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! scope="col" width="500" | Thoughts
! scope="col" width="500" | Thoughts
|[[Ivo Galvan]]||Acknowledgement (+4)||"...I feel sorry for him. Babysitting those moronic Shard Seekers."
|[[Ivo Galvan]]||He's okay||"I still feel sorry for him."
|[[Lily]]||Amusement||"Still just a kid, but...you have the most apparent misguided sense of initiative out of them all. This should be interesting~"
|[[Reize Seatlan]]||Amusement||"Messing with you is far too much fun. Have you no defenses? Oh boy..."
Line 79: Line 82:
! scope="col" width="500" | Thoughts
! scope="col" width="500" | Thoughts
|[[Shiki Misaki]]||Dislike (-2)||"Your speeches about friendship make me want to hurl. Maybe I should eat you after all, hmm~?"
|[[Shiki Misaki]]||Still don't like her||"Fun to mess with. But I don't particularly care about 'burying any hatchets' with her. Think what you will."
|[[Lily]]||Dislike (-5)||"Control your emotions. It doesn't matter how much power you have. You'll endanger your allies like that."
|[[Faruja Senra]]||Amusement||"Oh yes, please do attempt to strike me down. It would only be entertaining."
|[[Reize Seatlan]]||Dislike (-1)||"The grand idiot of the Shard Seekers. Far too optimistic and naive. How is he still alive?"
|[[Faruja Senra]]||Amusement (+0)||"Giant Rat in armor. Oh joy. By the way, your Lord doesn't exist. Ohohoho~"
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! scope="col" width="500" | Thoughts
! scope="col" width="500" | Thoughts
|[[Riku]]||Wariness (+0)||"I can almost feel the intensity emanating off this one. He's up to something. Not quite sure what yet though..."
|[[Riku]]||Wary||"Aha, so you betrayed these fools? Interesting..."
|[[Sora]]||Amusement (+0)||"A kid with a giant key. There's definitely something up with that thing, I just don't know what exactly yet. I get the feeling you and that idiot with the scarf will get along just fine~"
|[[Lenn]]||Indifferent||"You need to loosen up. Or else you'll lose to the others~"
|[[Zeke]]||Nonchalance (+0)||"Not a fan. I certainly don't harbor any dislike for the fellow, but I also don't particularly like him either."
|[[Skoll]]||Indifferent||"Am I really such a bad person? WHy do I get the feeling that you're no better?"
|[[Jack Skellington]]||Affinity (+1)||"Definitely an entertaining fellow~ I do hope to see more of his...'performances'."
|[[Raiya Fujihara]]||Indifferent||"The babysitter's babysitter. Wow, that's got to be some kind of work. Now I feel sorry for her too."
|[[Raiya Fujihara]]||Dislike (-1)||"Far too serious about her work. I can tell that she and I won't be getting along. Not that I particularly care~"
|[[Will Sherman]]||Eh.||"Haven't seen him in a while. Not that it matters"
|[[Will Sherman]]||Nonchalance (+0)||"Luck. This one certainly has a lot of it. I still question just how he got that ten. But alas, time stops for no one! Moving on~"
|[[Mercade Alexander]]||Eh.||"Haven't seen this genius in a while either. Not planning to go look for them either."
|[[Mercade Alexander]]||Nonchalance (+0)||"Seems to be some sort of investigator? I wasn't specifically told, but I get that feeling...I'll probably need to keep my eye on this one."

Revision as of 09:05, 2 January 2013

Priel Aylin
FK - Priel2.png
Oh my, you know it's fifty gold for every second you stare, yes~?
Age 18
Species Demihuman
Sex Female
Height 168cm
Weight 56kg
Series Final Kingdom
Combat Styles Aylin Style Swordplay
Hometown A large house out in the snowy wilderness of Garenia
Group Shard Seekers
Occupation/Job Vanguard/Information Dealer
Force: Wandering Force
Theme Song Asura's Wrath OST - A Place To Return To ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-0BqpV-WF3E )
"Everyone is useful in some way. You just have to figure out how to use them~"
Recent Events
...Joined the Shard Seekers?


Rarely seen without her fur jacket, Priel is a free soul. Generally always happy and upbeat, she will do whatever she can to have a good time. Usually this comes at the expense of other people however. She is quite fond of teasing and poking fun, willing to do it to just about anyone. No one is safe from her attentions and they are mostly bad in nature.

She can be quite selfish and greedy. Only seeming to do or say things that will benefit herself at the end of the day. She is not above stealing either, but usually that is only reserved for things she truly MUST have. Despite her penchant for the wrong side of the moral spectrum, Priel is not all bad. Around friends, she can be playful and mischievous, wanting everyone to have fun and hating to see sad faces. However, she can also be quite serious to those she does let close. A rare thing for her as she doesn't usually allow many to get anywhere near that level of close despite being as friendly and upbeat as she is. Her trust in people just isn't as high as it seems on the surface.

Being a Vanguard; essentially a mercenary in her own world, she has a number of skills that she can employ such as lock picking, flirting, acrobatics, magic, and a self styled form of sword fighting. Unfortunately for most people, these skills tend to be employed for the wrong side of the law. But that's not to say that she's a bad person again, she just does what she feels like. Not paying any mind to the authorities. Though in this new world, who knows how such a thing will turn out...


Priel was born on the Garenian continent to a human father and a demihuman mother. She was the first born so she was showered with attention as a child. The years passed by uneventfully until her sister was then born. Having the attention shifted away from her so suddenly changed something in her subtly. She never outright complained, but something definitely changed. Where she used to be nice and sweet, she began to act out in subtle ways. All to regain that attention that she had lost. Of course none of it worked and she only got in trouble. But that didn't stop her and she then began to act out in more and more outlandish ways as the years passed. Priel's father; Aeron Aylin, could foresee the path his eldest daughter was walking down so he decided to take preemptive steps to nip that at the bud.

Being one of the original members of the Vanguard Association, which was beginning to spread it's influence across the three continents, he took it upon himself to take Priel under his wing and train her in the values an methods of the Vanguard. At first it seemed like it was working. Or maybe one could say that they did work. Priel focused all her energy on becoming a Vanguard. Reading texts, training, studying, it was an inspiring thing to see. Aeron was proud to see his daughter doing so well. But what they did not realize was that she was simply doing this in order to fuel her own personal agenda.

Time passed and Priel passed the Vanguard exam with flying colors. Not exactly a surprise to anyone who knew her. But rather than begin to take steps to helping the people, she struck out on her own. Doing whatever she pleased with her newfound skills. Sometimes helping people, but mostly for personal gain. Her father was surprised as disappointed in her, but ultimately decided to let her do as she pleased with her life, retiring from the Vanguard Association. Priel would go on to do just that; whatever she pleased. She would always come back to visit her family still. After all, it was not like she hated them; just that she had a funny way to showing that she, in fact, didn't hate them.

It was not exactly a perfect life, but Priel continued her life in this manner until that one day that darkness descended upon the world. When the heartless flooded all three continents, Priel was forced to make a decision; do as she always had and save herself? Or defend her family? For once in her life, she decided not to be selfish and rushed to defend her family against the heartless. But it was too little too late. The darkness devoured the world in little time at all and then there was nothing...

...It was with this that Priel would awaken, by herself and in an unfamiliar world.


Priel's main strength is her physical and magical strengths. Combined, she can deal out plenty of damage in a short amount of time. The only problem however is her below average defenses and average accuracies. Having sacrificed those for strength, she needs to rely a little more on luck to hope that her hits connect.

Her primary offense comes in two forms, blades crafted on the spot from her own magic; named 'Santis Flamma'. These swords are hot to the touch and any wound inflicted from these blades will not only cut, but burn as well. A rather painful combination. Her style of swordplay is not a dedicated style taught to her by some grand master, but rather, an unorthodox style she adopted herself through years of fighting as a Vanguard. Her weapon is usually held in reverse and swung inwards, but she can change grip rather quickly and easily.

Priel's general strategy is usually to overwhelm the opponent with her great strength without giving them much time to react. Her speed works to support this strategy, but it leaves one glaring issue; her defense is almost always perpetually low because of the nature of her fighting. Despite this, Priel does have a few tricks up her sleeve. In addition to power strikes, she can employ fast, light attacks, and can also cast several spells of the fire and earth variety. All of these things come together to produce a style that is strong, straightforward, but not without a surprise here and there.

  • Cooking: Despite her personality, Priel is actually rather adept at cooking. Stemming from her own mother's teachings combined with the fact that she never wants to let go of money unless it's really important, her cooking skill may come as a surprise to many. But nevertheless, this is not a fact she advertises.
  • Adaptability: Used to traveling and working alone, Priel has grown long accustomed to camping and making most of the environment, no matter how much or how little there is. This includes hunting, figuring out what is edible and what's not. Observing and making a note of what the wildlife, if any, are doing. Needless to say, she won't panic if stranded out in the wilderness alone.
  • Magic: The presence of magic in her world was commonplace and everyone used it in some form. Priel is no exception, and has a competent grip on the useage of magic. Particularly of the fire and nature varieties. Ranging from fireballs to stone walls to weapons made from magic on the spot, she is capable of it. However large scale magic such as firestorms, rockslides, and volcanic eruptions are not things she can just toss out on a whim.
  • Shapeshift: Being a dragon demihuman, Priel retains the odd ability to reshape portions of her body into those of a dragon. Claws, talons, lengthened teeth, slit eyes, wings, horns, the works. But rather than shapeshift, it could be said that she is simply revealing parts of her 'true form'...If that is true, then one would shudder to think of what she actually looks like under that human shell...





Name Status Thoughts
Ivo Galvan He's okay "I still feel sorry for him."
Lily Amusement "Still just a kid, but...you have the most apparent misguided sense of initiative out of them all. This should be interesting~"
Reize Seatlan Amusement "Messing with you is far too much fun. Have you no defenses? Oh boy..."


Name Status Thoughts
Shiki Misaki Still don't like her "Fun to mess with. But I don't particularly care about 'burying any hatchets' with her. Think what you will."
Faruja Senra Amusement "Oh yes, please do attempt to strike me down. It would only be entertaining."


Name Status Thoughts
Riku Wary "Aha, so you betrayed these fools? Interesting..."
Lenn Indifferent "You need to loosen up. Or else you'll lose to the others~"
Skoll Indifferent "Am I really such a bad person? WHy do I get the feeling that you're no better?"
Raiya Fujihara Indifferent "The babysitter's babysitter. Wow, that's got to be some kind of work. Now I feel sorry for her too."
Will Sherman Eh. "Haven't seen him in a while. Not that it matters"
Mercade Alexander Eh. "Haven't seen this genius in a while either. Not planning to go look for them either."


Present Possibilities: Shiki Misaki September 14th, 2013 The past is prologue. The present? Is full of countdown missions.
Artisanquest: The First Trial May 8th, 2013 Having been granted their weapons, Shiki, Lenn and Lily quickly find them tested. But Evja isn't willing to give up on Priel...
Artisanquest: ATE - Carrot Stew is still available? May 3rd, 2013 Evja and Priel meet atop Daguerreo Library and converse.
Artisanquest: Awful Things Happen April 28th, 2013 After meeting with Kumoto, everyone is taking a rest when Neku stumbles in. Subsequently things go insane in awful, complicated ways and nothing will ever be the same again.
Artisanquest: Taboot Camp April 26th, 2013 Shiki and her friends begin their quest towards Daguerreo!

Then Sho Minamimoto shows up within five minutes and absolutely everything goes horribly, horribly wrong. A new record!

Artisanquest: ADVENTURE TIME April 25th, 2013 Shiki Misaki rouses her friends and allies for a quest to distant lands!
Return Home and Bath Gone Wrong March 19th, 2013 Reize returns home, Lily was not happy with Reize disappearing off. Later on, Reize takes a bath and a certain dragon girl gets her revenge.
The Final Shard March 8th, 2013 Time to go visit a friend of Merlin's for the real answer of where the Spirit Shard is - Mama Odie. Yet can this Voodoo Priestess really help them? Or will it just be another wild goose chase?
Rock And Ruby February 4th, 2013 Priel sits on a crate atop of some prime real estate, and Valos wants a 'piece' of the action.... action that is unbeknownst to Priel, even to -be- in existence, in the first place!
All That Glitters to Dragons is Gold February 4th, 2013 Priel and Faruja discuss a certain letter over breakfast...
To Fluorgis, my Lady! February 2nd, 2013 Faruja and Evja finally make it to Fluorgis and head to the Shard Seekers HQ, where Priel and Faruja discover Evja has a passion for carrots.
Lingering Doubts January 28th, 2013 Reize has started to doubt his role as the leader of the Shard Seekers. With the growing turmoil in Fluorgis and Manhattan, Reize's reasoning for leaving his home became more transparent. Yet, there are some people hopeful for him.
Walls of Wind January 26th, 2013 Sandstorms have begun to regularly beset the walls of Fluorgis, and the massive sandworms that thread their way through the surrounding desert have entered a state of heightened agitation, making caravan travel all but impossible and rendering the famous fountain city nearly besieged. What with all the troubles that have arisen, no one knows how long the map etched upon the newborn Desert Rose will remain valid, or even to what it leads. Yet the Shard Seekers' new (and somewhat dubious) shard-seeking device indicates that the map is no ruse, and may lead to something precious indeed. Could the Desert Rose somehow hold the key to saving Fluorgis in its time of dire need? A brave group of adventurers set out to ruins deep in the desert, through hordes of monsters and terrible walls of wind, to discover what treasure lies in wait. But even Sandworms may be the least of their problems, as the darkness gathers...
A Court of Bombs January 20th, 2013 Some days you just can't get rid of a bomb...
Awkward Engagement January 11th, 2013 Reize finds himself waking up on Lenn and the topic of their fated engagement is discussed about. Hilarity ensues.
To Be Like You January 8th, 2013 In the aftermath of the Heartless assault on Fluorgis, Leida receives a visit from Imi and her newest sister. A careless accident leads to some important questions and an interesting proposition and Priel manages to walk away with a prize.
Post-Prelude Shenanigans January 7th, 2013 It was after Fluorgis was attacked by the Heartless. The Shard Seekers and the adventurers were resting at the inn, recooperating from the fight. Of course, shenanigans occured.
Prelude ~ Panic in Fluorgis January 6th, 2013 It started off as a normal day for the Shard Seekers, but then the Heartless invaded the city itself. Many adventurers banded together to stop the outbreak with a bit of a mysterious help...
Goug City Car Chase January 2nd, 2013 The TDA track down a scientist working for VitaTech. The Shard Seekers arrive to help. And Goug City residents lodge complaints about the noise. A startling secret...is revealed! But first they must defeat...Mr. Wheeler.
Bad Advice January 1st, 2013 Lily and Priel, alone in the Shard Seeker's HQ, have a...friendly discussion. In which Priel imparts to the younger girl totally legit, good advice!
The Pot is Bubbling December 28th, 2012 A peaceful evening spent at Shard Seekers headquarters naturally becomes a comedy of errors as the allies and their welcome guest gather. With friends like these, who needs enemies?
The Morning Blues December 4th, 2012 Shiki wakes up. Priel does another bad thing. Reize is caught in the middle!
Trouble Brews In the Family December 4th, 2012 After the situation with Shiki's shower incident, Reize called the Shard Seekers to a meeting. Should Priel be a member of the Shard Seekers?
Thick as Thieves November 11th, 2012 Drowning his -- let's call them sorrows -- before the magnificent vista of arriving and departing airships in Fluorgis, Ivo is chanced upon by his favorite femme fatale Priel, the perfect person to exploit his moment of weakness. Amidst their eternal battle of wits and wiles, a glorious plan is concocted. What havoc will these two canny manipulators wreak in the name of a more interesting world...?
Down the Underground Ruins October 15th, 2012 After the plan to save Shiki from Priel had took a different turn for Reize and Priel, the two are forced to work together to navigate through the torturous underground ruins. There is a surprise waiting for them both...
Meddle Not October 13th, 2012 Priel Aylin does a bad, bad thing.
Shard Seekers Unite: Fluorgis October 6th, 2012 Things go down in Fluorgis surrounding the Shard Seekers and their leader. Something precious is stolen!
A New, Blue Frontier September 23rd, 2012 A few brave souls venture down the Path of Destiny from Traverse Town -- and a confused one gets off a boat -- and arrive in the bustling seaside metropolis of Luca, even now a hub of trade and activity. A friendly and informative conversation ensues, until it's cut off by the game crashing.


Where Has Ivo Been? May 14th, 2013 In which several months' absence is exploited for comedic effect.