A Researcher's Inquiry

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Title Date Scene Summary
A Researcher's Interlude V March 31st, 2014 Hours after the debacle at the Traverse Town prison facility, Warden and Rhia wind down at a shady dive in Montressor...ironically the perfect place to lay low. Chita finds them, and a short conversation is had.
A Researcher's Jailbreak March 30th, 2014 Days after Rhiannon's capture, several forces converge on the prison facility holding her. Things go well. ...Or not. Depending on your perspective.
A Researcher's Inquiry VII February 27th, 2014 Rhiannon calls enemies and friends alike to Shinra HQ to hold an open dialogue. ...Things don't quite go as planned. At all. But nonetheless, this turnout could be interesting as well.
Unexpected Results February 20th, 2014 The town of Narshe falls prey to another unusual visitor, one who wants to destroy Rhiannon, the scientist who attacked the city earlier. How is this creature related? How do people react in the face of this overwhelming vengeance?
A Researcher's Interlude IV February 20th, 2014 The next day, after resting from the trip back, Rhia entertains some discussion with Chita. Certain facts are revealed and decisions are made.
A Researcher's Interlude III February 18th, 2014 Returning to Goug from her exploits in Narshe, Rhia heads to a certain room in Shinra HQ to see just how her unintended test subject fared in the VR Observation Chamber. Discussion is had and things are revealed.
A Researcher's Inquiry VI February 13th, 2014 The Black Beast is unleashed upon Narshe in another field test by Rhiannon Zellen, scientist of Shinra. Luckily some saviors happen to be here to put a stop to it's rampage. But is it really the end...?
A Researcher's Interlude II November 18th, 2013 In a private moment, Rhia thinks to herself, letting down her barriers for a single moment. And in that moment, opens her mind to a new possibility.
A Researcher's Inquiry V November 17th, 2013 Chita returns to Goug with the intention of catching Rhia for a discussion. He does get ahold of her. However, things unexpectedly go south, creating a situation that was perhaps inevitable, yet undesirable all the same. And all the while, a certain someone eavesdrops.
A Researcher's Finale I June 15th, 2013 Several heroes step up to stand against the Black Beast and defend Goug from it's rampage. A fierce battle is undertaken and revelations are made. In the end however, certain individuals lack the will to do all that is necessary.
A Researcher's Gambit I June 11th, 2013 With all the materials gathered together, Rhia finally begins...the experiment. The final gambit that she has been working towards. The Black Beast has risen. And Goug is within it's sights.
A Researcher's Inquiry IV June 6th, 2013 Missing one final piece to her experiment, Rhia sets out for Manhattan to locate Leida. Things go...better than she expected, really.
A Researcher's Interlude I June 6th, 2013 In the dead of night, a certain scientist muses upon her goals and her research...and what is to come.
A Researcher's Inquiry III June 4th, 2013 After failing to secure Angantyr's willing cooperation, Rhia decides to go higher. Plans are revealed and plots are set in motion.
A Researcher's Inquiry II May 29th, 2013 Taking time out to assist in some Shinra work, Rhia has the good fortune of running into one of those on her list of people to question. ...It turns out to be a little more complicated than that. All hell breaks loose.
A Researcher's Inquiry I May 23rd, 2013 Halting her research for the moment, Rhia departs from Shinra HQ and travels in order to gather additional information. First on her list; Avira.