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Sinewy Sighted- Facial recognition is the name of the game; having dealt with the likes of Rakassa for years at a time, unless someone has a flawless poker-face(listed in their official application or powers or upgrades), and they do not have a mask on, Quegmaa can discern if the person speaking to him speaks with anxiety, or confidence, by way of watching the twitching of optics, and facial muscles, or bodily movements.
Sinewy Sighted- Facial recognition is the name of the game; having dealt with the likes of Rakassa for years at a time, unless someone has a flawless poker-face(listed in their official application or powers or upgrades), and they do not have a mask on, Quegmaa can discern if the person speaking to him speaks with anxiety, or confidence, by way of watching the twitching of optics, and facial muscles, or bodily movements.
Queegmaa has recently started to collect statistics as polled by the Argent Crown Agency, as they apply to the most feared/hated persons within Vector City. The list doesn't list how many people are aware of the subsequent entities, but rather, lists how many have an aversion towards them /of/ the ones who /do/ know of them in some capacity.
(Actual impacts made by persons during Vector-related events and/or gossip/smear-campaigns may have contributed to these numbers)
Emperor Gestahl 99.95%
Rosemarie 99.92%
Maleficent 99.12%
Hades 98.04%
Kefka 97.93%
Rakassa 96.50%
Shadow 96%
Garland 94.35%
Merlock 91.02%
Artemis Eurus 90.01%
Angantyr Vespar 89%
Avira 87.50%
Horned King 86.35%
Rhiannon Zellen 86.21%
Ophelia Lovett 86.20%
Deelel 80.02%
Maira 74%
Queegmaa 65.02%
Echo 53.03%
Vohstras Egress 45%
Morrighan Alazne 39.50%
Morgan Alabaste 25.03%
Faruja Senra 20%
Nagetta 15.05%

Revision as of 21:13, 19 February 2014

Queegmaa Ratho Piir
Que, if he didn't have a head-plate
Age  ????
Species Kappa
Sex Male
Height 5'6
Weight 279 Lbs (Shell + Addons, now including a leg made of metal!)
Series Final Fantasy 6
Combat Styles Saboteur, Warrior
Hometown Southern Continent
Group Gestahlian Empire
Occupation/Job Toady / Chief Engineer
Force: Forces of Ruin
Theme Song "Obsession" - Seiken Densetsu III OST
If ya got aximimoms, den you got kints in yer mentil armor, n' dat means I cud moldja like clay if I wan'ed!
Recent Events
Orchestrating Kidnappings for Rakassa


(In short, picture a short, skinny Blanka from Street Fighter II, but with crazy blonde, not red hair, and a slightly upturned nose, as well as a shell, and prothesis)

Having the typical 'mop-top' of other kappa from The World Of Balance, Queegmaa has light-blonde hair, and large eyes, as do many fish, reptiles, and lizards, or other aquatic creatures. His lips protrude forward boldly, almost like a 'beak' that turtles often have, except not to the same, exaggerated degree. A prominent feature of Que's would be his crooked nose, which was broken and never set properly when it healed, so that it bends slightly to one side. He has an quadrilateral shape for a face, in that it juts downward in an elongated fashion, as well as sideways, but between these cardinal points, the ordinal regions are more concave, giving him a facial shape looking something like a plus sign, hailing from the world of arithmetic. Sharp fangs hide under his wide lips, and his upper brow extends almost across his entire forehead, wrapping around the sides.

Normally, where kappa have a depression inside their tall, coney heads, Que has had a strange helmet permanently grafted to his skull, which is encircled by his long hair, yet, the headgear itself is a cap designed to prevent damage to his soft, sensitive inner cranium, since kappa are traditionally known for their upper 'pocket' being tender, with a thin membrane containing thick fluid that gives them their strange, inhuman strength, in the cases of those water-imps who possess this power. Queegmaa has bionic arms, and parts of his chest, especially the clavicle areas are reinforced to help stabilize the cumbersome weight of these prosthesis; additionally, it stretches around the backside and inserts into his shell, for added support, since kappa tend to be fairly lanky in physique. The mechanical arms of this water-imp, as well as the other portions of machinery to be found on his person look to be in the style of steam-punk, which is typical of industrial design from his world, which were less concerned with ergonomics, and more with practicality, due to the low-level of scientific knowledge they had, necessitating bulk in order to enable power. His skin is a sickly greyish-green, and his eyes are violet. Que's feet are mildly webbed, being remarkably common for kappa, which end in long talons that are perfect for gripping things, akin to a second pair of hands.

Que's hair is a disaster, though, given that frizz and moisture are abundant in the areas from which he often hails, thus, it looks like something out of a rock-band from an 80's glam group, despite still having that moppish flair. He usually carries a staff with him that possesses mana, which aids him in those few instances where he casts spells, beyond serving as a cattle-prod, since he doesn't have any lightning 'spells', in light of the fact that his 'natural' cantrips are pretty much all water, or nature-based. His dilapidated, intricate prosthesis have numerous compartments and sockets in the event that he wishes to add adaptors or new drivers down the road to grant him extra features to his array of gimmicks. Queegmaa does carry a tanto as well, which is often hidden, but all in all, his focus leans towards 'artificial' magic, so it's more likely he'll launch bullets, hooked-wires, slippery grease, or other articles from his stockpile of weaponry, if he's not using flame-throwers to obliterate his foes.


Queegmaa was a kappa who'd existed in his respective lake for as long as the lake itself had been, being one of the original progenitors of his tribe, which ultimately amounted to a community of dozens. Long-lived creatures, they were never reproduced in droves, so it wasn't difficult for Admiral Rakassa of the empire to trick Que into undermining his own people, while disguising her motives as mutually beneficial. Quick to ascend to greatness, he sold his people down the river unwittingly, while ignoring his better judgement to decline the general's offer, and then ended up with more guilt than he could handle.

Revealing herself to be a Shadow Lord, she exposed the sole survivor of the clan, Que, to a terrible truth that resonated with such seemingly overwhelming truth, that in the face of its admission, the kappa couldn't deny what she'd proclaimed. Seeing no other path available that made any sense, Queegmaa took her up on her offer.


Selfish, paranoid, cowardly, sycophantic, greedy, munny-grubbing, power-hungry, and would just as soon butcher his neighbor out of convenience just as he does the language of the common-tongue; Queegmaa serves Rakassa because she bribes him, but she only keeps him nourished just enough to sustain him, so that he'll be useful to her without getting any ideas of ascension to power. Being the quintessential boot-licker, Que doesn't actually enjoy his downtrodden status, but hasn't the gall to defy her, especially when he foresees the day that he'll inevitably uncover enough skeletons in her closet to provide him with the leverage he needs to oust Rakassa from power, in spite of her oppression, so as to take it for himself. Overall, Queegmaa holds the view that life is a punishment, because of his lack of control over his own fate, and the natural entropy that's part of his default existence, so as a means of exacting revenge against the powers that be, he chooses to try and sabotage everything that the forces at work seemingly aspire to create; this means he resents everything in the universe, including himself; as Rakassa is Vector's manifestation of the one of the seven deadly sins known as 'Lust', Queegmaa is wrath incarnate.



General Stuff- Quegmaa is very elongated in limb, and oblong in body, despite being short-statured, which means his ability to hit targets physically is above average- but ironically enough, because of his affinity for magic, his truest boon rears its ugly head when he flings around spell-craft and elemental forces, or if he makes use of the machinery that comprises a high fraction of his being. For ranged fighting, he carries bolts that've been installed inside his forelimbs, which can be replenished by accretion of dust particles, which become compressed, enabling combustion upon impact with targets, much akin to a gun's bullet- barring that, he's just as accurate with a tanto(short-sword) always on his person, making him fairly well-rounded, if slanted in the direction of divination a touch.

Toxinator- Having been subjected to the vibes of a highly poisonous esper's magicite for years on end, Quegmaa has taken on some of the attributes of said creature; he is highly resistant to acidic, or else noxious substances, which would normally sicken or erode the hardiest of individuals. If that in itself would seem something that couldn't be topped, Queg has another advantage that lies in his ability to occasionally envenomate his victims with physical touch alone.

Aquabotic- He breathes underwater, he's resistant to water-based attacks, and he's a cyborg. Designed for sub-hydrant environments, he has sonar which gives him the ability to visualize his environments by sending wavelengths from himself which give him a sense of topography, or the objects therein; he also carries potions in some otherwise vacant compartments in his arms. He's not an outright grandmaster in magic, or mechanics alike, so he fancies himself a 'technomage', or, an ideal union between mysticism and science- though he prides himself on his unlocking of the 'Exploder' spell, even though it was thought that he'd never master any true fire 'spells'. Being aqua-based, and having a share of metal on his person at all times makes him weak when barraged by lightning, on the other hand....

Sink Syncing- Quegmaa can harmonize with technologies from his world, especially things that relate to aquatics, such as boats, submarines, or possibly even kitchen sinks, which means either attaching to them, controlling them, or at the very least, understanding them. Given time, he can most likely disassemble the structure of alien units that are water-oriented, but it would require at least a day's time to analyze the components involved, even if memorization comes easier; this ability to assimilate/use outlandish devices doesn't apply to any non-hydration type instruments.

Sinewy Sighted- Facial recognition is the name of the game; having dealt with the likes of Rakassa for years at a time, unless someone has a flawless poker-face(listed in their official application or powers or upgrades), and they do not have a mask on, Quegmaa can discern if the person speaking to him speaks with anxiety, or confidence, by way of watching the twitching of optics, and facial muscles, or bodily movements.


Queegmaa has recently started to collect statistics as polled by the Argent Crown Agency, as they apply to the most feared/hated persons within Vector City. The list doesn't list how many people are aware of the subsequent entities, but rather, lists how many have an aversion towards them /of/ the ones who /do/ know of them in some capacity. (Actual impacts made by persons during Vector-related events and/or gossip/smear-campaigns may have contributed to these numbers)

Emperor Gestahl 99.95% Rosemarie 99.92% Maleficent 99.12% Hades 98.04% Kefka 97.93% Rakassa 96.50% Shadow 96% Garland 94.35% Merlock 91.02% Artemis Eurus 90.01% Angantyr Vespar 89% Avira 87.50% Horned King 86.35% Rhiannon Zellen 86.21% Ophelia Lovett 86.20% Deelel 80.02% Maira 74% Queegmaa 65.02% Echo 53.03% Vohstras Egress 45% Morrighan Alazne 39.50% Morgan Alabaste 25.03% Faruja Senra 20% Nagetta 15.05%


Disclaimer: Anyone who interacts with Queegmaa will /not/ be likely to receive forgiving reviews-- RP with him at your own discretion

Avira: If y'only knowed da truth....

Echo: Yuh jus' stay right where y'ar, 'n dere wun be nuh trouble.

Faruja Senra: Ya oughta stay outta da way o' that cardnel, if you ever plan tuh get tuh high places, 'n dat means stayin' outta my way, tuh!

Hades : I dink I's gotta talk to you, soon.... maybe?

Maira: Yull never save me....never! Even if ya knock down one'a my masters, I still got anudder who kent be cast off.... 'n ya don' know't, but yuh gots da same one!

Morrighan Alazne: Yer right 'bout one ding.... Ya dun belong 'mongst nuh wild beasts; yer vuligritee puts ya /WAY/ b'low em all!

Nagetta: Shud be a crime ta be dat good-looking'. All dese fleshy folk an't got nothin' next ta scaly chicks. Ya seem kinda apprehensive, though.... Uneasy. Trust issues come from bein' victimized, 'n I'd love ta pound da ones who mistreated you!

Ophelia: A self-important snob like you ain't gonna get too far in life; ya kick-down like any other honcho, butcha also kick-up, which dar gon getcha kick'd right beck down ta da bottom!

Rakassa: Sometimes da pawn is controllin' da queen, and da queen dun know't cuz she's too busy sittin' back while 'er minion is out dere figarin' out stuff in da real world.

Rosemarie: I herja sprung da coop rayle quick-lik cuz o' dat indayalent Nez'mi. Once a predter picks a target, dey ignore e'rybody else, 'n yant got 'way jus' yet, case yer rejoicin'.

Shadow: Ya waltz inta the Holluh Basteen even dough ya got no garntays they'd letcha leave. 'Spose it ain't no difurnt from any udder Shaduh Loryed, cuz dey's always stabbin' 'chother in da back, nohow!


Voice Actor: Matthew Wood (General Grievous)

Name: His name, if correctly pronounced, sounds akin to 'Keg - Maw', as opposed to how it's spelled, which may have most thinking it sounds more like 'Kweeg - mah'.

True Age: Lakes generally last from a few thousand, to dozens of millions of years old at most, and thus it could statistically be inferred that Queegmaa may have seniority over some espers from his world, since kappa have lifespans that typically equal that of the basins they inhabit.

Misogyny: Having masculinity issues, Queegmaa ins unable to allow himself to admit when he's attracted to women who dwarf him in girth or height.

Cosmetics: Being on dry land is a real drag, so he does what many drag-queens do, by employing moisturizers constantly, in order to maintain hydrated skin, yet, since this is related to his 'medicinal needs', unlike in the perceptions of humankind, he doesn't see many cosmetics as a 'feminine' thing.

Pets: If Que were to adopt a pet, it would be a dog of some sort, since they are pack-animals which are inclined towards obedience, and asserting dominion over another creature would be the kappa's best way of reclaiming some self-respect, being that he's essentially Rakassa's whipping-boy.

Subjugation: Queegmaa's prosthesis has a greater sensitivity to touch, but this comes with a price; normally, stabbing a prosthetic limb would yield no pain, but Rakassa has wired Que's robotics in such a way that the electro-transmitters send signals to the kappa's brain to induce, or replicate anguish, which means that she can effectively create suffering where there would ordinarily be none possible.

Phobia: Kappa are known to be as strong as ten adult men, allegedly, by way of canon sources; crocodiles can reach up to approximately four-thousand plus pounds, which would technically make them as strong as much more than that. Pound for pound, kappa are stronger, but when crocs grow large enough, they eventually eclipse most kappa, so many water-imps have a (healthy)fear of crocodiles, as a general rule.


Aeschere The Vampire Drainer March 16th, 2014 Aeschere is hired by Queegmaa to go hunt down Ophelia, who is rumored to be a vampire. Que hopes to use the fact that it's just speculation to encourage Chere to equip herself adequately, while simultaneously wagering that due to lack of concrete proof, the fees for her services may still be kept at a minimum.
A Thorn In, Or On Morrighan's Side? March 11th, 2014 The World of Ruin is a chaotic place, and one of the people who Morrighan dislikes the most, who endlessly causes her trouble, is evidently an ally of hers. Faruja has the regrettable task of having to try to keep the peace.
Hunt For Priest March 6th, 2014 A small group of Shadow Lords, led by The Huntress, descend upon a local church.
Infectuous Defector February 27th, 2014 Queegmaa defects from Vector and plans to spread his poison in Glabados, or maybe he plans to help Glabados spread its own toxin, since it has some noxious individuals already befouling the waters who could use some further aid. This is at the behest of Rakassa, or rather, as her Shadow Lord alter-ego, Olivia.
The Early Lizard Gets The Worm December 14th, 2013 Rakassa ambushes Queegmaa as punishment for his failure, with a hideous, gargantuan worm. Going into hyper-drive, he manages to defeat it by way of a preemptive, electrical interception. After the skirmish is done, he chides Rakassa, while also criticizing several other Shadow Lords who he'd felt had been failures in regards to multiple aspects of their approach towards exerting intellectual supremacy over the protagonists of the world. Finally, the vile troll and the admiral come to a compromise, and they conspire against some of Rakassa's fellow coworkers.... for it can be said indeed, that there is no honor among thieves or murderers!
Bat Got Que's Lung December 12th, 2013 Following a battle with a crocodile, Queegmaa is then visited by Echo, who shows a bit of compassion for his predicament. She explains that she 'got his back', so to speak, and for that matter, she probably almost got his lung, too, since his injuries were fairly grievous. After helping to bandage him up, he offers her a chance at researching a specific breed of monster, for whatever reason it was that Que had in his mind; this, of course, is to be left to the imaginations of the omniscient onlookers!
Mullonde's Most Unwanted Kappa-Troll December 10th, 2013 After trolling Morrighan to coerce an invitation out of her, Queegmaa becomes one of the woman's most despicable house-guests ever, and his innuendos become boastful, besides semi-incriminating, up to the point that the drow loses her patience. She's provoked so much that she decides to 'flick him out', by raising her wrist thereby sending a gust of wind to hurl him into the streets, where the rest of the dregs are located. Queegmaa vows to get revenge, somehow!
Blackest Friday December 7th, 2013 Echo decides the greed and barbarism of a black Friday sale must be punished. Enchanted outfits and a Soda Machine Golem ensue!
Maidenly Misunderstanding December 6th, 2013 Old rumors resurface to produce an unconventional job offer for the ladies of VALKRI. Avira attempts to capitalize on Vohstra's offer to her best friend's benefit. Guest starring Shadow!
Queegmaa's African Magnum Opals December 5th, 2013 Queegmaa plants seeds of conspiracy in Rakassa's mind, and she takes the bait, hook, line, and sinker; plans are set in motion to purge The Pride Lands of their precious gems.
A Hollering B@stard In The Hollow Bastion November 29th, 2013 Echo delivers 'the goods' to Rakassa under the guise of her Shadow Lord alter ego, which has her so delighted that she begins to show more favoritism towards the bat than Queegmaa. Certain cyborg-kappa feel they've been pushed a little too far, and let off a little steam, and not just through their steam-punk-technology exhaust pipes.
Echo Goes To Bat For Queegmaa November 20th, 2013 As part of his long-term plan to concoct a serum comprised of extract from magically-inclined individuals, Queegmaa hires Echo to do a dirty deed for him, since he doesn't like to get involved in unnecessary roughness. After a bit of negotiation, Echo agrees to his terms, but, perhaps not without the intent to take some liberties of her own?
Unspoken Business November 18th, 2013 Thirza receives a business proposition from a mysterious samurai from Vector. Unfortunately, the fact that he doesn't speak may be the least of her problems!
Memories Forgotten - Part 2 November 16th, 2013 Morrighan, following a trail of subtle clues, finally comes face to face with....herself. Words are exchanged, loved ones are spotted, magic flies, and finally; things come to an end.
A Knowing And Willful Love For Snake Oil November 9th, 2013 Queegmaa encounters Nagetta outside Vector while scouting for talent, and finds himself attracted to her scaliness. He only wishes he could oil her down so that she could keep her reptilian skin in perfect condition, whereas Nagetta is confused as to why the kappa is so infatuated with her, when she hadn't used her 'Charm' skill.
Que Remedies Camp Pair Dadeni's Understaffing October 26th, 2013 Queegmaa goes to the hideout of Avira in the hopes of regaining his magic stick, only to be offered sincere empathy after he confesses his own worthlessness, the former of which makes him uncomfortable. In turn, he beats a hasty retreat while bestowing them with a parting gift, of sorts, hoping never to have to encounter Maira or Avira again.
Assuming About The Opposition October 25th, 2013 As Rosemarie wanders to the outskirts of the city, she's beset by Faruja and Queegmaa, who accuse her of having heretical ties with Blivon, who is wanted by Glabados, aside from performing some witch-craft of her own brand. As she gets into position to be arrested, Queegmaa catches a look on her face suggesting realities about her subordinates that he would've otherwise known nothing about, and he rants about Rosie's sub-par assistants; all assumptions, of course!
Turning The Tables…. Upside Down October 23rd, 2013 In dire need of rescue, Maira's friends are led by Shadow through the Mtek factory so that she might persevere, and last at least one more day. Presumably, after a fight against Rakassa and her hired guns, the heroes can expect many years to come, which is more than what can be said for the furnishings and equipment in the lab, as Angantyr turns the tables(and other machines) on their sides, after having metaphorically turned the tables on the vileness that is the Gestahlian Empire!
Hare Today, Gone to Vector October 12th, 2013 Maira is unwittingly duped by Queegmaa, who helps(see: hinders) her as she tries to evade would-be captors; a human soldier and a viera ranger. After the kappa fumbles a few times and slows her down, she's caught by the fleeing viera even as Avira tries to forestall Maira's abduction, after which the obvious ensues-- Que chicken-heartedly runs off to 'get help' while Avira detains the human soldier for interrogation.
...Said The Spider To The /Incredibly/ Fly Elf October 2nd, 2013 Queegmaa hauls Admiral Rakassa through the streets while she's in a drunk stupor. When a smooth-talking elf comes along with an offer to help take the lustful woman back to her quarters, she makes advances on the elf, who tries his best to remain a gentleman, despite having some sensual impulses of his own underneath his mild manner. Rakassa fails to lure Rylen into her trap..... so far.
Shadowing For A Shadow Lord September 15th, 2013 Under orders from Admiral Rakassa, Queegmaa hires Faruja and Freya to shadow an outlaw who's been plaguing the empire for years, one who apparently has the grandeur to outgun their elite Mtek knights with minimal backup. Power-hungry, and eager to try and seize the marauder's talents for herself, in whatever capacity possible, the Arch-Admiral now has Faruja and Freya tailing this enigmatic monstrosity's right-hand-man with the intent to get clues as to the location of the primary quarry in question. All the while, Que makes a sunny day at the beach a gloomy one, for the Burmecian Templar!
Judge, Jury, And Courier September 8th, 2013 A certain kappa managed to get himself regurgitated by Rosemarie, and crawled back to Vector on his last leg, as well as last arm, to report to his superior. She's easily incriminated by Queegmaa's testimony alone, so he is then informed that he'll be dispatched to meet with some of the Glabados officials to deliver a token of their esteem for the church; someday, though, he hopes that he'll be given leave to hunt down the large-rumped dark elf!
Hungry, Hungry, Big-hipped Drows August 27th, 2013 Queegmaa barges into Rosemarie's shop, and decides to give the dark elf a taste of his wrath, to blow off some steam after having been thoroughly patronized by a snooty Ivalician vampiress. Being the accommodating type, the drow not only accepts a taste of the kappa's anger, but also then decides to invite the the rest of Que's aspects to become part of her palate, up to, and including his physical embodiments!
Faram Busts A Kappa In Ophelia's Back Alley August 26th, 2013 Queegmaa goes snooping for a vampiress, and finds her, except that she actually finds him first. Fortunately, neither one wants to fight with weapons; just words.
Emerald's Worth In Jade August 18th, 2013 Bishopess Emerald comes across a kappa with characteristically serpentine skin, and seeks to hire him. To prove he's not as green as he might appear to be, initially, he performs a few semantic stunts, thereby validating his worth, and thus, his price; is Queegmaa acting in the interests of the Gestahlian Empire, or is he taking an initiative of his own?


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