Souji Murasame

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Souji Murasame
Souji Murasame.jpg
Age 18
Species Hume (Ramuha)
Sex Male
Height 5'9"
Weight 170 lbs
Series Final Fantasy Act: Class
Combat Styles Murasame Arts
Hometown Ramuh
Group Alexander Academy
Occupation/Job Samurai/Heir
Force: Forces of Ruin
Theme Song
"Don't put yourself on my level. You'll never be able to reach it."
Recent Events
Establishing corporate dominance.


The heir to the powerful and prestigious Murasame Zaibatsu of Ramuh, Souji Murasame could count himself among the richest and most powerful people in the worlds once he claimed his inheritance. The proof of his position lies in his constant possession of the family heirloom Murasame Blade, and has trained from youth to be extremely proficient in the Murasame Family's Sword Art techniques. He is professional and cool, polite to those in his peer group, but his emphasis on self-reliance makes him scorn those he sees as beneath him, or those he perceives as simply begging for assistance without earning it. However, none could deny his skill in Alexander Academy, as he seemingly crushed all challenges put in his path without effort. Rumors of inappropriate behavior, back-room deals, and secret activities have not gotten in the way of his ascension. Upon the fall of his world, he escaped the destruction upon his family's airship Ame-no-Torifune, the Family using it as a base of operations in the new and strange world they find themselves in.


Ruler Over All, Sword Spirit, As Lightning Splits The Night, So Shall His Blade Cleave Those Before Him, Hungry Blade, Can You Even Approach Me To Harm Me?, Pressure Sensitive, The Obligatory Rich Rival, The Doom Counter Is Advancing, Walking The Path Of Heaven...?, Youve Just Been Thunderstruck, Do Not Believe In Fairy Tales, Has A Suit For Every Occasion, Bow Down Before The One You Serve, A New World Order Is Coming, Super High School Level Heir

The world of Ramuh before its fall, with Murasame Tower in the background.


Souji was born in the penthouse suite of the Murasame Zaibatsu building, lightning crackling and pulsing down the massive superstructure. Darkness and lightning. These things followed him all through his life, as he was raised from birth to be the vessel of his family’s hopes and ambitions. While others might have chafed against such treatment, Souji embraced it. Discipline and training daily to master the family’s sword techniques, learning about the family’s history, observing the family’s business dealings as he got older. He was enrolled in Alexander Academy as soon as he was old enough to do so, and took to the challenges of the prestigious school without pause. When he was not learning on Chocobo, he returned often to the lightning-lanced lands of Ramuh, gaining tutelage of a different sort from his family.

He smiled often. He was popular and people flocked around him. He worked to ensure that those around him achieved their full potential by offering advice and assistance. He was just as popular with the women, as well. Over time, he became friends with a young woman of another family, Tira Hyral. The friendship blossomed over time, as things often do in school, into a relationship. The couple were the talk of Alexander Academy. Many wondered if Souji would propose. It seemed a done deal. Both families seemed to approve of the relationship...

And then Tira vanished, without a trace. Panic rose around the school, and Souji himself searched for her. The body was located in the sewers, drained of blood, and a panic arose regarding the murderous vampire that was located in the sewers. A manhunt began for the ‘Vampire of the Sewers’, and Souji took a single day from class to join the pursuit team, working with them to chase down the vampire, whereupon Souji pinned it to the wall with a hissing blast of air... And then cut it in half with the Murasame Blade. He turned, leaving as the police took control of the area,

The case was considered officially closed. There was no reason to pursue it anymore, officially. Conspiracy theorists proclaimed fault with the handling of the case, but most were satisfied. Loose ends irritated Souji, but they could not be tied at this point. He simply went back to school... But changed. Gone was the warmth in his heart and the love in his soul, which vanished in the assault. Everyone else just considered it to be the trauma of Tira’s death.

The irony of how close and how far they were from the truth never ceased to amuse him.


Promotion August 15th, 2013 Helena is set upon a task to harness her powers to help Souji at all costs. The dark being Garland gives her a quest. What does she find at the end of her road?
A Dream Of Chains July 27th, 2013 Helena is called to speak with Souji about upcoming events, and the necessity to unleash something that Helena has held back for a long time from her past...
Villains Strawberry Social July 6th, 2013 Malicia hosts a nefarious gathering of villains that leads to casual socializing. That is, until Negaduck has a little too much to drink...
A Valued Employee July 5th, 2013 Souji rewards Minette for her work. This is totally normal and not going to be a problem for people at all.
To The Mist And Back July 2nd, 2013 Alexandria is setting up a fort in the Mist Plains. Rebellion forces have something to say about this...
Kidnapping Spree June 29th, 2013 A kidnapping spree done by swarms of heartless and dastardly Illuminators is foiled. But is this truly the end? (Answer: Probably not)
Board of Education June 29th, 2013 Seloria and Souji meet in Luca to talk shop about a proposal to restore Alexander Academy. The not-so-fun parts.
The Perfect Trap June 23rd, 2013 Morrighan meets with Souji Murasame in order to discuss matters long past due for such. The deal offered is far too good to be true. But Morrighan, having had her paranoia whittled down over the months suspects nothing...
Deal or No Deal June 18th, 2013 Murasame Corporation wishes to make a deal with Archades after they have been injured by the Alexandrian war. What Souji Murasame is not aware is some key information has been brought forth to head Judge Magister and that Souji is not only speaking to him, but also the Judge Magister of Intelligence Bureau.
Opportunity Cost June 10th, 2013 Souji Murasame smells a chance to make friends and money. So he goes to Archades to offer his wares...
Torrential Tramdine Trial May 26th, 2013 Corporate adventure strikes out for the heart of Tramdine Fens and reports of mysterious lashing storms that have flooded the area.
Resignation May 25th, 2013 Alma and Souji come to terms about their differences.
Oblivion Calls May 19th, 2013 Two are drawn to Mirage Tower, where the Iron Nightmare makes an offer...
Corporate Takeover May 19th, 2013 Minette Odam approaches Souji with a Plan. This Plan has a high degree of corporate attitude.
The Other Kung Fu Hobo May 16th, 2013 Souji Murasame and Alma Hyral meet with Akari Seran. Raine Arland gets caught up in the ensuing confrontation.
Corporate Discipline May 14th, 2013 Souji calls Alma into his study to get some things straight.
Final Flantasy I May 9th, 2013 The students all gather together to kill an urban horror preying on the denizens of Souji's airship. And it's all Minette's fault!
Meet The Deep Fryer May 6th, 2013 Minette aquires a deep fryer. Science quickly follows.
Complaints Department May 4th, 2013 Avira decides to take Souji to task for her comments to Maira. She finds out that Souji is a caring person who shares her concerns. One of these sentences is a lie.
The Clash Of Balance May 1st, 2013 The Dark Knight comes for the Maiden of Light. Yet she has something planned for the Dark Knight.
A Fishy Deal April 30th, 2013 Seloria tracks down Souji and offers her services.
The Limits Of Hospitality April 29th, 2013 Sydney Losstarot arrives on the Ame-no-Torifune. After an exchange of words, he finds himself being helped off.
Hidden Darkness, Crouching Ninja April 28th, 2013 The Dark Knight comes, Jackie Chan(?) gets killed, and Ninjas get pissed.
Interview To Hire April 27th, 2013 Alma meets Souji in Costa Del Sol, wherein she offers her services to Souji after a discussion of mutual interests.
Electric Boogaloo! April 27th, 2013 Corporate Adventure. What could go wrong?
Legends And Lore April 25th, 2013 Souji calls in some of what Archades owes him in the form of lore, imparted by the Judge of Reason. What does he want with it?
A Dark Offer April 22nd, 2013 Seith approaches Souji with an offer.
Wheeling and Dealing April 21st, 2013 Souji meets with Ramza and offers him clandestine material support. The price...?
King Of The Mountain April 20th, 2013 There is a Behemoth on the prowl. It has decided to go explore the Mythril Mountains, problem is, so have some others who want it captured.
Resource Acquisition April 19th, 2013 Souji negotiates a deal to land in the wilds of Palamecia in order to harvest their resources. EXTREME NEGOTIATIONS ensue.
Subsidies April 18th, 2013 Kuja pays a visit to the new kid on the block. Murasame is given some interesting gifts and told to do with them as he will...
Thunder And Snow April 17th, 2013 High above Narshe, Souji and Helena discuss current events...
An Offer He Won't Refuse April 16th, 2013 Souji Murasame heads to Mullonde to meet with Faruja and make use of the materials he has... acquired recently. For a good cause, of course.
The Mouse King's Execution April 16th, 2013 The heroes sneak into Alexandria Castle to rescue the Burmecian King..
Dance of Ice and Fireworks April 13th, 2013 A celebration of life in a cold northern continent port town.
Goods and Services April 11th, 2013 Souji meets with Rufus Shinra, of the Shinra Electric Company, and strikes a deal for military equipment. He also gains some valuable background information...
Right To The Source April 8th, 2013 Souji needs materials to work with. He knows Greene and Valodjn had uncovered an ancient ruin from the War of the Magi. There's stuff in there he can use. Useful stuff. So now he just needs to deal with the one man who can restore it into a marketable form...
Malice Striker April 4th, 2013 Artyom has had a dream and it has brought him to the Phantom Forest. He has not come alone and he seeks the Esper that lurks here.
Search of Power March 30th, 2013 Archades hires individuals to help locate a mysterious artifact at a mysterious location. Nothing could possibly go wrong...
War upon the plains of Sabil March 29th, 2013 War is to be had when Ramza and some of his troops are spotted too close to Mullonde, and a powerful Shine Knight descends upon him along with both Unexpected as well as Expected allies.
Devourer in the Depths March 19th, 2013 Artyom decides to go revisit some old ruins with a group of his friends. They unleash a sleeping creature.
Departing from Cornelia February 19th, 2013 When the students decide to move out of Cornelia for other towns and more information, Kaydin appears to give some of his own kind of wisdom... a few traded insults and Souji takes him on man to man.
Correspondence Class February 17th, 2013 The students of Alexander Academy, and one of their Professors, converge on Cornelia. The end result is hilarity, and well... homework.


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