Morgan Albaste

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Morgan Albaste
Nummy Nummy Tea.jpg
Travesties aside, there's always time for tea.
Age Appears 20.
Species Elf
Sex Female
Height 5'8"
Weight Slender
Series Final Fantasy III,Kingdom Hearts
Combat Styles Black Mage
Hometown Elfheim (Former), Cornelia (Current)
Group Unaffiliated (For now~)
Occupation/Job Seamstress, incognito mage.
Force: Wandering Force
Theme Song Ballroom for Ghosts © Matthew Fisher
"Mn, do pardon me. I... tend to drift away in my thoughts..."
Recent Events
Around and about.... +__+ ..

Character Summary

Known in the beginning as Morgan Faelwen, this Elven woman came into the pre-Heartless world a sweet tempered and gentle girl in the recluse monarchy of Elfheim. Following the cursed sleep of the elven Prince and the ensuing calamity, Morgan had been introduced to aggressive magic by way of her dogmatic father. This decision brought on not personal safety, but profound danger: the workings of Dark magic attracted the attention of the Shadow Lord Malachy and his minions. Morgan's parents fell, and so too had some of her peers. Thus began Morgan's forced service as a Shadow Lord's puppet...

Retro Malachy!

(To ask her of this experience, the Elf would both be unable to recollect much. Even the concept of time has escaped her...)

Following a most unexpected salvation (see: BG), Morgan was ushered into the Kingdom of Cornelia and it is there that she continues to recover. Present day -- known now as Morgan Albaste -- she merely wishes to live functionally, but her past continues to haunt her by way of her unexpected repertoire of sinister magic and a carefully veiled wellspring of fear.

All things considered, though she has been through some nasty mojo, Morgan is neither an angst-fest or an anti-social woman. She is in fact rather peaceful, with most of her demons kept solely to herself. She considers Cornelia to be her 'home base', but is not above wandering.

Personality Tidbits

Undercover Mage - Morgan is both an adept black mage and a woman who, by inverse, is truly is not a chaotic sort. For the seed of black magic planted into her, as a child, was that of a far simpler cause: defence. Morgan does not crave power so much as she craves knowledge, so therefore this also marks her as an effective scholar. Magic to Morgan is as natural as drawing breath.

Charming - Morgan had been born to a couple of married elves who saw fit to instill upon her a sense of propriety. What this means is that Morgan minds her P's and Q's; to the public eye she is a profoundly well-mannered and gregarious sort. She knows how to carry herself in settings that call for abit more propriety, if need be. Morgan's separation from her Elven parents has (thankfully) spared her the haughtiness that could have been part of the package deal, had Nuvian and Rienne been of further influence.

Gentle - By nature, Morgan is very restful and patient. She is capable of absolute kindness; of a truly gentle bearing. Though she reacts dangerously to others who abuse her good will, those who get on her good side shall enjoy a very kind, attentive Elf.

Anger....? - Once upon a time an angry Morgan (under Malachy's rule) had been a fearsome sight to behold. Despite her calm nature if Morgan becomes grievously upset, an entirely different side of her can potentially be revealed: circumstantially vengeful, chaotic. Not to paint her with the brush of a fiend, but when her long fuse is used up and enough lines are crossed, Morgan is unafraid to bite back. Ordinary upsets and annoyances are hardly enough to irk Morgan so much, but when loved ones are harmed and she herself is mistreated unforgivably, this side emerges. Morgan forgives slowly, in the wake of such travesties.

Light-Hearted... truly! - Despite her calmness and need to 'fly beneath the radar', there IS a side to Morgan that is playful. Kind. Altruistic. When in the company of trusted peers or those who are generally innocent in nature, Morgan lets her guard down. She is not above wry humor, either! One may not expect it.... but toilet humor makes her giggle. Blame that on Henri.

Angst...? - Nope, not intentionally. Morgan keeps her demons to herself, which could be detrimental but really, she just doesn't allow herself to mope. As far as she is concerned, there are others in the World of Ruin with worse problems... so any suffering that goes on, be it nightmarish interludes or simply missing people who have been lost to her... Morgan keeps it behind closed doors. Or tries to.

Romance...?! - As stated below in Trivia, Morgan tries her best not to lead people on or otherwise allude to feelings of attraction. In the wake of all that has happened to her the Elf tries to keep romantic feelings well and wholly squashed. She simply feels that she has too much of her own pieces to pick up, before she can allow herself to love another in 'that' way. Still.. despite her best efforts, Morgan can and /will/ blush like a fiend around those she finds attractive to her tastes.

Protective - It goes without saying that Morgan is protective of loved ones, but what especially triggers her is seeing those who are significantly younger than herself being endangered. Namely, children. She herself hadn't been truly protected when /she/ was young; therefore to see a child being endangered instills in the Elf great wariness.. even anger. If the circumstance is especially dire, Morgan's sense of self-preservation goes out the window.. and she'll go toe-to-toe with someone who could very well destroy her.

Dislikes - Loud noises, chaotic situations, obnoxious sorts. Morgan is also no fan of being used in a manner of her assets being drawn upon without gratitude, or of people taking advantage of her good nature. And though she will not admit, while enjoying solitude, Morgan actually hates being completely, utterly alone. She harbors a fear of being left behind.

Quirks - For whatever reason, Morgan hates beetles. As an elf she is given to a love for all things great and wild, but there IS this exception. A mishap in her youth of a beetle on the defense spritzing a foul mist of noxious fumes from it's rear end into her face may be the cause.... hey, go figure. Seeing beetles of any shape and size causes Morgan to practically jump out of her skin which to some who know her well, this may be quite entertaining. Other little foibles come in the form of her /truly/ not enjoying her ears being touched, given their sensitivity.. and the very same extends to her feet. A point, too: Morgan loves wine, but she cannot hold her liquor.

Skills - Dark and Chilly Magic, Hides The Pain, Gentle-Natured Black Mage...?!, Darkly Elegant, Long Fuse Big Boom, Moving On From The Past, Guardian, Possesses Typical Elf Swiftness and Longevity, Secure, Good Hearing, Makes a Mean Apple Pie, Don't Touch the Ears, Abandonment Issues, Good Listener, Don't Touch My Feet, Great Sense of Direction, Hates Beetles.



• More often than not, Morgan has /some/ manner of adornment in her hair. Said adornments consist of bejeweled circlets and/or strings of beads, though she does not seek out feathers or the like. If she is to have but one vanity, it's putting fancy things into her tresses.

• Very rarely does Morgan make romantic overtures toward others, due to the fear of her unstable life causing problems down the road. When one does not recall nearly an entire year of their own life, that tends to put a damper on more whimsical pursuits. This does not mark her as an aloof ice queen, as Morgan is very kind, but she is hesitant around feelings that extend beyond friendship.

• Favorite 'junk' food: chocolate covered cherries; favorite snacks: all manner of fruit; most disliked: turnips, onions.

• Total sucker for tea, of all kinds.

• Had Morgan not come into the care the kindly Gloria and Henri Albaste of Cornelia, she very well could have grown up to be as haughty and elitist as her biological Elven father. The long-term kindness of a Hume family affected and shaped Morgan's values when she had been at her most vulnerable, and she is a much better person because of it.

• Recent events in Bodhum's remnants have revealed Morgan's love for running her bare feet through sand. While not one to have others touch her feet persay, Morgan loves touching certain things /with/ her feet: be it grass, sand, or soft fabric. It's a little quirk~

(More to come!)


1. The Beginning:

Not everyone, whether Hume or Elf (or even some of the more illustrious races) has a history that starts off steeped in intrigue. Lady Morgan Faelwen started out, 250 ‘hume’ years ago, as a content and sweet child. Born to two venerable Elves known as Nuvian and Rienne, it appeared that Morgan’s path was laid out for her when the first hint of evil had arisen in her very recluse hometown of Elfheim.

The cursed sleep of Elfheim’s good Prince.

Protected by her parents, Morgan would weather that which had befallen their town, warranting the uprise of awful creatures. Beings bourne of a Dark Elf's hand; unseen by Elfheim during the idyllic days of their good Prince's reign. It would be a campaign that frightened many an elf, eased only by the intervention of the Light Warriors. But even after all was said and done, Nuvian’s interest in forging his daughter’s ‘defenses’ would overrule Rienne’s need to shape her into a healer. Picking up on his daughter’s innate affinity to magic, thus began Nuvian’s dogged insistence on shaping his child into a mage.

His lessons would prove to be gruelling, mayhaps even cruel due to the fact that they were being inflicted upon a mere child. And what farce of a father -- who had been a venerable dark mage himself -- would impart upon his little girl the elemental of shadow?! But as the years passed and Morgan began to grow -- and consider this, how long Elven childhoods can last -- these teachings would take hold. Nuvian’s almost maniacal lessons in Dark magic would not only strengthen Morgan but also… seal their fate.

For such a wellspring of dark magic would no doubt pique the interest of unsavoury beings. Morgan grew into young adulthood.. But not even that would save herself, or her loved ones. A strange creature came out of the wilderness; a mismatched little being with lamp-like yellow eyes and a warped body. Followed by another…. And yet another..

… and, unhindered by the Dark magic that both Morgan and her father wielded, the Heartless would succeed in their attack.

2. Watchful:

The Heartless marauders hadn’t been sent in vain… not like Malachy had intent to zero in on Morgan specifically, but when he spied that Elf woman in such acute turmoil over the loss of her family… oh, how that shattered heart called forth! What better target for his will than a woman who had been broken?

Morgan hadn’t know what to do with herself upon spying not only her parents losing their hearts, but other denizens of the modest, recluse kingdom. Rienne fell quickly; Nuvian fought hard and died screaming. The ultimate insult came when their hearts were devoured.. and the heartbroken Morgan fell into the ‘darkness’ of true, absolute sadness. Before she could share the fate of her family, it seemed that other factors came into play, and Morgan had been taken altogether from her home and into the presence of a being; the likes of which she never couldn’t have hoped to comprehend.

Malachy, the cause for this turmoil, had eyed his prize contemplatively. Were one to delve into the deepest echelons of the failing Shadow Lord’s memories, an experience not too unlike Morgan’s would have been discovered. For it had been great loss that catapulted Malachy -- the former Setlin Luvis -- into the Heartless cause.. And it had been hatred that conditioned him from a servant into that of a Shadow Lord.

In the span of time that the Shadow Lord existed at the height of his powers, he commanded quite the powerful array of minions. Malachy had willed these dark tides to wash upon many unsuspecting shores, and with his Heartless brethren he laid siege to many a bastion of peace.. Whether small towns thinking themselves safe in their isolation, or parts of grand cities. Malachy had been so ferocious, so sure of his power and so /hateful/ that as the years passed..

… he grew tired. For his victims almost always fought back, and of course amidst the crowds there were heroes who fought back with as much as they could muster. Even the most vicious warlord wears down, and when the moment came that Morgan stood catatonic before Malachy...

.. He knew then what he had to do.

3. Strings:

It was too easy to infuse his thoughts into this Elf maid’s mind; to lay siege to her will and make it Malachy’s own. The spell that the Shadow Lord had cast upon the Elf -- the Seal of Heresy -- kept Morgan bound to him specifically. Where-ever she went, Malachy could follow; whatever she thought, he read her like a book. When her heart bore immense pain, the Shadow Lord feasted… and after quite some time the Elf simply willed herself not to feel. It was at that point that Malachy’s will over her became absolute, and the real ugliness began.

With his own body tired and compromised by years of stupid rage, Malachy rather enjoy living vicariously through the fresh, unhindered form of Morgan. The wellspring of magic within her, cultivated and nurtured by her foolish father, was a boon to Malachy. So when the times came to join his forces with those of the other Shadow Lords, to lay siege to other innocent and pure civilizations, it had been Morgan who went in Malachy’s stead. By the will of the Shadow Lord’s influence and power, she could travel easily.

Morgan’s magic, bolstered by what remained of the Shadow Lord’s own reserves, aided in many an attack. Towns, cities; even innocent folk who were travelling alone. Once again, Malachy was at the top of his game, and in his eyes and black heart the Elf became one of his ‘favorites’ amidst his masses.

Naturally, this didn’t fly well with some of his underlings. For who was this Shadow Lord to govern them for years, demanding so much while he stayed behind the lines. Surely Heartless do not feel much, but to see such favor being bestowed upon this accursed Elf… the first flicker of unease and mutiny began to glimmer amidst the ranks.

One shouldn’t underestimate the power of an angry mob. Especially when the one spearheading said mob isn’t at his best to control it.

4. Unexpected Salvation:

Morgan went on in her sad and cloistered existence, thinking very little and going wherever Malachy -- who by then had been becoming quite insane -- saw fit to send her. If her fellow minions were becoming restless and mutinous, the Elf simply hadn’t noticed… and if she did, Morgan didn’t have the resolve to do anything about it.

Days, weeks, months.. Everything began to blend together, and the Elf had been so apathetic that when the day of Malachy’s death came, she couldn’t even find the will to celebrate.

There was no warning, no build-up. The many Heartless grunts under Malachy’s govern had reached critical mass in their loathe, and against their own judgement the angry mass turned upon their overlord and attacked him. Where a hale and sound Shadow Lord could have easily stopped such beings in their tracks and punished them with but a wave of the hand.. Malachy was not so lucky.

His continued investment in Morgan had left the Shadow Lord weak and frail in body, and equally feeble in mind. His masses had overtaken him, and Malachy fell before he could even determine what went wrong. In their celebration of this victory, the swarm of Heartless dispersed into the World of Ruin to further their bravado. Blindly swept along, Morgan was only just beginning to rediscover her will and when she ‘tuned’ in, she was in the middle of an incensed brigade of Heartless, made insane by the loss of a leader.

The Elf had to escape. Now was the best time, lest she meet the fate that she knew was approaching. She could feel it in her gut. Even as Malachy’s mark began to fade, Morgan knew. The foolhardy troupe had been poised just on the outskirts of Cornelia, with foolish intent to make the approach to the castle and town to cause an uproar. Their earlier campaign against Morgan forgotten in their stupid rage, the grunts hadn’t realized that the Elf was gone until it was too late.

Other Shadow Lords, who had once been Malachy’s contemporaries but elected to watch him carefully as his mind failed, had taken notice of this troupe without a leader. Their culling of Malachy’s straggling forces came swiftly and viciously, and when the last wayward minion fell… Morgan was nowhere to be found. The Shadow Lords had bigger, more important things to worry about than an Elven woman, and their intervention had prevented any inkling of a 'loose cannon' Heartless attack upon the kingdom.

Morgan was left to venture forth alone and addled. Instead of a haze of Heartless with intent to pillage, Cornelia received a pale and weak woman on one chilly, cloudy morning. The moment a helping hand sought to touch her, Morgan fell into unconsciousness.

5. Then and Now:

The unconscious Elven woman had been placed into the care of the childless couple, Henri and Gloria Albaste. Theirs was a fairly routine existence, with Henri having long since retired from service as one of the kingdom’s sentries and Gloria, a retired healer. Upon awakening and realizing her plight, Morgan knew there was no going back. The aging couple knew by the young woman’s appearance and condition that she was from ‘afar’ and had nowhere to go. Therefore, a permanent place in the home of Gloria and Henri had been offered to Morgan. The Elf elected to receive her new guardians with respect and gratitude, lending thanks to them by offering her loyalty.

This would be a two-way street as years went by. The warmth and care shown to Morgan by this dear old couple aided in assuaging the memories of both her parent’s death and her service to a diabolical cause. No longer did Morgan struggle to remember what she ‘did’; as Gloria and Henri aged, the Elf dedicated herself to looking after them.

In the conclusion to this rambling tale -- leading us to Morgan’s ‘present’ -- there is always that sad reality of being a long-lived species. But a blink of an eye in Morgan’s life span, the years marched by and the Elf outlived her guardians. After overseeing the peaceful death of Gloria, followed by Henri mere months later, Morgan had been left with a sense of sadness that differed from what she had felt following the loss of Nuvian and Rienne.

In her time with the old couple, Morgan had been left with two key things: emotional awakening, and a home in which to stay. The house that Henri and Gloria willed to her continues to be meticulously and reverently looked after. At this point in time the Elf tries to fly under the radar in the grand scheme of things, for even years after her soiree into Darkness Morgan is trying to recover.

Presently, Morgan finds the courage to wander when the necessity hits her.. But for the most part, she calls Cornelia’s township home. She earns her living as a seamstress, trying her very best to keep her more nefarious abilities -- the legacy of Nuvian and Malachy -- under wraps and rarely tapped.

Ability Overview

A quick look at Morgan's skills, both in and out of battle. Heavy on the magical firepower, and flimsy when it comes to melee and strength. Morgan is your stereotypical boom-boom mage who can easily be undermined by her cruddy physical defense!

Black Magic - (Key Elementals: Dark, Ice): Morgan, though she tries not to let on, packs a mean punch when it comes to 'nefarious' magic. Her acute proficiency with darkness does not mark her as a tyrant, however; this is merely the result of her father's teachings back in the day and what he thought was 'right'. But, why not make the best out is what is taught, right? Morgan harbors venerable skill with magic overall, but as noted already she excels in dark and chilly incantations.

Enhanced Senses - Sight, Sound, Touch: All messy stuff aside, Morgan was born an Elf, and this bestows unto her an acute advantage to some of her senses. She is a sensual being who is aware of her surroundings, stemming back from her earlier life in a forested area and the lack of ‘modern’ distractions to detract from her enlightenment. Her vision is sharp, she can hear incredibly well, and her skin is sensitive. This could be a good and back thing: injuries linger and hurt moreso, but by inverse Morgan greatly enjoys the touch of or touching anything that interests her.

Dexterity: More Elf mojo... Morgan can move quickly, delicately and gracefully. Not just reserved for speed, but she is very deft with her hands and can perform very precarious tasks.

Longevity: Another racial boon… Morgan has the capacity to live for a very long time. She has already witnessed two centuries, with plenty more to come if circumstances and luck are on her side. Her physiology warrants a metabolism and resilience against illnesses that allows her kind to live for such a long time. Though not immortal, Morgan ages slowly, and to the naked eye resembles a young adult. This is exactly what she is racially: a young Elf. She has in fact been alive for approximately 250 Hume years, by now.

Seamwork: Morgan is very capable with a needle and thread, and can very masterfully weave attire from scratch /or/ repair some of the more grievous damage... just short of something being tattered! This is (behind the scenes) her main form of income, though it can also serve as an RP-hook if desired.

More details to come, regarding RP-fodder abilities.

Stat Overview

NOTE: Going roughly by the criteria in the Combat System heading. As noted copiously: big on magic, pitiful in melee.

Stat Performance
Stats Rating
Physical Attack Power Bad/Wimpy
Magical Attack Power Amazing
Physical Accuracy Bad/Wimpy
Magical Accuracy Good
Physical Evasion Above Average
Magical Evasion Good
Physical Defense Below Average
Magical Defense Above Average

Bursts and Capabilities


High Tide
Dodge Roll
Black Mushroom
Quick Footed

Relationships - OC/FC

Reize Seatlan - (Vague/Friendly) - A young knight whose acquaintance Morgan made in Bodhum. Though she knows little about him, Morgan found his friendly, enthusiastic manner to be endearing.
"T'is both admirable and worrisome to see one so young with such an acute taste for adventure. Be safe, Knight Seatlan."

'Taka' - (Vague/Wary) - A tall, impeccably dressed man whose Dark aura and shady manner gave Morgan the creeps. Not so much over her own wellbeing, but due to the fact that he was showing interesting in Reize's pendant.
"T'would do me well to keep apart from this one... something about him..."

Tifa Lockhart - (Vague/Neutral) - Also encountered in Bodhum, albeit /very/ briefly, Morgan discovered that Tifa was in search of a place known as 'Midgar'. Regrettably the Elf was of little aide, but she was relieved to know that Reize went with her.
"May you find that which you seek, miss."

Tomboyish, Dark-Haired Girl - (Vague/Unknown) - Actually known as Katyna Redsvaren, Morgan had been in contact with Ember knight of Darkness during her forced enlistment to the Shadow Lords' cause. After being freed from the Seal of Heresy, Morgan from thereon could not remember this girl who sought to look out for her. Memories of Kit occasionally arise in Morgan's dreams, and even these are murky. In waking the Elf has difficulty placing a name... but surely, this recurring image must mean something...
"I... I know naught..."

Relationships - NPC

Malachy - (Hatred; deceased) - With a name like that, this individual was none other than the Shadow Lord who ensnared and utilized Morgan as his puppet. Once known as Setlin Luvis, before his heart fell into darkness ages ago, Malachy was cause for death of Morgan's parents, along with some of the other denizens of her hometown, Malachy held strong reign over Morgan until his mind and body faltered and his mutinous hoarde of Heartless saw fit to turn on (and destroy) him. From what Morgan recalls of this man, she loathes him. His influence remains with Morgan in the form of deeply sown fear, nightmares, and changes to her magic.

Nuvian Faelwen - (Love/Dislike; deceased) - A bonafide case of loving someone, but not liking them. Morgan's childhood reverence for her 'dark mage' father has long since dimmed in the wake of what his teachings had meant for her in adulthood. Destroyed when the Heartless attacked Elfheim, Nuvian is still mourned by his daughter but not acutely missed. Morgan has yet to truly forgive him.

Rienne Faelwen - (Love; deceased) - This gentle albeit aloof woman had been Morgan's biological mother. Knowing little of the world beyond Elfheim prior to her death, Rienne -- in her own brand of haughtiness -- sought to keep it that way. Nonetheless, Morgan loved her mother well, for Rienne sweet love for her peers ran parallel with her distaste for those who represented the 'unknown' (outsiders). Rienne, along with her husband, fell in the Heartless attack.

Gloria Albaste - (Love; deceased) - One of the humes who had taken Morgan into home and hearth to nurse her back to health. Having come into the care of Gloria and her husband, Henri, just after her escape from the Heartless.. Morgan couldn't have hoped to find a sweeter gift in her life. Formerly a town healer in the kingdom of Cornelia, Gloria was instrumental in the recuperation of Morgan in both body and mind. Through this older woman's care, Morgan learned of compassion and selflessness. The Elf was present thoroughout Gloria's trek into old age, and Morgan remained at her side when she succumbed peacefully to death. To this day, Morgan misses Gloria terribly.. perhaps even moreso than her own biological mother.

Henri Albaste - (Love; deceased) - Gloria's husband who, at the time of Morgan's arrival, retired from knighthood. Like Nuvian, Henri had been duty-oriented and set in his ways... but /unlike/ the Elven man, Henri harbored kindness and honor. And like his wife, Henri lived a long and fruitful life and a mere four months following Gloria's death, he followed her peacefully. Morgan misses this good-natured man, and to this day continues to marvel over his devotion to his wife. Through Henri, Morgan learned of perseverance and how it does not necessarily have to apply to self-preservation alone.;;

Description Overview

Eyes: Pale gray-blue (slate)
Hair: Black, long and wavy and often unbound; parted at left or right side.
Skin tone: Caucasian, very fair (fancier word for it being alabaster.)
Distinguishing features: Ears, fair skin.
Favored attire: Elaborate gowns with lace and embroidery, typically with a cloak; field attire tends to be a tunic with slacks and calf-high boots.
Short description: A beautiful (depending upon one's individual tastes) Elven woman, fair of skin and in possession of a shock of wavy black hair that is most often adorned with a circlet. Dons dresses that tend to be as curious meshing of gothic and neo-victorian. Has a noble air about her.
Manner: Soft-spoken, wise, sensitive.
Favored elements: Shadow, Ice (* if someone ICLY has magic-sense, or can detect 'auras', this has the potential to be sensed.)

Personality Pros:
• Patient
• Diligent
• Kind
• Non-confrontational

Personality Cons:
• Introverted (at first meeting)
• Easily flustered
• 'Closed book'
• Forgives slowly

Songs of Relevance

Purely for fun! A handful of tunes, mostly instrumental, to represent moments in Morgan's life... be it relationships, or events. Not meant to infringe on any copyrights.

Ballroom for Ghosts © Matthew Fisher - Morgan's general theme; instrumental.
First Days of Spring © Neverending White Lights - Morgan's general theme; lyrical. See: lyrics.

Holding Us © Pat Metheny - Theme for Malachy; Morgan enslaved. Also encompasses any and all memories of Malachy.
Elvensong © Amethystium - (Memories of) Nuvian and Rienne Faelwen.
The Clouds © John Herberman - (Memories of) Henri and Gloria Albaste.

(More to come.)


A little gallery showcasing artwork of Morgan; either my own work, or (predominantly) commissioned pieces. To cover all bases, the following images are used with her predecessor concept (Fiell) on another MU*.

A Quiet Moment - Artwork © Lires @ Deviantart! A crisp, clean commission that showcases Morgan in all of her beauteous, tea-gulping glory.

The Many Faces Of... - Artwork © Kanako @ Deviantart! An endearing collage that showcase Morgan's expressions.

Pale Frost - Artwork © Cashile @ Deviantart! The first-ever commissioned image of Morgan's overall concept, done by this uber-talented artist.

At One With It All - Artwork © Sammy @ Deviantart! A sweet, whimsical portrait of Morgan savoring nature in true Elven fashion. Lest we forget..... tea.