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Latest revision as of 01:58, 5 November 2012

A Welcoming Committee
Date of Scene: 05 November 2012
Location: Manhattan - Central Park
Synopsis: Lenna Tycoon comes to Manhattan, looking for her father. She runs into Mercade Alexander and friends. Conversation Ensues.
Cast of Characters: Mercade Alexander, Tifa Lockhart, Sarafina Carenze, Lenna Tycoon, Deelel

Lenna Tycoon has posed:
It's been a bit of a trek for Lenna. The Wind Crystal of Tycoon has shattered, and she has, ever since, been wandering looking for her father. She's had some weird leads that have taken her all over the place -- all over a /lot/ of places, actually. Today's target: Central Park.

She is having a rough time navigating it; it's not that she's incapable of working with the whole 'modernity' thing, so much as that she just... can't handle the 'it's a grid except for all the places it isn't a grid' thing. She is also not /entirely/ sure what she's looking for, other than that she is prrrrobably looking for somewhere called Brooklyn?

Whatever, who would ever arrange streets in something resembling a sane manner.
Mercade Alexander has posed:
Central Park is a great place.

For one, it's /central/. Also, it's where the main portal from everywhere else comes into the world. This means it's a point of notice for the various interests that remain and have not been devoured by Darkness.

It's also why Mercade Alexander sits on a bench, writing in some file folders and looking through the people walking by, seeing if there are any unfamiliar-looking people.

Like Miss Tycoon here, who isn't dressed in anything resembling New York Fashion. After writing in big letters, 'THE SEWERS OF BARON ARE TERRIBLE AND SMELLY AND FILLED WITH DOOM HOBOS', he snaps the folder closed, and approaches the woman with a steady gait.

Yes, he took a shower after he got back.

"Pardon me, ma'am." Mercade says. "You look like you're new in town. Am I correct in assuming you came here from outside the world?" He looks her over and gestures slightly, indicating the clothing. "I don't think that style's caught on here yet..."
Tifa Lockhart has posed:
Tifa Lockhart just came out of the party, the formal reception and auction for art. She lost her bet, so she's empty handed, but that happens in auctions. She's hmming as she walks along the street, still dressed for the party, which is in a red cocktail dress and high heels. She actually stops for a second to rub the back of her heel. She can't say she likes those shoes.

She moves over to the park, where the portal back home is. She notices Mercade there, but doesn't want to disturb him either, as he goes to help the pink haired girl. She noticed the different clothes too, but there's all kinds of people with the portals. She's not exactly surprised.
Sarafina Carenze has posed:
Sarafina comes to Central Park sometimes. Of course, she looks like a MOOOOOONSTER OH NOOOOOOOOOOO so she generally only comes out when there's not many people out and about so as to not cause a fuss, but she will have to get over it eventually or she won't be able to go anywhere.

She knows Mercade, however, and approaches him. Unfamiliar people in Central Park?! Impossible.

She catches sight of Mercade's folder and a glimpse of the words before saying, "Doom hobos? That's a new one."

She looks over to Lenna. Pink hair? That's crazy!
Deelel has posed:
Deelel has just left the party herself the Program had been very curious to see what Art passed for with Users and it had been a learning experiance. She'd kept to the background just watching the show. Other than some comments from some of the other event goers about the strange tattoos she seemed to have? There was nothing to remark on for her really. However she'd returned to the park and hadn't. She was no longer dressed for the party it been simple enough to side step into the bathroom, and rezz her normal outfit back on still it hadn't helped her much. She might ahve fit better into the city in the dress. She didn't really look i place here however as she heads through the park she does spot Tifa and Mercade whom she starts to approach.
Lenna Tycoon has posed:
It takes Lenna a few moments to realize she's even the one that Mercade is addressing. She glances over to the woman in the red dress, but doesn't comment on her just yet; she then turns her attention more directly to Mercade, saying, "Ah -- yes, I'm looking for my father... I was told he may have come this way. My name is Lenna Charlotte Tycoon."

She hesitates a little to bow or curtsy or shake hands; she's not sure what the proper procedure is here. There's a moment of faint unease -- which quickly becomes a moment of very non-faint unease, as she sees Sarafina, because oh wow that is a monster person and she's not really sure how to engage with that!

She stares, despite that being rude, because, well, what.
Mercade Alexander has posed:
"Yeah, doom hobos. Trust me, it's horrible." Mercade replies to Sarafina. She's cool with him.

Lenna, however, introduces herself and explains her Deal. He snaps open a notepad and begins jotting things down. "A pleasure to meet you, Miss Tycoon." He looks up, and flicks a hand, producing a card (it was totally up his sleeve) and offering it to Lenna. "My name is Mercade Alexander, of the Twilight Detective Agency. Don't worry about Sarafina there, she's got a bit of a story about that, but she's a good person." He smiles. "So you're looking for your father? You think he's come to Manhattan? Do you have a description of him? Any tendencies, or what kind of place he would frequent?" He seems to not care about the pink hair. After all, there's Deelel over there with neon blue hair.
Tifa Lockhart has posed:
Tifa Lockhart hmms as she hears over the two, but she just stops for a moment to say hi to Mercade for now. She's not going to disturb his business either, but hey, doesn't mean she has to be antisocial either. She smiles and waves to Sarafina as well, remember the girl "Hi there." She decides to take a moment to slip out of her high heels, walking in the grass feels nice right now.
Deelel has posed:
Deelel looks over Lenna for a moment and then back to the others two. She looks over Tifa for a moment longer and then finally speakls "Hello, I think I saw you both at the auction. It was a pretty interesting event." She looks over to Lenna and seems to have an idea of needing to find something or someone. For that's what brought her to this city as well. "I'm Deelel it's good to meet you."

He voice is a bit odd it's got a slight digital warble too it if you pay attention.
Tifa Lockhart has posed:
Tifa Lockhart nods to Deelel with a smile, cooling her feet in the grass a bit, walking around on her heels "Yes, it was a nice party." She's still wearing the dress from it to "I'm not used to wearing high heels though, I don't know how some people manage to always wear those without going nuts."
Sarafina Carenze has posed:
"Tycoon?" Sarafina says after a moment. She looks Lenna over. she hrms faintly. The name--and a father. The sort of story that tugs on Sarafina, but she shakes her head. she has enough to worry about doesn't she? She isn't even sure what he looks like or where to go. It seems like more the job for ... a /detective/.

"Thank you, Mercade." She says sincerely, even smiling a bit. "This is a big city. It can be hard to find things here, I can only imagine. But Mercade is very devoted to his work. He can help you."

She looks towards eelel, hesitating--something with that voice is familiar.

Another demon? she observes Deelel carefully.
Deelel has posed:
Deelel says "It was interesting to see so much art. I'm a artist my self but I don't think any of my work would end up there. It's kinda of silly to have art locked away rather than somewhere anyone passing by can enjoy it. AS for the heels they seem rather impactial for anything other than issues related to apperance." She looks to Sarafina as she's seemingly curious about the winged woman herself.
Tifa Lockhart has posed:
Tifa Lockhart nods to Deelel "Sure, it makes pretty legs, but I rather go back to my clunky boots, they are comfy at least." she nods, and shakes her head "I know what you mean, I was going to put the sculpture in the bar, but Cirra won it, so no dice." she smiles "Part of the game hm?"

She looks over to Mercade and the pink haired girl "I heard the name Tycoon before. Wasn't there a town or a city with that name?" She tries to remember. With the new worlds and all, there's lots of places she hasn't seen yet, but there's lots of people talking, and news spreading around.
Lenna Tycoon has posed:
"Auction? What was being auctioned, precisely?" Lenna is a little curious about that -- but she has other things to worry about before too long, like actually responding to Mercade. She then decides that she doesn't need to worry about Sarafina -- she is at least for the moment willing to trust Mercade.

So naturally she starts explaining, because she doesn't have any other options or leads. "Ah -- he wears the armour of a dragoon -- an aerial knight, if you lack familiarity. He is some several inches taller than I am..." Precise measurements? Who would ever have those? "He'd likely seek aid from other leaders of men -- a crisis faces our lands..." She seems a little reticent to elaborate on that part, though.
Deelel has posed:
Deelel says "It's seems how the game is played here on this world and others. Oh you run a bar? That's interesting." Well it seems there's one pass time her and her makers share besides art and this kinda makes her happy. "If your looking for art prehaps I could produce something for you miss?"
Tifa Lockhart has posed:
Tifa Lockhart hmms "Well I really wanted that interlocked-hearts with keyholes one. Because my name is Lockhart, I thought it was fitting." she smiles at that. She looks at Lenna "There was an auction of art today, for charity fund raising. It was formally dressed and lots of good food too." She points at herself "I'm usually not this classy, and certainly not appreciating the high heels much either."
Sarafina Carenze has posed:
"A dragoon!" Sarafina exclaims. "Like myself, then. My, my, there are many missing dragoons who are also fathers...though the last one seemed to have adopted a lamia. He is not your father, however. His last name wasn't Tycoon and he was from the Kingdom of Baron." She pauses, though. Leaders of men? "I take it your father is a commander of some sort. I have not seen many dragoons." She frowns faintly. "And many crisises... I can certainly recognize a dragoon..." She looks towards Dee and adds, plainly. "Demon. May I ask who summoned you? You are not here for trouble, are you?"
Mercade Alexander has posed:
Tifa comes and greets him, resplendant in her dress gown. "Oh hell-oooooo Tifa!" he exclaims, looking over at her and realizing how she's dressed. "Wow, you look amazing!" He pauses. "Wait. Auction? Party? OH CRAP, I MISSED IT!" He slaps his forehead, and sighs. "Oh well. Avira will understand." She understood all right, since he's going to be getting a new statue in the Agency for a while.

Lenna gives him information. He looks over Lenna, estimating a bit as he jots notes. Maybe he's approximating something based on her appearance. "Leaders of men. Okay, I'll be checking in with David Xanatos, then. He's the closest thing to a leader we have here right now, since our real leaders got sort of..." He shrugs, and gestures to the far distance. "Eaten be the Darkness. Ironic, that."
Tifa Lockhart has posed:
Tifa Lockhart nods to Mercade "Your boss was there, so was Avira, I saw them there. Your boss tried to get an art piece for me in fact, but we lost the auction. It was a silent auction, I doubt he would have lost to a bidding war, honestly." She smirks at that "We all had a good time, there was good food, and yes, you missed lots of pretty girls in dresses too."
Mercade Alexander has posed:
Mercade also nods. "Yeah, there was an event that was an art auction, for charity. Some group called Hearts Intertwined were hosting it, very high-class thing." Weird, Mercade looks rather scruffy to be going to a high-class event. "And yes, I've seen a dragoon before. Baron has a few." He takes some more notes. "I'm sure there will be some differences though. Kingdoms and all that, maybe?"

He looks to Tifa, and laughs. "No, Xanatos is rich as hell. I don't think he would have lost if it wasn't a silent auction, you're right. Maybe you can contact the artist and commission another piece like it?" He pauses. "I was supposed to be there with Avira, but well. I was held up." Doom hobos.
Deelel has posed:
Deelel says "I can understand that and it does seem to be fitting really." She grins a little wider. "So where is this bar you run?" She seems amused at Mercades reaction to Mercade. "Yes you did miss it sir I'm afraid. It does seem a fitting fate far as it goes for those who seem to crave power of the masses." She pauses at Serafina for a moment staring at them. "Demon?! What's a demon and I wasn't summoned here I came here seeking help for my home."
Tifa Lockhart has posed:
Tifa Lockhart nods "He said that he'd buy the sculpture for me if I agreed to a meeting with him soon, for business he said. I'm not sure what he wants, but I'll meet with him nonetheless. I think he was going to ask someone to make one for me, he took pictures, but I said he could find another similar art piece too, it was for charity after all." Xanatos laid down the charm on her, indeed. Not that she falls for that alone, but most girl finds it pleasing to be flirted with and complimented on nonetheless. "My bar is in Goug, the Seventh Heaven. Its not too hard to find fortunatly."
Lenna Tycoon has posed:
"... Eaten by the Darkness?" Lenna asks, squinting a little at Mercade. "How awful... I hope this Xanatos can help, in any event." That's all that she can really say to that, so she turns her attention back toward Sarafina more earnestly. "Kingdom of Baron..." It takes Lenna a few seconds to put it together where she knows that name from.

When she finally puts it together, she says, "I'm afraid I can't help with that..." However -- I would offer my assistance, should you need it." She does not say much more about herself and her origins for the moment, and her father's position of power -- because the word 'demon' gets her attention.

"If you aren't a demon -- what, exactly, are you?" she asks of Deelel, taking a deep breath. She'd prefer not to escalate things.
Mercade Alexander has posed:
"I can put you in touch with him if you want." Mercade says. "He's been very active in keeping this city together."

He looks to Tifa again and shrugs. "Remember when I asked about if you wanted to open another bar? He's the one who asked me to make you that offer. He'd fund it, and all he wants is ten percent of the profit. I suppose he thinks he's investing in the future."

Mercade simply affixes Deelel with a scrutinizing eye. It takes him a bit to dissassemble what she was saying. It was odd, like her mind is moving faster than her mouth and it was struggling to keep up. He doesn't say anything, instead waiting for her response.
Sarafina Carenze has posed:
The greatest mystery of the universe is why people call her Serafina instead of Sarafina. It's not just one person either. It's like everybody. It's a great mystery.

"Mm..." She says after a moment. "Still--you sound like the one--'Lexus'?" She shakes her head. "But if you say you are not I have no reason to suspect beyond that." She looks back over to Mercade to see if he groks anything she missed, but he seems more focused on Tifa for the moment.
Tifa Lockhart has posed:
Tifa Lockhart hmms at that, nodding "Well I'll see if it's what he wants. It'd be hard for me to be in two bars at once, but if I can find someone to handle it, it's not a bad idea really." Maybe that's why he asked her if she liked Manhattan better now.

She looks to the girl named Lenna "Lots of people are lost to the darkness right now, I'm missing lots of people I knew about in fact. Its just a reality everyone is working with, but there are people seeking solutions and trying to free up the darkened areas too, so its a matter of time, I hope."
Deelel has posed:
Deelel mind is prehaps a bit overclocked today, she's been having an good day until one name is dropped. She'd known he was no friend of MCP but she was a fool now to think he might not have had goals of his own. He took out a Black Guard Patrol in short order after all. The look on her face changes to one of suprise, then a seeming sense of someone who realises they have just been used. She seems to keep it toghther mostly. "Yes I know him. As for what I am?" She takes a deep breath. After all her world and its existance is hard for most people to take as its alien even to the mix of worlds in the darkness. "My name is Deelel I am a program from the Encom system."
Lenna Tycoon has posed:
"That would be appreciated, sir," Lenna says, with a small nod. "I am certain this Xanatos individual will be able to help -- or at least, give me a lead that is slightly less cold." She smiles broadly. She seems... straightforward enough, if nothing else. Not a lot of finesse or guile going on here.

Nodding to Tifa, Lenna says, "I'm aware, of course -- but I believe that my father was not yet so swallowed. It is -- a gut feeling. Nothing more... though I've learned to trust them."
Mercade Alexander has posed:
"No problem! I'll get on that. Will you be staying in Manhattan? You'll noticve your money changed during the trip here. You can use it to purchase lodging for some time while I get in contct with Xanatos for you." He pauses. "You might be wondering why I'm helping you. Logical question, right?" He gestures. "To explain, I'm technically getting paid for it by the guy yo're going to be seeing. It's to everyone's benefit that we keep an eye on this thing."

Deelel namedtops. "Encom?! But they were lost in the Darkness! How did you... what do you..." Herp. Derp. You can see the mental transmission slipping gears.
Sarafina Carenze has posed:
As long as it's not Overclock.


"...I have no idea what Encom is." She says after a moment. "But you seem friendly enough." But program? That's what Lexus called himself. "You seem to recognize the name." She says after a moment. "I don't suppose you could tell me a bit more about him."
Tifa Lockhart has posed:
Tifa Lockhart nods to Lenna "Then I'm sure he'll be fine, I'll wish you good luck to find him. If anyone can find him, its Mercade." She's seen his skills at work a few times, if she had anyone to look for she'd ask him.

Well there is one person, but if he's not around there's probably good reason as well.

She sits down on a bench a bit, resting her legs and feet from the party. She has to pull her dress up a little bit so it doesn't stretch out either. She doesn't wear this kind of dress often. She couldn't fight in these.
Deelel has posed:
Deelel has hopefully proven she's not a demon as she looks for somewhere to sit down after a moment she'll take one of the free benches sit down and takes anotehr deep breath. "My world, the world you users have created exists at least as of one of your months ago. A tyrant had sized control of the system known as MCP. He was devouring other programs to gain their functions and access rights. The few of us who reisted were either derezzed by the black guard on the spot. Or taken to the games, where we were given the choice to serve and recant any notion of Users existing or fight int he pits. I was one of those who refused and I fought to stay alive till an rogue program broke me and a dozen other prisonrs out during transfer. They were going to make us fight the last remaining security program still loyal to the users named Tron."

This is a somewhat longer story "After I escaped I met LEXUS he had just terminated a patrol of MCPs troops and we spoke. He told me of a way I could get to another system and prehaps get help. I went to one of the oldest places on the grid, it was coming apart riddled with data bugs but I found what he told me of. MCP however had followed me and allowed me to make my attempt to see if our kind could surive the transion to this world. I was successful in suriving it so I have to assume MCP is somewhere in this city or beyond now. Or his agent as for LEXUS he was a rogue program, strong enough to take out a fully armed black guard patrol on his own. I went to try and save my world and I may have put this one and many others in danger."
Lenna Tycoon has posed:
Lenna starts to speak -- and then abruptly just starts staring at Deelel like she's an alien, because there's nothing she can really say to that. She might as well be speaking ancient Wyndian, which Lenna /definitely/ wouldn't know because that's not even the right game company.

Her attention, once she wraps her head around having... any attention, whatsoever, returns to Mercade. "Ah -- I understand. How noble -- to endow someone who can direct travelers and adventurers. I'm certain that I'll have no shortage of respect for this Mr. Xanatos." That broad smile remains.
Sarafina Carenze has posed:
Sarafina Carenze listens to Deelel.

"Your friend LEXUS was working with a wizard duck to steal an ice cream recipe that was secretly a lock to opening up another world known as New Orleans." Whatever happened to Old Orleans, she dares not guess. Still, in saying this, Sarafina seems a bit smug--as if pleased with herself that she was able to come up with a more ridiculous story than Deelel just provided.
Mercade Alexander has posed:
"Well, I like him. You might too, you might not. I can't quite tell." He laughs. "But on a glance, I'm pretty sure it will all work out. Don't worry about that stuff over there for now. IS there anything you'd like to know about Manhattan while you're here?"
Deelel has posed:
Deelel has learned what ice cream as and she listens. "So he's out of the system and in user space as well?" She thinks for a moment nodding "I'll not be suprised now looking back at it that he was doing the same thing MCP was with me. Glitch it, I lead them both here." She doesn't seem too happy about it and has a hell of a mess to clean up. She seems to take Sarafina's story at face value as well.
Tifa Lockhart has posed:
Tifa Lockhart smiles as she stretches her legs a bit. Well, most people are just conversing on their own. She hmms, and slips back into her high heels "I should probably start heading back home."
Lenna Tycoon has posed:
At the mention of heading home, Lenna gives a small nod to Tifa. "It seems that I should probably find lodgings for myself as well..." It shouldn't be /too/ hard, if she indeed has all that money she purportedly has, but it might be a little tricky. "I hpe that things continue to go as well as they have been thus far... I'm certain that if I need to know anything, I'll be able to find out soon enough. Thank you, however, for your offer of further assistance."