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[['''Morgan''']]-"I found you! I'm so relieved but..You dont remember me..Why?"
'''[[Morgan]]'''-"I found you! I'm so relieved but..You dont remember me..Why?"
[['''Faruja Senra''']]-"Heh, a Faithful of St. Ajora? But you remind me of Sir Castlien, and so I will watch you more closely. You may be an enemy of the heartless, but I'd rather we were friends.."
'''[[Faruja Senra]]'''-"Heh, a Faithful of St. Ajora? But you remind me of Sir Castlien, and so I will watch you more closely. You may be an enemy of the heartless, but I'd rather we were friends.."
[['''Ward Zabac''']]-"I wonder what happened to your voice? That anchor of yours is pretty awesome and you look like you'd make a good little heartless soldier..I'll have to keep an eye on you.."
'''[[Ward Zabac]]'''-"I wonder what happened to your voice? That anchor of yours is pretty awesome and you look like you'd make a good little heartless soldier..I'll have to keep an eye on you.."

Revision as of 21:07, 20 September 2012

Katyna Ilyanna Redsvaren
Kit in casual attire
Age 17
Species Human
Sex Female
Height 5'4
Weight Athletic
Series Final Fantasy Tactics
Combat Styles Dark Knight
Hometown Unknown
Group Shadow Lords
Occupation/Job Spy/Thief
Force: Forces of Ruin
Theme Song Eye of the Tiger
"I will depend on no ones strength but my own. In the end, I am all that I can count on!"
Recent Events
Striking out under a new identity, Kit seeks to become stronger, rather than to die at the hands of the heartless.


Kityana Redsdottr was born in a small village in Ivalice during the end of the 50 year war. Like many children of the era, she lost her father - a soldier - to war, while her mother did her best to raise her as a good and devout follower of St. Ajora. Kit was young when her father died, and so, as she grew up, she knew nothing of her father, save for the many stories her mother told her of his brave acts as a knight and a hero who would always put others before himself, often putting his life on the line to protect the weak and helpless. In Kit's eyes, he was a true hero and she strived to be just like him.

For a short time, Kit's mother struggled to take care of her daughter, herself a commoner with little money, and she often struggled to make ends meet. She grew resentful of the nobility, even as her own husband was a brave and noble knight who was given very little credit for his work. Still, as a devout follower of St. Yevon, she sought to set a good example for her daughter, believing that god would eventually come to her aid. However, she soon fell ill and Kit was once again helpless to do anything. When her mother died, Kityana was truly alone for the first time, her house was repossessed and she was forced onto the streets to fend for herself.

Kityana spent a short time being shuffled between orphannages, but the end of the 50 year war kept most orphannages packed, and many did not have much room or money to be able to afford a poor, ragged girl who had no relatives and no money to give. Eventually she just ran away from the packed orphannages and wandered around on the streets, stealing whatever she could to survive. One day while out stealing, she came across a master thief who was impressed by Kit's spunk, and chose to take her under her wing, bringing her into her thieves' guild. Kit spent several more years here, learning all manner of subterfuge and stealth: To be as quick as a mouse, and as silent as a cat. She did indeed show promise and one day she chose to pilfer from a noble knight, but he was as quick and as cunning as Kit was herself.

He caught her in the act and chased after her when she fled, determined to turn her into pay for her crimes. Kit however, only 11 at the time, was over confident and determined, and she challenged the knight to a duel. The knight was so impressed by her determination that he ended up befriending her instead, and he started to teach her about St. Ajora, hoping to convince her to leave behind her the life of crime. Over the next several years Kit became fast friends with the Holy knight, learning how to fight with a sword and how to become a true knight.

And then the heartless came.

They destroyed everything in their wake, they slew people swiftly and violently without remorse, and then devoured their hearts. They killed everyone Kit held dear: Her thieving mentor, the kind-hearted holy knight..Kit was once again alone and forced to fend for herself. She prayed for help but it seemed that her prayers went unanswered as the heartless began to close in on her. She fought then, with all her strength and all her might, and she took down many heartless. But at 14, she was still just a kid and it didnt take long for the mass of darkness to overwhelm her. And yet, she did not die, for some reason.

Instead, a mysterious shadow lord seemed impressed by her abilities and he chose instead to take her under his wing, training her to become his minion and protege; His reasons for sparing her life were his own. It seemed that she greatly resembled a daughter he once had, before she was slain herself, before he sold his heart to the darkness and had severed all ties with that other life. Kit continued her training now as a dark knight in earnest, feeling anger at St Ajoran church and at god for not coming to her rescue. She turned her back on the Glabados church, believing that ultimately the only thing that kept her alive was not the support or charity of others as the church seemed to teach, but her own strength.

Over the years, she was gradually transformed from a somewhat clutzy and awkward teenaged thief, into a graceful, cunning and deadly dark knight. She accompanied her mentor on many missions, scouring the many realms for the ever prized Princesses of Heart. Along the way, she proved herself on many occasions, easily beating back resistance in some isolated areas, helping to destroy someworld shards, and even revealing and dispatching of numerous strongholds and spies against the heartless cause.

From that point on, Kityana took on a new name and identity as Katyna Redsvaren, the Ember knight of Darkness. She strove to become the strongest she could become, vowing to sever all ties and weakness from her past, believing that this was the only way she could survive - by being strong. With her newfound strength and skill she continues to explore the world in search of strong hearts to feed the heartless, and ultimately the princesses of heart, believing them to lead to ultimate power. Perhaps in doing so, she could put her own fears to rest and silence the troubling voices and the pain within her heart. And maybe one day she'll actually get to take on the mantle of shadow lord herself.

And yet, a part of her still remembered the kind people in her past. A part of her yet could not let go completely of those memories..


Katyna has always been something of a trickster. As a youngster she was ever so curious and nosy of other peoples' business, often with an eye for treasure, exploration and adventure. Often playing practical jokes on people, or sleight of hand to get them to look the other way while she stole their valuables. Ever keeping a cheerful attitude, Kit didnt like to stay down for long, but always managed to find some way to cheer herself up. She is very outgoing, charming and personable, often surrounded by many friends who are oft enamored of her exciting - albeit exaggerated - tales of adventure and excitement. As a child, she always dreamed of one day becoming a knight in shining armour like her father, and of being the hero in the stories she often read from.

When she re-emerged six years later, Kit was a changed person in some ways, yet perhaps still the same underneath it all. Still retaining a cheerful demeanor on the outside, her heart had hardenned after the loss of her family, her friends, her village. When she was 'rescued' by a shadow lord after willing to risk her life for her honor, Kit's philosophy slowly changed. She came to believe that in order to survive, one must be strong, and in order to be strong, one must look after one's self and leave the weak behind, or else to get dragged down with them. It was only with this philosophy in mind that she managed to survive. Now, she is starting to realize the freedoms that come with looking out for only herself, and not needing to be responsible for others. This does not mean that she will stop herself from feeling emotions such as affection towards others, but she's more likely to encourage them to be strong or to toughen them up, rather than to encourage them to cry or to go out of her way to protect them.

Not only does this mean she no longer has to feel the pain of loss of loved ones, but it also means she wont get dragged down with the weak and helpless. In the end, she strives ultimate power, to be untouchable by human weakness and pain. To others, she continues to appear chatty, outgoing and playful, making friends with all whom she meets. However, she has turned her back on St. Ajora and the Glabados church, believing that survival of the fittest is the natural order of things and so she'll encourage others to be strong and fend for themselves rather than depend on others to save them. She is greedy for power, seeking to be as strong as she can be, and it seems that the heartless may well hold the key to even her greatest fear - death..Perhaps.

At times she may even help the good guys as she attempts to penetrate their defenses and spy on those who would oppose the heartless. Afterall, what better way to defeat your enemy than to know them better than they know themselves? When dealing with pain in her childhood, Kit draws strength from her own heart and memories. She tries to draw friends to her, finding comfort and distraction in their company, and she tries to laugh things off, attempting to take things that come her way as lightly as possible. She believes that to cry or to show weakness to others is a cowardly and shameful act and so she tries her best to keep a happy cheerful appearance. She has many friends but few that are truly close to her heart. Mind, she does not seek strength or dependance on her friends, but only distraction..Or so she claims. Usually, Kit finds little satisfaction in the killing of others, and more often than not, she wishes only to teach the foolish and uneducated of a superior life they could live if only they would join the heartless and learn to be stronger, rather than resist. She is not a murderer or a heartless monster. Moreso, she is someone who simply believes in another philosophy, no matter how demented and twisted it may be. Of course, sometimes sacrifices may have to be made for the greater good, but her goal is not to slaughter millions in cold blood, but merely to make herself, and those who would join her, stronger.

Kit is also something of a tomboy, wearing her hair short, fighting with swords since she was a young child and often dressing in simple slightly boyish attire (eg she wouldn't be caught dead in a dress!). She doesn't care much for silly frilly dresses or jewelry, putting practical stuff before all else. Of course she does care a lot about money, and even as a shadow lord, she'll occasionally steal from others, although she is careful not to steal from her own allies!

COMBAT STATISTICS: Kit's a strong physical fighter, outfitted in light metal armour that is both flexible and allows for some level of agility. She has decent accuracy but perhaps only average to below average agility. She has limited ability in magic, relying more upon a blend of sword magic and dark knight abilities than pure magic on its own. She has a strong affiliation with fire magic which she charges through her flame sabre.


Morgan-"I found you! I'm so relieved but..You dont remember me..Why?"

Faruja Senra-"Heh, a Faithful of St. Ajora? But you remind me of Sir Castlien, and so I will watch you more closely. You may be an enemy of the heartless, but I'd rather we were friends.."

Ward Zabac-"I wonder what happened to your voice? That anchor of yours is pretty awesome and you look like you'd make a good little heartless soldier..I'll have to keep an eye on you.."