:
A shield! Avira does know a thing or two about dealing with those, having one of her own. Hers is still attached to her back though-seems she hasn't been able to pull it out yet with all the running and jumping. Ivo certainly does not make for easy prey.

Avira doesn't mind this. A...challenge would help her grow.

"Have I?" she retorts, trying to hide that involuntary shiver of hers when he says her name like...that. More mind games! Focus, Avira!!

Mental discipline wins the day. While she knew his sword's blade was not with him, she didn't assume he was completely defenseless. Just barely, she manages to twirl out of the way of his lunge, evading the blast of magic he had secretly manifested at the tip of his empty hilt.

When he comes at her with his completed weapon, she is ready. Each blow is matched, though clearly with great effort and concentration on her part. It's clear it's not effortless for her to go toe to toe with an experienced swordsman such as Ivo but that practically supernatural persistance of her pushes her through.

Meeting his eyes, she finally grins for the first time since she started chasing him. "I don't think I made a mistake at all." She locks her blade with his, then tries to trap it between two of the serrated edges of the Spine and flick it aside to send him off balance. "Someone needs to knock you off your pedestal!" Immediately, she goes on the offensive, striking with her own equally artful flurry of blows. It's not precisely swordsmanship. With her particular weapon, Avira seems to manipulate the way she holds it just as much as how she swings it, even briefly letting go of the Spine to grab it with the other hand.

As perhaps a final surprise, she lunges forward and suddenly slams into him, getting beneath his center of gravity and tossing him into the air over her shoulder. As he falls, a foot slams out in a back kick behind Avira, aimed to nail him right in the head.
Ivo Galvan has posed:
He needs to remind himself that he dislikes this woman.

When she grins at him, Ivo can't help but grin back, even as she matches his every blow. Now that he can see her effort in action, her persistence has, for the first time, become something admirable, and more than a nuisance. Besides, this is the most entertaining interaction they've had yet-- for several reasons.

Still, the enjoyment is premised on an adversarial relation, and the swordsman has far from forgotten that. If anything, rather than shift his fundamental aversion to Avira, this new respect is a dawning recognition that, more than a nuisance, this woman might be a real rival.

Well, that's much more fun.

"And what do you plan to do with me once you've knocked me over?" he jokes, eyes still sparkling, as their blades clash. He's no longer attempting to run, meeting her force with all of his technique, but skilled as he is, he's employed his best techniques already, and her will burns bright. Right now, he needs to focus on adapting to her own unusual style, relying off on analytical ability and half on his instincts, barely deflecting some of her attacks but escaping harm. "I begin to suspect you don't intend to turn me into the Archadian authorities at all-- whaa--"

But he doesn't anticipate the bodyslam. Mostly unharmed but stunned, he's not able to prevent Avira from hoisting him up and throwing himself, leaving him open to a fierce kick--


--which deflects off his small shield, which he's raised even as he sails through the air, offering her a grin in the moment before he hits the ground rolling and rises to his feet. "Why not instead of throwing me down take the softer approach, and just lie down? I promise to be gentle." Gentle as he runs in the opposite direction. Even as he riles her up, he's fainting with Hauteclare high and then dropping it low-- "Hmph!" --before emiting a burst of that bright energy he briefly displayed earlier, this time forming a wave of energy which aims to knock her off her feet. Well, that's one way to do it.
Avira has posed:
There was one slight advantage that Avira did have and that is the Spine isn't wielded precisely as a normal sword. Unfortunately, Ivo seems to be catching onto this fact quickly and while she makes a very admirable effort, he deflects blow after blow. Under other circumstances, it might be demoralizing for Avira, but instead it just makes her push harder. She didn't want to be that woman that was just all talk and annoyance to him! ..f...for some reason. Maybe it was seeing that smile of his.

"Take you back to Rabanastre, of course...but from there..." Sparks fly between their weapons. "Well I'm no /stooge/ of the Empire." she confides. "Personally I would hope that you could easily escape those dogs, if you were taken in. If NOT-"

She slams into him and flips him over, her kick meeting his shield. Looking back behind her, she adds, "-well I could always find 'someone' to help you back out." She pushes off and whirls to face him.

A two-person con, literally thought on the fly, "But it's awfully risky and time consuming, don't you think?"

But then he counters with some bedroom talk. Avira is clearly blindsided by the sudden change in subject and her eyes widen. Just as flustered, if not more so when Ivo first began teasing her tonight, she falls for the feint and tries to defend high, expecting to cross swords. Except the blow comes low and knocks her over onto her back, though this time she's able to keep ahold of her weapon. With a gasp, she pushes herself up so she's sitting and curls her legs towards her. "I...Ivo...you..." she says in a demure voice, bringing her free hand close to her chest.

She releases her hand from the Spine, letting it lie on the ground as she swings her hand up, firing off several blasts of her ice magic. "...are going to have to try harder than that to get me to lie down for you!"
Ivo Galvan has posed:
"Oho," Ivo says again, intrigued, as Avira whirls to face him again. "You know just how to interest me." He's grinning once more. He's not surprised that she's capable of such a proposal, but it is a little unexpected that she'd suggest it to /him/. "Perhaps such a ploy will be necessary to clear my name. But I wonder if I can trust you, Avira?" Again, he very deliberately puts that little low twist on her name, speaking it the way the man on the pillow beside her would to wake her. "Once I allow you to capture me, would you truly let me go?"

Managing to topple her, if not disarm her, Ivo tilts his head, still grinning. "See, that's what I'm talking about. I-- eh?" Wait, what's this maidenly reaction? He was attempting to work her up, not pierce to her heart. Not that he's surprised she's shy deep down, but-- did he hit her a little too hard? For the first time revealing a hint of his true nature, Ivo's playful expression vanishes, revealing an honest concern in his eyes. "Hey, are you al--"

Ugh, he should have gone with the 'just run away' plan.


Having lowered his guard, the ice image connects directly, sending Ivo sprawling, tangling up in his own cloak as he rolls away, coughing as he staggers back to his feet, shaking his head. "That's what I get for underestimating you," he says, gamely enough. It sounds complimentary, but really, he's trying to joke around some more, in the hope that she won't have noticed his moment of kindness. A compassionate heart can be used against you by a wily foe. "But I won't make that mistake again."


"It was fun... Avira."

His sword, orb of energy manifesting, separates blade from hilt.

"Hauteclare... dance for me!"

And then the blade becomes a blur.

It cuts about her like a web of steel, dancing about in an endless rain, as the orb of power at his hilt begins to glow brighter and brighter. All at once -- though, occupied as she is, Avira may not notice -- shadows begin to wreathe the pulsing power until it turns black as night. Then, with a gritting of his teeth, Ivo clenches his fist and thrusts the hilt out, launching the orb from its place as, shuddering with intensity, it fires toward Avira-- and explodes in a burst of darkness.
Avira has posed:
Avira smirks a little. Of course he'd call her reliability into question. Why, it would just be too easy to take the reward money and leave Ivo to suffer at the hands of the Archadians. But where would that get her, really? With enough money to feed her for a week? The undying hatred of Ivo? Not worth it. "Well, there's only one way to find out." she drawls in response to his question.

Yet again, she's a little flustered, though not as badly as before. It's hard not to be when he says her name like that.

Suddenly, Ivo's acting all weird when she starts to play up the shy, distressed woman angle. It made her wonder a little-his words, the teasing, all just an act to throw her off guard? Probably, now that she thinks about it.

...wasn't it ALL an act..?

"I'm not just some rookie..." she mumbles, scooping up the Spine and standing quickly as he pulls himself onto his feet. Sounds like she thought he was serious. In fact, he takes his next move very seriously since he announces it with all the intention of a dismissal.

The blade flies at her and immediately, Avira is doing everything she can to parry it. Unfortunately, it simply moves far too fast and she fails more than succeeds in keeping the blade from striking her. So occupied that she fails to notice Ivo summoning more magic from the hilt of the Hauteclare. Not until the magic is launched.

Just as she looks up towards the oncoming orb of darkness, Ivo can see her eyes widen in terror.

She is consumed in darkness, unable to even utter a cry of surprise before it happens. When it disappates, she remains crumpled on the ground, breathing hard and struggling to stay conscious. "Nggh...you win this round...Ivo Galvan."
Ivo Galvan has posed:
Ivo smiles.

"As anticipated..."
Hauteclare's blade whips through the air, clicking into its hilt.

"...more or less."

With a final flourish, he sheathes his sword and regards his rival fallen before him. "Looks like you couldn't resist falling for me after all," he can't help but add, sounding amused despite the numbing pain in his chest from her last blast of ice magic. "Like I said, you should have tried this strategy to begin with: laying on the ground, and asking me nicely."

He reaches up to run a hand through his dark hair, tousld from the fight. "Of course," he then finishes lightly, "it wouldn't have worked!" Grinning all over again, he points down at her and winks. "But you would've spared yourself the trouble of being beaten. Ha ha ha!" He laughs charmingly, without evident malice.

Ivo Galvan, charitable in victory.

"You're tough, but you'd better give it up," he advises, turning away on the rooftop with a swirl of his cloak, framed by the last fingers of light from the setting sun. An unexpected backdrop, but he'll take it. "Don't waste your time chasing me. Your Clan is better served with you hunting worthier marks, right? And hey," here his smile seems just a bit more sincere, "maybe we'll meet in the field, and then you can show me up fairly."

Is he-- encouraging her?

"...So stop stalking me."
Avira has posed:
Her muscles tighten as he speaks, indicating that she can certainly hear his words. "Why you-" Avira struggles, trying to at least push herself into a sitting position on the roof. It's too difficult, though, everything just felt so heavy. She slumps down again, letting out a breath.

'Of course it wouldn't have worked!'

She's struggling all over again and actually manages to flip herself over so she can get onto her knees. Not that this is any less embarassing a position to be in around him. "You scoundrel.." she huffs, fingers digging into the roof. "...no, I'm not going to give it up. Not until I get what I want from you."

What, exactly, that is does not get specified. It's most likely that damn drink. Or she might really want to go through with ripping off the Archadian Empire of their bounty. Or it could be something /else/... She glares at him for a long moment, then looks away embarassed.

She lets herself roll back over onto her side, apparently content with napping right here to recover.
Ivo Galvan has posed:
What is it that she wants?


Ivo won't ask.

"So be it."

He'd much rather assume.

"But like I said," he adds, grinning at her over his shoulder as he begins walking toward the edge of the roof, taking maybe just a little pleasure in seeing her on her knees, "if you want me to... give you want you want, Avira..." Boy, does he sound like he's having fun. His grin only widens as she rolls over almost grumpily. "You've got to change your approach. Refined, ladylike. That's what I like."

He winks, one last time.

"Just a tip."

And he leaps down from the roof, and is gone.