Vara Toruv

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Vara Toruv
Vara Toruv - Mage Outfit (Artwork by Lisemo)
Age 18-20
Species Human (SOLDIER)
Sex Female
Height 170 cm
Weight 66 kg
Series Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII
Combat Styles Black Mage
Hometown Midgar
Group Shinra
Occupation/Job Black Mage
Force: Forces of Ruin
Theme Song Theme of CRISIS CORE: "Under the Apple Tree"
Specialist Toruv. SOLDIER... 4th Class.
Recent Events
Just what kind of crazy worlds /did/ get connected, anyways?


The 'Black Witch' of SOLDIER, Vara ranks amoung the skilled, dedicated, and powerful elite of Shinra's military. Enhanced by classified serums, and exposure to the indutrially-processed lifestream of Gaia, Vara is a testiment to the company's goals of mastery over life itself. A testiment, that is, to their all-too-frequent failures. An equipment malfunction during her Mako treatment cause her to be overexposed to the soul-twisting magical energies, and it was considered by most to be a miracle that the only cost to her was her memories. Determined not to be written off as an industrial accident, Vara has thrown herself into her job, honing her talents and rebuilding her weaker (By SOLDIER standards) physique. In combat, while she tends to be shielded from others by her fellow SOLDIERs, she gleefully decimates her enemies with a barrage of Materia-granted black magic, and even if attacked, she's more then capable of punishing foes with her massive greatsword.


Vara Toruv has wanted to be a SOLDIER for as long as she can remember. Which, for her, was when she woke up from a Mako poisoning coma without even being able to remember her name. From what she knows of her past, she had travelled to Midgar as a teen, with little in the way of savings, and had scouted for SOLDIER when she applied to work for Shinra. She had a talent for using Materia that intrigued the review board, and she'd eagerly took her chance to be one of the Shinra elite. But then... Something happened. An accident, or careless negligence on the part of Shinra had caused a malfunction in the Mako Infusment chamber, and intead of a brief, transformative event, she was forced to endure a near lethal dose of the caustic, transformative power. When she emerged intact from the event, it was considered a miracle, one that the Science division would have been intrigued to study further. However, she didn't survive unscathed: Her memories, her training, even her name was erased by the deletrious effects of the processed Lifestream. It was all she could do to hold on to a sense of self long enough to pull her out of the chamber. Further, the Jenova transfusion had been effected, halting its alterations partway through - She was strong, and fast, and the strange remission had probably saved her from devolving into a misshapen monster, but she wasn't the powerful super-soldier they wanted. She was damaged goods, and unfit for a career in SOLDIER. Something inside her snapped at the revelation, that the one thread she had was going to be taken from her just as her life had completely unraveled. With a passion bordering on manic, she persuaded - or begged - Shinra to let her repeat the training, and to re-qualify for SOLDIER. Shinra, facing a catastrophic loss of morale following the loss of no less then four of their most admired and respected officers, let alone the crippling desertions a few years earlier, admitted they weren't in a position to dismiss her out of hand. For months, Vara trained relentlessly, as records, facts, and dry statistics of what Shinra could find out about her trickled in: She had lied on her application that she had come from Kalm - there was no trace of a 'Vara Toruv', or anyone like her, in the village. Her assesment had been almost glowing with recommendation, describing her a bright, talented, and ambitious teen that had a genuine desire to fulfill every inch of her potential. She'd been a loner during training, and had she not pulled through the catastrophe, she'd have vanished almost without trace. Every revelation weighed heavily on her heart, but the one that struck home was that, in spite of her powerful talents with Black Magic, and the gradual rebuilding of her body, she would only be granted 3rd-Class status. She wasn't even considered reliable enough to deploy solo, and so would require a 'bodyguard' - a glorified minder, in her eyes - to accompany her on operations. In theory, it was to make up for her physical shortcomings, but the underlying reason felt clear to her: She wasn't considered a proper SOLDIER. Yet.


Vara is a SOLDIER, a human modified by Shinra to posess superhuman physical attributes, and an expanded capability for magic. Phyiscally, she is capable of low-superhuman feats, such as accelerated motion, and weilding massive Greatswords like they were made of cardboard. What she lacks from the superhuman roulette is toughness, and she is not much more resilient then a normal human. Her combat training involved the use of the massive swords and lances favoured by SOLDIER, crushing armor and flesh alike. However, to compensate for her unimpressive resilliance, she's trained herself to be agile and acrobatic - and what she won't admit to anyone is that she's a skilled dancer. While she has no innate spells, Vara has the ability to cast magic through the use of crystalized magical energy known as Materia, fittied into sockets on her sword, and the armoured bangle on her wrist. Her collection includes the gamut of Black Magic spells, as well as a number of combat techniques and enhancements. Further, her innate sensitivity to magic has been amplified by her Mako overexposure, rendering her keenly perceptive, if not particularly knowledgable about Magic in general. The weapon she wields is the massive Shinra 04 Murakumo Prototype, a weapon designed to hold a great many Materia in its central slots, based on the legendary weapon of the same name. It was issued to her to be used as a support weapon, but Vara uses it as an offensive weapon, leaping out from behind protective screens to attack.


Type PCs
Allies Gavan Errant
Adversaries None
Acquaintances Tifa, Rikku, Auron, Merilan Yursalin, Deidra
Affection None


Name Status Thoughts
Gavan Errant Partner Fellow SOLDIER.


Name Status Thoughts
None N/A None yet


Name Status Thoughts
Tifa Offered Employment She knows more then she's telling, and I need to find out what.
Rikku Known A little young to marry. Seriously.
Auron Offered Employment Another of Yuna's guardians... I wonder how they ended up /there/?
Merilan Yursalin Tengu How does a society seemingly without the knowledge of moveable type know about newspapers?
Deidra Monster girl Don'tstareatthewings, don'tstareatthewings, don'tstareatthewings...


Name Rating Thoughts
None N/A None Yet