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Latest revision as of 18:06, 12 August 2013

Odd Hours
Date of Scene: 11 August 2013
Location: Manhattan - The Arcade
Synopsis: Once again near closing time? The arcade gets a strange guest. Deelel has an encounter with Brooklyn a Gargoyle she's only heard about before. Brooklyn on the other hand gets a bit of a better understanding about Basics as he chats it up with Deelel.
Cast of Characters: Deelel, Brooklyn

Brooklyn has posed:
It's been a long time since Brooklyn has been seen around the worlds. He has, after all, been focused on dealing with the crime in Manhattan, and in turn has been keeping all of his focus on that. But even doing that he needs to take some time off, and...He hasn't been to the arcade yet, so he decides to do that.

It's close to closing time for the arcade when the gargoyle slips inside, wearing a long trenchcoat and a fedora, his long hair tucked into the back of the trenchcoat as well, trying to keep himself as discreet as possible.
Deelel has posed:
Deelel is working late and wishes she could be back in Flynn OS, btu she can't be there all the time. Not now, no she knows more than most any of her kind ever has about the universe. She pauses as someone enters late and she looks at him for a moment. She pauses as she heads over to him and politely asks.

"Can I help you?"
Brooklyn has posed:
"Uh, yeah. I'm new here...To the arcade, that is, not New York.." Brooklyn smiles, though it looks weird with the beak and everything, "Just wanted to know if you had any recommendations."
Deelel has posed:
Deelel has a strange digital warble to his voice given Brooklyn's experience with technology? He might notice it as she speaks to him.

"Ah yes, we only recently reopened Flynn's so that's to be expected, I guess. My name is Deelel. As for good games? We have things going back to the first generation of video games like Fix-it Felix Jr, all the way up to some modern dancing games or Hero's Duty and Sugar Rush. What sort of game are you looking for?"
Deelel has posed:
Deelel has a strange digital warble to his voice given Brooklyn's experience with technology? He might notice it as she speaks to him. 5R
"Ah yes, we only recently reopened Flynn's so that's to be expected, I guess. My name is Deelel. As for good games? We have things going back to the first generation of video games like Fix-it Felix Jr, all the way up to some modern dancing games or Hero's Duty and Sugar Rush. What sort of game are you looking for?"
Deelel has posed:
Deelel has a strange digital warble to his voice given Brooklyn's experience with technology? He might notice it as she speaks to him.

"Ah yes, we only recently reopened Flynn's so that's to be expected, I guess. My name is Deelel. As for good games? We have things going back to the first generation of video games like Fix-it Felix Jr, all the way up to some modern dancing games or Hero's Duty and Sugar Rush. What sort of game are you looking for?"
Brooklyn has posed:
"Well, definitely not dancing games." He says, "I dunno. Hero's Duty sounds like it might be good. Something where I can relax and cut loose." He says, as he rubs his muzzle with a claw, "But maybe I'll try the Fix-It Felix Jr. game."
Deelel has posed:
Deelel says "I'm very fond of those myself and hum Fix-IT Felix is a pretty good game that has aged pretty well. Also I'm sorry, my name is Deelel and it's good to meet you. We don't have long before the game closes but please enjoy yourself here we also have some snack food and drinks here as well which may be of interest to you. Finally don't get many gargoyles here either."

She's grinning so she's likely no hostile right? Well to be honest she knows two other members of Brooklyn's species.
Brooklyn has posed:
"Oh." Brooklyn says, "That easy to see, huh? I don't know how this disguise works so well for Broadway." He takes off the hat and jacket and sets them near the door, "So where's this game at?" He asks, rooting around his pocket for some quarters.
Deelel has posed:
Deelel says "Just a little bit or it's perhaps I have a talent for it. My name is Deelel and it's over there."

She points over to the arcade unit that is Hero's duty and she notes to him for a moment.

"You'll get a better rating if you cover the hides of the other machines."

She's knows a lot of them and with how the cybugs are she's been at a loss of what to do. They are out of the game so pulling the plug to contain it would do no good deny the marines their home. Those guys and their commander had stuck their necks out to protect the other people in the station after all.
Brooklyn has posed:
Of course, Brooklyn hasn't been involved with any of that yet, "Well as a gargoyle our job is protection." He says, "So if something is posing a threat, even if it's a virtual threat, it's still our job to stop it."
Deelel has posed:
Deelel tilts he head a little bit as she looks at Brooklyn with interest for a moment. She then turns and heads for one of the games she says

"Given your species tends to be up at night I'll make an exception and let you enjoy yourself after close, how does that sound?"

Brooklyn would notice what might be a chakram mounted to the back of her clothes, on a mount designed for it from the looks of it as she moves about the games.

"Reality has more layers than what you might think. What you think to virtual reality? Is reality for someone else."
Brooklyn has posed:
"That'd be pretty cool of you. Although you know, I'm sure this place might want to close for a reason. You probably want to get off work." He looks at the disk and blinks, "My name's Brooklyn, by the way. Where'd you get that, if you don't mind me asking.."
Deelel has posed:
Deelel says "I don't work here all the time I just help out."

Also she lives up stairs honestly it's the closest place to a home she has in meat space where she feels comfortable at all really. Well maybe the Shard Seeker base was starting to grow on her as well. There is something odd about her she doesn't smell wrong, it's more she has no sent to her at all.

"Humm wait? I know that name, you worked with the TDA didn't you at the World Heart?"

She looks back to the Gargoyle for a moment

"That? Oh the ID disc? Had it since I was ... born."
Brooklyn has posed:
"Yeah, I've helped the TDA with some stuff. And, well, Manhattan is my home, so I do whatever I can to keep it safe.." He hrms, "So you're one of the, uh, digital folks. I don't know if you guys have a name.."
Deelel has posed:
Deelel smirks for a little bit at Brooklyn a moment.

"Yes, I understand that and humm we do have a name we're called Basics or Programs. There's not many of us in this world though and I think? I was the first to find my way here."
Brooklyn has posed:
"Programs? Okay. I've run into a few of your kind before, but not you...Though it is good to meet you." Brooklyn says, "Makes sense you'd want to volunteer in an arcade.." He chuckles a little bit, "Probably feels a bit like home, huh?"
Deelel has posed:
Deelel smirks "You might say this place has strong connections to such. I live up stairs when I'm in town honestly. In someways it does but I will be honest my home might be alien to you. Even with ... what creatures of this world have in common with basics like me. So yes I have heard of you, but I have not heard much of you since the restoration of the city here. I still wonder how many other worlds can we pull back from the darkness?"
Brooklyn has posed:
"I have been.." Brooklyn pauses, "I have been thinking about that as well. It is not fair for me to take the help offered by those others when my world was lost, and not return the favor when they are in need." He folds his arms across his chest, "So I think I will have to begin to venture out again...To find those I can help."
Deelel has posed:
Deelel says "Well let's say going after Manhattan has a connection to my home. So we saved two worlds techinally." She leans on one of the games watching the Gargyole for a moment longer.

"There are many things that need doing. There's heartless moving about, we found another layer of reality between my world and yours. All sorts of things honestly. We could use help where ever you are able to do so."
Brooklyn has posed:
"That sounds like a good way to get back into the swing of things." Brooklyn says, "You tell me how to get there, and I'd be more than happy to come help out. You were willing to help here, so I'd definitely be willing to help there."
Deelel has posed:
Deelel says "Well hope you like to travel and can get used to alien environments. A lot of the trouble as of late has not been in a kind of world you have been to before."

She seems amused and relaxes a bit as she heads over to the jukebox and brings up something other than old separate ways up through some sort of dark magic, well code maybe she's using COBOL? It's best to not ask.
Brooklyn has posed:
"I adjusted pretty well to the thousand year time jump.." He muses, as he follows her, "I think I can adapt decently, so long as people who see me don't start throwing rocks and bottles as soon as they do."

He moves up behind her and peers over her shoulder a bit to see what she's up to
Deelel has posed:
Deelel pauses for a moment seemingly shocked at that. "A thousand cycles old? Okay I'm surprised at that I have to admit, your actually older than me. I must admit the people of this world can be confusion but I come to enjoy this world. Yes I found that is a thing, I tend to not get noticed like you might. Manhattan seems to have little experience with other species than human. Unlike many of the other worlds I have visited though my people may be even worse. Then again different wildly normally means a viral. Think LEXUS."
Brooklyn has posed:
"Heh. Look pretty good for my age, wouldn't you say?" He says, though he shakes his head, "My clan and I were frozen in stone for a thousand years by a magical spell. We only recently awoke, in the grand scheme of things, even if it has been several years."

"I definitely wouldn't want to be seen as a virus. I'm sure there's ways for my actions to speak for me, though, even if I am not normal looking. The same as here."
Deelel has posed:
Deelel says "Ah so older but not actually awake as long, still interesting. Still you didn't ask my age that's for the bit best. I'm afraid my people don't take well to it to be honest then again the non-humans that have visited were changed to resemble as such. I heard of another world where something like that happens. However it turns people into animals from what I know. I have never been there myself, so that should not be an issue should you ever travel there and the older world doesn't seem bothered as much."

Let's not get into the ISO purge shall we? Deelel has come to understand how much the users and ISOs have in common she honestly fears what CLU will do when he finds out as it's a matter of time, she's not foolish after all.
Brooklyn has posed:
CLU is probably not happy with the influx of Users, but he'll have to deal with that when the time comes, "I might have to check that place out, too." Brooklyn says, as he rubs his muzzle a little bit, "So we can get there the same way we get to any of those other worlds?"
Deelel has posed:
Deelel folds her arms and shakes her head. "No, not via portal or gummi ship in the conentional sense. There's another way to access it yes but at the moment if you do desire to take a look it can be arranged but later."
Brooklyn has posed:
"Okay, yeah." Brooklyn says, "I suppose if you are willing to show me, I'd be willing to take a look. Besides, if there's danger to be found, I'm there."
Deelel has posed:
Deelel says "Understood please enjoy the arcade tonight however if you need anything give a shout or prehaps we can go head to head for a bit?"

The Game Central natives are so not getting some of tonight off...